New consoles, how?

Well, i was thinking. every console has some sort of motion sensor, whether its a dildo (ps3's ) infrared camera things (xbox 360) or wii's motion sensor (The only one that kind of is what it is.) And, what i was thinking, is. . .

What the fuck is the next console going to be?

The reason i say that, is because every console this gen, has brought out its big guns, and made such dramatic changes to their consoles, before they made a console. . and then a new console with even better things, aka ps1 -> ps2 brought graphics, new franchises, etc.
but, this generation, they made such new things, the wii. First it was a motion sensing mini game lil toy. now its for fittness, and hell they have something that detects your heart rate! and the other two evolved from controllers to the things i said before!!
So whats next?? Virtual reality? That possibly couldnt be it. is it more motion sensing? is the wii just gonna jack up its graphics? are the other two consoles going to end up trying to get 'casual' gamers to play? views opinions?


The next generation, or maybe the one after that, is going to be like the Matrix. You're just going to plug it straight into your head. You'll be there... in the game.

Actually, that's probably not true. No, wait a second, it might be. GPU's and TV's can only go so far. Neural manipulation may be the only way forward.
[quote name='Depravo' post='2025306' date='Jun 4 2009, 03:32 AM']The next generation, or maybe the one after that, is going to be like the Matrix. You're just going to plug it straight into your head. You'll be there... in the game.

Actually, that's probably not true. No, wait a second, it might be. GPU's and TV's can only go so far. Neural manipulation may be the only way forward.[/quote]

That will be 100+ years from now but you do have a point maybe gaming companies can use the pulse transfer technology from MMBN3 along with neural manipulation so the player can literally be in the game as the player. The problem though would be cost and if you are in the game and the chair turns off by some inside or outside factor, then you'll be in the game forever, fall in a coma similar to what happened at the end of MMBN3 or die.
Some form is virtual reality is not that far off into the future. Not matrix style, but at least visor + brainwaves reader style.
Digital contact lenses - projects objects that arent really there in front of you no matter where you look
*far fetched I know

Personalized Intelligent Newsreader mixed with that Milo program... "Hey Mike, did you know that a new version of mame came out and the newgroups are flooding with new rom releases?"

Games that hold an intelligent conversation with you - like talking to the Joker in the Arkham Asylum "Let me put a smile on your face!!!"
*Said this in another thread

Rifle or gun accessory with actual heavy kickback in it when used
*Said this in another thread too
[quote name='Hop2089' post='2025327' date='Jun 4 2009, 02:45 AM'][quote name='Depravo' post='2025306' date='Jun 4 2009, 03:32 AM']The next generation, or maybe the one after that, is going to be like the Matrix. You're just going to plug it straight into your head. You'll be there... in the game.

Actually, that's probably not true. No, wait a second, it might be. GPU's and TV's can only go so far. Neural manipulation may be the only way forward.[/quote]

That will be 100+ years from now but you do have a point maybe gaming companies can use the pulse transfer technology from MMBN3 along with neural manipulation so the player can literally be in the game as the player. The problem though would be cost and if you are in the game and the chair turns off by some inside or outside factor, then you'll be in the game forever, fall in a coma similar to what happened at the end of MMBN3 or die.
You know that if this technology becomes reality then the first game will be hentai-based. And not released in the West.

Mind you, since Myst was released in 1993 I always longed for somewhere as tranquil as Myst Island. A game where you could just be alone in fantasy setting like that... I'd pay for that shit.
Didn't nintendo patent some brainwave reading controller thingy a while back?
I read many different ideas about a possible Wii 2 saying that you would just have a few cameras set up and then move your body :D And i once read in a magazine called Game Reactor that it would be some kind of helmet reading your mind O.o Scary. But yea i also wonder alot what the next step will be.
im betting on a virtual boy like with better graphics than the wii, with full body motion sensing.
[quote name='jan777' post='2028989' date='Jun 5 2009, 11:02 AM']im betting on a virtual boy like with better graphics than the wii, with full body motion sensing.[/quote]

and the same capabilities to cause migraines and eye damage?

no thanks

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