
Well, I haven't had a job since the summer I turned 16, and I feel stupid always asking my mom for money to do anything, even though she was the reason I don't have a job now. I'm turning 18 this summer, so I've been talking to my mom, and she said I could apply for a job anywhere I wanted to (She's my means of transportation to and from work until I get my license, so I wouldn't have been able to just apply for it without her consent).

So, I went on the website of a store I'm interested in working for, and I submitted my contact information (Name, Phone, E-mail) and a few comments on why I want to work. The store is a video game, music, and movie retailer. They have a few locations in Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Illinois, and the one closest to me is 5 minutes away. I've visited the store many times, usually to buy NES or N64 games, and the employees are friendly and helpful.

If I can get a job there, I'd be extremely happy. I'll be able buy things I want (More expensive things, like a Pandora, or saving up for an HDTV) without having to wait until my birthday or Christmas. Plus I can support myself by buying my own food and other necessities. My mom goes shopping often, but she never buys anything I ask her to, even if she writes it down on her shopping list. On top of that, it's a good start for when I eventually move out and get a full-time job (So basically, good preparation for being an adult).

Most people hate growing up, but I think it's exciting and full of different opportunities. Sure, playing games and hanging out with friends a lot is fun, but maturity is more important. I mean, I'll still be gaming and socializing later in life, but not as much as now.


I'm thinking of maybe getting a job too, so I can buy more stuff, but I don't want to go through all the hassle of applying for one somewhere, waiting for a long time just to hear you can't work there D:

Well, it's probably not as bad as that, but I just don't want to spend my precious time on working D:
I've been in the job market myself for a while, with only minimal luck so far. Thinking of a different approach from now on since my current system clearly isn't working, and therefore nor am I. I wish you good luck in the hunt. If you should happen to find some good luck, spare a little for poor old me if you can.
[quote name='Blaze163' post='2872503' date='May 29 2010, 09:29 PM']I've been in the job market myself for a while, with only minimal luck so far. Thinking of a different approach from now on since my current system clearly isn't working, and therefore nor am I. I wish you good luck in the hunt. If you should happen to find some good luck, spare a little for poor old me if you can.[/quote]

I totally agree with you there >.> if it's not down on paper for you but it is for someone else (i.e some qualifications and such) you have no chance against that person which is retarded because even if it's not down on paper you may still be able to do the job better and trying to get your first job? fucking hell that's retardedly difficult where I am and a stupidly long process, even the job center is useless. >.>
People think I'm crazy for quitting the three jobs I had that paid $600-800 a week. I don't know why.
[quote name='Twiffles' post='2872533' date='May 29 2010, 09:45 PM']People think I'm crazy for quitting the three jobs I had that paid $600-800 a week. I don't know why.[/quote]

You are crazy O.o that's alot of money.

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