Radioactive Force



Well, here it is....

First to show my identity....I have nothing to hide!!


Fixing my face..


True face of Destruction..




Me from the inside..Run on Nuclear power and pure Radioactivity..


Radioactive?! Yes I think so!!


On the battlefield.........Radioactive Force won!!!​

It's been a long time since I started the Force....

Everything started in a BAN topic, with me leading a war against Minox_IX, and than WildWon, and few others.....
Radioactive Force was founded as a shelter and refugee for everyone that needed one..

I've seen that this think got pretty big, and some members even stood by my side in a discussions and flamewars, so I decided to make this blog, as a place for recruiting new members and listing already existing..

I'll start from scratch with this, and let you all just sign up, and ask for a title you'll get when accepted..
(I know that many of you already joined, but I ask you to sign here, just to have a record)


To all our opponents (by granville): Posting here without joining will give you radiation poisoning because only by joining can you become assimilated with the radioactivity (thereby becoming immune to the power and a controller of it's might)! Lead may help you take the effects of nuclear energy, but it won't save you from the explosive power of our nuclear force!


(Lists are in alphabetical order!!)

Minox_IX - Archenemy from the roots
psycoblaster & Force of the Biohazards

da_head - second in command


Enemy in action..

An Enemy Laptop..

Enemy training manual..

Enemies Secret Wilderness Headquarters..

123Waffle101 - Radioactive Cookie Monster
Antoligy - teh 1337 h4xz0r
BankaiKirby - Radioactive Waddle Dee
BioHazard -
BortzANATOR - Radio Active CannANATOR
CockroachMan - Commander of the Insect Army
Curley5959 - Nuclear Cheats Editor
DarkRey - Enforcer of Radioactivity

Densetsu3000 - :ninja: Nuclear Ninja

Diablo1123 - Radioactive Marine (current unit as avatar)

dice - kidnapped and recruited by force :ninja:
DieForIt - Die For The Radioactive Force
distorted.frequency - Communication Expert with Distorting Abilities

Doomsday Forte - Glowing Berserker
ENDscape - Radioactive Catboy
Extreme Coder - Radioactive Coder of the Extreme variety
FaRReR - The Radioactive Australian

Frog - The Radioactive Cavalry Captain
GameSoulXIII - Radioactive Soul

gangsterboi - Dr. Radioactive
gizmo_gal - THE QWEEN
Gman 101 - Radiasian
granville - The Nuclear Rainbow Commander

Hadrian - Radioactive Organ & Bone Hacker
Hehe Moo - Radioactive Defense Attorney
Holaitsme - The Radioactive Board Thrasher

i.Domination - Radioactive Domination Campaign Planner
iPikachu - Radioactive pikachu c3 flamebot!
Ichigo Kurosaki - The Radioactive Death God!
Law - The Crazed Radioactive Gunman
Mars- Radioactive Propaganda Minister
Mei-o - Prince of Lolis
midna25 - Radioactive ambassador to the Twilight Realm

miruki -
Mr. Waffle - Radioactive Waffle

Narin -
NeSchn - Radioactive Black Metal Kid
Noitora -
Radioactive ROM hacking department captain

oliebol - Radioactive Nutcracker
OSW - Hybrid Nuclear/Human Physicist
papyrus - The Radioactive Paper
penguindefender - Joint p0wn commander
p1ngpong - Joint p0wn commander
Pizzaroo - Immortal kamikaze and Radioactive Llama herder
R4man18 -
Raestloz - The Radioactive Dark Ranger!

Raven Darkheart - Radioative Flamer
rikuumi - Radioactive Marine
rowanchap - Radioactive Death Bringer

Sinkhead - Radioactive Rear Admiral
Sir-Fritz - Radioactive Nightmare
SoLuckys - Radioactive Lucky Slayer
strata8 - Radioactive Ninja Bunny

thegame07 - suicide bomber
themuddaload - Motherload of Radioactive Waste
TrolleyDave - Gun Runner
Tropicana - Korean Radioactivity Section Commander
Vulpes Abnocto - Radioactive Prinny
wabsta - Radioactive Demon
warmijwilfaain - Radioactive ... Thread... Destroyer!
:wub: WildWon -
xalphax - Little Bit Radioactive Soldier
xcdjy - The Web of Shadows Mad Member
zeromac - Radioactive Bigmac



Mr. Marcus Marcelli:
This guy is imaginary/digitally created, therefore, presents new line of invincibility....
Mr. NeSchn decided that Mr. Marcus Marcelli might be good Director of Weaponry, so we'll try to set this position..I hope we'll get good results!!

Radioactive attack dogs:
This should bring a new level of defense to the Force. I've started us off with about 5000. We'll see how it goes from there. I hope you enjoy them! ;)
These dogs may be fierce, but they are great companions! They will be as friends to our cause, but to no others.

Monkey Troops:
Cross-bred from clones of Tinymonkeyt, (I'll ask next time!) and of some other monkeys.
They are all radioactive, and made to use ALL of our Skillz.

The Radioactive Shark:
It is finished. The radioactive sharks with friggen radioactive lasers on their heads!
Sent 5000 of these to the force!

The Radioactive Hawk:
With the speed of the lite and green glow....
This series counts 1000 pieces.

Currently in a testing state..but with positive results!!
We count 100 pieces at the time..

Radioactive Cats:
Great Pets, but deadly for the enemy!!
Now in BETA testing phase:

Radioactive penguins:
These arctic animals may look cute, as they are. But they house incredible power and will add even more support to the force!
We count 500 pieces at the time!

Radioactive polar bears:
These arctic animals may look cute, as they are. But they house incredible power and will add even more support to the force!
We count 500 pieces at the time!

Radioactive owls:
This project was made so we get better night support..And it's been very successful..
500 pieces for now!

No need for introduction.....
He is one of our first projects......And he was actually tamed the day we gave him freedom!!

Radioactive Yeti:
As you know, there is only one of these specie. I managed to find and capture both of them though and have managed to clone them! ;) I have sent over 1000 of each of these new breeds to the Force!

As you know, there is only one of these specie. I managed to find and capture both of them though and have managed to clone them! ;) I have sent over 1000 of each of these new breeds to the Force!

Medical Bunnies:
At this point still not Radioactive, but thoroughly trained Bunnies to aid medical help in battle..
We got them radioactive!!

Genetically Mutated Squirrels:
At this point still not Radioactive, but thoroughly trained squirrels to create Chaos wherever they show..

1000000000000000000000000000000000 * 100000000000^10000000000000000 Radioactive Zombies ADDED to Radioactive Force!!! (stolen from Force of the Biohazards)
Psycoblaster should be waking up right about now:
[title:Psycoblaster's Helmet Cam]
This is the tamer of Zombies..He control them and make them see whatever he sees!!

Team Brawl:
We got Team Brawl to join and modified them to Radioactivity..This is a great addition as they are already trained..
We got them in cooperation with AbyssWolf..


Radioactive Hairless Zombie Mice:
For exploring small places and micro spying..
Sent over 1000 of these to our cause!

Cocknocker :P :
You would like to know what he does, would you?! But this is a TOP SECRET:

Weapon of Mass Destruction:
Some of our soldiers have been genetically modified, and weapons have been organically implemented into their bodies!!

Radioactive Elephants:
Multiple times bigger/faster/stronger than ordinary elephant.....It has power to destroy whole building with one blow!

Teenage Mutant Radioactive Turtles:
I believe that everyone knows who they are, now they are on OUR side..

President Tree:
Everyone knows how deadly these are....especially the first one..




The Nuclear laser beam:
These beams will incinerate any material in the universe. And any material beyond it!
We have managed to implement them into everydays if you are our enemy, be careful..
Preview of the power:


Radioactive Stealth Bomber:
I made these from standard Radioactive Stealth Bombers, added DS-X compatibility, then made it usable by monkeys, and even PEOPLE!
They are top-of-the range craft, made to be COMPLETELY invisible to all who don't know what it's radio-frequency.

Hyper Uber Radioactive Rocket Tank Fast Thing a.k.a. HURRT FT:
It's what happens after you breed a tank, a flame thrower, a SuperCar, a Rocket Launcher, and an ATT.
Made to go over all terrains, at 300,001 KM/H
Its also got a nuke-launcher as a self-destruct system. As in H-Bomb, and it emits LOADS of radiation.

Still in a testing phase, Standup Comedy and Enemies will feel the power of it tonight!
It is a improved Nuke Including:
Drinks holder,
Halo style turret,
Cloaking device,
force field,
internet access to p0wn noobs,
a tom nook apron,
Screenshot available SOON!

Suitcase Bomb:
I is a bomb, with a laptop, so no cd driver drinks holder, or apron for now, but there is now the possibility of getting it past airport security.


(nuke is under the false bottom)

Detonator USB 2.0:

Radioactive Wii controller and a Wireless Radioactive nunchuck:
Radioactive entertaining.......and can be used in battle as deadly weapon if needed!!
It even comes in three colours: Green, green, and green!


New form of Nuclear Explosion Mushroom:
Some enemies prefer to rock before they die..So, me being nice and merciful, decided to allow them to rock few seconds before they die, and watch at this beautiful sight..

Energetic Drinks:
Projected so it could give supernatural strength in combat..


Radioactive tidal wave:
For sweeping off enemy!!

Radioactive Tornado and Radioactive Lightning:
To destroy enemies possessions..

The radioactive volcano of Radioactivus:
For ultimate destruction and to shed fear..

Radioactive Force Propaganda Department

[quote name='p1ngpong' post='1463467' date='Oct 12 2008, 02:54 PM']What is the Radioactive force?
Some people think we are a splinter cell terrorist organisation of GBAtemp!

Some people think we are Toni Plutonij's private army!

Some think we are just a bunch of bullies, hell bent on p0wning and high sniffing crystallised radioactive materials!

But what you people don't see is the is the Radioactive Forces good side, the side that helps people, the charitable and caring side of our group, that cares not about p0wning! :yaypsp:

Here is a tiny member of the force, barely twelve years old, teaching in a village in Africa. Teaching the poorest of the poor the joys of radiation, and the benefits of a plutonium rich society!


Here are two more fine young members of the Force, distributing a thick, nutritious radioactive broth to the poor people of the Gaza Strip, whose society has been so damaged by years of conflict!


And finally here's our young leader, with the Grandmother of our youngest member preparing a jolly lunch of irradiated fruit and soup for some local pensioners!


If you wish to help your local community and the poorest people of the world please contact Toni Plutonij at the Radioactive Force blog for more information about how to join! :yaypsp:[/quote]

-See ya on the battlefield!!

Template for the sigs!! (thanks to penguindefender)

Template for the userbars!! (thanks to granville)

Universal userbars!!
by Holaitsme

by FaRReR

by FaRReR

by FaRReR

by strata8

by Salamantis


Toni where the hell am I? I shouldnt have to confirm that im in the force, I AM THE RADIOACTIVE FORCE!!! :angry:

p1ngpong p0wn commander!!!


[quote name='Sinkhead' post='1448331' date='Oct 5 2008, 05:15 PM']Can I be Rear Admiral?

Radioactive Rear Admiral Sinkhead.[/quote]

Rear admiral! :wub:
[quote name='Sinkhead' post='1448331' date='Oct 5 2008, 06:15 PM']Can I be Rear Admiral?

Radioactive Rear Admiral Sinkhead.[/quote]
Done and done!!!!!! Admiral Sinkhead, you'll command our nautical Forces!!

[quote name='DarkRey' post='1448339' date='Oct 5 2008, 06:26 PM']snip[/quote]
Private Law, hilarious!!!! this is too good!!

[quote name='thegame07' post='1448348' date='Oct 5 2008, 06:34 PM']I will join!

suicide bomber reporting, all you have to do is promise me 40 virgins and then I will go boom.[/quote]
All my men, get all they want and deserve.....40 virgins shipped your way!!
Just don't go suicide on me too soon!! :P

[quote name='Densetsu3000' post='1448351' date='Oct 5 2008, 06:37 PM']Oh man, I wanna be a part of the Radioactive Force!

Codename: Densetsu3000

Title: Radioactive Ninja / Inventor of Cold Fusion

・HP: 9000!!!!!!11!!oneone1
・MP: 876
・STR: 255
・INT: 227
・SPD: 175
・AGL: 183
・VIT: 209
・HIT%: 95
・ATK: 96
・DEF: 84[/quote]
:wub: :wub: :wub:
Pfffff, of course I'll add you......You are my closest friend, and true Radioactive Ninja!!!!!!!
Good to see you in the Force..
[quote name='Law' post='1448371' date='Oct 5 2008, 06:51 PM']Ohwhattheshit? Where are my save games?! STAAAAAAAAAALKKKKKKKKEEEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/quote]
We'll have to see to that!!! Who stole Laws saves?!?!?!?!

[quote name='Minox_IX' post='1448389' date='Oct 5 2008, 08:12 PM']snip[/quote]
Soldiers, do not trust this man, and don't take anything from him!!
I really doubt that this pie actually IS radioactive....

[quote name='DarkRey' post='1448408' date='Oct 5 2008, 08:19 PM']my radioactive sense is tingling!!that pie looks fishi so vishi!![/quote]
I agree, I like your senses!!

[quote name='TrolleyDave' post='1448414' date='Oct 5 2008, 08:22 PM']
Psssshh....Do not reveal our secret headquarters.....

[quote name='DarkRey' post='1448418' date='Oct 5 2008, 08:24 PM']banned for telling everyone about our secret bunker

jesus this is the wrong thread for posting a ban....[/quote]
It's never wrong place for good banning!!

<hr>Posts merged

[quote name='Minox_IX' post='1448422' date='Oct 5 2008, 08:26 PM']What the fuck are you doing in my bunker?[/quote]
Dude, you're behind the enemy lines!

[quote name='p1ngpong' post='1448424' date='Oct 5 2008, 08:28 PM']Toni where the hell am I?[/quote]
Sorry p1ngpong, added to the list!!!!
As you see, I've recruited people from the fresh start...and it's pretty good for now!!!

Hmm, nickname, nickname, nickname...I can't come up of one! :O How aboouuuuttt, you gimme a surprise nick for the mean time hahaha!
That would be cool for the meantime, although I'm not much of an expert as you guys heehee.
Well, use it until you get an idea for something better!! And you've became really good with banning, so it suits you for the time being!!
I would like to enlist in the force as Radioactive Catboy!
Any entrance test i need to pass?
[quote name='ENDscape' post='1449234' date='Oct 6 2008, 03:14 AM']I would like to enlist in the force as Radioactive Catboy!
Any entrance test i need to pass?[/quote]
Done!!!! List updated, you're in....

No tests for now......I'm judging by my own criterion....and you're more than good enough to be accepted!!
Sign me up!

I don't really mind any nicknames, as long as Mei-o didn't come up with them.
You get to be the Radioactive Hooner Hooker.

Told ya it was easy Toni.​
[quote name='Tropicana' post='1449267' date='Oct 6 2008, 03:32 AM']Sign me up!

I don't really mind any nicknames, as long as Mei-o didn't come up with them.[/quote]
Done, you got the title Korean Radioactivity Section Commander.....I hope it's OK!!

[quote name='Mei-o' post='1449275' date='Oct 6 2008, 03:35 AM']You get to be the Radioactive Hooner Hooker.[/quote]
Well, we have to keep mind on our recruit wishes.......And no Hookers allowed in the Force....only people with dignity!! :P

That Hooker thing was a joke since he uses Hooner on MSN.

I'm glad to have accomplished my mission!*salutes* And am I glad I was able to do it fast!​

PS: Yay! I can still do colored edits!
And that's why I didn't want Mei-o to come up with a name.

Anyways, thanks sir! *Salutes.
Now that I've fused the power of radioactivity within my rainbow power, I've been experimenting with mixing my powers. This is what you get when you mix radioactivity with rainbow power:

I call it the Nuclear Rainbow Nebula!
Take that care bear stare! :evil:
Haha!! Good job Commander!! *salutes

I see you're working on improving our weaponry!! Now if you can make it to happen right after the rain, when Rainbow appears, we could control the whole World at the start!!

Keep it up!!

EDIT: Curley5959 has just sign via PM!!!! So we have a new recruit, people, threat him nice, he's of utter importance!!

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