Light a candle for Gary O.P.A.

Keep hope alive for me Gary.

I feel for you.


Apparently the sentence for what he is charged with is 85 years in prison. Yet for some reason he allowed them to take him alive rather than going down fighting.
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@nl255 Fuck me, EIGHTY-FIVE YEARS? Jeezus. They really aren't kidding around.
I'd definitely prefer suicide over effective life imprisonment, personally.

You are just talking or are you being seriously ? Think careful what you are going to say. And I want to ask a question: why do you prefer suicide over life imprisonment ?!
@azoreseuropa Nothing to do in prison, and if I were to face life imprisonment, I'd have seriously screwed up somewhere, done something irrevocable. I would not want to live with that guilt, doing nothing, rotting away in overcrowded prisons.
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I totally agreed with you but I would rather regret for break the law for the rest of my life accepting in jail knowing that I shouldn't had done that in first place. I prefer to be alive and get through it for the rest of life change for the better. Suicide doesn't resolve it. It is horrible and a waste!

What you have to do is THINK! Don't break the law. That is not so hard isn't it ? :) I never understand those people breaking the law and regret after. They must have a size of pea brain!
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azoreseuropa said:
What you have to do is THINK! Don't break the law.

There are quite a few laws out there, indeed most will not be able to say how many they are and you also have to ponder whether they are going to use laws from other locations*. You also have to question whether they are just laws and whether the charges brought against you are just.

*lawyers will tell you that as well

In this case I am dubious on some of the hacking charges but money laundering and possibly the paid for ROM stuff if it is about their little pay for access to our ROM site scheme at one point would make it a different matter.

As far as suicide. Can still live something of a life in jail but I can see why some would go in for it.

As far as 85 years then that is probably a theoretical if all the charges got max sentences and were sentenced to be served one after the other. Here some things might be pled down and sentences are unlikely to be that. Still probably going to be a fair chunk of time, especially if the ages of the people concerned are true, but I doubt 85 years is going to be anything like it. Haven't got through the full case yet but I would be fairly surprised if more than 10 years and utterly shocked if more than 15.

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  • BG2CNT @ BG2CNT:
    oh right diddy
  • BG2CNT @ BG2CNT:
    i saw that from penguiz0's video
  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    The video that I linked is more in depth. If you enjoy watching a one hour video.
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    good night btw
  • BG2CNT @ BG2CNT:
    @SylverReZ like a hour long? that's a bit way too long but it depends, i have seem 1 hour long videos
  • BG2CNT @ BG2CNT:
    i have a fucked attention span and somehow i can watch those videos
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    its almost 11:30 pm and I should go to sleep c ya
  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    @Xdqwerty, Goodnight
  • BG2CNT @ BG2CNT:
    @Xdqwerty Goodnight
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    So these sound core a20is pretty good bass boost is stronger than I thought
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    i downloaded echoes of the wisdom
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  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    I'm sure you're on Nintendos hit list
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    When you play it, don't burn the dinner or Link will go apeshit.
  • BG2CNT @ BG2CNT:
    @K3Nv3 i don't give a shiet
  • BG2CNT @ BG2CNT:
    nintendo ninjas can't with my fists
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    I'm not on v3 yet
  • BG2CNT @ BG2CNT:
    oh wait
  • BG2CNT @ BG2CNT:
    yeah i need to get more anti sleep drugs
  • BG2CNT @ BG2CNT:
  • Michael-MSL @ Michael-MSL:
    good evening and morning
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    cant get my mig switch to work still getting cannot read files, after the light blinks
  • S @ shezagamer:
    S @ shezagamer: heyyyyyyyyy