
a few weeks ago i smoked weed for the first time evar. the second i was asked i thought should i then i said yes. it was amazing, i cant evan remember the rest of the night it was great though and we played video games the rest of the night. BEST NIGHT EVER. have you guys ever smoked weed?


[quote name='Guild McCommunist' post='3575068' date='Apr 6 2011, 06:58 PM'][quote name='Uncle FEFL' post='3575051' date='Apr 7 2011, 03:48 AM']@Guild: You speak as if marijuana is just a "don't give a fuck" drug. If someone does it daily, that's just that person not giving a fuck, not the weed. The weed helps him/her, though.[/quote]

It's a crutch for the weak who lack the ability to feel "chill" or "relaxed" on their own. It's something that "compensates" for an inability put on yourself.

Lol what? It's not a crutch at all. I'm able to perfectly not do weed and still be relaxed. I do it because I like the feeling I get like my eyes feeling heavy, and that I'm able to not be shy around people I don't know like I usually am.

People say weed is bad for you, but I've made more friends this year ever since I started it, then I did my entire school career.
Also I should state that while I have associates who are regulars and have partaken myself on occasion, marijuana just doesn't do anything for me.

This is true of other mind-altering substances as well (such as alcohol) which I seem to have a fairly high resistance to.
[quote name='Uncle FEFL' post='3575051' date='Apr 6 2011, 10:48 PM'][quote name='pokefreak2008' post='3574908' date='Apr 6 2011, 06:54 PM']nope cause i've seen the terrors that drugs can cause first hand. my sister did weed, meth, and pot and i saw how fucked up she was luckily she quit and is back to normal or at least as normal as she can. so after seeing that i decided i will never do any drugs except maybe liquor when i turn 21 and once in a good while after that[/quote]

It wasn't the weed, or the pot (:P) that fucked her up, it was the meth.

@Guild: You speak as if marijuana is just a "don't give a fuck" drug. If someone does it daily, that's just that person not giving a fuck, not the weed. The weed helps him/her, though.

@whoever thinks people who smoke for "a good time" are boring: You're usually wrong too. It's an enhancer, not a source.

My personal view towards marijuana is: "I don't care. I just won't do it now or ever." Towards every other drug, "It should be legal and regulated. The fact that drug-taking is a federal crime is retarded. It should only be illegal when it hurts others besides you, like alcohol. They should also be prohibited to athletes."
i know but im still never doing drugs at all due to that prime example especially cause she threatened to chop my balls off if i do :blink:
As a previous user, I can tell you that weed is not a crutch but an enhancer. Now I have been clean from pot for 2 years only because I chose to stop because it does cost a lot of money as you accumulate usage.
I've done it a few times, although the last time was in November. Getting high is rather enjoyable but meh, I can have fun without it. A bunch of kids at my school smoke weed, a lot of them are dumbasses. I have a friend who smokes weed often, but I have no problem with it.
Weed, imo, isn't as bad as alcohol health-wise and it doesn't make you violent or stupidly brave. However, it's illegal and expensive, so it's a good idea to stay away from it (alcohol too). Speaking from experience here.

There's better things to do with your time -- like video games (or studying, lol).
[quote name='Uncle FEFL' post='3575051' date='Apr 6 2011, 10:48 PM'][quote name='pokefreak2008' post='3574908' date='Apr 6 2011, 06:54 PM']nope cause i've seen the terrors that drugs can cause first hand. my sister did weed, meth, and pot and i saw how fucked up she was luckily she quit and is back to normal or at least as normal as she can. so after seeing that i decided i will never do any drugs except maybe liquor when i turn 21 and once in a good while after that[/quote]

It wasn't the weed, or the pot (:P) that fucked her up, it was the meth.

@Guild: You speak as if marijuana is just a "don't give a fuck" drug. If someone does it daily, that's just that person not giving a fuck, not the weed. The weed helps him/her, though.

@whoever thinks people who smoke for "a good time" are boring: You're usually wrong too. It's an enhancer, not a source.

My personal view towards marijuana is: "I don't care. I just won't do it now or ever." Towards every other drug, "It should be legal and regulated. The fact that drug-taking is a federal crime is retarded. It should only be illegal when it hurts others besides you, like alcohol. They should also be prohibited to athletes."

Drinking kills you, in many different ways. It can kill your personal life, it kills your liver and your brain, and it can kill someone else if you get behind the wheel and run someone over or cause some sort of accident where you walk out alive and kill someone in the process. Nothing is bad for you in moderation, but there are a lot of substances worth then drinking or smoking a joint once and a while that should be dealt with rather then trying to put all drugs into the same bag. You are impaired no matter what substance you take though, some are just harder on your body and even more addictive. Drinking or smoking pot are not bad for you at all in moderation, and it's all about control. I can easily control how much I drink, I can go a few weeks without drinking and then randomly decide to go buy a 6 pack of beer and kick back on the deck in the summer and drink my cold beers on a weekend, maybe cook up a steak and a baked potato as well. It's the same for people I know who smoke pot, most of them don't feel the need to smoke it every single day or multiple times in a day, it's a sign of an addiction when you need to do it more then once in a few day period. If you get completely shit faced 6 out of 7 nights a week, you are an alcoholic, you get stoned 6 out of 7 nights in a week, you are a drug addict, simple.

I think there are bigger fish to fry then worrying about pot smokers really, they are no more harmful then people who drink, but like alcohol it needs to be regulated and distributed by the proper hands, not by the guy with a grow op in your apartment building or something. Worry about the meth, coke, LSD, acid and heroin addicts, not the pot heads. People involved with harder drugs are more likely to be involved with the drug trade themselves anyway, or the users can be traced back to their suppliers easier then finding out who the distributor is for the guy selling some weed to a few of his close friends.
Recently, for the first time, a Federal agency admitted marijuana usage has ANTI-TUMOR EFFECTS. ANTI-TUMOR EFFECTS. But on March 29th, they backpedaled. From a washington post article:

For a brief time earlier this month, the National Cancer Institute, a branch of the federal government’s National Institutes of Health, had posted a webpage touting the possible benefits of marijuana in fighting cancer tumors. But less than two weeks after it went up, the webpage was altered and the approving words stricken.


I smoke weed every day, there is nothing wrong with it.
i have been smoking weed everyday since im 16 (im 20 now) never had any problem related to it , and before a started smoking i was sooo lazy and didnt care about anything but me and didnt want to do anything (i liked doing nothing all day and hated shcool) after taht,i was talking to anyone and was like the guy who could be the friend of anybody without trouble lol , i always wanted to do something and everythning is fun or at least "do-able" lol , didnt affected anything school related (ho and btw i NEVER sell any kind of drug and i wont do that i dont like it )

normally i smoke 14g to an 1 oz a week (of reaaaaly good weed) , but i lost my job some week ago (nothing drug realted lol i could work high where i was (and i work better high and i dont look like i am lol)) and i didnt smoke for 2 week , BUT im though enough not to "need" it ... so i just drink some coffe until i can buy some more lol

tl:dr been smoking for 4 years everyday without any problems and everything was nicer on weed lol
[quote name='DSGamer64' post='3575096' date='Apr 6 2011, 11:13 PM'][quote name='Uncle FEFL' post='3575051' date='Apr 6 2011, 10:48 PM'][quote name='pokefreak2008' post='3574908' date='Apr 6 2011, 06:54 PM']nope cause i've seen the terrors that drugs can cause first hand. my sister did weed, meth, and pot and i saw how fucked up she was luckily she quit and is back to normal or at least as normal as she can. so after seeing that i decided i will never do any drugs except maybe liquor when i turn 21 and once in a good while after that[/quote]

It wasn't the weed, or the pot (:P) that fucked her up, it was the meth.

@Guild: You speak as if marijuana is just a "don't give a fuck" drug. If someone does it daily, that's just that person not giving a fuck, not the weed. The weed helps him/her, though.

@whoever thinks people who smoke for "a good time" are boring: You're usually wrong too. It's an enhancer, not a source.

My personal view towards marijuana is: "I don't care. I just won't do it now or ever." Towards every other drug, "It should be legal and regulated. The fact that drug-taking is a federal crime is retarded. It should only be illegal when it hurts others besides you, like alcohol. They should also be prohibited to athletes."

Drinking kills you, in many different ways. It can kill your personal life, it kills your liver and your brain, and it can kill someone else if you get behind the wheel and run someone over or cause some sort of accident where you walk out alive and kill someone in the process. Nothing is bad for you in moderation, but there are a lot of substances worth then drinking or smoking a joint once and a while that should be dealt with rather then trying to put all drugs into the same bag. You are impaired no matter what substance you take though, some are just harder on your body and even more addictive. Drinking or smoking pot are not bad for you at all in moderation, and it's all about control. I can easily control how much I drink, I can go a few weeks without drinking and then randomly decide to go buy a 6 pack of beer and kick back on the deck in the summer and drink my cold beers on a weekend, maybe cook up a steak and a baked potato as well. It's the same for people I know who smoke pot, most of them don't feel the need to smoke it every single day or multiple times in a day, it's a sign of an addiction when you need to do it more then once in a few day period. If you get completely shit faced 6 out of 7 nights a week, you are an alcoholic, you get stoned 6 out of 7 nights in a week, you are a drug addict, simple.

I think there are bigger fish to fry then worrying about pot smokers really, they are no more harmful then people who drink, but like alcohol it needs to be regulated and distributed by the proper hands, not by the guy with a grow op in your apartment building or something. Worry about the meth, coke, LSD, acid and heroin addicts, not the pot heads. People involved with harder drugs are more likely to be involved with the drug trade themselves anyway, or the users can be traced back to their suppliers easier then finding out who the distributor is for the guy selling some weed to a few of his close friends.

Actually LSD is safe but its expensive as hell.

I know because I had to do a project on it.
[quote name='pokefreak2008' post='3574908' date='Apr 6 2011, 09:54 PM']nope cause i've seen the terrors that drugs can cause first hand. my sister did weed, meth, and pot and i saw how fucked up she was luckily she quit and is back to normal or at least as normal as she can. so after seeing that i decided i will never do any drugs except maybe liquor when i turn 21 and once in a good while after that[/quote]
fist, weed and pot are the same thing.
second, alcohol is so much worse for you than pot (definitely stay away from meth tho, i did it by accident once and it was crazy but i dont plan on doing it again). Alcohol can actually kill you or cause liver damage, where pot has never killed anyone and has even been shown to prevent cancer and alzheimers. Ok drugs to do in my book are: marijuana, LSD, mescaline, DMT, and psilocybin. These drugs are practically harmless and are really fun, however i would suggest to stay away from most other drugs.

Also to everyone that say pot makes you a dumbass, well Ive smoked it everyday for the past 3ish years; i'm also graduating with a 3.8 GPA and attending NCSU next year. Most of what you hear about it is bullshit that was most likely told to you by someone who hasn't really experienced it. I know more people that smoke and do other drugs and have enjoyable lives than people who do and have ruined their lives.
Well to be fair, if you're taking your marijuana via blunt, over time you'll likely cause lung damage simply due to smoke inhalation.

Not as bad for you as alcohol or tar-based cigarettes, but still worse than say vaporizing.
[quote name='Urza' post='3575109' date='Apr 6 2011, 11:22 PM']Well to be fair, if you're taking your marijuana via blunt, over time you'll likely cause lung damage simply due to smoke inhalation.

Not as bad for you as alcohol or tar-based cigarettes, but still worse than say vaporizing.[/quote]
bong or vape is the way to go. I never smoke blunts, *snip*
[quote name='DeathStrudel' post='3575105' date='Apr 7 2011, 03:20 AM'][ Ok drugs to do in my book are: marijuana, LSD, mescaline, DMT*, and psilocybin*. These drugs are practically harmless and are really fun, however i would suggest to stay away from most other drugs.

Also to everyone that say pot makes you a dumbass, well Ive smoked it everyday for the past 3ish years; i'm also graduating with a 3.8 GPA and attending NCSU next year. Most of what you hear about it is bullshit that was most likely told to you by someone who hasn't really experienced it. I know more people that smoke and do other drugs and have enjoyable lives than people who do and have ruined their lives.[/quote]

i second both thing he said lol (bw if i made mistake while writing is not because im dumb it is because i formally speak french )

*i never tried dmt and psilocybin but i would add DXM if you do it right

edit: ho and i only smoke in a bong or in a vape lol see above post for why xD
[quote name='DeathStrudel' post='3575112' date='Apr 6 2011, 08:24 PM'][quote name='Urza' post='3575109' date='Apr 6 2011, 11:22 PM']Well to be fair, if you're taking your marijuana via blunt, over time you'll likely cause lung damage simply due to smoke inhalation.

Not as bad for you as alcohol or tar-based cigarettes, but still worse than say vaporizing.[/quote]
bong or vape is the way to go. I never smoke blunts, *snip*

A good vaporizer is the absolute safest way.
[quote name='Guild McCommunist' post='3575068' date='Apr 6 2011, 07:58 PM'][quote name='Uncle FEFL' post='3575051' date='Apr 7 2011, 03:48 AM']@Guild: You speak as if marijuana is just a "don't give a fuck" drug. If someone does it daily, that's just that person not giving a fuck, not the weed. The weed helps him/her, though.[/quote]

It's a crutch for the weak who lack the ability to feel "chill" or "relaxed" on their own. It's something that "compensates" for an inability put on yourself.
I think you should do a little more research from what you've been doing.
[quote name='pokefreak2008' post='3574908' date='Apr 6 2011, 09:54 PM']nope cause i've seen the terrors that drugs can cause first hand. my sister did weed, meth, and pot and i saw how fucked up she was luckily she quit and is back to normal or at least as normal as she can. so after seeing that i decided i will never do any drugs except maybe liquor when i turn 21 and once in a good while after that[/quote]
Weed, meth AND pot???
HOLY SHIT cuz like, two of those are THE EXACT SAME THING.
Also, meth is in a totally different ballpark.

I see a lot of people scared of pot... and a lot of people who could use some education on it.
Weed doesn't make you a loser, being a loser makes you a loser.
Weed doesn't screw up your life, the choices you make do.

[quote name='Urza' post='3575074' date='Apr 6 2011, 11:01 PM'][quote name='Guild McCommunist' post='3575068' date='Apr 6 2011, 07:58 PM'][quote name='Uncle FEFL' post='3575051' date='Apr 7 2011, 03:48 AM']@Guild: You speak as if marijuana is just a "don't give a fuck" drug. If someone does it daily, that's just that person not giving a fuck, not the weed. The weed helps him/her, though.[/quote]

It's a crutch for the weak who lack the ability to feel "chill" or "relaxed" on their own. It's something that "compensates" for an inability put on yourself.
That's like saying video games are a crutch for the weak who lack the ability to be entertained on their own.
[/quote]150% true.
I have a strong hatred for drugs, and while it may not be as absurdly harmful as other drugs, a drug is a drug and using it without purpose is pathetically pointless. I can understand it from a medicinal standpoint, but not for casual use.
I also hate the smell, and have never seen a truly intelligent pothead.
I'm sure not every pothead is a useless moron, but i'll say right now i've never seen a truly intelligent individual indulge in drugs of any kind.

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