I'm back

That's it really, doubt I was especially missed but um yeah
hai again


Bit hard to miss when you are attach- yeah ok nevermind that was one of my worst jokes ever im sorry derp
[quote name='bowser' timestamp='1342812231'] Where were you? Hiding in a hole? :creep: [/quote]
Nah, he just had a handful of things to do.
[quote name='GameSoul' timestamp='1342808359']
I think I remember you, but welcome back.

why thank you :toot:

[quote name='Narayan' timestamp='1342808989']
welcome back. *storkes*


[quote name='bowser' timestamp='1342812231']
Where were you? Hiding in a hole? :creep:

I was in all the holes

[quote name='Suprgamr232' timestamp='1342812826']
[quote name='bowser' timestamp='1342812231'] Where were you? Hiding in a hole? :creep: [/quote]Nah, he just had a handful of things to do.

yeah I was kept busy :tpi:

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