AS/A-Level examz..

So anyone else doing AS examz?

I had Stats last week. It was OK. Biology yesterday, and it was FANTASTIC!!
Now I have chemistry tomorrow. Looking forward to it.

I got my last exam on friday, Maths C1 and C2.

So far my opinion about A-level differs from almost everyone. Everyone said that A-level is hard and blah blah... I think its not hard at all. You have to listen what the teachers say in the class room and perhaps spend time going through the classwork at home. I really enjoyed the year. I had enough time to socialize with my friends. I am doing 4 A-levels by the way:
Biology, chemistry, maths and sociology. I was advised to do Sociology for extra UCAS points because its suppose to be "easy". And I personally find it the hardest...

Side question, I need money. Is it wrong to use my girlfriends money? Actually, I dont want to borrow, I just need some money during the holidays...


I thought the Biology paper I sat on monday was pretty hard, mainly because it was mainly questions from a section I hadn't thoroughly revised.
What exam boards u doing? OCR have been dicks with their maths papers, this year's papers have by far been harder than all previous years :/
Am doing, Biology (AQA), Chemistry(OCR), Maths(Edexcel) and Sociology(AQA).
I totally forgot that I have got Biology Unit 2 tomorrow.

What exam board?
I did AQA, and everyone said it was hard. I went through the questions with my mates and teacher.
I had two 10-hour exams on GCE Applied ICT Double Award so it's worth 2 A-levels. Exam board's Edexcel BTW. Both are about databases and networking. I really hate Microsoft Access so even though I revised a lot about it, I still found it hard. Setting macros, forms, and stuff that isn't even necessary in life. But I managed to do it.

The networking one is much easier because we get research time so we get to research for the answers and we just have to put it in our own words.

At the end of the exams, I asked myself "Now I know why it's worth 10 hours..."
boah, 10 hours for an exam is pretty long.
But hey, i spent about that time just revising two chapters(Heart/lungs and diseases) for biology within 2 days.

I hate the fact that we have to attend college till 3rd of july..

fuck man give us a break...
[quote name='Kamui' post='2024172' date='Jun 3 2009, 04:38 PM']boah, 10 hours for an exam is pretty long.[/quote]
Also, it wasn't like 10 hours per exam. It was halved so I had it in 4 days (1 exam for 2 days). Even the teachers would go crazy if it the exams were done 10 hours straight. Also, it is actually enough. You would think that the questions would take short to answer (there were like 6 questions and each question is worth an hour, some 2 hours)

I'm just expecting at least a C for both, then I'm guaranteed to go to uni. :)
[quote name='Kamui' post='2024172' date='Jun 3 2009, 04:38 PM']I hate the fact that we have to attend college till 3rd of july..[/quote]
Now why is that?
Why the hell would you wanna stay in college after all the exams are over..
I mean come on man, I spent so much extra time revising, and we didnt get off time for study leave. So I had to attend classes and also revise at home.

Aparently we are visiting Unis next week, and the two weeks afterwards we are doing some project. I have the option to go to any of these four projects:
History of East End,
Rocket Science,
Healthy Eating, and
Biology field trip.

(All of them except the last one soundz boring)
[quote name='Kamui' post='2024195' date='Jun 3 2009, 04:53 PM']Why the hell would you wanna stay in college after all the exams are over..
I mean come on man, I spent so much extra time revising, and we didnt get off time for study leave. So I had to attend classes and also revise at home.

Aparently we are visiting Unis next week, and the two weeks afterwards we are doing some project. I have the option to go to any of these four projects:
History of East End,
Rocket Science,
Healthy Eating, and
Biology field trip.

(All of them except the last one soundz boring)[/quote]
I actually asked why you had to stay for that long.

That reminds me, when I was in secondary school, we didn't get study leave. So the stupid principal forced us to go to classes to "revise". That went for a month. Oh what a boring month that was.
[quote name='mcp2' post='2023794' date='Jun 3 2009, 12:41 PM']What exam boards u doing? OCR have been dicks with their maths papers, this year's papers have by far been harder than all previous years :/[/quote]

I did OCR chemistry this morning. Goddamn it was such a pain. The new syllabus is so much harder and I don't appreciate them trying to "educate" us by heavily basing most of the questions on the enviroment. (Catalytic converters, CCS, ozone depletion etc)

I'm finally free though :D
Ooh, I has Maths C1 and C2 tomorrow, along with Physics Unit 2 (which is, would you believe it, mechanics) :\. Someone come and save me, 3 exams in one day is too much, and they're all maths-based :(. Thankfully that's it, and I then have next week off!

What exam boards u doing? OCR have been dicks with their maths papers, this year's papers have by far been harder than all previous years :/
Aha, Edexcel have done the same. When we all walked out of our M1 exam 2 weeks ago we all said to each other, 'retake in January?' XD. It was completely ridiculous, I missed out 2 whole questions on an 8 question paper (that's a quarter of the marks gone already lol). Hopefully there'll be lower grade boundaries for it.
Ya Trolly... and you know that you have to do C1 and C2 one after another. Aparantly we get a maximum break of 5 minutes..
Ya aparantly the Mechanics exam was hard. The two best known A2 studtends who are doing AS Physics this year are saying they will barely get C(their predictive grades were at leas 80%+). Oh well i gues no ones perfect.

Xcalibur the chemistry exam wasnt really hard. the last two questions were worth 19 out of 100(one 11 mark and another 8 mark), that was the only dissapointment. Other than that I think I did good.

The biology Unit 2 exam was good today. It was harder than Unit 1 but I think in average i shud get a A/B.

(Scared... shitting bout C1/C2... dont really like maths).

[quote name='Kamui' post='2027103' date='Jun 4 2009, 07:12 PM']Xcalibur the chemistry exam wasnt really hard. the last two questions were worth 19 out of 100(one 11 mark and another 8 mark), that was the only dissapointment. Other than that I think I did good.[/quote]

I know it wasn't hard. It just focused a lot on less important stuff which I didn't bother revising. I focused so much on the energy and hydrocarbons I almost completely disregarded the last module. The last two questions I actually found fun since they test your knowledge and your logic. Apparently drawing them out also got you extra marks which is exactly what I did :)
yh, i had bio unit 2 yesterday went ok, thought it was harder than unit 1 on Monday that was a crappy exam paper!!
Had Physics B Unit 2 (AQA), went aight, was struggling on the first question and the rate of temp loss but I think I did well overall. Stats on the 15th, can't wait, love me some maths.
Yeah, same, and C1 and C2 weren't half bad I reckon. I thought I would fail, but I answered most of the questions knowing what I put is right.
Hooray for stress-free-ness, and having a week off school :D. Results are due out while I'm on holiday which is irritating, I can't remember the exact date though. Thankfully, Edexcel who I'm taking maths with allow you to check results online, so I'll be borrowing my mate's iPhone with 3G to check how badly I failed aha.
They're not hard at all! I'm actually on a gap year after doing my A2's last june. Do they have A*s now?
Ours only went up to A's... AQA exam board.

Did anyone look back onto their AS exams and think 'my god those were easy...'?
The difficulty gap between AS and A2 is pretty big. But I imagine going to uni will be a hell of a lot harder ;)

(I did Bio, Chem and French)
@Trolly, found out myself. The results are coming out on the 20th of august.

@Acetic Orcein, A* are being introduced. Starting next year we will be graded up to A*.
Yeah you need to get 90% plus average to get A*, only get that in Spanish and IT, would take a miracle to get that in Maths or Physics!

And yeah I got a letter from my school sayin results are out on the 20th of August, am excited!

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