What do you do to cheer yourself up?

For some reason I seem to always be in a sad mood, and even when I try to do stuff I normally enjoy I can't get into it and have fun with how draged down I am. I'm starting to get scared as people are starting to mention it and ask. What am I becoming...
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Music, play games or sleep.
I also watch anime to silent my thoughs about stuff [If I can, sometimes I just lose track of what's happening and I start to feel weird]
You can also doodle like slaphappygamer suggested.
I've my own business and I work every fucking day, my job rewards me a lot but is also my source of stress/rage/hatred, what to do to chear myself????

Simply quit working, then go to the gym and bench press as hard as I can then go to MCDONALD'S and order 20 chicken nuggets with bunch of spicy sauce....

I'm may regretting next day for all shits u ate, but definitely worth it...
I don't really do anything, now that I think about it. I just keep going until the sadness wears off, I guess.
I play video games, sometimes i watch a tv show i liked from the past like futurama, or anime, sometimes i go and look at stuff to buy without really buying stuff, I believe people refer to this as window shopping. (But how do you do it on pc? Well i guess if you have windows and do it in a web browser, is still window shopping) :P

Go watch some comedy or listen to music, go to sleep and dream of stuff. Go talk to someone about it, if they want to help or listen, go for a walk and get it out your system.

Honestly, while there times people suffer from depression, you can be glad you aren't dead unless you wanna be. Just don't do drugs okay? o_o

If you don't know who to talk to, I hear there is a chatroulette that i guess allows you to talk to strangers, then again mom says never to talk to them, how would people make friends without doing that though? :ninja:

Being honest, maybe is something serious and maybe you should go see a doctor about it. :unsure:
ehh, would rather talk to folks around here, these are strangers I know more than those strangers...wait, what o.0
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I don't tend to feel sad, an expected part of my condition. But I do have times where i'm particularly in a bad mood, not angry, but just... not in the mood to do anything.

I listen to folk metal music, I read manga, watch anime, sketch something. I find sketching quite relaxing, that scratching on a piece of paper, putting immense focus into it. I can imagine it's how a murderer feels, cutting into somebody's flesh.

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