Devil May Cry 1

So I'm playing it through for the first time. And I was excited, because I loved DMC3 (not that pussy Special Edition shit) as it was my first DMC game, and I loved DMC4.

I thought DMC3 was definitely one of the top 10 ps2 games the system had to offer. Perfect difficulty. Perfect camera. Perfect controls, music, story, cutscenes... everything.

I got Devil May Cry and was excited. Mainly because of all the things I've been hearing about it, saying it's a great game, and all that.


Okay, I get that it's the first game, and it came out pretty early. But come on, people actually think this is good? For the last 3 days now, I've been stuck on the first boss. That lava spider. I just couldn't beat him. The camera is fucking HORRID! I could have the boss straight in my view, center of the screen, I hide behind a pillar, and all of a sudden, the camera turns to face me. The controls are.. alright, but I don't remember DMC3 being this screwed up. I also love how the game didn't bother to mention "Oh yeah, press L1 to go into Devil Trigger". It also didn't even bother to say "Yeah, you can charge up your shots by holding down the Square button. But sometimes it doesn't work, so have fun with that. Treat it as a mini-game."

So I finally figured out that I could go into Devil Trigger, and I was ecstatic. Why? Because this whole time, because the game failed to mention L1, I've been keeping my distance from the boss, and just shooting at him. It wasn't until a few minutes ago that I figured out I could charge shots. I was still getting my ass kicked. Then I figured out the DT, thinking I have a much better chance. So I picked up the controller again (and I get into my games when I'm determined), and said "alright fuck face, lets go, you're going down."

Only problem. THE FUCKING CONTROLS! For those of you who haven't played the game, the boss has this one move where he shoves his head (I think, could be his tail, I can't look) into the ground, and pillars of lava come up right where you're standing. 2 for each second or so, giving a total of six. Now this boss is the first boss, but fuck sakes do they have to make it take off so much health?! So I dodge roll to the side to give me a better chance of not being hit. Then for some reason, the camera decides to move, and it completely goofs me up and I don't realize that I'm close to a barrier, bam, I get hit.

So next try, I stay out in the open, and going back and forth so I don't hit any barriers. This time the boss shoots like a fireball at me. I hold R1, and hit to the right and hit X for a dodge roll. Didn't work. Why? Because the controls decided to be dickholes and not work. And I don't want to press too hard on the controller either. Mainly because I shouldn't have to, but also because I don't want to wear the buttons down.

So someone, please explain to me, how the fuck this game received positive reception? I honestly can't imagine DMC2 being worse than this.


Well mind you that it was the first game in the series and its definitely progressed a lot from the first game to its 3rd (and its 4th but nobody cares about that one).

Also, getting stuck on the first boss? Yeah, it's Devil May Cry. It's supposed to be tough as fuck. And the controls are fine for me, maybe your controller just sucks.

I mean it's not as good as DMC3 but a lot of time has passed. Games advance as they get sequels (mostly).
[quote name='Guild McCommunist' post='3440460' date='Feb 5 2011, 05:40 AM']Well mind you that it was the first game in the series and its definitely progressed a lot from the first game to its 3rd (and its 4th but nobody cares about that one).

Also, getting stuck on the first boss? Yeah, it's Devil May Cry. It's supposed to be tough as fuck. And the controls are fine for me, maybe your controller just sucks.

I mean it's not as good as DMC3 but a lot of time has passed. Games advance as they get sequels (mostly).[/quote]

No it's not the controller. It works fine in all my other games. And I know Devil May Cry games are supposed to be hard. But DMC3 was hard for the right reasons. The controls and everything was flawless. I never got stuck on a boss in that game, especially not the first boss. And as anybody knows, DMC3's normal mode was the Japanese hard mode.

But this one, it's just relentless, but for the wrong reasons. I know it's supposed to be hard, that's how I like my games, but this one suffers from piss poor camera angles, and spotty controls. I might not have been so upset if the game bothered to explain that I could charge up shots and use DT that early.

But I just went at the boss again for the last time. I beat him. I went onto the next level. Left the room, he comes back, and he hits me once with a fireball, and I was never able to recover. Everytime I got up, as soon as I did, he shot me back down. I died. The game is just brutally hard, and like I said, for the wrong reasons.

I understand that it's the first in the series, and that it came out in 2001, but come on, it doesn't matter what year or anything it was made in or how early for a console release, it doesn't take a whole lot of talent to be able to put the camera in decent places, so you aren't always running towards it not knowing if you're going to hit a wall, a door, or an enemy.
Lol you call dmc3se pussy cept its no easier then dmc3, just the difficulties are renamed to what they were in JAPAN (you know the place where gamers generally have ridiculous skills).
DMC3SE was easier than DMC3, hence me calling it pussy shit. But then again, that could have also been because I tried to master DMC3 and got extremely good at it...
You know, the Devil May Cry games are meant to be really hard.
Don't say a game is crap just because you find it hard to play plus it was the first game if you play the third then play the first it obviously isn't going to be as good.

Things tend to get better with sequels. (save DMC2 :sleep: )
[quote name='ShadowSoldier' post='3440470' date='Feb 5 2011, 02:45 PM']I might not have been so upset if the game bothered to explain that I could charge up shots and use DT that early.[/quote]You know that little booklet, 24 pages, comes in the front of the box? Sometimes they expect you to read that ;)

I'm awful at this game, but that's what makes it fun. It's been a while but I remember the camera being a pain in the arse too.
hey if it wasnt good, it wouldnt have 3 other games, and i know people say 2 was the worst game of the series, but it was actually my favorite, i thought 4 was the worst in the series, but i still thought they were all good...4 was ok
[quote name='Xale' post='3440497' date='Feb 5 2011, 03:08 PM']hey if it wasnt good, it wouldnt have 3 other games, and i know people say 2 was the worst game of the series, but it was actually my favorite, i thought 4 was the worst in the series, but i still thought they were all good...4 was ok[/quote]

Well I'll just say just became a game got sequels doesn't mean it's good. There's a thousand examples out there to disprove that logic.

But yeah, DMC is meant to be hard and I wouldn't say it aged well over the years, but it's not bad. Maybe you were just so good at DMC3 that you expected 1 to be a cakewalk?
[quote name='Xale' post='3440497' date='Feb 5 2011, 06:08 AM']hey if it wasnt good, it wouldnt have 3 other games, and i know people say 2 was the worst game of the series, but it was actually my favorite, i thought 4 was the worst in the series, but i still thought they were all good...4 was ok[/quote]

That rule doesn't exist for anything.
Once you get used to the camera it's pretty good, and seriously not that hard. I don't remember having any issues with the actual controls, the only problem I had with the game is that it was fairly short and not very varied.

DMC2 is a lot worse, mainly for the fact that none of it actually happened, but they still expected you to replay the game with a different character for even more exciting plot. The combat in 2 wasn't that great either and it had quite a few "fuck you" bosses.

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