Sony vs Nintendo - Console Gaming w/o a TV

It was pretty clear that one of the messages that Sony and Nintendo were trying to push was TV-less console gaming. Sony had the PSV-PS3 linked games (ex: Ruin), and Nintendo had the Wii U with its dedicated controller. Both systems offered a similar experience: turn the TV off and play the game on a portable console.

As a fan of portables, this E3 caught my attention. I can't explain it, but hate being stuck in front of a TV playing a console game. I rarely play my PS3 or Wii because of this.

This trend isn't new. Sony has had remote play for awhile now, and Nintendo had some GBA/GC tie-ins as well. Nothing has really taken off. Nintendo hasn't allowed the linking of the DSi or 3DS to the Wii for remote play, and only a few Sony PS3 titles are PSP remote-play enabled. Even now, with the ability to unlock remote play for every title via PS3 backup loaders, people don't use this feature. (Either it doesn't work for a game, or it's crippled and laggy.)

These past console links never took off because of the technical hurdles or because the publishers chose not to support adding a feature only usable by a select few.


Sony is trying their PS3-PSP remote play approach, but instead of a PSP-PS3 streaming link, they are trying a multi-SKU approach. The PS3 and the PS Vita (PSV) both run a version of a game, and the saves are stored in the 'cloud'. The player can swap between game consoles using this 'cloud' save. Take Ruin as an example. This game was demo'ed for the PS Vita and PS3 at E3. It allowed the player to stop play on the PSV and resume play on the PS3. It has an advantage in that you can take the experience anywhere, as long as you have the ability to transfer saves.

Is this a successful approach?

No. I think it will fail.

It comes down to cash. A developer would have to spend X resources implementing a link between PS3 and PSV versions of a game, and a customer would have to buy both game SKUs. The developer would have to gauge how many customers would likely buy both SKUs and allocate resources accordingly. Yes, game tie-in is an incentive for a customer to purchase both SKUs. The problem, though, is that cost can quickly become a deterrent. Customers might also see the setup as being double-billed for content they already own.

Again, take Ruin for example. If you can get a similar experience on the PS3 as you can on the PSV, why buy both SKUs? You'd be paying $60 for the PS3 game and $40 for the PSV game. That's $100 total for both SKUs. The customer may look at both SKUs and just buy the one that meets their needs most.

The developers have to support this remote play setup, and the customers have to be willing to pay for it. Both ends look dire.

Is there any hope?

Possibly... The ball is in Sony's court. They have the ability to lessen the impact of this setup to both developers and customers.

They can make things easier for the developers by designing a cross-compiler SDK for the PS3-PSV, similar to what Microsoft does with the XBOX 360 & PC. If you create the content for the PS3 and make it easy to cross-compile for the PSP, developers would be more likely to create linked games.

Sony could also make things more appealing to customers by enforcing a bundle strategy on 3rd party developers, similar to how Disney sells their DVD/BluRay/Digital Copy movies. A PS3 game could include the PSV copy on-disc, and the customer could then load the copy onto the PSV. The customer would be more likely to buy one SKU versus two.


Nintendo's Wii U approach is more like Sony's PSP remote-play setup. You have a game that can either be played on the TV or on the new tablet controller. The difference, though, is that the Wii U controller will likely be packaged with the system. Nintendo has also had more time to whack at the remote-play limitations, specifically the lag issue.

The tech demo's shown at E3 indicated that gameplay would be supported on the controller. The Zelda demo could be played on the controller screen (albeit with a loss of resolution). It's a good bet that unless you had a game mechanic solely dependent on the screen for something other than viewing (throwing ninja stars, showing golf balls, etc), you'll see the remote-play feature implemented.

The setup still has limitations. Nintendo hasn't specified what communication protocol would be used to transfer images. (Bluetooth? WiFi? UWB?) Also, even though you have the feeling of portability, you're still chained to your house.

Is this a successful approach?

Possibly... It all depends on how hard Nintendo pushes 3rd party developers to allow the screen to be used to display game footage. (It also depends on how robust Nintendo makes their SDK libraries that support this feature.) There is more incentive for developer support for this setup than Sony's old PSP remote-play, though, because a developer coding for the Wii U system would know that the customer already has a tablet controller.

Nintendo would also need to continue to push the idea of TV-free, and they would need to carry this beyond E3 and the initial Wii U launch. (Sony failed to do this with remote play.) It would need to remain a driving feature and console selling point.

Nintendo is taking a risk; the Wii U home portability could conflict with their other portable offerings. Why play your 3DS in bed when you can play your Wii U? Nintendo and other 3rd party developers would have to be cautious and differentiate the gaming experiences for both consoles.


The proof is in the playing... I may pick up a PSV, and I already own a PS3. Would I buy a linked title? I'd do so only if the price was right and the content was different enough between the two.

Would I buy a Wii U? I like the concept, but I simply don't know enough about the console yet or what support it would get. It's currently the most promising remote-play system... on paper.


Not to be a downer on your post or anything...but wouldnt this work more in 'General gaming discussion'?
[quote name='NiGHtS' post='3699466' date='Jun 8 2011, 02:04 AM']Not to be a downer on your post or anything...but wouldnt this work more in 'General gaming discussion'?[/quote]

I wanted to blog.
I have lost all respect for Nintendo in the last few years, and the last conference was a big disappointment due to lacking F-Zero, Pikmin, the new project by Retro Studios, and no mention of xenoblade or last story in North America. Nothing but mario, mario kart, mario this mario that, Luigi's mansion (Which looks good), yet another SSB game that I won't care about, and bunch of other games that were expected since a long time ago.

The Weyou seems incredibly uninteresting to me, except for maybe looking at Zelda in 1080p. The whole concept of a "console-less console" is an idea that puzzles me. Consoles are meant to be played on TVs or some form of monitors. That's what handhelds are there for in the first place.

Sony, has somehow managed to make this brilliant device at an astoundingly low price, and the upcoming games for it look great. One big problem is that since I already happen to own a PS3, if I were given a choice between a Vita version and a PS3 version, I'd rather play it on the PS3 due to my 42 inch TV. The battery life will probably also be non-existant.

Get me a Ys game and a DJ Max game, and I'll be real happy.
Not reading all of that, just going to vote in Nintendo's favor.

Vita has several things that will be used... never.
SIGHING.. Since Wii U isn't out yet. Wait for other year and see what it will be like with the 3rd party. For me, No VS between them, because they are awesome and people only have prefers depending on which games released only to which consoles, thats all. I hate the opinions and vs. it is too immature.
I think the Vita is getting exclusive games, odds are you can just hook it up to your PS3 to play on a bigger screen (mainly since the PS3 lacks a touchscreen, back touchpad, etc). I think the idea behind it is to be able to go home and hook it up to a big TV if you want, or go out and play it on-the-go. There's some multiplats for the two (like Wipeout, which demonstrates crossplaying) but they'll both have their exclusives.

I'll probably get a Vita at launch if it launches with like Ruin (looks kinda generic but odds are it'll be a standard fun hack 'n' slash), Uncharted: Golden Abyss, maybe Little Big Planet (kinda find the physics to be a bit wonky for just platforming but it's still kinda fun), and if there's at least a solid line-up of some other titles (mainly looking into like Dissidia and Monster Hunter). At the very least you can buy it for dual analog playing on your PSP and probably play some games of those "dual analog needing" games really well. I could just get $260 and buy the system at launch with Monster Hunter Freedom Unite for a great dual analog Monster Hunter game.
I like the way you think. I do think that the Portable tablet controller will have at least a decent range from the Wii U. I have encountered countless times where I'll be playing with a bunch of my friends and they decide to switch to a game that I don't like, or I'm not good at. I'm actually envisioning in a FPS like Call of Duty, or some other Multiplayer game the U controller could be used to control player drones or other forms of Kill streaks. It could also be used as a support system, or map making interface. The person who is more skilled is a better asset for their team.

I actually hope the U controller could have a bit of space to put apps (like drawing apps, or reading apps) so you could take it with you.
[quote name='KingVamp' post='3701010' date='Jun 8 2011, 11:59 AM']Lost respect? Harsh when they only ones trying to have gaming play other ways.[/quote]
Haha oh wow.

I just want to sit down with my controller to play some video games, and not be forced to deal with tacked on motion controls that is nowhere near as accurate as tactile buttons. Not to mention, none of that waggling that looks embarrassing as hell.
[quote name='ojsinnerz.' post='3701664' date='Jun 8 2011, 06:15 PM'][quote name='KingVamp' post='3701010' date='Jun 8 2011, 11:59 AM']Lost respect? Harsh when they only ones trying to have gaming play other ways.[/quote]
Haha oh wow.

I just want to sit down with my controller to play some video games, and not be forced to deal with tacked on motion controls that is nowhere near as accurate as tactile buttons. Not to mention, none of that waggling that looks embarrassing as hell.
Not to offend here, but if you were expecting anything else, you made the wrong decision to buy a Wii. The embarrassing thing means you need blinds for your window. I wonder, do you say the same thing when you watch porn, and fap?
[quote name='Guild McCommunist' post='3701108' date='Jun 8 2011, 03:22 PM']I think the Vita is getting exclusive games, odds are you can just hook it up to your PS3 to play on a bigger screen (mainly since the PS3 lacks a touchscreen, back touchpad, etc). I think the idea behind it is to be able to go home and hook it up to a big TV if you want, or go out and play it on-the-go. There's some multiplats for the two (like Wipeout, which demonstrates crossplaying) but they'll both have their exclusives.[/quote]

Yes, I agree. I think that the PSV could be a successful portable system if it gets the support it needs.

I just don't think they are going to do enough to make me want to use the system as a controller substitute. They have a poor track record with the PS3 and PSP. Are they going to change now?
[quote name='Sterling' post='3701692' date='Jun 8 2011, 04:38 PM'][quote name='ojsinnerz.' post='3701664' date='Jun 8 2011, 06:15 PM'][quote name='KingVamp' post='3701010' date='Jun 8 2011, 11:59 AM']Lost respect? Harsh when they only ones trying to have gaming play other ways.[/quote]
Haha oh wow.

I just want to sit down with my controller to play some video games, and not be forced to deal with tacked on motion controls that is nowhere near as accurate as tactile buttons. Not to mention, none of that waggling that looks embarrassing as hell.
Not to offend here, but if you were expecting anything else, you made the wrong decision to buy a Wii. The embarrassing thing means you need blinds for your window. I wonder, do you say the same thing when you watch porn, and fap?

I only got it because of the games good chunk of games I wanted to try out. Did expect the controller to bother me, but it was even worse than I thought.

And what the fuck does masterbating have to do with this? It's something pretty much every male does, so I'm less secretive about it. What. Do you enjoy masterbating in public in the front of your neighbor's yard?
[quote name='ojsinnerz.' post='3700722' date='Jun 8 2011, 02:08 PM']I have lost all respect for Nintendo in the last few years, and the last conference was a big disappointment due to lacking F-Zero, Pikmin, the new project by Retro Studios, and no mention of xenoblade or last story in North America. Nothing but mario, mario kart, mario this mario that, Luigi's mansion (Which looks good), yet another SSB game that I won't care about, and bunch of other games that were expected since a long time ago.

The Weyou seems incredibly uninteresting to me, except for maybe looking at Zelda in 1080p. The whole concept of a "console-less console" is an idea that puzzles me. Consoles are meant to be played on TVs or some form of monitors. That's what handhelds are there for in the first place.

Sony, has somehow managed to make this brilliant device at an astoundingly low price, and the upcoming games for it look great. One big problem is that since I already happen to own a PS3, if I were given a choice between a Vita version and a PS3 version, I'd rather play it on the PS3 due to my 42 inch TV. The battery life will probably also be non-existant.

Get me a Ys game and a DJ Max game, and I'll be real happy.[/quote]
This is pretty much what I'm thinking. Though I will be picking up a PSV at launch for sure with a few games.
"The whole concept of a "console-less console" is an idea that puzzles me. Consoles are meant to be played on TVs or some form of monitors. That's what handhelds are there for in the first place."

Says it all for me.


You buy a console so you are not forced to play on the computer.

You buy a laptop so you are not forced to use a computer only at a single location.

My son's friend recently sold his 360 (kid simply had no more games to interest him). Anyway, that meant his 32 inch RCA lcd TV was no unemployed. So I asked them 'why not hook the computer to it (they share my son's system use). So son hooked it up. Sure makes a massive monitor :)

Games usually are more fun on a more epic viewing surface.

I don't see the point of running a big console that is immobile, and then playing it on a secondary viewer.
I prefer consoles with a big TV, what's the point of the WiiU having up to 1080p and not using it?
Portables with portability, home consoles with big TV.
Unless someone makes a portable console which uses holograms and you can play everywhere with big resulutions.
[quote name='ojsinnerz.' post='3701735' date='Jun 8 2011, 07:01 PM'][quote name='Sterling' post='3701692' date='Jun 8 2011, 04:38 PM'][quote name='ojsinnerz.' post='3701664' date='Jun 8 2011, 06:15 PM'][quote name='KingVamp' post='3701010' date='Jun 8 2011, 11:59 AM']Lost respect? Harsh when they only ones trying to have gaming play other ways.[/quote]
Haha oh wow.

I just want to sit down with my controller to play some video games, and not be forced to deal with tacked on motion controls that is nowhere near as accurate as tactile buttons. Not to mention, none of that waggling that looks embarrassing as hell.
Not to offend here, but if you were expecting anything else, you made the wrong decision to buy a Wii. The embarrassing thing means you need blinds for your window. I wonder, do you say the same thing when you watch porn, and fap?

I only got it because of the games good chunk of games I wanted to try out. Did expect the controller to bother me, but it was even worse than I thought.

And what the fuck does masturbating have to do with this? It's something pretty much every male does, so I'm less secretive about it. What. Do you enjoy masturbating in public in the front of your neighbor's yard?
It was in reference to the blinds part of the joke. Which you kinda missed. Something isn't embarrassing unless someone is there to see it. :/ I don't know why it would bother you. Especially since the waggling can be done many different ways. Standing up, sitting down, all it requires is a bit of adjustment.

The whole point of the handheld part of the system is so you can have your own game going on in the middle of your family's. It's a system for everyone plus U.
[quote name='ojsinnerz.' post='3700722' date='Jun 8 2011, 01:08 PM']The whole concept of a "console-less console" is an idea that puzzles me. Consoles are meant to be played on TVs or some form of monitors. That's what handhelds are there for in the first place.[/quote]

I apologize for missing this quote.

I understand where you are coming from - bigger is usually better.

One problem with consoles is that console games root you to a room. If you live in a large house, and your consoles are set up in the den/family room/game room, you're stuck in that one room. You can't play in the bedroom, bathroom, library, living room, dining room, back patio, etc.

The problem with portable gaming is that portable systems are underpowered. They can't deliver the same gameplay and graphics as their console counterparts. (Case in point: Look at how different the gameplay of MGS: Peace Walker for the PSP is versus MGS4 on the PS3).

A console-less console delivers console-quality gaming to anywhere in your house, without the need for multiple TV's.
[quote name='IBNobody' post='3701839' date='Jun 8 2011, 09:25 PM'][quote name='ojsinnerz.' post='3700722' date='Jun 8 2011, 01:08 PM']The whole concept of a "console-less console" is an idea that puzzles me. Consoles are meant to be played on TVs or some form of monitors. That's what handhelds are there for in the first place.[/quote]

I apologize for missing this quote.

I understand where you are coming from - bigger is usually better.

One problem with consoles is that console games root you to a room. If you live in a large house, and your consoles are set up in the den/family room/game room, you're stuck in that one room. You can't play in the bedroom, bathroom, library, living room, dining room, back patio, etc.

The problem with portable gaming is that portable systems are underpowered. They can't deliver the same gameplay and graphics as their console counterparts. (Case in point: Look at how different the gameplay of MGS: Peace Walker for the PSP is versus MGS4 on the PS3).

A console-less console delivers console-quality gaming to anywhere in your house, without the need for multiple TV's.

the PSV will change that to a certain extent. We will see if Nintendo can attract "hardcore" gamers they lost this generation.
Wouldn't a game look exactly like what on TV on the controller?

I heard in a video, that it makes it better.

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