Cheap parents!

Well, my video card broke, and i cant play ANY GAME. which sucks, i can only play flash games, which suck. . .
So im searching for a good video card and find one, about 80 bucks and can run games like cod4 at medium quality, pretty good catch right? Wrong, my parents said "look for one around 30" and my dad says "Let me try and fix your computer"
im betting they would say the same thing even though i find a 50 buck one
My current video card is outdated and sucks. . . whyy!!


well, your parents might not know whats the purpose of getting a 80 bucks video card
at least try explaining to him why do you need a 80 bucks video card
i hope he won't say HEY.. thats the reason i want to get you a 30 bucks video card
because i don't want to see you playing games

Just like Elixir... It isn't because they are cheap, it is just that, maybe they just don't want you playing your games as much. A plus... What's so bad about medium quality? Why not wait for your b-day or save up your own money? Saves the trouble of asking your parents instead...
Complaining about the money that is not belongs to you, which sucks...
You isn't spoiled, you just can't see the logic behind the reason why your parents is telling you 'get a 30$ video card'. It because they need you to understand when something breaks you can't always depend on them.

It's like saying if they did got you a 80$ video card, eventually that one will break. You will ask them for another one or something even better. Think of the 30$ dollar video card as a way telling you that if you want something better then you must work for it.
Stop moaning and go get a job if you aren't happy with a $30 card.

If I was one of your parents and saw this thread, I would make you wear RAGS and give you nothing but bread and water, just so you could be grateful for what you get from them.

Ungrateful bastad :glare:
I walked with no shoes and complained.. then I saw a man with no feet.

I'm a parent, 80 bucks is a hefty chunk of cash. That's practically a week of groceries right there.

I'm not saying don't give them your perspective, just that maybe you should try to see from their perspective too.
Hey, at least your parents are willing to buy you things. I would probably complain too if I got the $30 one but, I would take it and be happy with what I got because my parents never give me money.

Even when I was like 10 years old, I would be like "Mom! Can I have $10 to get this CD?" and I would get a flat out "No."

I never got why its such a hassle to get money from my parents XD, I don't mind anymore though because I am now 16 and can get a job and sell shit on eBay.

Anyways, moral of the story. Be happy that your parents are willing to buy you a new video card.
Go halfs on it, get them to pay $30 and then pay $30 out of your own money in order to get a $60 card.

I don't even know why you're expecting your parents to buy you this shit out of their own money anyway, I hated having to ask my parents for money, so I never did. I also felt bad every time they bought me something out of their own money. They're purpose in life isn't to buy you shit.

Hell I felt bad in high school when my dad gave me lunch money because I didn't want to take their money.
I think OP's idea was to get enough support from GBATemp to feel encouraged to make a petition online so that thousands and thousands of people signed it and his/her parents would be forced by sheer willingness of thousands of people on the interbutts to buy him/her a video card that costs what I spend for food and housing in two weeks time.

You just screwed it, tempers!! :angry:

Yeah really, my parents dont buy me anything, and they never really have, but hey, i'm old enough for a job now, and times are hard enough for people at the moment, without find a spare 80bucks to give to their children for something which isnt, actually, *needed*.
Go get a job, and even if you're not old enough, mow some lawns or something.
This is what Balrogs.Pain's parents sing:

Don'tcha wish your card was cheap like me~

[quote name='mthrnite' post='2034708' date='Jun 7 2009, 11:56 AM']I walked with no shoes and complained.. then I saw a man with no feet.[/quote]
Today, was my graduation party. My birthday was about a week ago so my parents combined the presents. I thought it would be something big so I hinted for a new TV. I got a snuggie. FML
[quote name='Linkiboy' post='2035004' date='Jun 7 2009, 08:28 PM']Today, was my graduation party. My birthday was about a week ago so my parents combined the presents. I thought it would be something big so I hinted for a new TV. I got a snuggie. FML[/quote]
I love that site.

And what's wrong with a snuggie? I would REALLY like to have on this winter.

Ontopic: Dude.. get a job.
If you aren´t old enough to run errands to scratch 50 bucks together, you´re not old enough to be playing COD4 anyway.

A 30 dollar graphics card is more than ample of playing the games you should be playing.
Well everything is said here, but if your father owns a ferrari, and your mom drives a cayenne, then your parents are pretty damn cheap, and don't ask them for a cheapo 80 bucks card, ask them to buy you a PS3 with at least, 6 or 7 games, the good ones, not the shitty golf or just simple shooting ones, but the heaviest ones where you can really feel the blood driping in your face everytime you shoot a bullet...!! :mthr:
Ha, man. I live by myself with NO parents, I'm 25, and I've worked for EVERYTHING I've ever gotten. To see some whiny little ingrate complaining because his mommy and daddy won't buy him a vid card is ridiculous. You know what I did when my motherboard broke? I went without a computer until I had the money (FROM WORKING) to get a new one. Bills came first, then car upkeep, THEN my WANTS. Its all about putting your NEEDS before your WANTS. Grow the fuck up and learn that life isn't a fucking cakewalk. Be happy you HAVE a computer, a house to live in, and parents that put up with your ass, because up until 5 years ago, I didn't have ANY of those things. Go complain somewhere else that your life is too hard, no one here gives a shit. :teach:
[quote name='mthrnite' post='2034708' date='Jun 7 2009, 11:56 AM']I walked with no shoes and complained.. then I saw a man with no feet.

I'm a parent, 80 bucks is a hefty chunk of cash. That's practically a week of groceries right there.

I'm not saying don't give them your perspective, just that maybe you should try to see from their perspective too.[/quote]
Well, i dont usually ask for much, and the least they could do is save up a little bit of extra money like $5 every now and then so eventually they can buy me it. rather than wait for my birthday and buy me something expensive only to go deeper into debt -_-

Also to everyone saying "Get a job" I dont even know what to say, i could rant about how i am looking for a job, the only person in this thread that i can respect is Mthrnite, simply because other than saying "Get a job" he said something USEFUL. Everyone else is being an idiot saying the same exact thing for two pages.

Also to ping pong, you obviously dont know what a BLOG is, its kind of where people WOULD moan about their life. i dont feel like being mean.
[quote name='Balrogs.Pain' post='2035318' date='Jun 7 2009, 09:55 PM'][quote name='mthrnite' post='2034708' date='Jun 7 2009, 11:56 AM']I walked with no shoes and complained.. then I saw a man with no feet.

I'm a parent, 80 bucks is a hefty chunk of cash. That's practically a week of groceries right there.

I'm not saying don't give them your perspective, just that maybe you should try to see from their perspective too.[/quote]
Well, i dont usually ask for much, and the least they could do is save up a little bit of extra money like $5 every now and then so eventually they can buy me it. rather than wait for my birthday and buy me something expensive only to go deeper into debt -_-

Also to everyone saying "Get a job" I dont even know what to say, i could rant about how i am looking for a job, the only person in this thread that i can respect is Mthrnite, simply because other than saying "Get a job" he said something USEFUL. Everyone else is being an idiot saying the same exact thing for two pages.

If your parents are already in debt, why expect them to spend $80 on a graphics card for you?

Also I never told you to get a job, I simply said instead of expecting your parents to buy it for you outright, to go halves with them and get a $60 card. They put in $30, you put in $30.
[quote name='Balrogs.Pain' post='2035318' date='Jun 7 2009, 09:55 PM']Also to ping pong, you obviously dont know what a BLOG is, its kind of where people WOULD moan about their life. i dont feel like being mean.[/quote]

Get a job, get a family. Then support that family. Then go online and find your kids blog where they call you cheap in the title because you cant pay $80 for a graphics card they dont need.

Then see how you feel.

If a $30 card isnt good enough for you, go make some money and buy one yourself.

Dont expect anyone's sympathy.

That is all.

p0wned :yaypsp:

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  • BG2CNT @ BG2CNT:
    oh right diddy
  • BG2CNT @ BG2CNT:
    i saw that from penguiz0's video
  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    The video that I linked is more in depth. If you enjoy watching a one hour video.
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    good night btw
  • BG2CNT @ BG2CNT:
    @SylverReZ like a hour long? that's a bit way too long but it depends, i have seem 1 hour long videos
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    i have a fucked attention span and somehow i can watch those videos
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    its almost 11:30 pm and I should go to sleep c ya
  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    @Xdqwerty, Goodnight
  • BG2CNT @ BG2CNT:
    @Xdqwerty Goodnight
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    I'm sure you're on Nintendos hit list
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    When you play it, don't burn the dinner or Link will go apeshit.
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    @K3Nv3 i don't give a shiet
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    I'm not on v3 yet
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    oh wait
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