You, and the shiny golden pedestal

Warning: if you have suicidal thoughts, please read this with caution, or don't read at all!

Do you have social anxiety?
Do you feel like you're accomplishing the exact opposite of what you wanted while taking a walk intended to chill you off?
Do you have many people know you and expect you to behave like you have been behaving in the past very long time, and that makes you uncomfortable?

If these fit you, then you may be a victim of being displayed as a decorative statue on a shiny golden pedestal by others.
It may be time to walk off of the pedestal, and take a deep breath already after all this time.

I absolutely hate meeting people (besides those rare few who accept my quirks and didn't leave me), and thus I hate leaving my room, let alone the house.
I just hate the crippling feeling of accidentally offending someone by passing by them and not noticing them, or to meet someone you know when you don't want to meet anyone, and just want to shop in peace.
Very frequently I wish everyone just disappeared.

But then when I was in Austria (Vienna), I was able to experience enlightment.
I didn't know anyone, nobody knew me, and nobody really cared about my existance. I was able to chill on the tram, take some beautiful photos of greenery and nature, eat something new, and take walks during late night in the nice, dark, and cold enough weather.

As some of you (all 3) may know, I wanted to do the transformation. I grew long hair, acquired clothing, managing other things, yadee-yadee-yada, etc...

But then many things happened, which ultimately stopped me dead in my tracks.
- passing laws which make it inconvenient, and basically illegal to do proper transformation in Hungary
- not being able to afford gas to not freeze to death during winter, let alone food
- social pressure and kill threats from both [racist] """"family"""", and those who "put me on the pedestal"

This point is important, as had this not happened, would've I not noticed what the hell was going on with me.

Fast forward to a few months ago, still suffering from the current world event consequences and the regulations caused by it.

I've been getting more and more insane as time passed.
It was so bad already that attempting basic necessities, like even just the thought of going to the shop for groceries caused me to have a panic attack, spazz out, and basically turn blind for the duration of the panic attack.

Fast forward to a few weeks ago, I had yet another panic attack for a reason. I messaged someone who was partially the reason for my panic attack, and accidentally managed to offend her during a nice casual conversation.
Next day I had a nightmare, experiencing the same thing she has experienced by me accidentally offending her.

I already knew a thing or two about attempting to ignore people, and I have been asking around a few people about what their magic is on being able to not care about others' shitty opinions, and being able to live a good life due to the lack of that kind of stress.
However, even after their easy-sounding explainations, I still was unable to do what they were able to do.

But after that nightmare, it hit me right in the guts...

"I can't be crippled by others' thoughts if they can't have any expectations of me."

This knowledge is crucial at being able to ignore others' stupid opinions you didn't ask for.

Don't let people have expectations of you.

For example, if you're known for your nice clothing, then you're placed on the pedestal as a decoration for having nice and admirable clothing. However, you hate nice clothing, as it's uncomfortable, hard to clean, and expensive to repair/replace.
This creates unnecessary and unneeded stress on you, as you're afraid of disappointing people by showing up in normal clothing, so your mind - as a last resort - decides that if you don't leave the house and/or don't meet people then you can't disappoint anyone, and thus the stress goes away.
But at what cost? Now you can't go shopping (or really anywhere) anymore without stress.

You have just been placed on the shiny golden pedestal.
You turned into a decoration statue which is admired by everyone who knows you for that quality they choose your statue for. But it's there only for decor.
During your stay on the pedestal, you're just a shiny, nice-looking, and admired decoration piece, and you're not allowed to change or to be different, as that breaks the "atmosphere".

The best way to kill off stress casused by this kind of act is to drop the expectations of people, and don't allow them to pick it back up.
You basically must disappoint them*.

If you can do that, you have walked off of the pedestal.
You drop the stress, and everything associated with it.

I know it's hard, but it's necessary.
Mental problems are known and proven to cause other side-effects, like physical sicknesses and disabilities when the mental problems are triggered.

Besides, it's not good for you to keep toxic people around you.
The moment you walk off the pedestal, you'll know who keeps you around for the shiny pedestal factor, and who keeps you around for being the sacred statue you are, and no matter how run-down or damaged your statue is, they'll keep you and cherish you.

Post Scriptum:
There is a difference between being liked for what you are and people appreciating your decency, and people forcing modifiers they want and expect of you onto you.

For example, if you slip up, and deviate from your usual self for whatever reason, and people still keep you, then you're not on a pedestal, and people genuinely want your statue around regardless of its state.

If you deviate, and you're met with huge negative feedback mumbling something like "I didn't know you were like this" or "I didn't expect this of you", then you're placed onto a pedestal by others, and you must eliminate them out of your life.

You are you, and they have no right to force THEIR vision onto you.
...especially if they aren't your mother.

I don't have to do the transition if it was caused by peer pressure, and not because I felt like I wanted to do it.

While I'm not discouraging transition, if you feel like this thread applies to you, please re-evaulate yourself and the people around you before attempting such permanent and dangerous change.
However if you wanting to do transition is not caused by peer pressure, but because you genuinely feel like it, not influenced by others' opinions and feelings, then I wish for the best.

* Please note that it's okay to disappoint people, it's not really okay to offend them for something they might not have done intentionally. Try to convey your feelings conscisely, and try to stay civil until they turn rude.


Do you have social anxiety?
Do you feel like you're accomplishing the exact opposite of what you wanted while taking a walk intended to chill you off?
Do you have many people know you and expect you to behave like you have been behaving in the past very long time, and that makes you uncomfortable?
Not anymore. I've chosen to turn my back on society and stay alone as good as possible. Nobody will accept and want me as I am. Hard to accept, but true.

"Shiny Golden Pedestal"
Well said. Nice metaphor.

Obviously I don't know your special, private, personal situation. Only you can know this to the full extend. I fully agree on the general things you describe about anticipations and expectation other people have. In my experience people often like one or two traits and reduce you to that… and are disappointed or even offended when they find out you consist of more than just those two traits. They want to cherry-pick, they want to good without the bad not accepting anything but 100% alignment with what they expect.

It reminds me of:
Hermann Hesse – Steppenwolf said:
He was usually very unhappy, that cannot be denied, and unhappy he could make others unhappy too, namely when he loved them, and they loved him. For all those who loved him always saw only one side of him. Some loved him as a fine, clever and peculiar person and were horrified and disappointed when they suddenly had to discover the wolf in him. And they had to, because Harry wanted – like every being – be loved as a whole and could not hide and deny the wolf, especially from those whose love was most important to him.
Forgive me the insufficient translation; Steppenwolf is a beast of a text. In order to understand it, I had to read it three times at some parts. This is just a small excerpt, I would have to translate half of the "Traktat"-part in order to make it clear. It is about disappointing fine and "noble" people with the wild part and people interested in the wild parts with the finer traits. After that the Traktat goes on telling that reducing a person on only two categories (like in Goethe's Faust → "Zwei Seelen wohnen ach in meiner Brust!") is still not sufficient.

Steppenwolf really had an influence on me. All my schoolmates hated it and I was the only one that chose it as a topic for oral examination in Abitur.
While it doesn't apply to interpersonal connections of people you know on a day to day basis, I've always valued living in a big city. Why? The people I see, clerks at a store, randoms on the street, everyone. In the millions that live in my city, I'm just another faceless part of the population. I think that's always allowed me a lot of confidence in being able to just not care.

That's not to say I don't put any effort into things. But that I don't feel pressured by anyone or anything when I'm going outside. One time, during Christmas, I was in such a rush to get a tank of propane to grill for dinner. I was running around on a holiday in a rush, from store to store, and I'd rushed out so quick, I was wearing mismatched socks, slippers, and pajama pants with lobsters on them.

If I were to see someone I'd see again, maybe I'd feel a little shame. The people who did look at me weird, though? Sure, laugh! I don't mind, I'll never see you again, sir!

Which is very freeing.
Damn the people on this site are depressing. When did this site turn from game hacking to LGBTQ depression sharing site. Seems every second post is about a depressed child looking for attention. I think staff should spend patreon money on psychiatrists to help the depressed community it serves.

The real question is why are blog post even on the front page. Blog posts should be right next to the EoF.

And before you scream that this is a blog and he can say what he wants, it goes both ways. He's bashing on society, I'm bashing back on attention seeking whores.
@Chary yeah, basically what you said

You can very well find a city where it has both pros of a big city and a small village, although they are getting more and more rare it seems like.
I had to travel 40mins via tram from a popular place in Vienna to the closest edge of a village-like town area, where people were in the local plaza like they are some sort of village, yet they still didn't mind others like in a big city, so it felt both warm and relaxing at the same time.

@Roamin64 In that case I would say disable blog posts at but it seems like there is a bug or oversight where disabling blog posts has absolutely no effect on what is displayed.
If it really annoys you then feel free to report it at and ask for this issue to get fixed.

It seems like this is what the youth is turning into, so it's unevitable that it'll eventually spread to other places to well.
Besides, most developers and hackers (especially for the last generation of consoles) are LGBTQ in majority, so it's even more inevitable that it'll spread.

As for me being attention whore, I don't deny it.
But I created this blogpost for those who suffer from the same problem, but don't know how to get out of it.
Let's be honest, probably a good chunk of people suffer from similar kind of problems who are into gaming and/or hacking. And considering that the new generation is much more open about their problems, I'd be hard-pressed to find a better place to post this small little "wisdom" of mine I have laying around in my head.

Just as a sidenote: if "society" didn't make it miserable for "outliars" just because they don't like them, then we wouldn't have people's social misery spilling into irrelevant places.
There will always be some misery spilling out, especially if people have really bad living conditions, and the most joy in their life is hacking and/or homebrew development, as no living person can hold back misery without either premature death, or going insane.
But if "society" wasn't so damn picky then we would have exponentially less "depression sharing".
I suggest you should just ignore blog entries that aren't interesting for you or try
That should get rid of the blogs. Your comment is borderlining a personal attack in my opinion.

The society is a big mess right now and this blog entry surely shows some of the problems, provides examples and in short: Some kind of argumentation.
Your comment on the other side provides only the information that you personally dislike topics like this.

As or myself: I also have some blog entries about my depression and such – but I don't identify myself as attention whore. Truth is: I don't care if a blog entry gets any likes and comments or not. Writing things down can be helpful on its own. GBAtemp even is a kind of therapy for me: Seeing intelligent people at work very much helps not to despair of humanity when stupidity is on the rise seemingly everywhere.
If somebody doesn't feel good, they may say so without being insulted for this.

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  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    AncientBoi's minding his own business.
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Ancientboi is the one in the middle of that old grandpa photo
  • Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo:
    Meatspin is Kens desktop background lol
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Yes uremum didn't tell me about her transition and begged me to make it my background
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    I couldn't hurt his or hers feelings
  • TechieSaru tempBOT:
    TechieSaru has joined the room.
  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    @K3Nv2, Don't ask him where to get lemonade. ;)
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Psi fondles big red lemons to make lemonaides
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Always wanting my lemons he can't have them
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Jeb stole bigonyas pants
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Jokes on you, I don't have any on.... "Cause I'm free.... Free ballin'"
  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    @BigOnYa, Sounds like you and AncientBoi get along together TOO well.
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Thank God we are 20 states away from each tho. Kenny's almost neighbors with him.
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    I live in kc you dingus
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Ok still closer to him than me, perv boi
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Not to mention you guys share the same last name.
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    I thought you were Mrs.bigboi
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Nuh twice divorced, I took my maiden name
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Mrs. bigancientboi?
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Ms. now, We divorced.
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    I'd keep the Mrs. He's got more years on you
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    The end of this game, in the house, is like Texas chainsaw massacre house, is crazy. I just gotta find Chris n kill him.
    BigOnYa @ BigOnYa: The end of this game, in the house, is like Texas chainsaw massacre house, is crazy. I just...