Ranting Rayder and his warped views on DS gaming...

Welcome to my very first blog that I've written anywhere in the history of the internet. I should probably tell you to prepare to be offended. I wrote this to vent, not to offend anyone directly. If Nintendo is god to you, you probably won't like this blog and should just skip it. I'm probably doing it wrong as far a blogs go, but here we go anyway.....

I have to say, I avoided Nintendo systems for many years because I don't care for all the cutesy games that tend to exist on their systems. I went the other way with gaming, I was into my C64 or Sega Genesis or PS1 or 3D0, and then PC. You know, the systems with (at least the choice of) a variety of "cool" games to play that a more serious-minded person could get into that isn't all flower-and-bunnies all the time. I did play some decent games on the NES and SNES at friend's houses, but there was never enough different games that interested me (not to mention my interest in the "other" systems at the time) to actually convince me to purchase either of those Nintendo systems. When Nintendo started sanitizing games on the SNES, I just stopped bothering to even pay attention to what they were doing after that. I totally skipped over the N64 and Gamecube altogether and have never seen more than just fragmented snippets of gameplay from a few games in real life on either of them. I don't own a Wii either, and likely never will. I just don't care about them. The few good games I may have missed are nothing compared to the slew of pure crap I'd have to sift through to find the games I might actually like. Besides, I can just emulate most of it on my PC if I want to play any of that stuff now anyway.

I finally broke down and bought a GBA SP because I wanted a portable gaming unit that I could be sure would be around awhile. Unbeknown to me at the time, that was about a year before the DS released. I liked the GBA more-or-less, it had some actual cool games for it. There was a lot of fluffy-foo-foo I had to sift through to find them, but the cool games were there in much greater abundance than the DS has ever managed. And even though GBA isn't supported anymore and DS has a few times more games out for it, the GBA still has at least twice as many "cool" games compared to the DS, IMO.

When the DS released, I bought one within a month of release, stupidly thinking there would be some more cool games made for it too, like there was for the GBA. I was wrong. While there is the occasional game I like on the DS, they are VERY far and few between, and none that are like, "OMG F'ing SWEET!" at all. I stuck to mostly playing GBA games on it for a long time before any games I really liked (and flashcarts) came out for the DS.

The DS has been a very....meh...system to me. Every game I play on the DS has to be played with lowered expectations to be enjoyable. That feeling happens to a much larger extent on the DS compared to any previous gaming system I've ever owned before. I keep waiting for a good shmup, or cool platformer like Turrican to appear (don't tell about about MegaMan). I keep waiting for games that used to be considered staples of Nintendo like F-Zero and 2D Metroid and 3rd-party's like Street Fighter, Tekken or Gradius, etc. to be announced. But all I see is shovelware and RPG's and cutesy crap and movie-games and none of the no-brainer-type games that should have been released for the DS years ago and should still be a part of what gets released now. About the only thing that IS impressive to me about the DS is the flashcarts and how robust they are. That's pretty sad.

I expected to have to sift through a lot of games I don't like to get to the good games, especially on a Nintendo system. But my goodness! This 1 good game in 50+ ratio is really pathetic. And of those 49 games I detest and hate, about half of them are the very same games that actually sell? WTF?!? I mean, all you guys are going ga-ga over some game, and I boot it up to see what the hype is all about.....I play it......one eyebrows raises.....I play some more.....I start to make a face like I smelled something foul....I play some more....I shake my head and turn it off. I honestly don't get what you guys see in some of these games that's so damn interesting. To me, many of them are just.....Gah! Just boring with very little real action to them. Seriously, what's so great about them? (question is rhetorical, BTW) Too many games on the DS I play simply to have something to do, not because they were actually fun.

Now I remember why I always avoided Nintendo products for all those years. They like to say they cater to ALL gamers, but they don't. They cater to the fanboys they have carefully created and trained, the little kids who don't know any better and casual gamers who just seem to like crappy games....apparently, that's really about it. They only release a few token games for the mature gamer, usually by a 3rd-party. And by mature, I don't mean nudity and swearing and gore, I mean games that are cool and not full of cutesy talking animals and overly bubbly music. RPG's haven't really evolved any further than the graphics (especially on the DS) in decades. I've "been there, done that" way too many times (decades ago) to care about playing another cookie-cutter RPG again.....and I TRIED to like quite a few of them on DS, I really did, but I just don't. I'm burnt-out on RPG's, that's all there is to it I guess. And that's quite a large chunk of the DS's so-called "good game" library right there. If it wasn't for 3rd-party support and flashcarts, homebrew and emulators, I'd have tossed my DS in the trash years ago.

Now, I know that being a 42 year-old introverted heterosexual male, I'm not exactly the target demographic for any game system, especially since I apparently have drastically different tastes in games than almost anyone else that talks about games, even others my age......but they could at least make an attempt to appease us older gamers who were responsible for gaming being the phenomenon it is today. Not every person my age wants to play an FPS or MMO all the time, and most people my age certainly don't want to play a flower-and-bunny cutesy game with annoying music either. @Nintendo: There are other genres of games, you need to release some games for those lost genres too. And don't half-ass them like you've been doing when you do finally occasionally release one.

The games that people seem to think are so great these days just amaze me at how badly they actually suck. You guys have been corralled to a "null zone" where they tell you the game is great and that you are supposed to like it, and so then you guys suck them up like candy from a pinata. I can think of no other explanation than you guys have been brain-washed. It was a subtle mind-manipulation over the years, guiding the gamers into this insane "null zone" where a few certain genres of games are the ONLY games that people want to play anymore and all other genres are forgotten. It must have taken place during the N64 and Gamecube days, because I seem to be unaffected by this mass-euphoria that causes people to like crappy/cutesy/unoriginal/gimmicky/boring/tedious games.

Nintendo themselves have admitted they have lost touch with "core" gamers and that's been quite obvious to me for a long time. Notice they rarely ever say "hardcore", just "core" They cater to the casual crowd that will play almost any old shovelware tripe they slap together, not to true gamers anymore. They have somehow managed to lull people into thinking that boring unoriginal (or overly cute and gimmicky) games are innovative and special and worth bothering with. They have succeeded gloriously in fleecing the sheep they have flocked together and trained so carefully to like the bile they belch forth and are very rich for it.

I know there are many people who feel as I do. But most of the people like me don't hang out on gaming forums. Most of them have just given up on gaming or just stick to their emulators, wishing they could have more new games that they would actually like. Many of them don't have time for games anymore because of real-life. So we aren't a very vocal bunch, but we do exist.
Companies have spent so much time trying to direct what games people get to play and control their tastes to make them like such a narrow genre of games so much that they don't even listen to what gamers actually want anymore, nor do they care. They just keep fleecing their flock and to hell with the "black sheep" gamers who want something else besides the big dollar guaranteed seller game that actually sucks, but everyone else seems to be trained to like. Over the years, that has apparently taken a toll on a gamer's mentality to the point where they no longer have the ability to see that the games they are playing are crap.

I'm actually envious of you guys who are getting so much enjoyment out of the DS library. Where can I be brain-washed into liking all these crappy games that get released on the DS all the time? I want to have some games to play too.

I have purposely NOT named any games that I may consider total crap (there's just too many of them to list anyway). A flame war is NOT the point of this post. If this blog offends you severely, then I'm sorry to inform you that you obviously didn't read the whole thing, or you just didn't comprehend the message being conveyed. Either that, or you're one of the brain-washed millions who are trained to take offense to my opinions and this blog was not meant for you to take lightly. There are a lot of vague points and references made in this blog. I could clarify, but do you really want to read even more text? I doubt it. I'm sure this was more to read than you bargained for as it is.


I would read it... but it's too long.

"I was into my C64 or Sega Genesis or PS1 or 3D0, and then PC" i'd keep that on the quiet, true Turrican fans are likely to shoot you for not having an an Amiga.
I know what you mean, sometimes it feels like I'm forcing myself to play DS games, just because I have a flashcart, and I can. I hardly enjoy them.
I read it all! Yay!

I'm a long-time Amiga user, and a PC user after that. I've had a NES clone for a short period, but I played only a few titles on it (noticeably, Zelda II and Kirby) and then I actually went on to the PC. Never seriously owned a Nintendo system before the DS and the Wii. Got a GBA after I'd bought my DS, since there were a lot of games that enticed me.

Still, I've played a lot of the old games (especially the SNES ones) on emulators, and I've always liked a lot of 'em. It's probably because I'm young, and I'm probably more apt in trying different genres than a long-time formed gamer. I can't say I'm too fond of FPS and some other genres, but I do enjoy even those, occasionally.

Don't feel bad, remember that the DS is a strongly japanese-based console, and most of the "must-have" games are JRPGs, ActionRPGs et similia.

Sadly, I too miss the good ol' lost genres, like the Ultima games or the Zork saga. The truth is, that for big companies, those games are not viable anymore. They're better off producing a new Pokémon game, than a new Bard's Tale.

That's the face of today's gaming. I'm sure that a lot of genres which are current will probably disappear in the future, and the sad thing is that, nostalgic gamers and indie devs aside, no one will miss them.
hehe, what you say is so true
all the games that make this site sluggish on release are just horrible, i have no idea why people go batshit crazy over them

i've resigned myself to just using my ds for picross now days :P
wow.... I WAS gonna read the thread. but i didnt see the rest of the title that said "extremely long" soo.... im just gonna go now.... bye :D
I'm a massive faggot for RPGs, but even then, I still sold my DS.

The lack of any decent fighters or shmups made me VERY angry.
Well, That's one of the best blog posts i've ever read.

I agree with you, Nintendo has been quite a disappointment, yet i can't say they have always been like that since i spent my early childhood playing arcade games and their ports (On the top of my mind "Snow Bros", "Robocop", "Hammerin' Harry" "The Legend Of Kage" etc.) on NES in my case, and all i played by Nintendo on these years was "Super Mario Bros." and "Super Mario Bros. 3" like every other person did, So i can't really say much about that era...

I didn't realized how lame Nintendo could be until the GameCube... But i had hopes that Nintendo would do better on 7th generation, but i was really wrong. Wii doesn't appeals to me on any way, DS was just average, And i have absolutely no hopes on 3DS i know that it'll still be one generation behind.

Personally, I think the best shmup for the DS is "Ketsui Death Label" still it's a shame that nobody (Developers) cared about making more shmups for the DS. Also, One of the best games i've ever played on DS is "Flower, Sun and Rain" which you should try for fun but it seems that nobody liked it. anyways if you had never bought a DS you wouldn't be missing much hardcore gaming wise.

On the other hand i keep getting surprised cause Sega Genesis, Dreamcast, Sega Saturn, MSX, and so on, were so awesome in a way NES/SNES/N64 couldn't even try and they still are fun.

Looks like Nintendo only wants to make money, And they don't give a cent about true gamers...

Glad to see you think like that :D
[quote name='Rayder' post='2795680' date='May 1 2010, 03:39 AM']Nintendo themselves have admitted they have lost touch with "core" gamers and that's been quite obvious to me for a long time. Notice they rarely ever say "hardcore", just "core" They cater to the casual crowd that will play almost any old shovelware tripe they slap together, not to true gamers anymore. They have somehow managed to lull people into thinking that boring unoriginal (or overly cute and gimmicky) games are innovative and special and worth bothering with. They have succeeded gloriously in fleecing the sheep they have flocked together and trained so carefully to like the bile they belch forth and are very rich for it.[/quote]

i'd say nintendo never really had the "core" audience. they've always been family orientated (by family, i mean targeted at kids, whatever keeps the kids happy, keeps the parents happy). sure there's been a couple mature titles on nintendo systems over the years, but how many of them are actually mature (not hurr durr, look at all that blood), and out of them how many were actually succesful on a ninty platform? a greater deal of nintendo's success lies within titles like zelda, mario and pokemon. and for the ds so far, the biggest hype you'll see are for said games. they are by no means the hardest games, or visually great. they're just simple and straightforward.

though i guess it depends what you're looking for in a game, the ds is fine if you just want some titles with interesting controls and somewhat fun gameplay. but there's a lot more to games than that. the only reason i've got my current ds was because i got for rather cheap.
Most of that I agree with, but some I don't. TBH there are quite a few DS, Wii, etc. games I like, but for the most part Nintendo has completely ignored the true gamers. I think they mostly did it because thats the way they market now. Xbox and PS3 are going to get more market share because they advertise to both the hardcore and casual gamers. I think Nintendo needs to get their act together, and make things right on the 3DS, and the Wii2.
Sadly, most DS games do suck. On my DS, all of my games are either:
*I have beat the game 10 times, have 4 level 99 characgers with 999 health, 999 MP, 999 def, 999 mdef 999 atk 999 matk etc
*I beat the game once and it has no replay value
*I am stuck at 1 part and cant get past it
*I got bored with it

I use my DS mainly for MoonShell2...
To me, most of today's games feel way to 'corporate', and publishers have way to much power. Games like Brutal Legend are the exception, but then that was dropped by Activision.

You get the feeling that in the old days that developers could really hang it out there and do what they wanted to do.

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  • Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo:
    I like the fact that it takes a picture of what your doing lol (sarcasm)
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    They maybe useful for schools and such
  • ZeroT21 @ ZeroT21:
    i had enuf of gaming laptops, that's for sure, have like 7 broken ones still left in garage storage
  • Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo:
    Honestly they already have software that does that, it shouldn't be built into Windows
  • ZeroT21 @ ZeroT21:
    ah , dat recall BS
  • Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo:
    Yeah Laptops have always pissed me off
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    If you're an Indian call center you can access web cams 24/7
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    The tape will save me!
  • Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo:
    On a PC the GPU dies you can replace it, on a laptop there is like a 99.99% chance the whole thing is gone
  • ZeroT21 @ ZeroT21:
    microsoft support is entirely outsourced to india, to cut costs down to make more money
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Honestly Alienware fucked over gaming laptops they were so cool back in the day
  • Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo:
    Indian call centers are the epitome of tech savvy individuals.... Lol I wouldn't trust them with a pocket calculator
  • ZeroT21 @ ZeroT21:
    If lappy gpu dies, replacing/fixing is costs the same as getting a new one, because of the labour and skill required
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    If it means better airflow I want a system a little more chunky stop with all this paper thin bs
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    I was honestly hoping by this decade we'd replace paper with disposable lcd technologies
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    50pack of lcds for $5
  • ZeroT21 @ ZeroT21:
    even those M series macs, got fans because the chips generate so much heat, old intell ones had passive cooling
  • ZeroT21 @ ZeroT21:
    still remember days we had ibooks lol
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    I remember we got pdas in schools and everyone hacked them to play line rider and Pokémon yellow
  • Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo:
    Should have been playing gold
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    It was a palm TX iirc
  • ZeroT21 @ ZeroT21:
    i mostly remember palm, casio
  • ZeroT21 @ ZeroT21:
    but nokia phones were really everywhere
    ZeroT21 @ ZeroT21: but nokia phones were really everywhere