Self awareness, things I'm starting to notice about myself.

Where to start?

Today, I did some thinking, I usually dislike thinking stuff about myself cause is depressing but sometimes I slip into that bad habit, first I noticed I think I'm not a prideful person. I dunno why but I just am not. I done things I feel are at a comfort level. I play video games, no I don't have any world records in speed runs, no I don't play professionally, and win all the time. But I do have a few platinum trophies on playstation network. Sometimes I see others, yeah at times i can be jealous, they did better than me, but is nothing too upsetting to me. I wish I could do that but that is all. I try to move on to things, so I'm just a person who likes comfort than taking risk. I have taken many risk before in the past, most of the time it ends in me getting duped or even with no closure. I had people bait me into things, thinking I made friends then get no more responses from them as if they just ignored me. But yeah, happens to me all the time. Not sure if i should just accept it or do something about it. Mostly I wouldn't know what to do, so I move on.

Vs the internet

Next I noticed that I am a complicated competitive person. While I do like playing games with people, I find it better than playing alone, sometimes I wish I was playing alone. There is online games now and days, try playing a few, don't always play too long. One thing I stay away from is the ranking mode, honestly I don't care about my rank, so i do casual games. (F.Y.I there is some verbally abusive people on rank modes, so try playing with friends, or turn off speech with strangers, and blacklist them if they spam your inbox cause you most likely will get a insult if you win or lose) While I don't care too much about glory or score or online records, I do care about having fun, is losing fun? Not always, you win some and lose some, unless you one of the people who always win or lose... I dunno what to say.


Another thing I noticed, plenty of regrets talking to people, I never know what will happen when i talk to someone but when I do is usually regret. The reason is why? Well I tried talking to someone today, I noticed that when I talk to someone and want to relay information about things, that is all i wanted to do. But what happens next? They feel the need to wanna tell me something as if I had no idea. Then people say to me I don't like to listen to people.... maybe they are right. I like to listen when I ask someone a question. That is why I bother asking. I don't go to people standing there waiting for them to notice something wrong and get lectured unless I ask about it. I don't want a 5+ minutes reply on something that starts to drift into other things that isn't relevant to what was previously in discussion. If you ever notice someone going off track of the topic of discussion, stop them and kindly remind them of it. No they won't always return positive response but it may save you some time on extended conversations.


Last thing has to be people's unwilling to conversate. This one is the biggest struggle not just for me but humans in general, anyone could have this problem. I been here a year, on this forum. I see people respond with some of the most outrageous replies a person can get. Some funny, some harsh, some could be out of frustration etc. Yes and I admit even me sometimes. Thinking about it, I feel bad those times. People are surrounded by people, is called a Community, we all here are part of one. When I ask questions, I do not ask for any reason that is unnecessary. Sometimes I ask questions, I can find online, sometimes I can't. But I ask them, and hoping SOMEBODY on the forum will kindly reply to it with the information I asked. No I don't expect them to, from what I seen here, I can't expect anything but expect the unexpected.

While I learn not to expect anything as I have not much input here or control over things, I can only hope someone is reading my post, thinking of something to support me and allowing me to get somewhere on quest for whatever it is at the time. I can hope that when people are reading and thinking of posting, is something looking forward to reading. I can hope that someone isn't gonna just post a link of some kind, use the obnoxious "Let me google that for you" joke or tell me to go look it up, or say something even more disturbing worth wasting my time to read. (Yes that last part is subjective so I don't mind if you disagree) I ask questions to start a conversation, not to be told something that seem like the person replying has no interest in replying but did just to reply. Conversation is the majority of reasons why my post exist, this is a community, even in real life, is the same thing. I could ask obvious things, people think is sarcasm or "trolling" I'm asking to start a conversation.

Now I do take responsibility for some bad conversations, I don't always know what to say at specific times, and I hate keeping people waiting for reply so I just get something there. Obviously I was pressured and can't keep up with others who has sharper minds. The things I say aren't the best responses, and after thinking over some more, I could have done better, but is in the past so what is done is done. Once again, pressured and rushed. Try to think about it as unprepared for a exam or even performing on stage and choking during the big moment. It happens to lots of people. Another thing is having problems understanding what people are telling me, yes I try my best and always have, but I just have trouble understanding, I'm sorry if I can't get as intellectual as you or miss some key parts of the chat.

In the end, somethings I haven't done so well, and wish I could have done better, some things I want to change about myself, maybe be a bit more proactive, but as many times as I have tried to make something new happen, it usually doesn't go well so I'm just gonna end it here and hope I evolve and mature a bit more. Eventually be in a better mood for somethings, go to people instead of waiting for people to come to me.
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Maybe... maybe we're all not so different. I can relate to a lot of the things you say. I read your entire post, but I don't really know what to say from here :unsure:

Never really spoken with you in any significant capacity, but I hope you had a good day. You're a very friendly face on the Temp. See you around ^_^
A blog about yourself that isnt a meme?

Congrats, I was sorta expecting this to be a meme.

thank you
I read about half of that and i just have one question. You mentioned how you prefer playing solo as opposed to playing online with others. Now i can relate to that, however this is my question:

Have you ever played an MMO? if so what was your experience with it?

Me personally, i started playing my first ever MMO 2 months ago and i enjoyed it. Originally i wanted to play with my bestie, but unfortunately i kept power leveling and he was focused more focused on another game which he is a leader of a battalion on etc... So therefore about a week into playing the MMO with him, i decided to completely solo the main story and i did. And after i beat the main story i learnt that i would need to pay around £18 in order to unlock all expansions and i decided that i would do that but not immedately. Now i intend to go back and finish the expansions of that MMO, during the coming months. But a part of me really wishes that i had someone else to group with. But unfortunately finding people who are dedicated to one game is hard, and even more so when your playing an MMO which is 5 years old.

Sorry for going on an anecdote, but i just wanted to share my experience and ask if you have played any MMOs since they are VERY different to a typical swearing matches on COD with a 10 year old pre-pubescent kid. Oh and i also went on that anecdote since like you, i dont really play online at all. In fact i dont think i have ever played COD online even though i have owned the several of the games and that is simply due to the lack of interest. And it is also because well, to me i would rather play through 10 hours of a story driven game like Dragon Quest IX(which is what i am currently playing btw:ha:) rather than play 10 hours of constant COD matches which dont really give me anything other than increase my rank among the world leader boards (which BTW for most games are impossible to even enter the TOP 10 unless your some sort of gaming god).

Oh and one more question: if you haven't ever played an MMO, are there any which you are interested in checking out?
I've read it, but not sure to understood it all.
I feel like you talked about past experience a lot, and without knowing it it's kind of hard to understand what you meant. Or maybe I was just not focus enough to what was written (I have to admit it's a little more complicated to read than usual posts made here).

I agree with things you said, for example with the way people are replying to a simple question. You never know how others will react, you just hope that you won't get the absurd, joke or sarcastic answer. You might even end up not asking question, and wait for others to do it in fear of the answer you'll get.
I always try (I say try, I might have times I'm not in the mood and I apologize) to always answer people, even if it's the 50th time that question has been asked. to me it's 50ths time, but to the person asking it's the first time, he deserve to get a proper and genuine answer. I'm getting upset when it's the 50th time the SAME person ask it....

I'm working at a place with lot of people and socialization, it's not always easy to keep calm. lot of people are getting upset and angry for small things, like "having to come back" or "doing something themselves" seems to make them the most angry. they expect you do to it for them, people are becoming more and more assisted. Sometime I even fear talking to them, asking them things, in fear of their reactions...
Not sure if I'm still ontopic here :P
I just reacted on your comment about how other people act and their behavior in society.

I played MMORPG once (ragnarok online) for 3 years, every days (I lost 3 years of my life, really).
it was a good and bad experience. You make friend, and you get to play together. You make links with some people as you get to know them, but even with these so-called friend, you get stuck with them and start feeling bad because they get angry if you are now available, because they can't play ! they get angry if you don't play the way they expect ! they get angry at you for not supporting them, even if you died because they couldn't protect you .... you are at fault. I always played a healer because I like helping and supporting others, but you need a tank, if the tank doesn't protect you then you can't be alive to heal him/her, and then you get to know the people's real emotional state. you understand you are here just to serve them, and not because they like you.
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@Abu_Senpai I think you asked if I did play MMO about 3 times in your post. :P

Honestly, no. Although some games may been classified as MMO but not how I play it. People have been hyping up final fantasy XIV, but i just not the type to play games using subscription service. I worry that I won't get the most out of the payments or games due to the subscription based timing, and mostly not having people to play with I feel comfortable to get along with. I have played with people online, I just find it hard to feel good about with bad experiences. Not everyone is gonna be nice or respectful so is either deal with it or just walk away from it.

@Cyan I assume your job is stressful cause of social interaction. Is a common subject, working with people, not everyone gets along. I had jobs like that as delivery for college campus, or even teacher's aide. I just a bit indifferent about socializing these days. I like not being lonely but when people aren't pleasant to be around, I rather not be around people and feel regret for my wasted time (cause that how it makes me feel afterward)

Basically what I'm saying is I have bad experiences with people, online and IRL. Communities, lots of them. Whatever it may be, I really dislike many of the bad aspects of them. People aren't nice, probably other people think I'm not nice, but is just how I handle it. I just want to do best I can and even better sometimes, as long as I'm comfortable with it. I don't want to have problems, cause problems or anything negative. I'm capable of conversation but doubtfully such things doesn't happen often. :(
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@Sonic Angel Knight LOL my bad. That is what happens when I write big posts (i tend to repeat myself alot, it is a very bad habit:P)

Ah alright, now i understand. Yeah i get your point about MMOs and how you might not get what you paid for due to real life and other factors. And yes i agree with you there but if you ever do want to get into MMOs then remember that some offer Okay-ish Free to play plans which allow you to play the entire campaign beginning to end without spending a single penny. That is what i did with SWOTOR and regarding the expansions or paid content. In some MMOs expansions are " a one time only payment thing" meaning that you only pay once and they are unlocked for the life of that MMO. That is at least how it worked with SWOTOR hence why i was willing to fork out £18 for it LOL. ( i am a cheapskate i now haha:))

And tbh FF XIV and even FF XI are MMOs that i want to play at some point in the future. And that is simply for the story since i hate missing any entries from favorite video game series's that i like.

I also agree that people in MMOs can be rude and yes some people dont value you as people but rather as "assets" in the game, just like @Cyan said earlier in his post. But that is why i intend to go through the story for MMOs solo in the future and if i ever do work with a team then i will ensure that, there is a concrete plan on what time we come online and how long we play for etc... I always recommend that people play with close friends when it comes to MMOs since playing with strangers just leads to problems down the road.

Oh well anyways, i wish you luck on meeting new people and i hope you can overcome you weaknesses and turn them into your strengths.
The point is people talking to me and when they do is awkward. People wanna tell me stuff and explain things I never ask and just listening isn't something I'm interested in. Then when I do ask for help or information, is always go find it yourself. I'm asking cause I rather talk to someone and feel comfort knowing someone used their "Precious" time to explain something I had interest in, rather than waste my time knowing they explained something I never asked for... cause they feel I needed to know. Is different if someone wanted to share things about themself, but don't start a conversation and expect me to ask question to bait me into getting lectured about it.

I don't want to go to my father to tell him I got a new pc, just to hear him talk about his evaluation of it followed by what could be done to improve it and even random youtube videos about other people's computers that last over 30 mins. If I didn't ask, I probably don't care, take that with caution. Maybe it makes me a bad person, but what does it make other people when I do ask and they don't wanna help cause they think I'm lazy or something.:blink:

Hope that was short and clear enough for everyone.
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it feels like in my job, when I ask a question to know the user's situation (to provide appropriate help, tell which paper is needed, etc.), and instead that user start talking about his life, and his dog, and his .... I stop listening.
that's boring, and that's not helpful, other people are waiting to be served and that user doesn't care wasting others' people time and still continue with sharing uninteresting data.
I try to look kind and do as if I was listening, but I always hope I could tell that I don't care about their story. *keep calm, keep calm....*
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@Cyan well you pretty much understand what I was saying, glad I could explain it well. Though Since in your case is a job requirement to have the quality of social interaction to actually have to deal with some people's random nonsense, unlike here you could just ignore if you wish or something. Though in similar cases, it still apply since you probably wouldn't ignore a friend, or family, someone you care about.

I dislike people wanting to tell me stuff I never asked about, but when I do ask is someone telling me to go look it up. Bottom line is, I'm not lazy, I know how to use the internet. I don't ask questions to get told to look it up, I ask to learn and have a conversation with someone. If they don't want to chat then they could just leave. Honestly it seem like starting conversations is just getting a bit difficult with people, especially when people don't trust others and always assume is something of a joke. This is why i dislike the concept of sarcasm and trolling... or just rather people be straightforward without being too disrespectful.
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starting a conversation is really hard, maybe more and more due to current society.
people are not talking each others anymore, people don't know their neighbors (never met my neighbor since I moved last year), people don't talk in the bus or anywhere else, instead they are looking at their phone, or listen to music to get isolated in their own world, people look for their own comfort.
People fear the contact and wonder what you want when you talk to them, they feel aggressed.

so, starting a conversation is not easy if it's not natural. going to someone randomly is hard.
"natural" being in an occasion where each side expect to be talked to (going to a picnic with random people from your town, like I did yesterday evening ! :O I listened more than I talked, but did the effort to go out)

Back to gbatemp:
Some users tried to talk to me, and sent me PMs, I'm happy to answer and see some users want to know me for who I am instead of what I do, but I never do the effort to go back to that user and care what he/she is doing. people probably feel I'm not interested in them, I'm cold. that's probably true. I don't like to force myself to find (uninteresting) subjects just to keep a conversation alive, and I end alone !

If you ever want to talk, you are welcome, just know that I might never contact you in return, but it's not (necessarily) because I don't like you.

I hope my reply didn't bother you, I started talking about random personal life you didn't ask for haha
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@Cyan I'm not too sure but is just a guess, you seem like a shy person, if I'm wrong, well i said it was a guess. :P

Though there is lots of people who are shy and plenty of reasons to be, at the same time others will say there is plenty of reasons not to be. Still most of people behavior is kinda based on their history. People tend to be defensive about stuff cause is something that happened in their life they don't want ever again, they become very cautious or aggressive. Those people have trouble trusting people or trying to put their self out in the world to be social or develope friends or have relationships. Maybe someone had bullies in school. Maybe they was scammed. You never know what someone has done unless they tell you. You never know what to expect from people, being the living organisms we are, yes we are very unpredictable without solid knowledge about things, that is a reason to be shy.

Sometimes i could listen to what people have to say even if i didn't ask, not cause i was being nice but cause I care enough to know. The blog for example, people read it cause they care enough to respond (with a actual response most of the time) and not just ignore it. Exercising free will to show interest is what I mean by al this rather than doing so cause of society standards. :)
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you are right, I'm very shy, if not ill shy. social phobic.
I have a lot of symptoms that autistic person have, even if I'm not. I developed these "way to react" to protect myself against social aggression I feel against me.
Being bullied at school, and a lot of life's event made me like that.

I lived many years by avoiding other people. now, I feel like I would like to talk to someone again, share things I like, but it's hard to make friend. people reject it if you ask. I found a way to meet new people and not let them the choice :P
I registered to a website where people can create a hangout (picnic, or anything, sport, cinema, cultural, etc.) and people register to go there. Now, I can go out with people (even if random) while avoiding them telling me they don't want to see me. they don't get to choose anymore, I do !
Not sure how long it would last, maybe I'll get annoyed after some time meeting random people, but I hope from this I'll meet people who want to know me.
It's maybe working, I'm still unsure about last people I met since last month (we met 5-6 times already)

PS: funny how I write blog material, but not on mine! ahah

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