oh look a random blog entry.
today was the fist day of my third year at school.
it started with rain which = me thinking "yesss go classroom"
then i realized we would have to go to the hall because o levels were over.
then my father drove me and my sister to our schools, usually i would be dropped off first but the right road was littered with cars so my sister went to her school.
When i reached my school gate the discipline master + a few teachers were already there to check boys' hair (fringe mustn't be touching eyebrows)
then i went to the foyer looking at all the secondary ones, they looked like lost sheep lol (except for the ones who came with siblings)
then for some reason only the secondary ones had to go to the hall while the rest went to classrooms...
but my classroom is on the 4th floor AGAIN... (they seem to shift classes every year, when i was secondary one my next year class was supposed to be on the 1st floor, turns out it shifted to 4th/top floor, at the very end of a classroom block, then this year it shifted to one level below.)
up until 10:00 (from 8am) was some class admin, like who's the chairman etc. i got nominated but its troublesome so i said no eheheheh
and because i appealed into the class my name wasnt on the name list UNTIL my teacher read what i wrote on the CCA list and realise my name wasn't there. so for now im last ;_; (44)
at 10:00 we had humanities but my friends all went to geography.. ffffff history isnt hard... meh. strangely my teacher had this ground rule : MUST bring water bottle to class....
at 11 we finally had recess >_> so hungry. but turns out my favourite food is gone.(bread with cheese and egg.) went to buy some fish-tofu instead.
afterwards was science(chemistry) and for some reason i took 8 minutes to climb the stairs (and buy a pen) and got warned with 7+ other late students by the teacher.. meh.
and finally from 12 pm was art *w*
a different teacher than last year, turns out my last year's teacher had retired.
she's strict but erm.. nevermind.( a lot of students except a few dont like the teacher because she's really strict, even though she gives a lot of chances)
in the end there were only 2+2+2+2 = 8 +- people in the art class... and only first two (me and my friend) chose it as first choice, the rest had chosen food & nutrition or design and technology. we wasted 45+ minutes simply waiting for those other people to come because the classroom was in this situated far away place that most students didnt know it existed ( plus its next to a supposedly haunted rifle range thing, its locked) and many thought it was held at the ground level classroom.
so for our art lesson we had to draw a peanut for the teacher to gauge our skills.
i drew around 4 (because i had to use scissors to cut it and it broke into peices >_>) but seeing my classmate's work i dont know whether to laugh or cry, one was drawing the outline, shading it, then drawing criss-crosses into the shaded shape, another had unfinished outlines/parts on her paper. my friend only drew one because he was doing (supposedly, i got seperated from him so i couldnt se he draws so small) details on his drawing.
when we were finished one student asked whether we could draw anime >_> after my teacher had said we were going to draw portraits next lesson.
then lastly she showed us some o level work last year, apparently one entry comprises nothing realted to drawing, but photoshop...
i was quite skeptical because its.. just.. so.. meh. its like anyone could do it. the only thing that convinced me otherwise was her preparatory studies which were filled with her pictures, not sketches.. so yeah.
after school i went to buy macdonalds.
today was the fist day of my third year at school.
it started with rain which = me thinking "yesss go classroom"
then i realized we would have to go to the hall because o levels were over.
then my father drove me and my sister to our schools, usually i would be dropped off first but the right road was littered with cars so my sister went to her school.
When i reached my school gate the discipline master + a few teachers were already there to check boys' hair (fringe mustn't be touching eyebrows)
then i went to the foyer looking at all the secondary ones, they looked like lost sheep lol (except for the ones who came with siblings)
then for some reason only the secondary ones had to go to the hall while the rest went to classrooms...
but my classroom is on the 4th floor AGAIN... (they seem to shift classes every year, when i was secondary one my next year class was supposed to be on the 1st floor, turns out it shifted to 4th/top floor, at the very end of a classroom block, then this year it shifted to one level below.)
up until 10:00 (from 8am) was some class admin, like who's the chairman etc. i got nominated but its troublesome so i said no eheheheh
and because i appealed into the class my name wasnt on the name list UNTIL my teacher read what i wrote on the CCA list and realise my name wasn't there. so for now im last ;_; (44)
at 10:00 we had humanities but my friends all went to geography.. ffffff history isnt hard... meh. strangely my teacher had this ground rule : MUST bring water bottle to class....
at 11 we finally had recess >_> so hungry. but turns out my favourite food is gone.(bread with cheese and egg.) went to buy some fish-tofu instead.
afterwards was science(chemistry) and for some reason i took 8 minutes to climb the stairs (and buy a pen) and got warned with 7+ other late students by the teacher.. meh.
and finally from 12 pm was art *w*
a different teacher than last year, turns out my last year's teacher had retired.
in the end there were only 2+2+2+2 = 8 +- people in the art class... and only first two (me and my friend) chose it as first choice, the rest had chosen food & nutrition or design and technology. we wasted 45+ minutes simply waiting for those other people to come because the classroom was in this situated far away place that most students didnt know it existed ( plus its next to a supposedly haunted rifle range thing, its locked) and many thought it was held at the ground level classroom.
so for our art lesson we had to draw a peanut for the teacher to gauge our skills.
i drew around 4 (because i had to use scissors to cut it and it broke into peices >_>) but seeing my classmate's work i dont know whether to laugh or cry, one was drawing the outline, shading it, then drawing criss-crosses into the shaded shape, another had unfinished outlines/parts on her paper. my friend only drew one because he was doing (supposedly, i got seperated from him so i couldnt se he draws so small) details on his drawing.
when we were finished one student asked whether we could draw anime >_> after my teacher had said we were going to draw portraits next lesson.
then lastly she showed us some o level work last year, apparently one entry comprises nothing realted to drawing, but photoshop...
i was quite skeptical because its.. just.. so.. meh. its like anyone could do it. the only thing that convinced me otherwise was her preparatory studies which were filled with her pictures, not sketches.. so yeah.
after school i went to buy macdonalds.