Spirit day.

My friends were claiming that they wear purple on the day "for love, for raising awareness of bullying of homosexuals etctetc"

So I gave them this question:
"You support suicide? You support loss of lives, as long as the person is a homosexual?"

Now im sort of debating on dA because they dont seem to get my views.
Your views?

well its 21102010 here so... oh hey, my $2 note is purple. hmm


its a day to commemorate 10 teenagers who committed suicide due to bullying cause they were gay.
why do people never explain what they say

i dont get what you mean, could you mind enlightening me?
because the thing is i dont get people who kill themselves because they couldn't take it any longer. what about the ones that are alive, then?
It's awareness for the stuff that caused the suicide so it can be stopped (thus helping the living ones).

It's not about the suicide itself, as you seem to think.
You said it yourself, it's
raising awareness of bullying of homosexuals
I don't see how that "supports" suicide. It doesn't, just like the pink ribbon doesn't "support" breast cancer. This Soul Day thing is supposed to condemn and protest bullying, and less bullying woud difinitely benefit those that are alive.

(BTW, October is also the breast cancer awareness month.)

If someone commits suicide, he needed help obviously. People committing suicide could not help themselves, they don't see another solution on their own. There might very well be a solution to just about any problem, but they just did not see it. They needed help and nobody gave it to them, or even saw that they needed help.

My uncle committed suicide 5 years ago. I still feel somewhat guilty.
hrm, okay...

just dont get why the people over there speak of the victims very highly. like they... did the right thing... for having endured it for so long.
[quote name='Veho' post='3216376' date='Oct 21 2010, 05:30 PM']You said it yourself, it's
raising awareness of bullying of homosexuals
I don't see how that "supports" suicide. It doesn't, just like the pink ribbon doesn't "support" breast cancer. This Soul Day thing is supposed to condemn and protest bullying, and less bullying woud difinitely benefit those that are alive.

(BTW, October is also the breast cancer awareness month.)


its just that the site mentioned inside that site (http://www.glaad.org/spiritday)mentioned that "Spirit Day honors the teenagers who had taken their own lives in recent weeks. "
so i just infer that the primary concern is to honor gay teenagers who committed suicide due to bullying. by "honoring" them, aren't they in turn giving the message that "as long as you 're gay and bullied by others for your sexual preference, you can do anything and be a 'hero'"

there is this
" it's also a way to show the hundreds of thousands of LGBT youth who face the same pressures and bullying, that there is a vast community of people who support them."
so honoring dead... (for lack of a better word) cowards, is a way to show the ones alive today, that "there are people who accept you"? that honoring suicide will raise awareness on the matter?

...but that's just what i think.
[quote name='iPikachu' post='3216307' date='Oct 21 2010, 03:57 AM']its a day to commemorate 10 teenagers who committed suicide due to bullying cause they were gay.[/quote]
Say what now? really?
Look, it was to raise awareness and be part of the community and to mourn those who took their own lives.

It's not that homosexuals think that they would be honoured for committing suicide or braving the homophobic bullying that came their way.
[quote name='iPikachu' post='3216579' date='Oct 21 2010, 03:53 PM']aren't they in turn giving the message that "as long as you 're gay and bullied by others for your sexual preference, you can do anything and be a 'hero'"[/quote]
A bunch of the people wearing purple shirts got together for a group photo in the cafeteria at my school, and they all gathered around my table.

So in the yearbook there is gonna be a picture of a bunch of people wearing purple shirts, and in the middle will be me with my back to them wearing my "God Hates Us" A7X shirt/ :blink:
[quote name='hobo33' post='3217517' date='Oct 21 2010, 06:51 PM']A bunch of the people wearing purple shirts got together for a group photo in the cafeteria at my school, and they all gathered around my table.

So in the yearbook there is gonna be a picture of a bunch of people wearing purple shirts, and in the middle will be me with my back to them wearing my "God Hates Us" A7X shirt/ :blink:[/quote]
That made me lol. XD

It's not supposed to mean committing suicide was the right thing to do. They're honoring their lives, not their deaths, and want to prevent bullying and in turn prevent more suicides.
I can see what the TC means by supporting the suicides.

On Facebook, all the groups and events made had the same copypasta'd description.

"Wear purple on Oct. 20th to support the recent suicides due to gay abuse! People who are bullied need help, blah blah blah"
I don't think it supports suicide at all. It is against bullying.
I understand what you are saying i think but this day is not to make the people who killed themselves seem like saints, but it is to show that bullying is bad and problems can result.

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