This place has gone to another dimension, bare with me here. Take a look at the CN tower, it is in Canada, if we take the coordinates we can clearly s


That is actually part of the conspiracy, you see, the goverment wouldn't be knowing about this if this was posted after a few hours.
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Dear god RustInPeace, It says Cheep 6 times, he moves his arms up and down around 8 times. 6 * 8 is 48 and if we divide that in half it is 24, if we divide that by 4 we get six. Now notice the extended letters in the last *2* cheeps, there's 13 letters in the last *2* cheeps, if we divide that 13 by 2 we get 6.5. Take a look at the man's shirt, there is three buttons, now take a look at the balloons, there's two of them. If we add them and make them a decimal, then if we subtract 6.5 by 0.5 it equals 6! That's three 6's! 666! Like the devil! Dear god, guy's, we're getting closer to the truth of life!
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This "other dimension" is also downhill. All of reality has now gone downhill. I wonder, are other alternate realities also going downhill? I have a feeling everything that ever existed and will ever exist is all now downhill. These blogs are too edgy for the EOF.
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The EoF is downhill, so what is the snek lord @Vipera ? A 90 degree angle? Too many questions, so little time.
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