Heterosexual privilege and other gender/sexuality issues...

0) The heterosexual privilege is a horrible thing to face every f***ing day. What is heterosexual privilege you ask? It is the fact that being heterosexual is the "blank slate" or the normal condition of a human being. It is a given that any presumed heterosexual person can walk into a store, and purchase a greeting card that is perfect for their relationship. Any homosexual person cannot do the same - I cannot walk into a store and buy a greeting card that expresses my love for my partner. Heterosexual privilege is the state of mind that makes a couple of opposite sexes not worthy of attention, while homosexual couples have to be guarded about what they say. Homosexuals do not shove this fact into your faces - you just notice it more. I am still waiting for a marketing firm to create an image of homosexual women or men to be presented normally - instead of being the weird/attention getting thing most people consider it to be.

1) I find people who are obnoxious about their sexuality really annoying. Be they gay, straight, bisexual, transgendered or whatever labels they apply to themselves. This behaviour is really easy to get out of control - it's okay to be proud and out, but do some people really have to make asses of themselves? This goes to all of the people who don't defy stereotypes - we have women who are really masculine/butch or really feminine guys! Seriously, people - it's about relationships - you can't have relationships when you alienate the majority of people you interact with. And it's a cause for safety - what happens if a really genderqueer (someone who doesn't follow traditional gender roles) individual happens to piss off a really traditional person? It may mean violence, it may mean death or at least embarrassment.

2) Coming out is an ongoing process for queer people. We choose everyday who we explain our sexuality to. Some individuals choose to make it obvious through mode of dress, hairstyles, or even speech patterns. When someone "comes out" they make that choice to make it known. I for example, am out to a few cousins, my dad and a couple other trustworthy people.

- I'm still looking to trade an NTSC version of Populous DS - it comes with a full manual and case.
- I just downloaded Transformers Revenge of the Fallen - why hasn't Dark of the Moon come out yet as a scene release?
- I'm loving Radient Historia - great game, but a bit confusing. Stupid timeline type thing - but I'm looking forward to a Lavos type showdown at the end.
- Okamidem is amazing. I always loved watching the original, but never got around to getting that system or that game. It's funny in parts too - it's like a chinese painting come to life!


About the main blog post and not the controversy that everyone has decided to take into their own hands:

Although not homosexual, I agree with you. I think that people should stop making such a big deal about homosexual relationships and just treat them for what they are, relationships.

I'm super jealous of you playing Okamiden. I wish I could afford a new DS.
[quote name='dickfour' post='3763267' date='Jul 8 2011, 12:22 PM'][quote name='RockmanForte' post='3763248' date='Jul 8 2011, 05:16 PM']Becoming a homosexual is not a matter of choice. The argument is still there about choice and be born with homosexuality. I am not here to argue that because I think we need to stop and move on. It is going to many pages with no ending. Jeez.[/quote]
For a lot of people sexuality is a choice so you're completely wrong. For really gay people it's not a choice but I know a lot of people who are bisexual who choose to live straight because they want to have a partner they can have children with and a normal, traditional family. So yes for people in the middle sexuality is a choice and the people I know who have chosen straight are much happier that they would have been had they made the other choice.

I am talking about homosexuality is not a choice.. A bisexual is a matter of choice, of course.. A curious is a matter of choice as well. I dont believe you that bisexual who choose to live straight because they want to have a partner they can have children with and a normal ? That's bologna. I know someone who is bisexual and have family and still have affair with woman and man with sexual desire and temptation. Bisexual will never lead to normal life unless a bisexual decide to stop doing it because of sex with man and woman is not normal and isn't a love. Its lust and satisfactory... because its choice and they are still temptation their sexual desperation.
[quote name='Foxi4' post='3763172' date='Jul 8 2011, 09:35 AM']1) "Become a homosexual, help the world become less overcrowded" is THE most retarded idea I've ever heard. It's contraception awareness that should be spread, not idiotic ideas. What about S.T.D's? Homosexuality won't save you from those. A condom JUST MIGHT.

2) I blame the Chinese.

3) Chopping off male reproductive organs and surgically removing ovaries in selected groups of people is a far more efficient way to lower pregnancy levels. You in? Let's do this. I nominate Magmorph. That'd clean up the gene pool.

4) Yes.[/quote]
Obvious flame bait. ;)

[quote name='_Chaz_' post='3763284' date='Jul 8 2011, 10:32 AM']About the main blog post and not the controversy that everyone has decided to take into their own hands:

Although not homosexual, I agree with you. I think that people should stop making such a big deal about homosexual relationships and just treat them for what they are, relationships.

I'm super jealous of you playing Okamiden. I wish I could afford a new DS.[/quote]
I find it sad that no one can mention homosexuality without creating a controversy.
[quote name='RockmanForte' post='3763286' date='Jul 8 2011, 05:34 PM'][quote name='dickfour' post='3763267' date='Jul 8 2011, 12:22 PM'][quote name='RockmanForte' post='3763248' date='Jul 8 2011, 05:16 PM']Becoming a homosexual is not a matter of choice. The argument is still there about choice and be born with homosexuality. I am not here to argue that because I think we need to stop and move on. It is going to many pages with no ending. Jeez.[/quote]
For a lot of people sexuality is a choice so you're completely wrong. For really gay people it's not a choice but I know a lot of people who are bisexual who choose to live straight because they want to have a partner they can have children with and a normal, traditional family. So yes for people in the middle sexuality is a choice and the people I know who have chosen straight are much happier that they would have been had they made the other choice.

I am talking about homosexuality is not a choice.. A bisexual is a matter of choice, of course.. A curious is a matter of choice as well. I dont believe you that bisexual who choose to live straight because they want to have a partner they can have children with and a normal ? That's bologna. I know someone who is bisexual and have family and still have affair with woman and man with sexual desire and temptation. Bisexual will never lead to normal life unless a bisexual decide to stop doing it because of sex with man and woman is not normal and isn't a love. Its lust and satisfactory... because its choice and they are still temptation their sexual desperation.
That's just silly. If you love the person you're with and if you're just as conformable having sex with a man or a woman then it doesn't. What you're saying is that bisexual people can't control themselves and are doomed to be sexually torchered souls. I know people who are bi choose to live straight and are perfectly happy and love their partners and children. Choosing to be straight was the best way for them to live a happy life.
[quote name='dickfour' post='3763334' date='Jul 8 2011, 12:53 PM'][quote name='RockmanForte' post='3763286' date='Jul 8 2011, 05:34 PM'][quote name='dickfour' post='3763267' date='Jul 8 2011, 12:22 PM'][quote name='RockmanForte' post='3763248' date='Jul 8 2011, 05:16 PM']Becoming a homosexual is not a matter of choice. The argument is still there about choice and be born with homosexuality. I am not here to argue that because I think we need to stop and move on. It is going to many pages with no ending. Jeez.[/quote]
For a lot of people sexuality is a choice so you're completely wrong. For really gay people it's not a choice but I know a lot of people who are bisexual who choose to live straight because they want to have a partner they can have children with and a normal, traditional family. So yes for people in the middle sexuality is a choice and the people I know who have chosen straight are much happier that they would have been had they made the other choice.

I am talking about homosexuality is not a choice.. A bisexual is a matter of choice, of course.. A curious is a matter of choice as well. I dont believe you that bisexual who choose to live straight because they want to have a partner they can have children with and a normal ? That's bologna. I know someone who is bisexual and have family and still have affair with woman and man with sexual desire and temptation. Bisexual will never lead to normal life unless a bisexual decide to stop doing it because of sex with man and woman is not normal and isn't a love. Its lust and satisfactory... because its choice and they are still temptation their sexual desperation.
That's just silly. If you love the person you're with and if you're just as conformable having sex with a man or a woman then it doesn't. What you're saying is that bisexual people can't control themselves and are doomed to be sexually torchered souls. I know people who are bi choose to live straight and are perfectly happy and love their partners and children. Choosing to be straight was the best way for them to live a happy life.

Really ? Perfectly ? Perfect is a strong word and we are imperfect human being, you silly. Did you follow this bisexual person as choose to live straight anywhere lead to happiness? No way. I know some bisexual people myself and they said they are having difficult with sexual desire and they wish to be gay or heterosexual but being bisexual is something that they are curious about both man and woman that leading to risk choice. A bisexual can fall in love with either people. A bisexual will always cheat unless a person demand to think and be serious to work on this person's curious behavior. Anyway, I think this page is really silly. It is not getting anywhere.
[quote name='Magmorph' post='3763303' date='Jul 8 2011, 06:40 PM'][quote name='Foxi4' post='3763172' date='Jul 8 2011, 09:35 AM']1) "Become a homosexual, help the world become less overcrowded" is THE most retarded idea I've ever heard. It's contraception awareness that should be spread, not idiotic ideas. What about S.T.D's? Homosexuality won't save you from those. A condom JUST MIGHT.

2) I blame the Chinese.

3) Chopping off male reproductive organs and surgically removing ovaries in selected groups of people is a far more efficient way to lower pregnancy levels. You in? Let's do this. I nominate Magmorph. That'd clean up the gene pool.

4) Yes.[/quote]
Obvious flame bait. ;)

How is this obvious flame bite? Contraception is a more "obvious" way of avoiding pregnancy, S.T.D's are still a danger for homosexuals, a great partition of the world's population is chinese, most likely the "biggest" part of it, removing reproductive organs is far more effective than your proposed method. Yes.

If you can't bother to reply, why bother to dismiss?
[quote name='Foxi4' post='3763396' date='Jul 8 2011, 01:20 PM'][quote name='Magmorph' post='3763303' date='Jul 8 2011, 06:40 PM'][quote name='Foxi4' post='3763172' date='Jul 8 2011, 09:35 AM']1) "Become a homosexual, help the world become less overcrowded" is THE most retarded idea I've ever heard. It's contraception awareness that should be spread, not idiotic ideas. What about S.T.D's? Homosexuality won't save you from those. A condom JUST MIGHT.

2) I blame the Chinese.

3) Chopping off male reproductive organs and surgically removing ovaries in selected groups of people is a far more efficient way to lower pregnancy levels. You in? Let's do this. I nominate Magmorph. That'd clean up the gene pool.

4) Yes.[/quote]
Obvious flame bait. ;)

How is this obvious flame bite? Contraception is a more "obvious" way of avoiding pregnancy, S.T.D's are still a danger for homosexuals, a great partition of the world's population is chinese, most likely the "biggest" part of it, removing reproductive organs is far more effective than your proposed method. Yes.

If you can't bother to reply, why bother to dismiss?
More obvious flame bait.
If you're going to treat all objective truths as flame bait, you're living in a very narrow-minded world.
Bisexuals have it much worse than straights and homosexuals, unfortunately. They are regarded even in the gay community as being unable to commit or to even be happy in a single sexual relationship. It's hard - probably because they get bashed even harder by the lesbian/gay community because they are seen as unwilling to make a choice. I know plenty of bi men and women who are happy in a relationship. Being bi just means that the individual can fall in love with either sex. That's all.
I have to agree about how gays treat bisexuals. It just shows how intolerant gays are while asking for tolerance. From what I've seen the way gays treat religions and bisexual people is very intolerant and leaves a lot to be desired. The certainly don;t treat people how they ask to be treated. I remember having a girl on my lap at a gay bar and the dirty looks I got were surprising.
My cousin is gay and he is very pitbull. He loves having an argument with people specially when the topic is about gay rights. That fuels him a lot. He's not very happy being treated nicely, he loves a good discussion. Yeah!
[quote name='Magmorph' post='3763282' date='Jul 8 2011, 12:30 PM'][quote name='DeathStrudel' post='3763155' date='Jul 8 2011, 09:26 AM'][quote name='Magmorph' post='3763137' date='Jul 8 2011, 11:13 AM']Homosexuality has a major advantage of not risking unwanted pregnancy.[/quote]
I hope you know there are ways to prevent pregnancy other than being a homosexual.
It is a 100% effective way of preventing pregnancy. I never said there aren't other ways but you were asserting being homosexual has no advantages.[/quote]
But it's not an advantage when there are ways for heterosexuals to prevent pregnancy too, such as simply not having sex, contraceptives, getting a vasectomy/hysterectomy, ect.

[quote name='Magmorph' post='3763282' date='Jul 8 2011, 12:30 PM']
[quote name='Magmorph' post='3763137' date='Jul 8 2011, 11:13 AM']Reproduction is hardly an advantage with the human species, seeing as the world is getting more and more overpopulated every day.
It's our own fault the world is overpopulated, to blame overpopulation on the fact that we have the ability to reproduce is just ignorant.
There wasn't any blame in the statement I made. You asserted reproduction is an advantage to heterosexual couples when I don't believe that is so.[/quote]
I was looking at this from an evolutionary standpoint. Reproduction causes the species to continue, without it we would go extinct. There's not much to argue over that one.

[quote name='Magmorph' post='3763282' date='Jul 8 2011, 12:30 PM']
[quote name='Magmorph' post='3763137' date='Jul 8 2011, 11:13 AM']It is a logical assumption that there will be less pregnancy with more homosexuality.
Actually read what people say before replying, I never said it was illogical to assume there would be less pregnancy with more homosexuality, I simply stated that people say that it is a form of evolution to reduce overpopulation and was noting that it has not done this even though it's been around for a very long time so people should stop asserting as a fact that this is the point of homosexuality when there is no evidence to support it.
That is no what you stated. You stated that homosexuality had no effect on overpopulation when it obviously does. If 4% (or whatever percent of the population is gay) doesn't have children it would have a significant impact on overpopulation.
Once again, that's still not what I said. I said it has no effect on preventing overpopulation since homosexuality has been around since before the world was considered overpopulated yet the world still ended up being overpopulated. Also 4% of people not reproducing is certainly not a significant impact on overpopulation so don't pretend you know what you're talking about.
[quote name='dickfour' post='3763576' date='Jul 8 2011, 11:47 AM']I have to agree about how gays treat bisexuals. It just shows how intolerant gays are while asking for tolerance. From what I've seen the way gays treat religions and bisexual people is very intolerant and leaves a lot to be desired. The certainly don;t treat people how they ask to be treated. I remember having a girl on my lap at a gay bar and the dirty looks I got were surprising.[/quote]
If I were in a straight bar and had a girl on my lap, there would be more inappropriate stuff going on. As in, some people would be incited to violence and some people will take it as a cue to hit on either me or my girlfriend.

You gotta pick your battles. I will not show up at a straight bar because of the chance that I will get hit on by random men. It doesn't make sense to have a heterosexual couple in a gay bar - because it feels like you are intruding onto that space. (You should come to my university town's gay bar - it's very welcoming of all genders/sexualities.)
Any homosexual person can do whatever the shit they want IF those things does NOT interfere with normal social behavior. What does that mean?? Well it means that they can do what ever the fuuck they want with their lives BUT they cant ask for society to like what they do. Also they cant expect governments to make customized rules just for them, laws are what they are and tho many need to be changed, customized laws for homosexual are not part of them.

In the end, its pretty simple, if you are gay, live your life the way u want but remember that if something goes wrong, u cant blame no one but yourself ;)
[quote name='DeathStrudel' post='3763625' date='Jul 8 2011, 01:11 PM']But it's not an advantage when there are ways for heterosexuals to prevent pregnancy too, such as simply not having sex, contraceptives, getting a vasectomy/hysterectomy, ect.[/quote]
That is a huge advantage in my opinion. Not having to get a painful or invasive surgery and not having to remember to use contraceptives (which don't always work) while being able to continue to have sex. How do you not see that as an advantage?
I was looking at this from an evolutionary standpoint. Reproduction causes the species to continue, without it we would go extinct. There's not much to argue over that one.
Except for that homosexual women can still have children without having sex if they need to. The human race isn't going to go extinct even if every person in the world becomes gay.
Once again, that's still not what I said. I said it has no effect on preventing overpopulation since homosexuality has been around since before the world was considered overpopulated yet the world still ended up being overpopulated. Also 4% of people not reproducing is certainly not a significant impact on overpopulation so don't pretend you know what you're talking about.
You were using it as a rebuttal for the argument "It's a form of evolution to reduce overpopulation". If you were only arguing that it doesn't prevent overpopulation then you have done nothing to invalidate the claim that it reduces overpopulation.

With a world population of almost 7 billion 4 percent is significant number of people. Significant is hardly an objective term so there is no point in arguing about it.

[quote name='sentinel5000' post='3763734' date='Jul 8 2011, 02:16 PM']Any homosexual person can do whatever the shit they want IF those things does NOT interfere with normal social behavior. What does that mean?? Well it means that they can do what ever the fuuck they want with their lives BUT they cant ask for society to like what they do. Also they cant expect governments to make customized rules just for them, laws are what they are and tho many need to be changed, customized laws for homosexual are not part of them.

In the end, its pretty simple, if you are gay, live your life the way u want but remember that if something goes wrong, u cant blame no one but yourself ;)[/quote]
Gay people don't want customized laws, they want equal rights.
[quote name='sentinel5000' post='3763734' date='Jul 8 2011, 08:16 PM']Any homosexual person can do whatever the shit they want IF those things does NOT interfere with normal social behavior. What does that mean?? Well it means that they can do what ever the fuuck they want with their lives BUT they cant ask for society to like what they do. Also they cant expect governments to make customized rules just for them, laws are what they are and tho many need to be changed, customized laws for homosexual are not part of them.

In the end, its pretty simple, if you are gay, live your life the way u want but remember that if something goes wrong, u cant blame no one but yourself ;)[/quote]
They shouldn't have to expect intolerant behaviour from individuals based on their sexuality. Any laws against that are a step in the right direction. There were already laws against racism and sexism brought in specifically for those problems so why not homophobia?

Would you say that Woman's Rights were something else that was a pointless cause? I don't mean the right to vote because that should be universal in any society but laws against sexist behaviour by employers, sexual harassment laws etc. Would you say those laws shouldn't exist? Anybody should be able to treat anybody else however they want? Call them offensive names? Not give them a job based on sexuality/gender/race? Homosexuals are not asking for special treatment they're asking for the same rights as everyone else.

Take for instance if you saw a couple making out in public. If it was a heterosexual couple nobody would really think anything of it. If it was a homosexual couple then some people would think it something offensive. Its a sad fact that our society cannot tolerate other parts, and we're the more civilised part of it (Human rights in the Middle East are a mess. If you're not a straight male you could be worth squat)
[quote name='Magmorph' post='3763762' date='Jul 8 2011, 04:32 PM']With a world population of almost 7 billion 4 percent is significant number of people. Significant is hardly an objective term so there is no point in arguing about it.[/quote]
You obviously don't understand numbers. 4% of 7 billion is a large number, but that doesn't mean it's significant. 96% of 7 billion is a much larger number, it's 24 times larger; so when compared to that it is certainly not significant. I'm not even gonna argue with anything else you've said, you've proven yourself to be too ignorant to be worth my time.
[quote name='DeathStrudel' post='3763782' date='Jul 8 2011, 02:51 PM'][quote name='Magmorph' post='3763762' date='Jul 8 2011, 04:32 PM']With a world population of almost 7 billion 4 percent is significant number of people. Significant is hardly an objective term so there is no point in arguing about it.[/quote]
You obviously don't understand numbers. 4% of 7 billion is a large number, but that doesn't mean it's significant. 96% of 7 billion is a much larger number, it's 24 times larger; so when compared to that it is certainly not significant. I'm not even gonna argue with anything else you've said, you've proven yourself to be too ignorant to be worth my time.
So you would rather argue about a word that has no objective meaning? What exactly am I ignorant of?

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