Rebuilding my Emulator kingdom!!!!

So, if anyone was following my threads a few weeks ago, I asked for suggestions on new laptop, well i had it for awhile now, i like it. Don't make fun of how bad or low end it is compared to yours, is not a crotch measuring contest, i'm glad i have it now for what i wanted to do, it works. I never want to buy HP brand stuff again, unless i see improvements like NVIDIA GEFORCE GPU or fixing their drivers and less bloatware.

Anyway enough about that, now this is about emulators and how i will go about using it on my new pc. So far i managed to try a few. For example, I now use SNES9X, before i used to have zsnes. Yes i know is a old as the dirt under behind your grandpa's ears, but it works and is lightweight, no need for extensive hardware power, is simple and any toaster from probably the last 2 decades can run it with no problem. Most of the reason why i now use snes9x, was cause it now has support for msu-1 which is some custom programming that takes advantages of some impressive features, if i wanted to be noob friendly of how i describe it, is probably close enough to just say "Is what the snes playstation console that could have been back when sony and nintendo was planning it." It basically allows for expanded storage of data to do things like video play back and live recorded music instead of standard chiptune music when playing games. Google some youtube videos if you wanna know what i mean.

This basically running on SNES emulator, you can potentially port PSX and NDS extra game content to snes with rom hack and msu-1. :D

Second reason was cause of a newly added filter zsnes doesn't have, usually i would use a emulator with a HQX filter, which is supposed to use a smart pixel blending feature to smooth out sprite pixelation, to perhaps make it look a bit more pleasing and less sharp on HD screens, i used zsnes with HQX4 filter. Snes9x has XBRZ filter, which is supposed to further improve over the HQX and not only does it improve the HQX but goes up to a scale of 6X rather than just 4X, So probably the only two reason i see to have moved, since i'm now more confident my pc can handle it. Probably not many people here who like retro games would use these filters, but i appreciate them. :)


Next i have what i always been using, Kega fusion, this emulator is a multipurpose system because it emulates every sega system made right before saturn, sg-1000, sg-3000, sega master system, sega genesis/megadrive, sega/mega cd, sega 32X and game gear, everything before saturn came out all with what seem flawless and perfect accuracy. (Doesn't include arcade boards) There is only a few games it may not play well, game gear golden axe doesn't work on the latest version of kega fusion, so a older one would need to play that speciffically, as well as some roms with file size over 5MB. So far Super street fighter II is the only 5MB game on genesis, but other unofficial games like rom hacks or Pier solar and the great architechs, are 8MB as well as one ultimate mortal kombat rom hack which is 10MB also don't work, the emulator was only build to play up to 6MB roms, even though both snes and genesis can play up to 8MB (Which means no official licensed rom ever used full capacity of the carts) So far only anything using Genesis plus based emultor can play these high capacity roms, so a gens plus core like in retroarch or gens plus gx on wii homebre will work.

Back on topic, Kega fusion also has XBRZ filter like snes9x, except is only up yo 4X unlike snes9x 6X. Based on knowledge i obtained, it uses a outdated version of the compiled filter 1.2 which the latest is 1.4 that supposed to have 6X scaling. Hopefully it can be done soon. How kega fusion handles the graphic filters is using external plugins. I been using this for years and quite happy.

Next is playstation, so far i only ever used epsxe, is been the go to emulator for years, and it works so well on this pc, 60FPS, full 1080P screen, also supports a experimental wide screen mod? Basically 3D games renders more data on screen than the player can see cause of the video output and tv at the time was 4:3, the emulator can force 16:9 to display more of the screen and try to center everything as if modern common wide screen. I say is experemantal cause it only seem to work with games in 3D only and even in those games have 2D sprites that are uneffected for example HUD, or 2D sprite characters with 3D graphics, how most psx games was at the time, combining 2D and 3D graphics, so any 2D games like mega man x4 won't work, and may not give great results with every game, but with most games is pretty good. This also has the XBRZ filter which is great so another addition to what was already a great emulator. :)

Next i have fight cade, if anyone doesn't know, this is basically a arcade emulator like mame, it uses final burn alpha which is another arcade emulator, i suppose it has better compatibility than mame or maybe is more recently updated. Anyway fightcade is a online multiplaer client for final burn alpha, so in other words it lets you play arcade games online with friends, or strangers. Just sign up for free, download the fight cade emulator at the website, grab some roms, and join in. I have played a games to test it and it works, but i didn't play any with anyone online, i didn't have anyone to test it yet. So if you would like to help test with me, that be nice.

Next is Dolphin emu, probably the one and only, most popular gamecube and wii emulator on the internet, capable of playing gamecube and wii games, but also playing them in HD resolution, 720P Yeah, 1080P Yeah???? Well now how bout higher, really like 5K! Yeah, that is impressive, it also has things like custom textures as well, seen some HD projects, one like Wind waker HD project for specific that dolphin emu (Yes is HD on wii u but wii u play 720P upscale to 1080P, dolphin render native video output to higher resolution.... don't ask me how it works, i just use these things not make or program them. :P

It also has online modes, playing games online up to 4 players, even gamecube games. Sadly i haven't tried that yet either, and i would like to. But so far with Nvidia Geforce GTX 1050TI is playing 1080P at 60 FPS, happy enough for me, i never really was concerned about 4K. If anyone wants to test it with me, i welcome it, i only have one game so far, sonic adventure 2 battle, i wanted to try my save data from my game cube memory card, it had my level 99 chao from like decade ago when i played it on gamecube. But i want to try it, try 2 player game, 4 player game and maybe more other player games as well, like bomber man wii i guess has more than 4 players. :)

So far is all i managed to try, my next test is a Nintendo 64 emulator, so far not sure which is the best, project 64 or Mupen 64 maybe the top 2, NES emulator, not sure which to try, i usually use NESTOPIA, but maybe try fceux, thoght none would need any special hardware like the nvidia gpu for any reason so maybe it doesn't matter. NEStopia has best compatibility i guess, but fceux has tas tools. PCSX2 is probably the best ps2 emulator, so there is no debate for it i guess, Visualboy advance i think is the best GBA emulator, though when i used it i had some sound issues, i dunno how to fix it or why, also wish it had XBRZ but it doesn't at this time.

Well if anyone can suggest some emulators for me, that be nice, for the record i use windows so only windows emulators. :)
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If you're lazy and like reducing clicks, Higan. It's a good Nintendo _____ emulator. No PPSSPP?
For most emulators Retroarch is absolutely enough. +Dolphin +Cemu(if the system allows it) +Fightcade +maybe some others Retroarch does not support. Cool new frontend is Launchbox.
Here you can find a list of best emulators per system:
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I would recommend giving the 2 "biggest" Original Xbox emulators a go myself; Cxbx-reloaded and XQEMU. Though with that said, even though I am a huge fan of these WIP Xbox emulators, they're both still not exactly all they're cracked up to be... Cxbx has terrible compatibility so far (but good speeds), and XQEMU particularly on low/medium-end PCs is rather slow (but good compatibility). Seeing as your new PC is especially beefier than mine in most ways (iirc it's around roughly double the specs of my laptop) you might get a slightly better experience than what I and others are experiencing with XQEMU.

Might be nice to try 'em out for fun I suppose, when the opportunity presents itself for you...
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@voxel any suggestion for games? I wasn't really a xbox person growing up. I do have a modded xbox my brother gave me that plays burn discs, but the only actual games that was legit was mega man anniversary collection, mech assult, shadow the hedgehog and some game called crimson sea.

@H1B1Esquire Oh, you are right, i should try out ppsspp, i haven't thought about it cause i been using it on my nvidia shield tv which works well enough, though not sure which games to try or that i really need to, since i have psvita with adrenaline. I suppose that also has online play so i suppose i can add it to the list of online mode testing emulators along with dolphin and fightcade. I have Wireless AC wifi, with over 50MBPS download speed, and over 25 MBPS upload speed and less than 10 ping. :P

@Evilengine Is cemu a new emulator, never heard of it to be honest. :unsure:
@Sonic Angel Knight CEMU has been around since October 2015 it gets talked about all the time on this very site lol
@Sonic Angel Knight
You probably played most of the S/J/ETC/RPGs, but if not, there are some decent titles.

Have you gotten down with Chankast lately? Get some Shenmue, Power Stone, JGR, Time Stalkers (lol), Dino Crisis, MSR, and anything you can't get on GC-Dolphin.
Powerstone psp is best, no need for dreamcast game, shenmue is also on xbox, I own Jet set radio on ps3 psvita and steam already, Never heard of time stalkers, or dino crisis, what is MSR? O_O

Not really sure about dream cast games, most have ports already, and i only ever played a handful on a actual console, Guess i can try out project justice, since is 3D and all. Besides, what is chankast? i thought reicast was best dc emulator, at least what i have on my android.
Time Stalkers is one of those RPGs that would have been better if the dev team wasn't high. You literally start at square one, every time; a rouge-like RPG, which is like using sand for toilet paper--does it really work? Not really. Interesting if you can cheat your way through it.
MSR is Metropolis Street Racing; it's a decent racing game that I believe didn't get ported.

Dino Crisis is like Resident Evil and Jurassic Park had to go to Maury for a paternity test; the baby was given up and both parents went their separate ways. Good if you want to shoot a dinosaur in tbe face.

I like the configs for Chankast , but to be honest, I haven't checked out Reikast since I started using Chankast, so it could have developed further.

R.S.P.J. is worth it. JoJo is worth it. Soul Calibur is worthy. Psychic Force 2021 is decent. Ready2Rumble is okay.

Overall, DC had some good games and most got ported, but if you can find some that didn't wake from the dream, check them out.

If you want to try a decent Saturn game, Albert Odyssey. It's an RPG that could have been legendary if it was on another system.
I haven't gotten to saturn yet, least from what i know, emulator to use is yabuse, but is still maybe about %50 games are playable. So it hasn't been on my mind, i do have it on my android already, i was testing the english translation of policenauts, and ninku and some other capcom fighting games.

Honestly i guess only fighting games would be the thing i would play on dreamcast, i don't really like resident evil, ever since re 4, which wasn't something i enjoyed.

Most of the reason for trying the emulators is testing graphics and performance on the pc, i don't have much storage at the moment, i'm stuck with a 250GB SSD until i can find a larger storage to install for cheap, maybe i'll find a 1TB SATA II HDD wigth 7200RPM For cheap. This SSD was expensive enough. I just need one game for test subject each emulator performance.
Ooh, I thought you were rebuilding the emulator kingdom, but if you're just doing tests, try running Witcher 3 on the highest settings or strategy games with 20+ mods active.

Something you should look into: external/portable HDDs. I've seen a couple 320GB drives on ebay (US sellers) for about $30.00, which would be about enough space for some of the most-played games across every platform, barring Wii U. I've also seen 1TB drives for $55.00; worth it, if you can put the cash out.

I'll pm you about some good stuff.

P.S. Check out RE 5. It's a great title in the RE franchise.
Yes, i am rebuilding my kingdom, but i need to find the best useful emulators for now, until i get my second storage unit for actually storing games on that is, call it preliminary setup. That is just for now.

Also i don't play witcher games, and i already played resident evil 5 and 6, i like them and own them already on ps3, no need to buy them again unless is on sale for very cheap with all dlc. Not really in the mood to play it again, maybe if i had someone to play with next time. :P

I'm looking for a internal HDD to install, SATA III 7200RPM is what i was told can be used for the system. SDD are expensive, so i rather have HDD.
I would definitely recommend an external HDD so you don't have to worry about sharing P2 cables or having to set it up with BIOS. Plus, you might find yourself in a position where you want to share your library with a friend or even on a console system. You could technically do that with an internal, but it'd be more of a hassle. Also, migration of files would be easier and if you choose to resell after Black Friday/Cyber Monday, finding a buyer would be easier.

This is coming from someone had had their HDD with OS die on them. I minimally cri evrytiem.
I don't sell my stuff... and i prefer to have internal storage simply cause it not something i have to worry about, is inside the system and not outside taking up space in my sight. O_O

I understand though, thanks for the suggestion. I have external HDD already, i use it for my wii u, it takes up space where it is hanging outside of the console.
Fair enough; you're welcome, nonetheless.

Since you've got Wii U, I'm assuming you also have a HBL vWii, in which case, try mednafen for turbo 16/CD games, especially Castlevania: Rondo of Blood. There are a couple other games that are decent, but most (CD at least) are in the deadzone of translations.
Umm no, i'm focusing on pc emulators for windows, i already have wiii u soft modded to sky world. I'm trying to get the best emulators for each system on my pc to test performance of this new system, that was why i made the blog.

Also that rondo of blood game is on virtual console and psp castlevania dracula x chronicles game which i own already. But yeah, a pc engine emulator isn't a bad idea, just i dunno any decent games on there, never owned one before, the games i tried before was not many, Valis games, Dynastic hero, 120% asuka Burning fight, Variable geo, some others, i honestly didn't know fighting games existed on that system. :)
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In the case of GBA, if you haven"t I recommend you trying mGBA, is a pretty good emulator, is actually mroe accurate and faster than VBA; and also have features that VBA doesn"t have like Solar Sensor, TItl Sensor and Game Boy Camera support.
Yeah, I've had people recommend me mGBA over VBA. I just like VBA and it runs everything I need it to perfectly. The lack of xBRZ is a pity though, and it seems like it's no longer being updated.
Someone told me to use Mupen64plus over Project64 but for the most part they use the same plugins and I prefer a built in GUI over having to use a frontend, also last I checked plugins didn't have a config GUI in Mupen64plus so the plugin config had to be edited by hand though that might have changed now. PJ64 is at least still being maintained and there are even nightly builds of it if you look around, I think either would be fine. Since the plugins are mostly the same compatibility should be about the same as well.
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  • Sicklyboy @ Sicklyboy:
    Pain in the ass, don't see it anywhere on the desktop site, had to pull it up on my phone
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Think they gave up on the website and mainly focus on the app
  • Sicklyboy @ Sicklyboy:
    Desktop site > mobile site > mobile app
  • Sicklyboy @ Sicklyboy:
    Mobile app is such absolute dogshit, I haven't used it in SO long
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Yeah mobile versions better people don't think about how apps are just shrunken down websites
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Could be the phone connection etc I've mostly been fine with the app
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Regardless fuck bezos
  • Sicklyboy @ Sicklyboy:
    Agreed. Crazy how both seeking a job at Amazon, and subsequently quitting Amazon, are both some of the best decisions I've ever made
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Did someone loose a leg? You're fired
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Ffs 55gb patch for hogwarts legacy
  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    @K3Nv2, Teslas are prob running Windows XP to this day.
  • Sicklyboy @ Sicklyboy:
    sometimes I wonder where I went wrong and why I'm so dissatisfied with my life
  • Sicklyboy @ Sicklyboy:
    Then I find myself arguing with someone on reddit about how blatantly wrong their understanding of the USB Power Delivery specification is.
  • Sicklyboy @ Sicklyboy:
    At 1 AM.
  • Sicklyboy @ Sicklyboy:
    Where did I go wrong, again? 😕
  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    @Sicklyboy, What do you mean?
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    @Sicklyboy, always blame women
  • Veho @ Veho:
    Blame woke.
  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    Blame society.
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Woke isn't part of society they woke up from it
  • Veho @ Veho:
    *spends years yelling "wake up sheeple"
    *acts shocked when they actually wake up
  • Veho @ Veho:
    Make up your mind.
    Veho @ Veho: Make up your mind.