Tiring of console JRPGs


I think I've come to a point where I'm just going to give up playing JRPGs on home consoles now. I decided to pop in Final Fantasy 13 to try and finish the game up and I just didn't care. I started the game in January but I've had University essays and exams to do, I've had to leave the game on hold for over two months. And that's the problem, I've lost the enthusiasm and momentum built up from the game and considering contemporary JRPGs tend to be 40+ hours, I just don't have the time especially as I've got myself a job now. I can play RPGs on my portable consoles perfectly well mainly because I can play when I'm commuting and they tend to be shorter in length.

Also I got Wii. I hate using batteries for the controller, my batteries are nearly dead after one week of Wii usage. I'm going to buy some rechargeable batteries. Overall the Wii is ok, I've just been playing Another Code R and NSMB Wii. They're fun.

Now if you excuse me, I'm going to barrage Nintendo with e-mails demanding flash on the 3DS


In all fairness, Final Fantasy XIII is total and utter camel shit.

I go through phases like this, especially when I've had a game on hold for whatever reason. Example, I have Tales of Vesperia in here somewhere. I remember I got stuck on a boss and put the game on hold in favour of Dragon Age Origins Ultimate Edition, but now it's been so long I can't remember who the boss is, why I was stuck on it, why I was fighting it in the first place or why I should care who survives the fight. Same thing happened with Star Ocean. Happens a lot. I'll restart Tales of Vesperia once I've finished Lost Oddysey (another restart) because this time I've vowed to finish at least one RPG on my 360 that doesn't involve Morrigan or the Normandy :P

Truth be told I'm in a bit of a phase right now where I'm finding it hard to focus on RPGs. When I get stressed I don't want to worry about stats and abilities and all the other RPG stuff, I just want to blow someone's face into their underpants with a shotgun. Hence why I bought Resident Evil Mercs 3DS. Here's hoping it shows up soon. Not due out til Friday but according to a few testimonials ShopTo.net has no regard for street dates. I've got one of the Ace Combat games I was missing flying my way too (Electrosphere, got it off ebay for just under £3 after P+P), so I only have the original to find now and my collection is complete :)

My best advice is to vary your gaming schedule. Don't exclusively play through an RPG 'cause you'll get bored. I take a break every couple of days and play something simple like Outrun instead.
[quote name='Blaze163' post='3738270' date='Jun 25 2011, 05:02 PM']In all fairness, Final Fantasy XIII is total and utter camel shit.[/quote]
Okay, I'm really tired of people just bashing FF13. Sure, the linearity is kind of mind numbing in the beginning, but later in the game, the gameplay REALLY, and I mean REALLY picks up. I think that it is leaps and bounds better than 10, 11, and even 12. The battle system really helps a lot too.

As for the topic, I really like JRPGs, but the ones that I've been playing have been tiring me lately (FF4 Complete Collection, Tales of the World PSP, etc.) and I've let my PSP Go just sit in a corner for now. I don't know why either.
TBH, I've never really liked RPGs. I do like ARPGs though, but I don't like JRPGs. I just found them way too dull and repetitive.
[quote name='Slyakin' post='3738280' date='Jun 25 2011, 06:06 PM'][quote name='Blaze163' post='3738270' date='Jun 25 2011, 05:02 PM']In all fairness, Final Fantasy XIII is total and utter camel shit.[/quote]
Okay, I'm really tired of people just bashing FF13. Sure, the linearity is kind of mind numbing in the beginning, but later in the game, the gameplay REALLY, and I mean REALLY picks up. I think that it is leaps and bounds better than 10, 11, and even 12. The battle system really helps a lot too.

As for the topic, I really like JRPGs, but the ones that I've been playing have been tiring me lately (FF4 Complete Collection, Tales of the World PSP, etc.) and I've let my PSP Go just sit in a corner for now. I don't know why either.
I love you.

Also, in a way I love how most japanese RPG developers seem to be moving away from making big HD JRPGs, and instead moving to handhelds, I've had the same thing emigre is having with so many JRPGs, but having them on a handheld makes the developers take certain design choices that kind of prevent this "losing interest" or "coming back to a game and not remember anything" thing.
[quote name='Slyakin' post='3738280' date='Jun 25 2011, 11:06 PM'][quote name='Blaze163' post='3738270' date='Jun 25 2011, 05:02 PM']In all fairness, Final Fantasy XIII is total and utter camel shit.[/quote]
Okay, I'm really tired of people just bashing FF13. Sure, the linearity is kind of mind numbing in the beginning, but later in the game, the gameplay REALLY, and I mean REALLY picks up. I think that it is leaps and bounds better than 10, 11, and even 12. The battle system really helps a lot too.

As for the topic, I really like JRPGs, but the ones that I've been playing have been tiring me lately (FF4 Complete Collection, Tales of the World PSP, etc.) and I've let my PSP Go just sit in a corner for now. I don't know why either.
I agree that it's a good game, but the mind numbing beginning is what put me off from it, like you said, it was mind numbing, so I stopped playing early in the game. I do plan on trying to go through it again and try to not mind that part.

But anyway, I don't mind Jrpgs, I don't mind any rpg really. I like the genre in general
If you want to reinvigorate your passion go back to the PS2....Radiata Stories, Star Ocean til the End of Time, Valkyrie Profile Silmeria and Shadow Hearts Covenant are all good games which are most enjoyable.

If an RPG is a chore then it's not doing it's job right, which is why i'm not so fired up about Tales of the Abyss coming to the 3DS because it's not that great in the scheme of things.
By the way, you should really try Grandia. It's on the PSN Store for 10 bucks, and it is GODDAMN AMAZING.

Holy balls.
Since I don't own any of the last gen consoles, I've researching a lot for my ps2. And since I love JRPG, I bought a couple of games, Star Ocean, Valkyrie Profile 2, Rogue Galaxy, so if you want very good JRPGs, choose ps2 or ps1. As for the new ones, in my opinion aren't made with the same effort as before.
[quote name='Necron N.N' post='3738851' date='Jun 26 2011, 05:28 AM']Since I don't own any of the last gen consoles, I've researching a lot for my ps2. And since I love JRPG, I bought a couple of games, Star Ocean, Valkyrie Profile 2, Rogue Galaxy, so if you want very good JRPGs, choose ps2 or ps1. As for the new ones, in my opinion aren't made with the same effort as before.[/quote]

I agree with your post, I would also add you might want to try out Dragon Quest VIII it was pretty epic. I also liked Kings Field for the PS2 but its pretty damned hard to find and the guide is even harder to find... I bought them both for my brother and it took me months to track them both down lol

I pretty much stopped playing Final Fantasy after VII on the PS1, I probably missed some good games from then on till now but they just are not my style I guess.
Sounds like your problem is playing FF games.
FF games suck.

Play some real jRPGs like NieR, any Tales game, Valkyria Chronicles...or some others I can't think of off the top of my head being half asleep. If you really want to play turn based jRPGs, play a Shin Megami Tensei game, they're practically the only good ones these days.

There's tons of good ones out there, they just aren't very popular among the masses (since the masses suck).
[quote name='JonthanD' post='3738869' date='Jun 25 2011, 08:48 PM']I agree with your post, I would also add you might want to try out Dragon Quest VIII it was pretty epic. I also liked Kings Field for the PS2 but its pretty damned hard to find and the guide is even harder to find... I bought them both for my brother and it took me months to track them both down lol

I pretty much stopped playing Final Fantasy after VII on the PS1, I probably missed some good games from then on till now but they just are not my style I guess.[/quote]

Just to say: Dragon Quest VIII was probably the best $20 I spent on my PS2 (okay, I didn't spend much, but still). That game is phenomenally well done. There is a standard need of grinding, as the DQ games love to retain some of that old, ass kicking feel. The story is fun though, and nearly all of the characters are great (though the douchy Prince sucked).

FFIX was about the only thing you missed after VII, by the way. FFVIII was okay (I own it, but wouldn't miss if it was gone really), I haven't played X, but it gets a real love/hate thing from most people. I never really hear "It was okay." XI was online only and was hit or miss, and XII was another one that you either loved or hated due to the sheer amount of changes they made. I didn't like it, but it was a damn pretty PS2 game. XIII is a pretty big flaming piece of shit. I don't care how fun the battles may be after 15 hours, a lack of overall content combined with shitty characters and an ass story makes for one terrible game. An RPG needs to have all the ingredients there and at least functioning okay to be worth playing. XIII lacks pretty much everything it needs to be a good game.

For JRPG's, I know the feeling. Even good JRPG's can't pull me back in at this point. I play for about 10 hours, and then just set the game down. I can't get myself to finish the game. I rarely finish games anymore, as I like RPG's above all others, but I can't get myself to finish one of them. Platformers tend to get dull for me about 50% of the way through, and action games are generally too short to really last. Then they're over before you really get a chance to enjoy them. The God of War games on the PSP are prime offenders of that, being very, very short in the long run, but also being very fun games. It all culminates to me only finishing about 10% of the games I pick up.
[quote name='Hells Malice' post='3739137' date='Jun 26 2011, 08:16 AM']Sounds like your problem is playing FF games.
FF games suck.

Play some real jRPGs like NieR, any Tales game, Valkyria Chronicles...or some others I can't think of off the top of my head being half asleep. If you really want to play turn based jRPGs, play a Shin Megami Tensei game, they're practically the only good ones these days.

There's tons of good ones out there, they just aren't very popular among the masses (since the masses suck).[/quote]

I own and played Nier, VC and half a dozen SMT games. The only reason I don't own any Tales games is because the Tales games are an absolute pain to find in Europe. So its not FF problem but a general lack of motivation with JRPGs on a whole. Its not to say their bad games in fact SMT are my favorite RPG games and a series I'll continue playing but at the moment I just have a JRPG fatigue.

I think I'll just take a break from JRPGs for while. I've got got God of War III and aforementioned Wii games on the go so I'll spent time with them before picking up another JRPG.
[quote name='Hells Malice' post='3739137' date='Jun 26 2011, 09:16 AM']Sounds like your problem is playing FF games.
FF games suck.

Play some real jRPGs like NieR, any Tales game, Valkyria Chronicles...or some others I can't think of off the top of my head being half asleep. If you really want to play turn based jRPGs, play a Shin Megami Tensei game, they're practically the only good ones these days.

There's tons of good ones out there, they just aren't very popular among the masses (since the masses suck).[/quote]
At first I was :angry: but then you mentioned Tales so I'm :wub:
I'm not a big JRPG fan in general and personally, I feel WRPGs are superior. They've delivered more depth in terms of content, story, and characters. Not saying I hate JRPGs, but I find WRPGs much more.

But there's still no reason to rail on FFXIII. It's certainly different, but in a good way. It follows a more linear path to get you on with the story and to also eliminate annoyances in JRPGs like grinding and stuff. You heal after each battle to keep the game consistently challenging and it also eliminates "kamikaze" tactics (basically enemies whose goal isn't to kill you, but to weaken you so when you reach a boss, you can easily get killed or your resources are stretched). The plot is passable although some of the characters (FUCKING HOPE) are annoying. The battle system is a nice take on the ATB and paradigms offer a whole new side to each battle.

I'm not terribly far into the game but it's certainly fun and one of the finest Final Fantasies yet.



EDIT: Lost Odyssey is also fun. Not as polished as XIII but it's more traditional as an RPG and also pretty damn cheap (I got my copy for $10 used). Probably just as much playtime too.
[quote name='Blaze163' post='3738270' date='Jun 25 2011, 10:02 PM']In all fairness, Final Fantasy XIII is total and utter camel shit.[/quote]

you summed it up pretty well tbh, as soon as i discovered western rpgs like oblivion and fallout i never looked back, jrpgs have so much restriction are so linear and way too over the top, the last time i enjoyed a jrpg was when i completed FFX after that i just didn't get the same interest in them anymore, they seem to have gone downhill.
[quote name='jalaneme' post='3740112' date='Jun 27 2011, 12:27 AM'][quote name='Blaze163' post='3738270' date='Jun 25 2011, 10:02 PM']In all fairness, Final Fantasy XIII is total and utter camel shit.[/quote]

you summed it up pretty well tbh, as soon as i discovered western rpgs like oblivion and fallout i never looked back, jrpgs have so much restriction are so linear and way too over the top, the last time i enjoyed a jrpg was when i completed FFX after that i just didn't get the same interest in them anymore, they seem to have gone downhill.

Too bad none of 'em have good stories (western RPGs of course).

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