
I don't know, I might be the crazy one, but I think censorship is never right. All of the censorship I've experienced personally in my life was "for the kids" or "for the parents of the kids", as if every parent who ever came across what was censored would be automatically incensed and parents who weren't were wrong. I've never agreed with people making decisions for other people, I'd guess that's the root of it all.

One time I was in an IRC channel and one of the regulars got banned because they said something that may have possibly ever been offensive specifically to females, and some white knight of virtue banned him. Meanwhile all of the numerous alleged ladies in the room commented on how they didn't feel it was that offensive.

Recently I was on another website making references to the Break-in City Tenacious D song, and happened to quote the line "That's what the guy was talkin a-SHIT", and somebody came in and edited the last word.

Every single piece of music with words just bleeped out or silenced I immediately delete, and I really wish there was an uncensored version of Rock Band that had all of the words in. Every time it gets to "I got this fuckin' thorn in my side" or "This aint a scene, it's a God Damn Arms Race" it irks me a little more.


I decided it would be too cruel a prank to censor your post :P

Censorship is, in my opinion, the right thing to do in some circumstances. I don't want to live in a world where toddlers first words are curse words, neither do I think it is fit for children to see gory death scenes in films.

Also, is 'God damn' even swearing? Here in the UK it's used very frequently, even by my teachers and students talking to teachers and so on... I guess we're all going to Hell then :rolleyes:
[quote name='sinkhead' post='1182430' date='Jun 1 2008, 01:31 PM']Also, is 'God damn' even swearing? Here in the UK it's used very frequently, even by my teachers and students talking to teachers and so on..[/quote]

Well we live something like the 3rd most secular county in the world after North Korea and Russia so I guess it's much less offensive here than in Jesusland across the atlantic. ;)

Have to say I couldn't believe it when I first heard that censored version. "This ain't a scene, it's a MMM MMM arms race" :rolleyes:
[quote name='sinkhead' post='1182430' date='Jun 1 2008, 08:31 AM']I decided it would be too cruel a prank to censor your post :P

Censorship is, in my opinion, the right thing to do in some circumstances. I don't want to live in a world where toddlers first words are curse words, neither do I think it is fit for children to see gory death scenes in films.

Also, is 'God damn' even swearing? Here in the UK it's used very frequently, even by my teachers and students talking to teachers and so on... I guess we're all going to Hell then :rolleyes:[/quote]
Duly noted.

Heaven forbid parents teach their children right from wrong in the first place, instead of relying on blinders.

I believe it falls under "blasphemy", and is censored so they don't recieve angry letters and boycotts from bible-thumpers.
the only thing i don't like is when stuff is taken out in games, the UK government seems to think for us and tell us what we should be seeing.
[quote name='RyukeDragon' post='1182544' date='Jun 1 2008, 03:21 PM']Heaven forbid parents teach their children right from wrong in the first place, instead of relying on blinders.[/quote]
This pretty much sums up the Western world at the moment, unfortunately :(

And when you think about it like that, you're right!
[quote name='jalaneme' post='1182548' date='Jun 1 2008, 10:26 AM']the only thing i don't like is when stuff is taken out in games, the UK government seems to think for us and tell us what we should be seeing.[/quote]
I still remember getting a Final Fight rom from europe and noticing the lack of the newhalf character, Poison.
Censorship is something that annoys me as well.

However I learned to import stuff from "less caring" parts of the world, use the internet/usenet/computers well enough to be outside of the consideration of the morons that implement it, hack computer games and make such abilities and knowledge/items freely available to anyone that wants it.
Who here, in this thread, besides me, has children?

I have four girls and a boy ... with ages ranging from 8 to 17 ... and I fully believe that what they watch/play should be restricted, whilst ensuring that they know why I, and/or their mother(s), have retricted/removed said things, and informed them of why particular things have been restricted, or simply not allowed, as well as giving details, and not simply just saying 'no' ...
[quote name='FAST6191' post='1182558' date='Jun 1 2008, 03:37 PM']knowledge/items freely available to anyone that wants it.[/quote]
Anyone that wants it I think is the keyword here. So like Bob Evil says, what kids watch/do should be restricted, because if they knew what it was that they weren't allowed to see (scary movies, porn) then they probably wouldn't want to see it at that age.
[quote name='sinkhead' post='1182579' date='Jun 1 2008, 10:48 AM'][quote name='FAST6191' post='1182558' date='Jun 1 2008, 03:37 PM']knowledge/items freely available to anyone that wants it.[/quote]
Anyone that wants it I think is the keyword here. So like Bob Evil says, what kids watch/do should be restricted, because if they knew what it was that they weren't allowed to see (scary movies, porn) then they probably wouldn't want to see it at that age.
Personally I think it's offensive that kids learn so little about reproduction, like sex was some black art done only under the cover of darkness.
I think age ratings should be legally enforced, simply because it helps weaken the 'think of the children' argument.

I also think it's strange there was seemingly more controversy over a hidden carry-on style depiction of consensual sex in a relationship in GTA than there was over mowing down cops and civilians with AKs.
[quote name='RyukeDragon' post='1182585' date='Jun 1 2008, 03:53 PM'][quote name='sinkhead' post='1182579' date='Jun 1 2008, 10:48 AM'][quote name='FAST6191' post='1182558' date='Jun 1 2008, 03:37 PM']knowledge/items freely available to anyone that wants it.[/quote]
Anyone that wants it I think is the keyword here. So like Bob Evil says, what kids watch/do should be restricted, because if they knew what it was that they weren't allowed to see (scary movies, porn) then they probably wouldn't want to see it at that age.
Personally I think it's offensive that kids learn so little about reproduction, like sex was some black art done only under the cover of darkness.

Wait 'til you have kids of your own, and wait for them to ask you about sex ... see how you feel about talking to them about it ...

I am frank with any of my children, when they come to me about any subject ... but talking about sex with 11 year old twins, a 13 year old and a 17 year old ... all girls ... is hard ... especially for a father ...

Once you have a bit more life under your belt, you will undertsand where I am coming from ...
Well , I agree with some , And agree with other.

The argument here is about censorship and I found myself many times HOPING I had it.

as a child I found myself atleast twice or more sad that one item didn't have censorship..
I found porn when I was 10 and it ruined my view of people , Sadly it ruined a long period in my life (about 3 month) , Yet I learnt to stay out of it , Sex has its time in life , No need to force it too soon or get too much close to it. Actually , About this one im happy I found it fast enugh to stay away from it.

Another thing which ruined some parts were the times where scary movies was ... Fun for the directors.
Every time you open a TV ... SCARE SHOW , SCARE MOVIE.. That freaked me out as hell , I was running in my house opening a light every time I pass thro the main hall or something.. Eventually I got over it but it did cover a tough period in my life.

But then agian , I was only little so im not surprised it hurt me that much , It gave me more knowledge about this world but ... Im sad I lost about 5 month on this crap , Wish it had better censorship....(except for the porn part where im not sure if im sad or happy becuase it did ruin a big period but yet it taught me to stay out of it.. ...)
I suppose when wants it tends to include also include the young kids most seem to want to protect I become the bad guy. The other thing would be said skills and knowledge also include stuff deemed dangerous for anyone who has not been vetted (explosives, pharmacology, electronics, weapons, locking/security). I normally do it under the guide of education (the thought process behind making an energetic reaction from "safe" components and making a decent explosive not that far apart after all and the latter being far more interesting to a great deal of people, likewise tihkal and pihkal did far more for me as far as chemistry is concerned than nearly all teachers I was taught by (both taught the reasoning behind naming schema and reasons for reactions)) but I doubt I am fooling many people.

I have no kids but I am that much older than a great deal of my younger siblings/extended family, this probably places me in the proverbial crazy uncle role though so my argument takes a big hit there. The counterpoint I would make it it the same people that taught me are those whose kids I am teaching stuff to.

Age: It really gets to me that something was supposed to happen when I hit 12, 15, 18 and 21 (vehicles here). A test would right out and a preemptive test with a unilateral age line (18 is the limit but take a test and we will drop it) is equally dubious in my eyes even if it is only because it is nigh on impossible to implement effectively.

Sex: Most adults I have known have been medically trained and more than a few have worked in clinics, obstetrics and gynecology type roles and all with a fierce opposition to religious dogma (which once the biology has been taken care of is pretty much all that is left) in this sense so I will resign myself partway from the argument.
[quote name='Bob Evil' post='1182590' date='Jun 1 2008, 10:57 AM']Wait 'til you have kids of your own, and wait for them to ask you about sex ... see how you feel about talking to them about it ...

I am frank with any of my children, when they come to me about any subject ... but talking about sex with 11 year old twins, a 13 year old and a 17 year old ... all girls ... is hard ... especially for a father ...

Once you have a bit more life under your belt, you will undertsand where I am coming from ...[/quote]
I believe it being hard to talk about sex with your young is a direct result of censorship. The concept of sex as something that is secretive is sheerly a product of this puratinistic group-think.
[quote name='RyukeDragon' post='1182670' date='Jun 1 2008, 05:50 PM'][quote name='Bob Evil' post='1182590' date='Jun 1 2008, 10:57 AM']Wait 'til you have kids of your own, and wait for them to ask you about sex ... see how you feel about talking to them about it ...

I am frank with any of my children, when they come to me about any subject ... but talking about sex with 11 year old twins, a 13 year old and a 17 year old ... all girls ... is hard ... especially for a father ...

Once you have a bit more life under your belt, you will undertsand where I am coming from ...[/quote]
I believe it being hard to talk about sex with your young is a direct result of censorship. The concept of sex as something that is secretive is sheerly a product of this puratinistic group-think.

couldn't agree more
Restriction and censorship aren't the same thing though. It was your parents job to keep you away from porn and scary movies as a child not the companies that make them. The big thing with censorship is that it is other people choosing what another adult can or cant see and that is wrong. Why should their opinion be more valid than mine? If something contains content that is worthy of censorship then a child has no place watching/playing it anyway, with or without the cuts.
i guess as long as video games are seem as something reserved for kids by the general opinion censorship won't stop
I hate the general opinion...
[quote name='spectral' post='1182678' date='Jun 1 2008, 11:59 AM']Restriction and censorship aren't the same thing though. It was your parents job to keep you away from porn and scary movies as a child not the companies that make them. The big thing with censorship is that it is other people choosing what another adult can or cant see and that is wrong. Why should their opinion be more valid than mine? If something contains content that is worthy of censorship then a child has no place watching/playing it anyway, with or without the cuts.[/quote]
So basically you're promoting a ban of books, movies, and games that contain any objectionable content at all? You're saying that no child should be taken to an art museum and see a replica of David? No child should see "Birth of Venus", regardless of any artistic merit? How about "God Creates Adam", by Michelangelo?

[quote name='Endogene' post='1182683' date='Jun 1 2008, 12:05 PM']i guess as long as video games are seem as something reserved for kids by the general opinion censorship won't stop
I hate the general opinion...[/quote]
Except that censorship spans almost all popular genres of media. TV, Movies, Music, Games.
[quote name='Endogene' post='1182673' date='Jun 1 2008, 04:58 PM'][quote name='RyukeDragon' post='1182670' date='Jun 1 2008, 05:50 PM'][quote name='Bob Evil' post='1182590' date='Jun 1 2008, 10:57 AM']Wait 'til you have kids of your own, and wait for them to ask you about sex ... see how you feel about talking to them about it ...

I am frank with any of my children, when they come to me about any subject ... but talking about sex with 11 year old twins, a 13 year old and a 17 year old ... all girls ... is hard ... especially for a father ...

Once you have a bit more life under your belt, you will undertsand where I am coming from ...[/quote]
I believe it being hard to talk about sex with your young is a direct result of censorship. The concept of sex as something that is secretive is sheerly a product of this puratinistic group-think.

couldn't agree more
[/quote]having to deal with it

You two are clueless ... seriously ... wait until you have kids, then come back and talk to me ... You know nothing about the subject until you are having to deal with it directly ... simple as that ... no experience = no valid opinion ...

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  • BG2CNT @ BG2CNT:
    oh right diddy
  • BG2CNT @ BG2CNT:
    i saw that from penguiz0's video
  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    The video that I linked is more in depth. If you enjoy watching a one hour video.
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    good night btw
  • BG2CNT @ BG2CNT:
    @SylverReZ like a hour long? that's a bit way too long but it depends, i have seem 1 hour long videos
  • BG2CNT @ BG2CNT:
    i have a fucked attention span and somehow i can watch those videos
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    its almost 11:30 pm and I should go to sleep c ya
  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    @Xdqwerty, Goodnight
  • BG2CNT @ BG2CNT:
    @Xdqwerty Goodnight
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    My Zelda character burned dinner and Link came home drunk and was pissed, slapped me, so I'm packing my bags and going to my sisters house. This game is crazy.
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    So these sound core a20is pretty good bass boost is stronger than I thought
  • BG2CNT @ BG2CNT:
    i downloaded echoes of the wisdom
  • BG2CNT @ BG2CNT:
    nintendo will sue me but i don't care
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    I'm sure you're on Nintendos hit list
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    When you play it, don't burn the dinner or Link will go apeshit.
  • BG2CNT @ BG2CNT:
    @K3Nv3 i don't give a shiet
  • BG2CNT @ BG2CNT:
    nintendo ninjas can't with my fists
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    I'm not on v3 yet
  • BG2CNT @ BG2CNT:
    oh wait
  • BG2CNT @ BG2CNT:
    yeah i need to get more anti sleep drugs
  • BG2CNT @ BG2CNT:
  • Michael-MSL @ Michael-MSL:
    good evening and morning
  • P @ placez:
    cant get my mig switch to work still getting cannot read files, after the light blinks
  • S @ shezagamer:
    S @ shezagamer: heyyyyyyyyy