Wii - disappointed

I am totally disappointed with the Wii.
I purchased it 1 week before X-mas based on all of my friends either having just got one and wrapped up or wanting to get one.
*Once I got it - Wii Sports was cool. But it's entertainment value wore off quickly
Then I see Twilight Princess was a really talked about game. So I got that and Paper Mario.
Paper Mario reminded me that Mario in general stinks - maybe Super Mario Brother is ok but the rest seem like Disney games.
Twilight Princess...well Zelda looks like a fag to me... actually check this guy out.
The game is just stupid. However Twilight allowed WII to get some home brew on there.
Woohoo...I put on Sega Genesis, SNES, and Turbo Grafx games on there....These are actually more fun that the games I purchased.
So the quest for finding cool games goes on.
Cruisin was ok except but the controls ruined the games. If you sit up and not pay attention to the remote, you lose steering/
Then I got some Rig Racer game - I mean this is slow with pathetic graphics
So I thought maybe I was just picking wrong titles. I made the trek to Blockbuster to start renting games.
Then it was becoming clear - the games all started to resemble each other. Like everything was Lego People looking or for little kids. Ok articles confirm the Wii is not a blood and gore game system. But the games have no ZING
Articles by Gamerankings.com shows that everything I played got a rating of under 50% (meaning they suck)
Articles by team Twizzer point out some things that prove the Wii cannot get any better.
There is no way for an upgrade to occur without breaking older games.
The homebrew scene is making some strides to redesign the frontend and change colors but this is not going to do anything for future content on the Wii itself. It seems they (NIN) based everything on the controllers. The controller are nice but it seems engineers have problems programming them.
For a 7th generation console - it is missing a lot.
#1 Graphics...Wii is 480i (480p with special cables)... Now with some fancy footwork you can make some nice looking scenes but that can only take you so far...look at this
#2 Game ratings... it is a fact that the average game rating on the Wii is like 65%

"Well Wii sells more than PS3 and 360 combined." (http://nexgenwars.com/)
Yes they do, however it is the replay factor that needs to be looked at. I think most people by Wii becuase they are Nintendo and people expect that "oh its gonna be good" is associated with owning it.
However Nielsen Ratings show PS2 is replayed more than any other console in 2008
2008 (January through October, at least), the PlayStation 2 was played more than any other.

According to Nielsen's findings, PS2 accounted for 31.2% of all console usage minutes measured. Xbox 360 was a distant second with 17.2%, followed by Wii (13.4%), the original Xbox (9.7%), PS3 (7.3%), GameCube (4.6%), and "other" (16.2%). The fact that more hours were spent playing the original Xbox than PS3 is, well, surprising. PS2's dominance isn't; last we checked, there were 87.6 bazillion of them in the world (give or take a few trillion).

So...with my investment in the Wii - I see it is not going to get better. I am giving this system to my buddy whos got like 3 kids. At least I got out of the Wii arena with dignity and well before the party is over.


Okay. I agree but not really.

First off give Zelda a real play, it is not Stupid" its actually really good. Secondly you haven't given Mario Kart or Metroid Prime 3 or Super Smash Bros Brawl a try. Yes the Wii's graphics suck and 90% of 3rd party titles are crap. But the Wii seems to be getting a little better with The Conduit and Madworld being released soon.

Also before purchasing the Wii you should have done some research, you would have realized that way sooner. It isn't geared toward the Hardcore Gamer.
I feel the same way with the wii, which is why I don't own one. I noticed that all the non-hardcore gamers have them. For example, all my friends which have never touched a video game own wii's. The wii's novelty effect with the play the game with motion controllers wore off really quickly for me. I ended up playing most games with the classic nintendo pad (like mario kart). This console is geared more towards families, and 'casual' gamers (which I consider as non-gamers). It's a fantastic concept and has never been done before, but everything just looks like a cartoon, and using the motion controllers gets boring and frustrating really fast.
you don't like mario but you still bought a wii? bad choice... mario games are the only decent thing for the wii basicly.
Things wrong with this troll topic and let's see if we can point out more:

1. Zelda =/= Link. Zelda is a girl, Link is a boy. He obviously didn't play TP at all or he would have noticed that "little fact".
2. Buying a Wii without even liking Mario.
3. Making your opinion on any system based on the worst games on it.
4. "LEGO people is for kids", yet the LEGO games are on almost every system out there.
5. "Blood and gore" make a system good.
6. Claiming that "Paper Mario" sucks.
7. Reminding us several times that the Wii "is for kids".

Go troll somewhere else.
No - it was the hype.... I am sure they (friends) blindly went and bought WII's and did not do any studying of them. As far as I know they still got them but other than playing them over the Holidays, the Wii is sitting idle at their houses too.
With 1 week before X-mas and a store that had them, it was impulse buy. But I learned

I am just disappointed in the whole system... I do believe I gave it a fair assessment but it is not what I expected. I mean it wore out it's fun factor quickly. I do like what Homebrew is doing for it but I dont think there will be a breakthrough on the Wii as far as new front ends or new functionality. I dont have a crystal ball so I could be wrong.

Metriod Prime was good
Mario Kart was (if I can rememebr) just riding around driving over coins to get some power ups.... throw banada or gems to make people slide or get small. Maybe I didnt make it to level 99 but it didnt seem mutate along the way either.
Smash Brother (if I remember) was jumping around and pushing people off the edge but as popular Nintendo Characters... Like a polite Street Fighter attempt.
Conduit isnt out - but lets hope it isnt a rehash of most FPS's (Unreal/War/Doom) out there.... get a power pack - shoot big monsters - find a new gun - do more damage. I hope it is a groundbreaker

It is a great machine for people that dont like video games in general or just dont play unless you break it out at a party. True, Wii Bowling is cool in a situation like that.. versus Halo or something you need to learn the controllers to play.

If you like the Wii - more power to you. I feel a little wiser owning one as, you are right, I need to look a bit deeper. But I can honestly say "I was disappointed with the Wii enough to give it away"
Things wrong with this troll topic and let's see if we can point out more:

1. Zelda =/= Link. Zelda is a girl, Link is a boy. He obviously didn't play TP at all or he would have noticed that "little fact".
2. Buying a Wii without even liking Mario.
3. Making your opinion on any system based on the worst games on it.
4. "LEGO people is for kids", yet the LEGO games are on almost every system out there.
5. "Blood and gore" make a system good.
6. Claiming that "Paper Mario" sucks.
7. Reminding us several times that the Wii "is for kids".

Go troll somewhere else.

Joey -
I am not trolling. I am being honest. I did not mean to upset you at all

#1 You are right - I lost interest with the game early on
#2 So buying a Wii you must like Mario? Should I tell my friends that? SOme of them have Wii Sports and some shooting games and no mario anything...
#3. I admit it - I found out later on that the games I rented/played where low on the charts. I was wondering why they sucked - my random choices proved to be all bad. What can I say?
#4 Lego was in referce to Mii's and a lot of game characters in Wii games...Yes Lego makes games for Xbox and PS2 as well
#5 I dont know what that means but I think you was trying to point out my reference that the Wii was not a blood and gore system. I did not make this claim up
#6 Because I dont like it and find All Mario games are boring with Super Mario Brother as the game I can play for a period of time should not offend you. I just dont like Mario games...even more so after the Wii experience
#7 Ok fair enough - Wii is for people that dont like video games in general or dont play them often - as I witness it
It's still an opinion and a blog post, which is also an opinion. I recognize the wii has several good games, they just aren't for me personally, and I probably haven't played them long enough or something.
Thanks for pointing out to the public this is a blog/opinion

For those that are undecided - please do not use this blog as a basis for a decision on getting one or avoiding one.
Yep, the Wii is only the best selling console because it appeals to pretty much all ages, whereas the 360 and PS3 appeal more to teens/young adults. I had a Wii for about a year I think, played it about 5 times. The games just aren't my cup of tea. Traded it to a temper for his 360 and it was the one of the best decisions I've made.
Sure it's a blog, but you are trolling with about every line/bait you can throw out there on a Nintendo hardware dominated website. Nicely done.
I wouldn't say it was a troll post at all. At the end of the day its just one persons opinion, why get so pissed about it?

I personally think you've played the wrong games, from your name I'd like to suggest a game called Blast Works. For me its a fine machine that does a lot, its just that the best games are the ones that people don't talk up that much.

Twilight Princess I enjoyed a lot when I played it the first time but when I went back to it I fount it to be a generic Zelda game, pretty much made for the fanboys I guess. As for Smash Bros, it took me a while to get into it. I wasn't into the N64 game much, fount it shallow and the GC version was the only game I had at the time so I pretty much forced myself to play it only to find how deep a fighter it is.
You still say this is your opinion, but it's not what you think what makes this a troll topic: it's how you say it. You still want to defend your "opinion"? Fine by me.

[quote name='Commadore64' post='1818442' date='Mar 9 2009, 08:31 PM']I am not trolling. I am being honest. I did not mean to upset you at all

#1 You are right - I lost interest with the game early on
#2 So buying a Wii you must like Mario? Should I tell my friends that? SOme of them have Wii Sports and some shooting games and no mario anything...
#3. I admit it - I found out later on that the games I rented/played where low on the charts. I was wondering why they sucked - my random choices proved to be all bad. What can I say?
#4 Lego was in referce to Mii's and a lot of game characters in Wii games...Yes Lego makes games for Xbox and PS2 as well
#5 I dont know what that means but I think you was trying to point out my reference that the Wii was not a blood and gore system. I did not make this claim up
#6 Because I dont like it and find All Mario games are boring with Super Mario Brother as the game I can play for a period of time should not offend you. I just dont like Mario games...even more so after the Wii experience
#7 Ok fair enough - Wii is for people that dont like video games in general or dont play them often - as I witness it[/quote]

2. No, you don't have to like Mario to like the Wii, or any Nintendo system, but you have to know what to expect from it. It's like buying a PS2 now and complaining because it doesn't have 360-level graphics. Don't say anyone didn't warn you when you bought the Wii.
3. Then don't judge the system based on your wrong choices.
4. How are we supposed to know that "LEGO" doesn't mean "LEGO", but "Mii"?
5. Oh, you didn't say that the Wii is not a blood and gore system, but the games have no ZING. At all.
6. Paper Mario is a great game. If you trust all those reviews and charts so much when they review games that suck, and thus you support your opinion with them, why don't you trust them when they review a good game? Fishy.
7. I call that bulls**t. You keep telling us that the Wii is for "videogame illiterate" people, for kids... I've been playing games since I was 2 years old and I can appreciate the Wii's strong points. Now I am a kid, don't play games that often or don't like videogames? The Wii is a system that can appeal to people of all ages and sexes, whether you like it or not. And I remind you of the fifth point.

See? It's not what you say, but how. Lazycus nailed it: this is just flamebait. Don't tell me you've realised that you've judged the system wrongly two hours after posting this...
I believe this is also the right section to do this:
Blogging service for your personal use; use it to talk, vent, and/or rant about whatever you wish!
You know - if I am trolling, report me.
If I offend every Wii owner because being a Wii owner I am disappointed in the product and opened a blog to show my history with Wii - ban me.
This is just my opinion and also what I discovered along the way trying to find rhyme or reason for such a disappointing adventure.
I had more fun with homebrew stuff on the Wii than any game. MPlayer Ce was a project I really enjoyed. I mean this is IMO filling a big missing piece in the Wii. Dont get me wrong - Wii News and Weather are in a cool format too but a nice media package rounds out the machine. I liked the emulators (Wish WII 64 played a little better). Waninkoko is a genius (I never dealt with him personally but appreciate his talent) and the rest of the developers too (WiiBlaster and others that messed with the CIOS). That awesome how fast that project came into maturity.

You know any negative thing said or pointed out about the Wii will tag me as trolling - that is a given.
I guess my master plan of joining in January and making a comment about the Wii 2 months later has been spotted. My putting Turbo Grafx and NES emulator packages on WIISO was just to add cover for this blog. Even designing Healthscreen replacements when it first came out was part of the master plan.
*I'd point out the links at WIISO if it where up.

But you know what is interesting - if you remove the "YOUR A TROLL" comments in this blog, there are agreements and no "What a minute - the Wii outshines everyone in [category x] because it offers..."

I like reading WIISO and GBATEMP to see the developments going on. Anything is possible and when action on the Wii homebrew front occurs, it is exciting to watch.

I see USB 2.0 is a project now. That is awesome. I see requests for loading ISO's off a connected hard drive. Again - homebrew scene is more fun than the games (IMO).

If the next thing is dumping the DVD firmware, rewriting it and flashing back to the drive to get 6x speed - outside of a cool trick/accomplishment - my personal entertainment on the Wii is over again.

Just to be clear - I am not promoting any other machine. PS2 and 360 and any other machine in links or "cut and pastes" that may occur are coincidental.
I am not sure why you are so upset. You keep forcing me to reiterate the same responses and your changing your point of view:

You said:
2. Buying a Wii without even liking Mario.
I responded:
#2 So buying a Wii you must like Mario? Should I tell my friends that? SOme of them have Wii Sports and some shooting games and no mario anything...
Then you change your angle:
2. No, you don't have to like Mario to like the Wii, or any Nintendo system, but you have to know what to expect from it. It's like buying a PS2 now and complaining because it doesn't have 360-level graphics. Don't say anyone didn't warn you when you bought the Wii.

Ok look... The Wii has big marketing behind it. Before X-mas, all store out of them, friends saying the where getting them for their families for presents, some people at work had it already and said it is fun. When you get to a store that has a few before Xmas... I had enough reason to get it at the time. It seemed like a great opportunity to get one, so I did. Also - do you think the sale person is going to say "Be careful of the Wii the graphics are disappointing and a lot of the games are too" during Xmas to a person with $200+ dollars in his hand waiting to purchase it? They want money, not to make gaming friends on Xbox 360.

3. Then don't judge the system based on your wrong choices.
Dude... about 99% of the rentals I chose did not wow me. What more can I say? The games I rented (40+) stunk. The reviews showed it wasnt a high rated game. I blindly chose games and most of them stunk. Disaster is a good game. That Jap fighting game with the Battel of the Planets characters in it is cool too - good graphics. But this 2 games out of 40 dont mkae things alright (or 5 games out of 50 or ...you get the point)

4. Lego people...Would all of this been dropped if I said Weebles?
Look a the characters in Wii sports, look at the Mii - look at Boom Blox - Look at Animal Crossign - look at Carnival games (I think), Pool Party, backyard football, wii ski.... do you see a recurring theme here? I do - this is my "lego reference"....I am sorry if you didnt pick up on this

5. Oh, you didn't say that the Wii is not a blood and gore system, but the games have no ZING. At all.
the wii is not a blood and gore system... I did not make up that statement...I think everyone agrees on that..
Having no zing is my comment... the entertainment factor of the games I played was short lived:
*Minus the games mentioned above
ten pin alley
da blob
pinball dreams
showtime boxing
crazy golf
Some games are just too stupid (IMO) to even fork out money for
Hells Kitchen
Are you smarter than a 5th Grader?
Deal or No Deal

6 Paper Mario
because I dont like Mario games... even if one has a 100% fun is still not going to appeal to me.
I tried it...I was not impressed. I am sorry if your upset Mario doesnt do IT for me.
*I dont like sonic the hedge hog but I owned a Genesis....go figure?!?!?!!?

7 You keep telling us that the Wii is for "videogame illiterate" people, for kids.
I said "Wii is for people that dont like video games in general or dont play them often - as I witness it "
"It is a great machine for people that dont like video games in general or just dont play unless you break it out at a party. True, Wii Bowling is cool in a situation like that.. versus Halo or something you need to learn the controllers to play."

I dont think my mom would get into halo or something to do with learning complicated controller functionality.
I am 100% positive at New Years eve - we played Wii Sports Bowling and people that dont care for video games at all played.
so you can see how Wii is for people that dont like video games in general or dont play them often - as I witness it " fits.

I am not really sure why you are so offended that I am not digging on the Wii?
Have I judged the system wrongly after 2 hours? No. I have given the Wii 3 months.

@Hadrian Uranium
Blast Works.... I'll have to check it out once I re-setup the Wii. I think I still have some Wii points left if it costs anything.
Some months ago I won a Wii, I had always wanted one so I was pretty excited but I was hugely disappointed by it too and sold it after a week, the only reason why I'd want one again would be for fragile, which is awesomely beautiful.. but buying a Wii for a single game? No thank you.

And gosh, ppl, if you're offended by this blog entry JUST DON'T REPLY! Yeah, instead, just like Commandore64 suggested, report him if it bothers you so much. But seriously, if something like this is such a bother to you..... *sigh*
I stand corrected - I need to mention games I do like ...and here are their ratings (from IGN)
(but not enough to keep the Wii - it will go to a family that appreciates it)
Mortal Kombat Armageddon is a blood and guts game that I played on the Wii that I liked 7.8/10
*this is a Wii exclusive
World of Goo 9.5/10
*although on PC now, if pretty fun with the wii remotes
Disaster - Day of Crisis no rating 6.8/10
*another Wii exclusive
Spiderman 3 5.3/10
*cool use of controllers
Metroid Prime 3 9.5/10
Soul Caliber Legends 6/10
Resident Evil Umbrella- 7.9/10
Tiger Woods 08 - neat with the controllers 7.1/10
Excite truck - I think I remember liking this game 8/10
Tatsunoko vs Capcom - great graphics some characters are a blast from the past in cartoon world
Top Spin 3 - good tennis game with the remotes 7/10
Wii Sports 7.5/10

and games that are God-awful to me
Pitfall 5 / 10
Animal Crossings 7.5/10
Mummy 3 3.5/10
Spy Games 2.5/10
Offroad 1/10
Star Trek 6.8/10
Jeep Thrills 2/10
Far Cry 4/10
Ten Pin Alley 2 2/10
Backyard Football 6/10
Jumper 3.9/10
Wii Ski.... about 10 minutes of entertainment TOPS 6/10
Rig Racer 2 3/10
SCore Intl Baja 1000 5/10
Amf Bowling 2/10
Crazy Golf NO RATING
Carnival Games Golf 3.5/10
Pool Party 2.4/10
Bigfoot Collision Course 2.1/10

Games that fizzled out quickly

Escape from bug island 4/10
Destroy All Humans 5.8/10
Army Men 2.5/10
Tomb Raider- again like cool 9 years ago 6.5/10
Mushroom Men - nothing new.. except the headshapes 7.9/10
Nerf-n-Strike - I dont have the gun but it is a FPS - 7.1/10
Speed Racer - just a driving game with awkward colors - no new concept 7/10
No More Heros 7.8/10
Da Blob 8.4/10
Hooked 2.7/10
Super Smash Brothers - I know the planet likes this. I get bored with this - what can I say? I didnt put it in the GOD AWFUL section 9.5/10
Shaun White Snowboarding 8.4/10
Williams Pinball 8/10
Pinball Dreams 5.1/10
Nitrobike 6.5/10
Mario Kart 8.5/10
showtime Boxing NO RATING
Worms 7/10
Deer Drive - just seems the same and as you progress - targets get further away NO RATING
Rapala Fishing tournament 3/10
North American Hunting NO RATING
Cabela Dangerous Hunts 4.8/10
Face Breakers - because it seems you can hit and walk away and avoid teh opponent easy 7/10
Paper Mario 8.9/10
Boom Blox 8.1/10
Ice Age 2 7.5/10
Super Mario Galaxy 9.7/10
Monopoly 7/10
Sonic unleashed 7.2/10

and games that are like WTF!!! I cant believe they made these (rented/downloaded just to see whats up with its but considered BLAH)
Pro Bull Riders 3.4/10
Sea Monsters - I think this was a Echo the Dolphin wannabe for Wii 5/10
National Paintball 4.9/10
Redneck Jamboree 3.4/10
Guiness World Records 7/10
Are you smarter than a 5th grader? 3.8/10
Deal or No Deal 5.5/10

Games not counted as liked or disliked by myself because they are arcade ported (meaning they are nothing unique or new so I knew what I was getting)
Meta Slug Anthology 7.2/10
SNK 7.2/10
Target Terror 3.5/10
bust-a-move 5.3/10
Luxor 3 7.7/10
Ghost Squad 7.5/10
Cruis'n 3/10
House of the Dead 2&3 6/10

That is pretty much them - now statically 77 games here (someone recount - I might have messed up)
Some do not have a rating so I gave them a 5/10 (thats fair right??)

adding up all the points I get 431.9..divided by 77 is 5.609090..
So if the ratings are 0 being "sh!tty" and 10 being OMG...all in all Wii games are little better than mediocre at 5.61%. This is just based on IGN reviews. I dont rate them that high so I am using a 3rd party for rating.

Now I like 12 of the 77 games and regardless what rating they get I will give them 10/10. However it is still 6.4% of the collection (77 divided by 12). That means less than 1 out of every 10 games is something I like.

What a minute! You picked those games by hand and skewed the test.
No I didnt but I cannot prove that either. So to be fair, I do not own PS3 and only played one at Sams Club for a short time. I will pick out PS3 games that start with A T A R I (ok 1st and 2nd A games) and lets see how the stats line up for the PS3 (that are released that I could rent)
This list is from here
Afro Samurai 6.6/10
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07 8.3/10
All-Pro Football 2K8 7.6/10
Race Driver: GRID 8.7/10
Incredible Hulk 6/10
...total 37.2/50 or..... 7.44/10....or more than half way between mediocre and OMG or... you get the point

Lets look at things in reverse...
Lets use Incredible Hulk as it is available on All Platforms and is not tied to a mascot (Mario or Sonic)
PS3 6/10
360 6/10
Wii 5.7/10

Wait dont use Incredible Hulk - pick another!
Ok...how about Tony Hawk's Proving Ground
PS2 6.9
PS3 7.1
360 7.1
Wii 4

Wait you purposely picked that one
You pick a game available on all platforms and compare
Here do some homework. This *should* be a lock
Use SEGA Superstars Tennis
Surprising results, huh?

Wait IGN hates Nintendo, they always give low ratings
Should have I went to www.officialnentendomagazine.co.uk and used their ratings? Dont you think the ratings would be slanted?
I randomly chose IGN. I dont think they are out to take down Nintendo. Whats the point of that? Do they have a vendetta against Sonic and Mario? I mean come on

Why are you so angry about this, its a video game system?
I am angry that I got suckered out of some hard earned cash.
Some of you may cut a lawn on weekends and save money. Some of you may have a job and support a family. You can understand the feeling of wasted money.
I am feeling some poeple here are just given a Wii so they really dont care as long as
Mario is jumping around.
Here is an example:
You are given a hamburger that tastes like crap. You eat it because your hungry. (Being given a Wii)
You work hard for 3 months and purchase a bar-b-que grill, grade A hamburger meat, ketchup, mustard, buns, charcoal. Everything appears just right. You cook it and melt cheese on it. And you eat it and it tastes like crap. You try another burger, and another and another. Out of 77 attempts 12 burgers were good and 65 where bad. So you get pissed that your investment in all of this stuff is a big waste of money because you hardly ever get a good burger. (Purchasing a Wii, well my hamburger experience with it)

That analogy doesnt make sense
Get a job - it will

What does this have to do with the price of tea in China?
Absolutely nothing.
I am just pointing out my history with the Wii and what researching has turned up for me regarding the wii. Once I opened my eyes and looked around, it was pretty easy to see Wii is not for me or a lot of people high expectations about the Wii. I should have done some research in the past but didnt. After being upset with gameplay and game selection, and what is going on with Wii, I feel I am out ~$700 based on games and the system and peripherals I got for it. I have researched now and am revealing my findings. If they are inaccurate, please tell me.

Please ignore the following as it will upset most people - this is just my summary
Should have I done deep studying of the Wii prior to purchase? At first no as I never had to for any other game system but apparently I should have. I am not sure I could get this information without owning one and experiencing one first hand though.

Team Twizzer does point out serious limitations of the Wii.. Kind of bleak future, huh? Lets hope NIN comes out with a great wave of Wii titles and/or the homebrew guys keep adding value to it. Madworld - please help the Wii!!!

The quest for long term entertainment value of the Wii failed for me- I did rent/download/buy games without reviewing them - so I admit it is my fault here.

The above collection shows mediocre game play according to IGN and also what I witnessed. I would have given lower scores but that would be TROLLING. Unsubstantiated attack with no facts to back up claim.

The amount of games I like from the list shows a trend that 1 in 10 games I like (or 90 out of 100 I probably would not like)

Nielsen ratings show Wii as 3rd place in console time played by users, which is something probably not looked at by people when purchasing consoles but it is a fact that Wii sales vs playtime are two different categories

Compared to some video clips, games are missing sections on the wii version or *gameplay is just not there
*that was just funny but still...

Your just being an @sshole troll buttmonkey
No...(well maybe that last video clip was a jab). But I dont think NIN is going to refund my money either. 1 person out of 49 Million buyers is insignificant to them. So my last attempt of some redemption is this blog.

I do like this website and the goings ons with the platforms.
I do enjoy the home brew chatter. I do enjoy the hardware reviews.
I enjoy this place more than I enjoy watching CNN as it is educational and entertaining.
{Most} People here are cool, some take comments personally, but I was not attacking any person here (knowingly on purpose)

You dont have to agree with me. It is my opinion.

For being told "I am using every line/bait" to cause a stir, where else did I mention the my disappointment with the Wii?" - no where. This site may be NIN dominated but there is a section for other consoles that is not being bashed. I consider GBATEMP a fair place as any, and also I put this not in the lime light other threads.

For being told "Don't say anyone didn't warn you when you bought the Wii.", no one warned me nor is there a Better Business Bureau of Video Games to go to. There are so many stats saying each machine is better in this or that. There is no warning. So I MADE A WARNING

I hope some google-bot picks this up so someone that is thinking about a system can read this. I hope that person doesnt hate the Wii but gets an idea to study up on what you want to get out of a system.
Look at FANBOY sites
Look at general sites that discuss many systems
Look at "can it be hacked?", "why can it not be hacked?"
Look at what are the failures (hardware, software)
Look up what its future holds from a company perspective and a hackers perspective
Look at reviews of same game across platforms and what makes that game better or worse
Look at price
Go to the video game store and ask the kid with pimples what he likes.
Ask the dude behind the counter with all the piercings (that looks like his head got pushed into a tackle box) what he likes.
Ask the manager what sells and what gets returned

Now Sony, MS and NIN will say their system is beyond awesome. Why would they not? So google "disappointment with PS3" or "I hate 360" or "wii sucks" and get the scoop from the other side

Boy that felt good to get off my shoulders
Some examples


Dreamcast Virtua Tennis - release 2000


Wii Sport Tennis - released 2006


PS2 - Sega Sports Tennis




PS3 and 360 Virtua Tennis

Do you see anything wrong with this picture?
I was going to put in "Wii Exclusives games" vs "Not Available on Wii Games"
Super Smash Brothers vs "Mortal Kombat vs DC"
Mario Kart vs "Paradise Burnout"
"Mario Galaxy/Paper" vs "Banjo Koozie" vs "Rachet and Clank"

Maybe later on...just sitting in the back of my head now
I also think as a gaming machine the wii is CR*P!

Its got novelty value with the wii controller and all the games that you can swing it around with but wears thin quickly, its good though you don't have to purchase full priced games but bu wiiware games which are cheaper and iv found lots of fun.

The big + for me and the biggest reason for my purchase was the homebrew scene.

1) dvd /divx player

2) nes/snes/master system/genesis/amiga/atari st/pc engine and more emulators all working pretty well

3) internet (ok not very good) but internet

4) ok 90 odd % of wii games are not good or rather made for kids but there are some good puzzle games (world of goo) and others

5) some good homebrew games and apps

6) the wii is so small and could fit into my spare dvd drive bay on my pc (hooked up to tv card :-) EDIT: a little too big but it could be modded i guess

Anyway i don't know why the original poster appolagises for anything he has said (scr*w anyone who doesn't like your opinion) we are all entitled to one.

Great feedback
But regarding your points
#1 DVD player should have been part of the system - it is a DVD player and reads DVD media. A HB app should not have been needed for this. But homebrew came through and added a missing piece to the Wii

#2 All of those emulators run on low end-pc's without problem. A Wii to play these is a cool trick - Wii 64 pushes the Wii a little too hard (50% speed) but they could optimize code and make it run faster.. but you might not see any advanced emualtors. Possibly MAME but probably certain 80's games or older. I dunno. Again Homebrew adds fun to the Wii

#3 PS3/360/Wii have internet capability. I am not sure if PS3 has wireless. Xbox does but it is a seperate purchase. But you can use a cable and plus into a computer that has wireless and tap off of that. So Wii has wireless G built in - nice but I could say my 360 has Wireless N as it is tapping off my computer. I could buy a wireless adapter for it but I would get reduce performance. Internet on Wii isnt really a selling point.

#4 Wii is not 100% disaster...there is something that appeals to someone on there. Using my stats above - Out of 100 games, I will find 90 of them that will not keep my attention

#5 Homebrew on Wii is great - I agree. It helps the system out soooo much. But purchasing a Wii for homebrew to change screens or colors or healthscreens or adding missing features or emulators or ... is somethigng someone needs to be prepared for, not something that is found and used for salvation.
*Did that make sense?

#6 Embedding a Wii in a PC would be a cool trick but outside of hiding it, the issues still remain

Good chat!.... thanks

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