Please help me do a survey ...

Hi all GBAtempters!

Recently, my school came up with this project work whereby each team has to decide on a theme for their project. I've decided to do on global warming, and thus, I really need some help from you guys.

Basically, I need to collect real-life statistics from different people around different parts of the world, and GBATemp was the first forum I thought of (since I frequent it almost everyday). Although global warming has nothing got to do with gaming, but I hope you guys could take out 5 mins of your time to help me.

Here's the link to the survey

Thank you very much, and happy tempting :D



[quote name='scrtmstr' post='2711994' date='Mar 29 2010, 09:50 PM']filled it in, good luck with your project :grog:[/quote]

Thanks :D

[quote name='Hadriano' post='2712029' date='Mar 29 2010, 10:10 PM']Moved to blogs, doesn't really suit the EoF.[/quote]
Sorry. Didn't know it should be in blogs (cos it dun look like a blog post to me xD)

Thanks anyway :D
I did it. And it should really be about "climate change", not "global warming".
Thanks alot guys!
From 15 people to a sudden jump 50 ... Feel so happy :)

[quote name='Thoob' post='2712467' date='Mar 30 2010, 01:11 AM']I did it. And it should really be about "climate change", not "global warming".[/quote]
Point taken. I'll amend it at once. Thanks :)

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