Smiley's Dream Log #4 - Becoming a Harpy

I have got some pills in my posession somehow. Every one of them, when taken before going to bed would overnight transform you into one of the creatures from
Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou (they were colour-coded, so you knew what you were going to become). There's just one catch. They don't wear off, and they are one-use. If you take a pill, you would stay that creature permanently, and if you took another, you can't go back to a previous form.
I -- of course -- took the pill corresponding to Best Girl Papi (harpy), because there's no better power than flight.
The next day, I attended school like normal. I remember trying out my newly grown wings when going home. They were awesome.

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What would happen if you took them all at the same time?

PS: Teleportation>>>Flight:P
You become a shape-shifting reptilian free mason member of the Illuminati of course! There are 3 sides to a Dorito, Illuminati Confirmed!
ThoD said:
Why is that? Teleportation allows flight too you know...
It doesn't. The most you can do is keep teleporting yourself up into the air, but that looks stupid, and probably gets confusing for the person.
For anyone wondering why the number just changed from #3 to #4, I noticed there are actually 4 blogs with the Dream Log tag, but one of them wasn't named as if it was one. I proceeded to number that one as well, and give titles to all my logs.
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Smiley, depends on mastery of it, but it's the same as flight if you can indefinitely teleport instantly to the same place midair. Also, doesn't get limited by the amount of weight you can carry and cuts down travel expenses big time, along with not getting the fucking army to shoot you down as forms of flying while in cities is illegal without permits and many other negatives! Finally, teleportation helps you sneak in and out of places or even countries, perfect for smuggling the cool stuff:P
@smileyhead I always wake up before wetting
I dream of sex, im about to ejaculate BUT
nothing wakes me up, I wake up for no reasons
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Same here, for better or worse... all my kinky dreams have gotten cut short because of it:(
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