Something about being a Transsexual

There are Some definitions at the end for those who need it
Note The Writer is in Transition (she is over the coming out issue and just pissed off that society hadn't let her be her on her early years)

I am writing this post because of the events of the last few weeks ( including some articles I read and the tgeu convention) . This post isn't the easiest thing to write as its a sort of a "coming out" post in this forum ( I never clearly stated that I am transsexual on this forum {as far as I remember} though I did talked about it on the IRC channel).

I guess I should cut to the case and say that being a transsexual ( and transgender ) isn't easy nowadays . In every country I know of there is at least one regulation that discriminate transsexual ( thus for example in my country transsexual can not get married { although if they marry abroad the legal status is the same as those who were married in my country). Its even worse from a social point of view where we are ridiculed and bullied on a daily basis ( not daily but whenever the topic arise there is at least one transphobe in the area).

After this intro i shall go on to my life story (a striped down only bits of what relevant version 0.5):

My Story (Version 0.5b)

I was born about 20 years ago as what the doctor describe " a healthy baby boy" . I had a normal life for a toddler ( I can't remember much of that time but it was pretty normal) . Once I reached the age of 5 ( at least thats the earliest I can remember) i became pretty aware that something wasn't right , socity treated me differently then the girls , the group that I have associated myself with ( although they did told me I was a boy at that time). I became a bit closed and always wondered why I can't play with things I want and wear the clothes that seemed so good on my friends(mind you I wasn't all over party dress {never liked those } but a simple summer dress would have been nice) they also told me I can't have my hair long . Although my mother was pretty tolerant about my "different" behavior most of society thought it was weird and they tried to stir my away from the things that made me feel so good

As I moved out of kindergarden and into to school the situation only got worse and so did my social problems. I became closed and hung out with a small and non-popular crowed as I couldn't be with the people who said that being me is so wrong. Also Gender roles seem to be a bit more prominent in primary school and further things became "not right" for me , having stuffed animals slowly became a thing to be ridiculed about and being over exited about some things became a reason to stay away from me. They told me I was a boy so I need to learn how to be though and like rough things, I knew that this wasn't right even for boys ( as my clearly boys friend weren't rough) so for me , a self proclaimed girl it wasn't true either. I was an stright A+ student ( in my country we had percentage based scoring and I always got 100 in every subject) but they refused to bump me up a grade although I was two years ahead of my classmate, they said I need to learn how to deal with society. Their idea for "the proper way to deal with society" as my school concealer said was to be "who you are" meaning playing the role of a boy.

As I progressed through primary school I learned several things about society like that school doesn't treat the students the same ( those who were more of a leaders can get away with almost everything , the smart ones was supposed to realize how to fend for themselves). The thing that bothered me the most was the realization that if I want to survive school I should hide who i am .Yep at that point I had now doubt that I was a girl inside and society gave me a hard time about it, beating was a twice a week issue at best and I was ridiculed on a daily bases.Those beating only made me sure that one day I am going to be a girl ( i knew it was possible as the LGBT community had just started to get vocal and gay,lesbian and transgender were all over the news).

I was the student with the highest grades in school (by the time that I was in sixth grades I knew algebra and a bit of calculus) but they still didn't gave me an honorer student award, later i realized that my teacher though I was to immature to get it. Immature,me ? I was told I was too mature for my age by most people including the school advisor at my (soon to be) new school heck when they sent me to a shrink after my parntes divorced he told my mother that part of the reason I had social problems was that I was too mature and that this frightened and threatened my classmate. it seemed like being myself was too much for my teachers who couldn't realize why I would avoid brawls like a plague . Yep they actually wanted me to fight!!!

And so I moved into middle school where suddenly I became a top student. The teacher realized I was smart , well mannered and guess what MATURE! I was still playing the part of the boy the wanted me to be( I wasn't very boyish even in my social disguise but it was enough to get people of my back). I also became a bit popular, people liked the way I could interact with almost any one and I slowly became the class smart guy and really likable geek (Everybody knew that what ever their "geekdom" was I was able to talk about and share experiances { everything from board game to rock music}) . I still had problems with showing my true self because most of my annual at my school was homophobic and transophobic but I slowly built a social confidence. I even did the not so popular thing and started growing my hair.

I also started had a full realization of what i was (transgender to be transsexual) and that there were support group and other people like me

And then i reached high-school. I was about to get out to my mother when I met the person who would delay the start of my transistion 3 years : My math teacher: He was openly agianst trans genders and say they were stupid and had lower IQ and EQ then normal people . I was enraged about it and started getting depressed at the thought other people might react like he did . So I did what most people would do : I closed up for a year trying to convince my self that I can deal with those kind of asshole.

In that summer I made an important step I started talking with other transgenders and transsexuals. This thing led that by the start of my 11 grade I had a name and was pretty confidence in myself. I came out to my mom who was supportive and told me we should look for a psychologist .

I also became much more open and happy . I was an honorer student with one of the highest GPA in my annual ( which was considered one of my school's best and it was a school for gifted teens). I got A+ in physics,computer,robotics and English and an A in pretty much everything else (got a B in my State studies class and thats it) . The reason I only got an A in math was that I couldn't focus in class due to my teacher common anti-transgender remarks.

At my last year of school I was already in therapy for enough time to start HRT ( Hormone replacement therapy ) but me and my psychologist thought it would be best to wait till I was out of school ( since i would have had to told them about my condition other wise).so I sailed through this grade and a year later I had my turn at my endocrinologists, I was starting hormones.

And thats when some new trouble arrived , My friends all started acting like i am weird and like I have some sort of a mental problem , some of them looked down on me. I had to close many relationship due to the other side problems with dealing with me. I also got some awful experiences in the pharmacy ( I still get them from time to time) .

Currently I am still in mid change and i see society miss treatments toward us . They treat us like a were have some terrible disease and like we aren't fit for society or that we are lower class and should be treated as such . They laugh at us and they say we are sinners and would be punished for what we do , yet we don't hurt no one and they do.Still I see hope as things are becoming a bit better lately.

So to wrap it up my I have two questions: Why can't you just let me be myself ? and Why the hell do they treat me different?

For any kind of feedback, questions, answers , support ( both ways) and random cookies Please replay .

Finishing TRANSmission number two ( still with this wretched keyboard) and promising to write more often:

:grog: :yayds:

Be Kind Rewind

The author is a transsexual and for those who ask somewhat of a girly girl . Has an ever growing collection of : Stuffed animals, Board games,Books and Magic the Gathering. She is also a movie buff and an history buff and as appoused to what comes from this post genrally Happy and very social (** Author note: I really like people**).Her hobbies are not limited but include: Drawing, Cooking , Math, Writing, Reading, Playing games, Basketball (And several other team sports) and the ever lasting programing :)
At the moment She is working and geting ready for starting a degree in one of the local University honorer programes ( she tries to quit on caffeine as well { damn coke }).

Sex: a physical definition of male and female . There are several definition to it including : chromosomes (XX=female XY=male) , genital structure ( penis=male ,vagina=female) and various other .

Gender role (sometimes called sex role): This is the set of socially-defined roles and behaviors assigned to females and males. This can vary from culture to culture. Our society recognizes basically two distinct gender roles. One is the masculine: having the qualities or characteristics attributed to males. The other is the feminine: having the qualities or characteristics attributed to females. (A third gender role, rarely, though possibly increasingly, condoned in our society, is androgyny combining assumed male (andro) and female (gyne) qualities.) Some people step out of their socially-assigned gender roles or "crossdress (wear the clothing traditionally reserved for the other sex). Though not universal or even precise, some of the terms used to identify these individuals include "transvestites (often heterosexual males and females who crossdress), "Drag Queens (male homosexuals who crossdress), "Drag Kings (female homosexuals who crossdress).

Transgender (TG): Originally, this word meant (1) what are also known as full-time cross-dressers or nonsurgical transsexuals, people who live and work in the [other] (of their physical anatomical) [sex], continuously and for always. Now it also means (2) the group of all people who are inclined to cross the gender line, including transsexuals, cross-dressers, and gender benders together. This is the main way the word is used today, and is referred to as the "umbrella definition as it covers everyone. A few [people] use the word transgender as (3) a synonym for transsexual.

Transsexual (TS): Anyone who (1) wants to have, (2) has had, or (3) should have a sex-change operation. (The third definition is for those in denial.) This word also includes (4) nonsurgical transsexuals (see above). TS,s want to appear "convincing as their new selves.

Transphobia/transphobic: The fear and hatred of cross-dressers, transsexuals, and gender benders and what they do [or are feared to do], and everything that results from this, from disrespect, to denial of rights and needs, to violence. Though some have defined this as an "irrational fear and hatred, in actuality, from the time most of us are young, people and institutions (parents/guardians, peers, teachers, clergy, the media, etc.) have taught us to conform to societal notions of "proper gender behavior, and to hold in contempt those who challenge or transgress these standards. Transphobia is indeed a form of oppression.

Definitions from Transproud :

:rolleyes: :unsure: :rolleyes: :unsure:


[quote name='Sonicslasher' post='1151545' date='May 17 2008, 05:45 PM']

What? :blink:

[quote name='pasc' post='1151550' date='May 17 2008, 05:49 PM']Nice blogentry, I think getting that from your chest helped ? I also think you can be proud of yourself for what you have gone through.

I cannot share any thoughts about transexuals gays bi's or any other kind of "not good orientation in the general thinking", but I'm quite sure that I wouldn't have a problem with anyone that is transexual or bi or whatever.[/quote]

Yep getting it off my chest really helped :)

[quote name='RayorDragonFall' post='1151638' date='May 17 2008, 06:27 PM']1 out of 20 people is a transsexual? Isn't that a big high? :S[/quote]

its the highest estimate and I think high . the popular estimate is 1 in a 1000
I actually read your whole post since recently, I watched a movie about transexuals (not intentional though, it was a movie that caught my attention.. but never knew it was about transexuals in the end). If you're interested, it' a crime/thriller movie called Rainbow Eyes and it's in Korean.

Anyways, back to topic. You have a lot of courage to post such a blog in a public community. Normally, whenever my friends have fear of posting stuff like this, they put it in their private blog and send me a link. I'm impressed.

You define yourself a girl, although you were called a boy since birth. Another plus for you to have the confidence to do such a thing. I have a few homosexual friends and they always tell me that they're scared to admit that they're homosexual to other people because of the humiliation. But, you still went on and told what you preferred and such.

From your post, you seem really smart. I'm pretty sure you'll succeed in life regardless of the put downs you go through because you seem to be doing well with the criticisms. Is there a certain path you're trying to pursue? I'm pretty sure you'll do well.

So, respects to you. Going through this kind of life isn't easy. But I'm glad to see that you haven't given up.
Interesting post... but I'm wondering about how were you bullied so much? I was bullied up until 4th grade. If you learn to take a firm stand, and teach everyone not to fuck with you (use your imagination), then no one will bully you, and will (at least some will) accept you.
[quote name='Anakir' post='1151740' date='May 17 2008, 07:03 PM']I actually read your whole post since recently, I watched a movie about transexuals (not intentional though, it was a movie that caught my attention.. but never knew it was about transexuals in the end). If you're interested, it' a crime/thriller movie called Rainbow Eyes and it's in Korean.

Anyways, back to topic. You have a lot of courage to post such a blog in a public community. Normally, whenever my friends have fear of posting stuff like this, they put it in their private blog and send me a link. I'm impressed.

You define yourself a girl, although you were called a boy since birth. Another plus for you to have the confidence to do such a thing. I have a few homosexual friends and they always tell me that they're scared to admit that they're homosexual to other people because of the humiliation. But, you still went on and told what you preferred and such.

From your post, you seem really smart. I'm pretty sure you'll succeed in life regardless of the put downs you go through because you seem to be doing well with the criticisms. Is there a certain path you're trying to pursue? I'm pretty sure you'll do well.

So, respects to you. Going through this kind of life isn't easy. But I'm glad to see that you haven't given up.[/quote]
Thanks I am pursuing an academic career in physics .

[quote name='Linkiboy' post='1151763' date='May 17 2008, 07:11 PM']Interesting post... but I'm wondering about how were you bullied so much? I was bullied up until 4th grade. If you learn to take a firm stand, and teach everyone not to fuck with you (use your imagination), then no one will bully you, and will (at least some will) accept you.[/quote]

Well its different then being bullied on "normal" circumstances as they bullied me for being who I was . So as long as I wasn't pretending to be someone else they would bully me .Also my school really haven't done much about it ( the worst punishment someone got for bulling me was two days detention and that was for something that borderline in sexual harassment )
[quote name='Raisingod' post='1150212' date='May 16 2008, 11:53 PM']And about being gay : I am bi but transsexuals usually consider straight as being attracted to the opposite chosen sex not birth sex (if I would have been attracted to men only I would have called myself straight and Lesbian if I was attracted only to girl) I do admit to be passive in relationship ( I like being kissed and hugged to much to give it up:))

Also transsexualism can happen to genetic females as well the term are MTF transsexual (Male to Female) for genetic males and FTM (female to male) transsexual for genetic females[/quote]

ok, so you concider yourself straight based on the gender you are mentally? and you are a bit like my friend then, he is gay, he said at first he was bi but then said he just likes men now.
[quote name='Linkiboy' post='1151763' date='May 18 2008, 02:11 AM']Interesting post... but I'm wondering about how were you bullied so much? I was bullied up until 4th grade. If you learn to take a firm stand, and teach everyone not to fuck with you (use your imagination), then no one will bully you, and will (at least some will) accept you.[/quote]
I didn't know you were a transsexual too.

Maybe you feel this way because you still see yourself as a "transsexual" as opposed to a woman, hence you feeling all that crap.
People will let you be yourself as soon as you let yourself be yourself.
[quote name='jalaneme' post='1152211' date='May 17 2008, 10:46 PM'][quote name='Raisingod' post='1150212' date='May 16 2008, 11:53 PM']And about being gay : I am bi but transsexuals usually consider straight as being attracted to the opposite chosen sex not birth sex (if I would have been attracted to men only I would have called myself straight and Lesbian if I was attracted only to girl) I do admit to be passive in relationship ( I like being kissed and hugged to much to give it up:))

Also transsexualism can happen to genetic females as well the term are MTF transsexual (Male to Female) for genetic males and FTM (female to male) transsexual for genetic females[/quote]

ok, so you concider yourself straight based on the gender you are mentally? and you are a bit like my friend then, he is gay, he said at first he was bi but then said he just likes men now.

I think I can perfectly define myself as bi as I know I am attracted to both sex

[quote name='Orc' post='1152233' date='May 17 2008, 10:59 PM'][quote name='Linkiboy' post='1151763' date='May 18 2008, 02:11 AM']Interesting post... but I'm wondering about how were you bullied so much? I was bullied up until 4th grade. If you learn to take a firm stand, and teach everyone not to fuck with you (use your imagination), then no one will bully you, and will (at least some will) accept you.[/quote]
I didn't know you were a transsexual too.

Maybe you feel this way because you still see yourself as a "transsexual" as opposed to a woman, hence you feeling all that crap.
People will let you be yourself as soon as you let yourself be yourself.

I see myself as a woman (although writing woman makes me feel old :) ) yet at the same time I don't want to hide the fact that I am a transsexual as there is nothing wrong about it and its a significant part of who I am .

Anyway the feelings doesn't come from my self defenition it comes from seeing people get hurt and treated like lesser human beings
Awww. I sort of get what you mean...Except in my case, I'm just gay. D:

It really is very hard to try and fit in a society that tries to shun you. I think the only reason why I never got into such an extreme situation was because not a lot of people believed me.

I hope you'll find friends out there who can accept you for who you are. ;) Be strong.
[quote name='distorted.frequency' post='1152316' date='May 17 2008, 11:49 PM']Awww. I sort of get what you mean...Except in my case, I'm just gay. D:

It really is very hard to try and fit in a society that tries to shun you. I think the only reason why I never got into such an extreme situation was because not a lot of people believed me.

I hope you'll find friends out there who can accept you for who you are. ;) Be strong.[/quote]

I have friends who support me its just that some of my former friends were mean as hell when I came out so I had to break a lot of relationships :(. But still i found some kindred spirits along the way as well
Something I've been wondering, at what point do you during any relationship do you mention that you were a man, or do you not at all?
[quote name='moozxy' post='1153533' date='May 18 2008, 05:48 PM']Something I've been wondering, at what point do you during any relationship do you mention that you were a man, or do you not at all?[/quote]

I would rephrase it to saing that I am a transsexual or that I was born as a genetic male instead of a man cause I never was a man niether was I a boy since I always were the girl/woman I am

Anyway If its a friendship relationship then I would tell when I feel I know the person good enough. If you talking about romantical relationship I would tell after 2-3 dates (Haven't been in the later situation yet though)
More people are accepting of such things, than many people might realise ... the big problem, I imagine, is the number of people who are accepting, in private, but not so accepting, in public, as they fear others will berate them for their acceptance.

It never ceases to amaze me how often people are persecuted for their tolerance of others ...
[quote name='moozxy' post='1153533' date='May 18 2008, 12:48 PM']Something I've been wondering, at what point do you during any relationship do you mention that you were a man, or do you not at all?[/quote]

This depends on the person. Many true transsexual people live 'stealth', i.e. full time as a woman and never tell a soul anything different. Other people may decide to tell their partners - it's up to the person. You see, you never were a man, you were always a woman in a man's body. It's an important distinction.
[quote name='Qrayzie' post='1154995' date='May 19 2008, 12:28 PM'][quote name='moozxy' post='1153533' date='May 18 2008, 12:48 PM']Something I've been wondering, at what point do you during any relationship do you mention that you were a man, or do you not at all?[/quote]

This depends on the person. Many true transsexual people live 'stealth', i.e. full time as a woman and never tell a soul anything different. Other people may decide to tell their partners - it's up to the person. You see, you never were a man, you were always a woman in a man's body. It's an important distinction.
Hm.. I think the partner deserves to know, I know I'd want to.
[quote name='Bob Evil' post='1153762' date='May 18 2008, 03:45 PM']More people are accepting of such things, than many people might realise ... the big problem, I imagine, is the number of people who are accepting, in private, but not so accepting, in public, as they fear others will berate them for their acceptance.

It never ceases to amaze me how often people are persecuted for their tolerance of others ...[/quote]

Indeed.. if you say something like "I'm ok with gay people." on a public place, a lot of people will look at you :P
[quote name='moozxy' post='1155449' date='May 19 2008, 06:05 PM'][quote name='Qrayzie' post='1154995' date='May 19 2008, 12:28 PM'][quote name='moozxy' post='1153533' date='May 18 2008, 12:48 PM']Something I've been wondering, at what point do you during any relationship do you mention that you were a man, or do you not at all?[/quote]

This depends on the person. Many true transsexual people live 'stealth', i.e. full time as a woman and never tell a soul anything different. Other people may decide to tell their partners - it's up to the person. You see, you never were a man, you were always a woman in a man's body. It's an important distinction.
Hm.. I think the partner deserves to know, I know I'd want to.

Its still the person choice when or whether to tell
Let me start by just saying you are a very brave person for telling your story to everyone.

For what it is worth i will not pretend to understand everything you have and will go through but i just wanted to say a few thing to encourage you. I believe every person has the right to be happy in life. Sometimes the outside world may not understand what and why you are doing. To be truly happy though starts with ones self. You need to do whatever it is you need to do so you can live with yourself and live the full happy life you deserve. Don't let the world take that from you. If someone becomes critical or mean to you and will not talk about you don't need them. They should love you for who you are inside. Because maybe what they see with their eyes is changing but the true person is still there.

Stay your path and gain what you deserve most in life, your inner happiness. Your life will be better for it.
Does Israel even accept Gays and t********? Just wondering because it's a Jewish area :unsure:
[quote name='Orc' post='1152233' date='May 17 2008, 05:59 PM'][quote name='Linkiboy' post='1151763' date='May 18 2008, 02:11 AM']Interesting post... but I'm wondering about how were you bullied so much? I was bullied up until 4th grade. If you learn to take a firm stand, and teach everyone not to fuck with you (use your imagination), then no one will bully you, and will (at least some will) accept you.[/quote]
I didn't know you were a transsexual too.
Thanks for that Orc. >_>

I'm not a transsexual.

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