The Under 25 Crowd Really Sucks Ass

I give up on people. For those of you 25 and under, your generation SUCKS! The more and more I talk to your crowd the more I find corporatist, authority compliant, pushovers. Yes, let's let companies re-release games at exorbitant prices even thou you JUST purchased the same damn game 3 to 5 years ago. Let's act like a person demanding more from a service isn't logical because as a customer they deserve to be treated properly. Game developers aren't gods. Corporations are NOT gods. STOP acting like it. At this rate it will be your generation that gives up on the human concept of government and just usher in a wave or corporate feudalism and let companies run what supposed to be sovereign nations. Where the fuck is your fire? What the fuck happened to not allowing corruption to run rampage on a society. It's like you'd rather be zombies for the sake of creature comforts. Go ahead and just take it right up the ass! Somewhere along the line your generation have forgotten that IT CAN BE BETTER. People in the past gave blood sweat and tears for it to be better for you and your asses just sit on your laurels and do nothing but be compliant while people with more wealth conspire to use you like a tool and run you into the ground. Hopefully you wake the fuck up before this planet is left with nothing good to hold onto.


Oh its another one of those. You know, the ones that blame everything on every generation except their own.
Lets get something straight. I'm not against ports. I'm against badly priced ports. If it's a port similar to Wind Waker HD, or the Resident Evil remake on GameCube, sure It's worth 60. Now a port like Mario Kart 8 on Switch is NOT worth 60. It's one thing to port a game and actually go back in, change assets and make an effort to make true graphical upgrades. THAT is worth more than recompiling a game from Power PC to ARM, adding DLC and upping the resolution without actually dropping in better textures and models. 20-30 for Wii U ports is fine. 50-60 is NOT. These Wii U ports look exactly the same on Switch and the added DLC isn't enough. When was the last time we have had a game of the year edition game sold at the same or higher price than the release? Basically these Wii U to Switch ports are Game of the Year editions, even if they're not called that.

In regards to communism vs socialism. I'm a proud socialist and quite frankly, people acting as if capitalism will be around forever are just afraid of the fact that once 3D printing and matter manipulation kicks in, there will either be no need for money or multiple types of economies running at the same time but capitalism will not be a dominant.
Lets get something straight. I'm not against ports. I'm against badly priced ports. If it's a port similar to Wind Waker HD, or the Resident Evil remake on GameCube, sure It's worth 60. Now a port like Mario Kart 8 on Switch is NOT worth 60. It's one thing to port a game and actually go back in, change assets and make an effort to make true graphical upgrades. THAT is worth more than recompiling a game from Power PC to ARM, adding DLC and upping the resolution without actually dropping in better textures and models. 20-30 for Wii U ports is fine. 50-60 is NOT. These Wii U ports look exactly the same on Switch and the added DLC isn't enough. When was the last time we have had a game of the year edition game sold at the same or higher price than the release? Basically these Wii U to Switch ports are Game of the Year editions, even if they're not called that.
And are still a similar price to the originals. How about that?

If it is a similar price to the original, there's nothing wrong with it. You aren't paying for less content, you're paying the same for similar content. You need to keep in mind that the portability and local multiplayer functions of the switch are something that gives the games that take advantage of it value in and of themselves.

Plus, not everyone likes graphical upgrades. I prefer OOT to OOT3D, Doom 3 to Doom 3 BFG, Halo 1 to Halo CEA, Half Life 1 to HL:S and BM:S, and so on.

Also, when it came out, GOTY edition of Skyrim was pretty similar to the price of Skyrim on launch. Amazon lists it now at like 20$ for previous gen or PC, for comparison, Skyrim, base game with no DLC, is also 20$ on PC.

So you're not even right on that front either. You're getting games for the same price they were when they came out. I don't see anything wrong with that. Time will pass and their prices will lower just like the other games. You do not have to buy it the second it comes out. Something else will inevitably come out and take it's place of your interest.

Also Wind Waker HD was like a straight up port with more bloom, it had very little content added in comparison to the originals. This sounds mighty hypocritical.

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Also, Mario Kart 8's DLC, when combined, is like 16$ total or 12$ in a bundle. Add that to 60$ and you have either 76 or 72$. So, getting these DLCs for the price of the base game without them, imo? That sounds pretty fair. This comes down more to what you place the value in, rather than what the developers do.
No need, I made a joke that'd rile up the pseudo intellectuals. Seems it worked.
lol dude jokes require humor . . . but that was a good one next time i whole heatedly believe (and state) some bs (due to my own stupidity) i will be sure to play it off (as a joke)
lol dude jokes require humor . . . but that was a good one next time i whole heatedly believe (and state) some bs (due to my own stupidity) i will be sure to play it off (as a joke)
He has an odd sense of humor that's not immediately obvious, but if you read literally everything he posts as sarcasm the first time through it makes more sense
lol dude jokes require humor . . . but that was a good one next time i whole heatedly believe (and state) some bs (due to my own stupidity) i will be sure to play it off (as a joke)
You took a comment that implies atheism, communism, Judaism, Street Fighter's V-ism, euphemism, and many more are all the exact same seriously.

My man, you are the punchline. The humor comes from knowing pseudo intellectuals are dumb enough to fall for it.
I knew you since I got banned here the first time when I was stupid like half this site.

I'm 21 but still feel like all teenagers are fucking dumb.
you called me that (. . . i never claimed to be)

so you could insult me . . . way to prove people under 25 are indeed mature
You accuse me of implying you said something you never said

and then next line do the same shit.
Never said people under 25 are mature. People over 25 can be just as if not more immature. It depends on the person, not the age. You're 32, and a fan of an immature show like Rick and Morty. Why would you care about if something is or isn't mature? We're on a forum about video games, not fucking congress. Maturity of all things should matter the least here.

Edit response to edited response: You're awfully quick to shit on the previous/current generation. Someone call Socrates, we've got a real fuckin intellectual on our hands!
You accuse me of implying you said something you never said
My man, you are the punchline. The humor comes from knowing pseudo intellectuals are dumb enough to fall for it.
enough said
You're 32, and a fan of an immature show like Rick and Morty. Why would you care about if something is or isn't mature? We're on a forum about video games, not fucking congress. Maturity of all things should matter the least here.
nice try but maturity is the topic of debate here today not videogames. . . or should i be immature enough to say "ass sucking young people" is the topic either way it is what it is and you are what you are
If you're so much better than them, why are you choosing to spend your time crying about them on a video-game-centric web forum?
Something doesn't add up.
enough said
nice try but maturity is the topic of debate here today not videogames. . . or should i be immature enough to say "ass sucking young people" is the topic either way it is what it is and you are what you are
I'm starting to doubt you're actually 32 given how straight up incoherent some of your posts are getting.
You don't have to call yourself a pseudo intellectual to be one. I can't name any (besides one) who had willingly named themselves one, and the one guy I can was just doing it for attention.

I classify people who bitch about the current/previous generation constantly as pseudo intellectuals, because that's basically what they are. I've yet to find a better term for people who must constantly soapbox about how much smarter, more active, and generally superior things were back in their day as if it's even a relevant point.

So no, maturity is not the point of contention here. The point is generations and who keeps pointing fingers at who.

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If you're so much better than them, why are you choosing to spend your time crying about them on a video-game-centric web forum?
Something doesn't add up.
Is there a way to like a post twice
I'm starting to doubt you're actually 32 given how straight up incoherent some of your posts are getting.
so now my lack of grammar and punctuation dictates my age . . . nice . . .

I've yet to find a better term for people who must constantly soapbox about how much smarter, more active, and generally superior things were back in their day as if it's even a relevant point.
or is this why you dont believe my age because i dont fit in with your definition of what i should be according to your own pseudo intellectualism

So no, maturity is not the point of contention here. The point is generations and who keeps pointing fingers at who.
lol maturity is what the generations define as the problem between generations . . . you will understand when you grow up

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