get over an ex

Hello tempers

you probably won't know me, I'm almost never posting
but I'm visiting this site daily, and will post more in the future

but you know, I feel bad the last couple of months
A couple of months ago my ex girlfriend left me, with only the message she is not in love with me anymore
We are still friends, but for me it just isn't the same
I am jalous for nothing, feel bad about being single
most people say to me I must find another girlfriend, but I know it just isn't going to work
I'm still in love with my ex very much
I game more now to forget about it, but it is not the solution I want
Do any of you guys know to handle this?

Thanks and respect for reading this


[quote name='wessel261' post='2819052' date='May 10 2010, 05:55 PM']Do any of you guys know to handle this?[/quote]
Ask Danny Dyer.
you'll be fine mate, just act normal around her, and focus on other girls. there's no point to keep loving her, because she isn't in love with you any more. It took a while for me to get over my ex as well, but gaming is certainly not the solution. That's just avoiding the problem. Tackle the problem right on, and you'll find that your problems are over much sooner.
I think you need to talk about it. You don't precisely know why she left you.
'Why isn't she in love with you anymore for example.'
It could leave you insecure because i think you have so many questions to ask her.

Also, do still being friends won't make it harder to come over her?
[quote name='scrtmstr' post='2819094' date='May 10 2010, 06:24 PM']you'll be fine mate, just act normal around her, and focus on other girls. there's no point to keep loving her, because she isn't in love with you any more. It took a while for me to get over my ex as well, but gaming is certainly not the solution. That's just avoiding the problem. Tackle the problem right on, and you'll find that your problems are over much sooner.[/quote]
She lives like 100 km from me (zij in noord brabant, ik in flevoland), so that's not a problem
I know gaming isn't the solution, and I'm not addictid to gaming
I am addicted to not feel bad when I game

[quote name='Sanderino' post='2819104' date='May 10 2010, 06:29 PM']I think you need to talk about it. You don't precisely know why she left you.
'Why isn't she in love with you anymore for example.'
It could leave you insecure because i think you have so many questions to ask her.

Also, do still being friends won't make it harder to come over her?[/quote]
We talked about it a lot
and we still do
but we both don't know what caused it
too bad or else I could work on it
And it is as you said, I feel insecure
And it might be harder to come over her while being friends, but I think I can't handle without her
[quote name='wessel261' post='2819133' date='May 10 2010, 07:42 PM']We talked about it a lot
and we still do
but we both don't know what caused it
too bad or else I could work on it
And it is as you said, I feel insecure
And it might be harder to come over her while being friends, but I think I can't handle without her[/quote]

You don't have to feel insecure. Sometimes, love just ends.
You can also handle without her. It's just hard the first weeks..
You need to go on. Time heals the deepest wounds.

All above what I've posted might sound harsh and cliché to you, but it isn't, it's the truth.

Good luck. feel free to write stuff off off you in your blogs.
[quote name='wessel261' post='2819133' date='May 10 2010, 07:42 PM'][quote name='scrtmstr' post='2819094' date='May 10 2010, 06:24 PM']you'll be fine mate, just act normal around her, and focus on other girls. there's no point to keep loving her, because she isn't in love with you any more. It took a while for me to get over my ex as well, but gaming is certainly not the solution. That's just avoiding the problem. Tackle the problem right on, and you'll find that your problems are over much sooner.[/quote]
She lives like 100 km from me (zij in noord brabant, ik in flevoland), so that's not a problem
I know gaming isn't the solution, and I'm not addictid to gaming
I am addicted to not feel bad when I game
allright that's not really a problem then ;) Would you mind telling me the place where she lives? (I live in Noord-Brabant as well)
Just take your time dude, but don't take to long ;) as sanderino said, time heals the deepest wounds.

Good luck and keep writing blogs about it if you want;)
Female opinion ahead.

You're right that gaming isn't the solution, but it's not necessarily making things worse unless you are neglecting work or school for gaming. Any reasonable, focused, dedicated person can have a successful lifestyle that includes a lot of gaming, for instance, one of my friends on world of warcraft for the past 4 years is an emergency room doctor and he manages to maintain top item-level gear for his mage which takes a serious guild commitment and 25+ hours a week of WoW. However a few times a year he takes a holiday from WoW to travel or if he has to change to the evening shift. And he still finds time to host cocktail parties and cook...
Anyway what I'm getting at is, gaming as a lifestyle is not unhealthy in and of itself, but being unable to make sacrifices from it is.

If you can cope with your heartbreak by using games to distract yourself, that's a much healthier thing than drinking or gambling or drugs. But..

you need to be able to get to the point where you can take a break from games and not feel miserable about the girl again.
and try to take a break now and then to do other things you enjoy. if you like having a beer with friends or something invite them over sometimes.

once you get to the point where she's not on your mind when you're having fun with other people, maybe you can try to make new friends with other women. just don't let them remind you of her in a way that makes you sad, and don't talk about her to them unless you're comfortable and familiar with the new lady and they ask you about her first. (that doesn't apply to women you already know especially if they knew you when you were with her.) and if you already know some women that you feel comfortable with they may see you in a new light if you recover well from your heartbreak, or they may take it upon themselves to match you up with a friend.

i know it can be hard to be optimistic when you still have feelings for someone who doesn't feel the same anymore, but -
there are plenty of fish in the sea..
that's what my first love's father told me when his son broke up with me in 1999. i couldn't wrap my brain around it back then because I was 15, but time passed quickly and other boys crossed my path and I moved on.
[quote name='scrtmstr' post='2819312' date='May 10 2010, 07:37 PM'][quote name='wessel261' post='2819133' date='May 10 2010, 07:42 PM'][quote name='scrtmstr' post='2819094' date='May 10 2010, 06:24 PM']you'll be fine mate, just act normal around her, and focus on other girls. there's no point to keep loving her, because she isn't in love with you any more. It took a while for me to get over my ex as well, but gaming is certainly not the solution. That's just avoiding the problem. Tackle the problem right on, and you'll find that your problems are over much sooner.[/quote]
She lives like 100 km from me (zij in noord brabant, ik in flevoland), so that's not a problem
I know gaming isn't the solution, and I'm not addictid to gaming
I am addicted to not feel bad when I game
allright that's not really a problem then ;) Would you mind telling me the place where she lives? (I live in Noord-Brabant as well)
Just take your time dude, but don't take to long ;) as sanderino said, time heals the deepest wounds.

Good luck and keep writing blogs about it if you want;)
I would rather not tell that, this is the internet after all;)

[quote name='exangel' post='2819452' date='May 10 2010, 08:39 PM']Female opinion ahead.

You're right that gaming isn't the solution, but it's not necessarily making things worse unless you are neglecting work or school for gaming. Any reasonable, focused, dedicated person can have a successful lifestyle that includes a lot of gaming, for instance, one of my friends on world of warcraft for the past 4 years is an emergency room doctor and he manages to maintain top item-level gear for his mage which takes a serious guild commitment and 25+ hours a week of WoW. However a few times a year he takes a holiday from WoW to travel or if he has to change to the evening shift. And he still finds time to host cocktail parties and cook...
Anyway what I'm getting at is, gaming as a lifestyle is not unhealthy in and of itself, but being unable to make sacrifices from it is.

If you can cope with your heartbreak by using games to distract yourself, that's a much healthier thing than drinking or gambling or drugs. But..

you need to be able to get to the point where you can take a break from games and not feel miserable about the girl again.
and try to take a break now and then to do other things you enjoy. if you like having a beer with friends or something invite them over sometimes.

once you get to the point where she's not on your mind when you're having fun with other people, maybe you can try to make new friends with other women. just don't let them remind you of her in a way that makes you sad, and don't talk about her to them unless you're comfortable and familiar with the new lady and they ask you about her first. (that doesn't apply to women you already know especially if they knew you when you were with her.) and if you already know some women that you feel comfortable with they may see you in a new light if you recover well from your heartbreak, or they may take it upon themselves to match you up with a friend.

i know it can be hard to be optimistic when you still have feelings for someone who doesn't feel the same anymore, but -
there are plenty of fish in the sea..
that's what my first love's father told me when his son broke up with me in 1999. i couldn't wrap my brain around it back then because I was 15, but time passed quickly and other boys crossed my path and I moved on.
first I have to say, I have so much respect for you for typing all that for me
thank you :)
I am not addicted to a specific game, just gaming in general, I play what I want to keep myself thinking from her
and also my gaming isn't affecting my school business
even better, school is also a good distraction for everything
I really enjoy going to school (in my study to become a teacher physics, and I also give lessons even though I'm 1st years (18 years old))
Gaming isn't my lifestyle, it was first, I changed when I met her
and I am trying not to fall back to have gaming as my lifestyle
I know myself well enough to know it could happen, but school and friends keep me from it
also about the other addictions:
-I haven't ever smoked, not thinking of it, and I am against it
-I have never used drugs, and I am strong against thad
-I have never been drunk, and am not planning on that, I only drink alcohol like once or twice a week, but only for the good taste, not for the alcohol :)
I'm not ready yet to see other girls, I keep comparing them to my ex, and always my ex is better in my eyes....
I'm still too much in love to let it go
[quote name='wessel261' post='2819052' date='May 10 2010, 05:55 PM']Hello tempers

you probably won't know me, I'm almost never posting
but I'm visiting this site daily, and will post more in the future

but you know, I feel bad the last couple of months
A couple of months ago my ex girlfriend left me, with only the message she is not in love with me anymore
We are still friends, but for me it just isn't the same
I am jalous for nothing, feel bad about being single
most people say to me I must find another girlfriend, but I know it just isn't going to work
I'm still in love with my ex very much
I game more now to forget about it, but it is not the solution I want
Do any of you guys know to handle this?

Thanks and respect for reading this[/quote]

This happens to me right now. exactly the same.
Though you don't wanna do what I want to do, kill myself.
I hope you'll find a good solution!
[quote name='Issac' post='2819514' date='May 10 2010, 09:07 PM'][quote name='wessel261' post='2819052' date='May 10 2010, 05:55 PM']Hello tempers

you probably won't know me, I'm almost never posting
but I'm visiting this site daily, and will post more in the future

but you know, I feel bad the last couple of months
A couple of months ago my ex girlfriend left me, with only the message she is not in love with me anymore
We are still friends, but for me it just isn't the same
I am jalous for nothing, feel bad about being single
most people say to me I must find another girlfriend, but I know it just isn't going to work
I'm still in love with my ex very much
I game more now to forget about it, but it is not the solution I want
Do any of you guys know to handle this?

Thanks and respect for reading this[/quote]

This happens to me right now. exactly the same.
Though you don't wanna do what I want to do, kill myself.
I hope you'll find a good solution!
I feel bad for you
really it sucks
but I don't ever want to do what you said
life is too precious!!!!
You can't just take away what is made with love
I have had the privilege to live, and should use it to the fullest
(I have gotten this way of thinking from my past;))
I think you should never kill yourself
If you let yourself live, it will reward you
I am not a believer in a god, allah or something
I just believe what I think is right in my believings
And I think every person who lives should use their lives to the fullest
please try to think for another solution :)
I'm 1000% shure there is something better :)
[quote name='Prowler485' post='2819060' date='May 10 2010, 06:00 PM']Eh. I got over one of my ex's the same day.[/quote]
Was she a chav?
[quote name='wessel261' post='2819507' date='May 10 2010, 01:04 PM']first I have to say, I have so much respect for you for typing all that for me
thank you :)
I am not addicted to a specific game, just gaming in general, I play what I want to keep myself thinking from her
and also my gaming isn't affecting my school business
even better, school is also a good distraction for everything
I really enjoy going to school (in my study to become a teacher physics, and I also give lessons even though I'm 1st years (18 years old))
Gaming isn't my lifestyle, it was first, I changed when I met her
and I am trying not to fall back to have gaming as my lifestyle
I know myself well enough to know it could happen, but school and friends keep me from it
also about the other addictions:
-I haven't ever smoked, not thinking of it, and I am against it
-I have never used drugs, and I am strong against thad
-I have never been drunk, and am not planning on that, I only drink alcohol like once or twice a week, but only for the good taste, not for the alcohol :)
I'm not ready yet to see other girls, I keep comparing them to my ex, and always my ex is better in my eyes....
I'm still too much in love to let it go[/quote]
You're welcome.
You seem like you've got a strong will, just give it time, your heart will follow.
a man doesnt forgive

a man doesnt forget

a man accepts and carries the weight on his shoulders

you cannot escape fate but thats still not a reason to run after it
and if i was you i wouldnt stay friends with her
being friends-only with a individual your attracted too sexually sucks
[quote name='GentleFist' post='2819659' date='May 10 2010, 11:03 PM']and if i was you i wouldnt stay friends with her
being friends-only with a individual your attracted too sexually sucks[/quote]

+1. Every time this shit happened to me, I just tried to forget everything, and to move on. If it was possible, I tried to interrupt every contact with my ex, even if I loved her more than my very life. It takes time, but everything heals. I'm now friends with almost every ex-girlfriend I had, and there's absolutely no tension between us, nothing. You should try this, and if she cares about you she'll be the one to come back to you. If she doesn't, move on. Stop caring. Cry for a couple of days, punch something, hang out with your friends. Forget her, while remembering the feelings she made you feel. Remember the good times, forget the bad ones. You'll soon learn to love again.
[quote name='ProtoKun7' post='2819549' date='May 10 2010, 09:22 PM']she[/quote]
If she's gonna break up with you and not reason then she isn't worth it, No one deserves that.

What helped me get over my ex is to do things before you went out with each other, hang out with friends, go cinema or play games with friends :P

I'm sorry if the first part sounded a little harsh but you sound like a nice and kind person and it isn't nice when someone like this gets left for no reason.
In my opinion you can't be friends with the last ex ........
You see i'm sure etheir form her side or yours feelings still remain....

What i advise you to do is be more with your other friends try to hook up with e new one.......
And do things that you like and helps you to pass your time

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