gay bashing /hate

i don't know why so many are against people that are gay, i'm gay and proud of it my whole family against it but i don't care it their own opinion not mine. even some christian are against it some not all but some.( GOD must be bi or gay cause he did make man first then woman ) (just joking) . love knows no bounds people who are homophobia's get over it

i follow my own path no cant tell me different, the only person that can is me


[quote name='Gaydrian' post='3271453' date='Nov 17 2010, 06:21 PM'][quote name='431unknown' post='3271450' date='Nov 17 2010, 11:20 PM']I wish more people would become gays and lesbians perhaps then ther would be less morons walking around the world.[/quote]
Have you not seen Ellen?
She is not the least bit entertaining and I don't mean that they the gays and lesbians are morons. I mean there would eventually be less morons in general because how are they going to procreate?

There should be a law say if your a moron you must be gay. Jk. :lol:
[quote name='Sephxus' post='3271458' date='Nov 17 2010, 06:24 PM'][quote name='431unknown' post='3271450' date='Nov 17 2010, 03:20 PM']I wish more people would become gays and lesbians, perhaps then there would be less morons walking around the world.[/quote]
People don't chose to be homosexual.

People don't choose to be morons either, yet a vast majority on this site choose to bash people who ask what you might consider to be a dumb question. Simply because you know something they don't.

Sorry for the double post.
what with the hates if they are gay so what let them be i just lol at them if they are but i am not against them cuz the are good lol material
[quote name='431unknown' post='3271461' date='Nov 18 2010, 12:25 AM'][quote name='Gaydrian' post='3271453' date='Nov 17 2010, 06:21 PM'][quote name='431unknown' post='3271450' date='Nov 17 2010, 11:20 PM']I wish more people would become gays and lesbians perhaps then ther would be less morons walking around the world.[/quote]
Have you not seen Ellen?
She is not the least bit entertaining and I don't mean that they the gays and lesbians are morons. I mean there would eventually be less morons in general because how are they going to procreate?

There should be a law say if your a moron you must be gay. Jk. :lol:
Yes but our generation would still be screwed because it would take decades for the gay morons to die off. Your plan is fatally flawed.
[quote name='Thoob' post='3271456' date='Nov 17 2010, 03:23 PM']Funny how all of the above arguments are completely invalid. God is imaginary, and the . But if you say that homosexuality is not even mentioned in the Bible, never mind condemned, you are completely and unequivocally wrong. Homosexuality is a capital crime in the Bible. This isn't based on various interpretations of the Bible - it says many, many times that gays should be executed. There is no argument.

If you want to be homosexual, that's your choice. It is a personal choice that is in your own mind, and it affects you and you alone. Other people may bash you for it, but really, why should you care? It is your decision of how you will live your life, not how they live their life.[/quote]
Your argument is also invalid because you have no proof that the "Bible was written by ruthless men who wanted to frighten the common people of the day." This is simply your own assumption. Everyone is entitle to their own opinions and beliefs. How can yours be greater than others?

Homosexual people actually promote that homosexuality is biological. It is not a choice. They are born as they are. We see this an nature all the time. Gay Penguins Article
[quote name='Thoob' post='3271456' date='Nov 17 2010, 11:23 PM']Funny how all of the above arguments are completely invalid. God is imaginary, and the Bible was written by ruthless men who wanted to frighten the common people of the day.[/quote]
There is so much evidence that it's true.
Look up the Assyrian king Sargon. There was a time when people thought he did not exist, as they had not found evidence of him, though the Bible had mentioned him. Evidence has since been found and he's now one of the most well known kings.
I agree with Sephxus' first statement; because you don't believe it doesn't mean you're any more correct with your opinion.

It seems that any discussion about this type of thing invariably leads to religious debate. There should be an amendment to Godwin's law about it.
well, this blog post has officially went to hell.

i remember when theology actually had meaning to it. that passage was not a condemnation of homosexuality and you shouldn't just read a sentence in the bible and assume it refers to either heaven or hell.

So wait a minute . If homosexuality is biological and not a choice then we should help fund a cure for such a sad disorder. I mean would you want your children to be inflicted with such a horrible milady. I think it's worth funding research. I think that's something we can all get behind religious or not
[quote name='Pliskron' post='3271493' date='Nov 17 2010, 06:39 PM']So wait a minute . If homosexuality is biological and not a choice then we should help fund a cure for such a sad disorder. I mean would you want your children to be inflicted with such a horrible milady. I think it's worth funding research. I think that's something we can all get behind religious or not[/quote]
what makes you think homosexuality is bad?
@Pliskron Let me give you some perspective.
Replace homosexuality with another biological trait:
So wait a minute . If being black is biological and not a choice then we should help fund a cure for such a sad disorder. I mean would you want your children to be inflicted with such a horrible milady. I think it's worth funding research. I think that's something we can all get behind religious or not.
So wait a minute . If being a woman is biological and not a choice then we should help fund a cure for such a sad disorder. I mean would you want your children to be inflicted with such a horrible milady. I think it's worth funding research. I think that's something we can all get behind religious or not
I am personally against gays however I'm not a complete douche about it (I know some who are) and I do have some friends who are gay.
[quote name='Pliskron' post='3271493' date='Nov 17 2010, 06:39 PM']So wait a minute . If homosexuality is biological and not a choice then we should help fund a cure for such a sad disorder. I mean would you want your children to be inflicted with such a horrible milady. I think it's worth funding research. I think that's something we can all get behind religious or not[/quote]

That was the most asinine thing I have ever read.
[quote name='Sephxus' post='3271503' date='Nov 18 2010, 12:47 AM']@Pliskron Let me give you some perspective.
Replace homosexuality with another biological trait:
So wait a minute . If being black is biological and not a choice then we should help fund a cure for such a sad disorder. I mean would you want your children to be inflicted with such a horrible milady. I think it's worth funding research. I think that's something we can all get behind religious or not.
So wait a minute . If being a woman is biological and not a choice then we should help fund a cure for such a sad disorder. I mean would you want your children to be inflicted with such a horrible milady. I think it's worth funding research. I think that's something we can all get behind religious or not[/quote]

Being black or a woman isn't a disorder but being autistic or having downs syndrome or being gay is a disorder. It's abnormal for someone to want to have sex with a partner of the same sex. It's innocuous on the scale of disorders but it's something that I bet you could screen for and perhaps even cure in the future. It's certainly worth doing if possible. Seriously, how many parents would chose that type of disorder for their child. Now I really wouldn't mind if my child was female but it seems to me that your argument is bordering on "it's ok because God made them that way". That seems kind of a backward argument to me.
[quote name='ProtoKun7' post='3271485' date='Nov 17 2010, 05:36 PM'][quote name='Thoob' post='3271456' date='Nov 17 2010, 11:23 PM']Funny how all of the above arguments are completely invalid. God is imaginary, and the Bible was written by ruthless men who wanted to frighten the common people of the day.[/quote]
There is so much evidence that it's true.
Look up the Assyrian king Sargon. There was a time when people thought he did not exist, as they had not found evidence of him, though the Bible had mentioned him. Evidence has since been found and he's now one of the most well known kings.
I agree with Sephxus' first statement; because you don't believe it doesn't mean you're any more correct with your opinion.

It seems that any discussion about this type of thing invariably leads to religious debate. There should be an amendment to Godwin's law about it.
I can use the same type of argument for a different book. Harry Potter mentions London. London can be proven to be a real place therefore the book must be true.

[quote name='Advi' post='3271498' date='Nov 17 2010, 05:44 PM'][quote name='Pliskron' post='3271493' date='Nov 17 2010, 06:39 PM']So wait a minute . If homosexuality is biological and not a choice then we should help fund a cure for such a sad disorder. I mean would you want your children to be inflicted with such a horrible milady. I think it's worth funding research. I think that's something we can all get behind religious or not[/quote]
what makes you think homosexuality is bad?
As far as I'm concerned it's a good thing. It slows down overpopulation.
[quote name='Pliskron' post='3271521' date='Nov 17 2010, 06:57 PM'][quote name='Sephxus' post='3271503' date='Nov 18 2010, 12:47 AM']@Pliskron Let me give you some perspective.
Replace homosexuality with another biological trait:
So wait a minute . If being black is biological and not a choice then we should help fund a cure for such a sad disorder. I mean would you want your children to be inflicted with such a horrible milady. I think it's worth funding research. I think that's something we can all get behind religious or not.
So wait a minute . If being a woman is biological and not a choice then we should help fund a cure for such a sad disorder. I mean would you want your children to be inflicted with such a horrible milady. I think it's worth funding research. I think that's something we can all get behind religious or not[/quote]

Being black or a woman isn't a disorder but being autistic or having downs syndrome or being gay is a disorder. It's abnormal for someone to want to have sex with a partner of the same sex. It's innocuous on the scale of disorders but it's something that I bet you could screen for and perhaps even cure in the future. It's certainly worth doing if possible. Seriously, how many parents would chose that type of disorder for their child. Now I really wouldn't mind if my child was female but it seems to me that your argument is bordering on it's ok because God made them that way. That seem kind of a backward argument to me.
1/10. try again~
[quote name='Pliskron' post='3271521' date='Nov 17 2010, 04:57 PM'][quote name='Sephxus' post='3271503' date='Nov 18 2010, 12:47 AM']@Pliskron Let me give you some perspective.
Replace homosexuality with another biological trait:
So wait a minute . If being black is biological and not a choice then we should help fund a cure for such a sad disorder. I mean would you want your children to be inflicted with such a horrible milady. I think it's worth funding research. I think that's something we can all get behind religious or not.
So wait a minute . If being a woman is biological and not a choice then we should help fund a cure for such a sad disorder. I mean would you want your children to be inflicted with such a horrible milady. I think it's worth funding research. I think that's something we can all get behind religious or not[/quote]

Being black or a woman isn't a disorder but being autistic or having downs syndrome or being gay is a disorder. It's abnormal for someone to want to have sex with a partner of the same sex. It's innocuous on the scale of disorders but it's something that I bet you could screen for and perhaps even cure in the future. It's certainly worth doing if possible. Seriously, how many parents would chose that type of disorder for their child. Now I really wouldn't mind if my child was female but it seems to me that your argument is bordering on "it's ok because God made them that way". That seems kind of a backward argument to me.
How is being gay a "disorder"?
[quote name='Pliskron' post='3271521' date='Nov 17 2010, 03:57 PM']*snip*
Being black or a woman isn't a disorder but being autistic or having downs syndrome or being gay is a disorder. It's abnormal for someone to want to have sex with a partner of the same sex. It's innocuous on the scale of disorders but it's something that I bet you could screen for and perhaps even cure in the future. It's certainly worth doing if possible. Seriously, how many parents would chose that type of disorder for their child. Now I really wouldn't mind if my child was female but it seems to me that your argument is bordering on it's ok because God made them that way. That seem kind of a backward argument to me.[/quote]
I never said homosexuality was a disorder that is your own understanding. Let ask you why do you so strongly believe that homosexuality is abnormal? Provide me some proof of this? Here's mine to prove you wrong:
I can cite books too. :creep:
PS - I don't want to include God. God's probably mad and tired.
[quote name='RoMee' post='3271388' date='Nov 17 2010, 06:44 PM'][quote name='Advi' post='3271376' date='Nov 17 2010, 05:37 PM']no it doesn't. homosexuality is not once mentioned in the bible.

and OP i'm gay and proud too :3. i'm happy for you, keep on truckin'.[/quote]

Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.
If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.

what does these verse from the bible teach?? love??
and it's these teaching that god worshipers used to justify their hate

I call it how I see it..and this is coming from someone who used to live with a preacher
and have read the whole bible..yes the whole bible

I lived in a about 5 different states, and guess what they're all the same

might i add

Leviticus 19:19 (King James Version)
19Ye shall keep my statutes. Thou shalt not let thy cattle gender with a diverse kind: thou shalt not sow thy field with mingled seed: neither shall a garment mingled of linen and woollen come upon thee.

this says that people cannot wear clothes of mixed fabric. point is, people pick and choose what of the bible what they want to believe.

i condemn all of you who wear mixed clothes of mixed fabrics! damn you cotton and polyester shirts! damn you all to hell!
You want to spend my tax dollars ending homosexuality? I'd rather spend that money on educating the ignorant
[quote name='Urza' post='3271528' date='Nov 18 2010, 01:01 AM'][quote name='Pliskron' post='3271521' date='Nov 17 2010, 04:57 PM'][quote name='Sephxus' post='3271503' date='Nov 18 2010, 12:47 AM']@Pliskron Let me give you some perspective.
Replace homosexuality with another biological trait:
So wait a minute . If being black is biological and not a choice then we should help fund a cure for such a sad disorder. I mean would you want your children to be inflicted with such a horrible milady. I think it's worth funding research. I think that's something we can all get behind religious or not.
So wait a minute . If being a woman is biological and not a choice then we should help fund a cure for such a sad disorder. I mean would you want your children to be inflicted with such a horrible milady. I think it's worth funding research. I think that's something we can all get behind religious or not[/quote]

Being black or a woman isn't a disorder but being autistic or having downs syndrome or being gay is a disorder. It's abnormal for someone to want to have sex with a partner of the same sex. It's innocuous on the scale of disorders but it's something that I bet you could screen for and perhaps even cure in the future. It's certainly worth doing if possible. Seriously, how many parents would chose that type of disorder for their child. Now I really wouldn't mind if my child was female but it seems to me that your argument is bordering on "it's ok because God made them that way". That seems kind of a backward argument to me.
How is being gay a "disorder"?
Ah I'm glad you asked. We can all pretty much agree that you're born gay and it's not a choice. So it's obvious that if you're born that way then something must have gone wrong during fetal development. If something happens during fetal development to cause someone to be gay then I'd imagine that a cause could be indemnified. If a cause can be identified then you should be able to screen for it and find a cure at some point. Now I can guarantee if you could screen for it then 99% of parents would choose not to have a gay child. It pretty obvious that being gay isn't the natural order of things and of course these people shouldn't be hated for something that they didn't choose.

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