Am I Too Old To Be Into Videogames And Anime?

Hi there. As the topic title indicates, I'm having an issue where I'm wondering if I'm too old to enjoy video games, anime, and other things I've always enjoyed. This is actually a pretty complex psychological issue I'm having and I didn't know where else I thought would be better to ask than here.

I'll keep the details and backstory brief as I can.

I'm 35 years old, I'm autistic and have some other issues I haven't identified yet, and I'm recovering from back-to-back major, MAJOR clinical depression and depersonalization episodes that started in early August. I've had these depression episodes going back at least since I was 18, but they don't function like other depression issues I've found yet. When I get these episodes in, they erase my emotional feeling of self-identification and paralyze me with irrational fear of age, death, and even time itself. I don't self-harm and I've got medical care for it, but it still comes back and wrecks havoc on my entire concept of existence.

What I'm feeling tonight, and I can't tell if its the depression or if I really feel this way, is that I'm too old to enjoy the stuff I enjoy. Despite my mental issues and autism, I'm actually deeply devoted to living like a mature, responsible adult. Quite literally, I aim to be something like Hank Hill or a toned-down Ned Flanders. I'm married, I own a house and a car, and me and the wife are trying to have kids (we are not childless by choice and never will be). My wife has some extremely large issues herself and both of us are just barely straddling the line of being legally disabled, but we don't consider ourselves disabled. We're both religious and extremely spiritual while keeping up on science and rational thinking (we're not conservative christians and we keep our beliefs to ourselves). I have all the adulting and maturity I need out in the world that I should be able to tell myself I can enjoy cartoons and games if I want to, but for some reason, I have this emotional feeling like I'm doing something wrong in life. Like still wanting to watch cartoon and play games and go to theme parks and write fanfiction or submit stuff to Creepypasta means I'm some kind of sick person who's trapped in a prolonged adolescence and not growing up correctly.

What complicates things is that unlike the last times I've had existential depression and confusion, this time I'm really not a young man anymore. I refuse to be afraid of getting old and dying under normal mental functioning because those are the stupidest things in the world to be afraid of (I'm Christian but I'm big into reincarnation and the universe replaying variations of this timeline again, making fear of death or old age completely without merit), but the emotional feelings that tell me I'm old and I'm too old to be myself remain strong and have numbers to back them up. I'd also like to add that no one in my life is giving me shit for this either. Not my parents, not my in-laws, not anyone from church, no one online, no one at all. You'd think that would help, but it doesn't.

It's easy to say, "Who cares about my age? I'll do whatever I want and fuck anyone who doesn't like it!" like the wisdom goes, but it's another thing when you do actually get old and don't see a lot of other people your age watching anime, getting into emulation, writing fanfiction and basically doing the same stuff they were doing on the internet 17 years ago. I don't see a lot of lawyers, tax preparers and real estate business owners my age doing that stuff in their off time. I'm not "normal" enough to truly fit in with that level of maturity, but I'm not "abnormal" enough to justify doing the same things I enjoyed before my balls dropped either. Add the total mindfuck of the depression/depersonalization and I seriously don't know what to think.

Any thoughts on something like this? Any examples I can counter-balance against the depression voices?
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“I don't see a lot of lawyers, tax preparers and real estate business owners my age doing that stuff in their off time. I'm not "normal" enough to truly fit in with that level of maturity”

That’s totally not true. Go out and play Pokemon Go, then come back and tell me that. People playing Pokemon are 25+ to 35+ in our community, with quite a few players been in their 40s, 50s and 60s.

Depending on what statistics you look at online, the average age of a gamer is in their 30s. So if you like games then keep enjoying them :) Gaming is more socially acceptable than ever these days.
35's the age that like every man has the am I to old phase. There was a Gomer pyle episode that focused on this of Sargent Carter:lol:
It's understandable to feel pushed away with animes revolving high school way to much. But like cartoons there are animes for more adult audiences.
A keynote is people change, some don't. Just because you don't doesn't mean you've failed your life. Your out doing what you love well they might be out
drinking every night not beinig able to control their addictions, most people don't have a wife either to be there for them. Instead of wallowing over others lives
We should consider how thankful we are.

It was my mom and grandpa that both got me hard into gaming. My dad I know sometimes felt angry of gaming, but he never picked up a controller. He treated them like they were a waste of time. But for me its like reading a book (rpg) and mind exercises. They might see a screen but they'll never explore the lore or words on the screen. It can be an escape from the world, but it can make you understand the world more too and make you enjoy the world your in.

For the whole death thing though. Only in death do we truly feel alive. Its generally our near death experiences that make us no longer fear death. We become thankful for the gift of live trying to live it to the fullest. I've went through alot about 16+ times growing up. Even being burried alive at the age of 6. I'd work 10+ stories in the air. I knew I could fall, but it'd be my fear that'd cause me to fall.

We all have our limits though can't say I know to much of autism.. tony hawk song, might help you feel better.:grog:
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My buddy, I'm really sorry that you've struggled with depression but I'm happy to hear you are working through it and have a wife and a job :3
That's really awesome!
And honestly you are never too old to play videogames or like anime.
Just think of Shirley Curry!

And no, don't feel like you are immature because you like these things! You are mature cause you have an aforementioned wife and job, you have things going!

I hope that cheers you up :3
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I'm 35 and I'm still super into games. I got 35 year old homeboys that still jam with me every day. I hope I never get tired of games I don't think I ever could. I seen friends fall out of games as the years went by. People who I thought would be like me and jam forever but they "grow out of it". Not me I'm still as happy and have as much fun as I was when I was 6 years old and got a nes for Xmas 1990. I'm sure my lady would rather me be more productive than spend more than all my free time just playing games but it is what makes me happy.
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It seems to me there are innumerable stories of people who have kids and subsequently find they have no time for their own personal interests for another ten years. So, if that's really the direction you want to take your life, the problem will likely solve itself.
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You're never too old for your hobbies, well maybe you can be too old, but that would be when your hobbies can kill you or something.
I have a colleague at work, he's a 54 year old father of 2 kids, and an enthusiastic gamer, we often play stuff together during lunch breaks. Now I ask you, is he too old to play games?
He also often times says this when someone annoys him about his hobbies: "I'm a responsible employ at work, a responsible husband and father at home, during my free time I'll do what I want and enjoy my hobbies."

Watch and play whatever the fuck you want it's your life. don't let people judge you.
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I'm 28 years old. My current schedule can be resumed to the following:

Monday - Morning Shower | Have Coffee | Drive to Work | Work | Eat Lunch While Reading Manga | Work | Drive Home | Play Games | Eat Dinner | Play Games | Read Manga | Sleep

Tuesday - Morning Shower | Have Coffee | Drive to Work | Work | Eat Lunch While Playing Switch | Work | Drive Home | Play Games | Eat Dinner | Play Games | Read Manga | Sleep

Wednesday - Morning Shower | Have Coffee | Drive to Work | Work | Eat Lunch While Reading Manga | Work | Drive Home | Make Dinner | Eat Dinner | Play Games | Read Manga | Sleep

Thursday - Morning Shower | Have Coffee | Drive to Work | Work | Eat Lunch While Playing Switch | Work | Drive Home | Play Games | Eat Dinner | Play Games | Read Manga | Sleep

Friday - Morning Shower | Have Coffee | Drive to Work | Work | Eat Lunch While Reading Manga | Work | Drive Home | Make Dinner | Eat Dinner | Play Games | Read Manga | Sleep

Saturday - Have Coffee | Bath | Play Games| Eat Lunch | Play Games| Teach Sunday School | Attend Mass | Play Games | Eat Dinner | Play Games | Read Manga | Sleep

Sunday - Have Coffee | Bath | Play Games | Make Lunch | Eat Lunch | Play Games | Afternoon Snack | Play Games| Make Dinner | Eat Dinner | Play Games | Read Manga | Sleep

That's my routine, currently I don't have much of a social life aside from work and church.
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My "dread", as I call it as a way to solidify a name for it, gave me a break shortly after posting this on the 14th of October. From the 18th to the 30th, it was largely gone and then started back up on the 30th. Today it was right back to telling me I'm too old to play videogames, enjoy anime, write short stories for modern internet shit, etc., and going back to this thread helps me again.

Thank you again for the helpful replies.
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Do what you want to do man, but maybe pick up a more active physical hobby if you think it would benefit your life.

I live close to the coast, so i surf during the summer/spring months on weekends (surprisingly cheap if you buy you're own board) and i save up for 2 weekends a year to snowboard during the winter. It keeps me sane, but it's all dependent on your personal fiances/hobby preferences. If videogames/anime are your thing, no harm!
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I'm not into anime, but I'm 48 and game. I was raised on Pong, Atari, and Colecovision. Why would a person stop doing things they enjoy because they get older?
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I try to work out and get exercise when I can. I live in densely wooded mountains in a space where getting daily recommended levels of exercise and activity is a challenge for me. The antidepressants give me issues with drowsiness and I suspect a 20lb. weight gain, but it does actually work to fix the neurotransmitters and help me remember how I live, so I can't cut them out. I definitely need to get back into shape and at least try to get rid of this mild double chin I've got, but I have to get the disease under control and a lot of other life stuff done before I can dedicate myself to a serious exercise regime.

I will get my opportunity, it's just difficult to remember that when the "dread" rises up.
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Wooded areas can be a blessing. A short walk in nature can clear the head, even if you are on anti-depressants (i was on a few myself in the past). If you feel bored, download a few podcasts and it'll fly by. Maybe you'll start jogging, then you might be running and after a while you could be fitter than you ever thought you'd ever be. Exercise really is key to a healthy mind. You don't need to set unrealistic expectations of 7-day a week gym sessions, simply walking be a major personal moral boost
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