Breath Of Fire Series Experience Part I: Story and Reflections (SPOILERS HERE)


Over the past month, I recently played the first two Breath of fire games. I saw one of them on the 3DS E-shop and i remembered playing the ones on Playstation but never the SNES ones, so it had me interested in trying it. Of course i did enjoy the Playstation games a lot, these first two was a different taste. Knowing the SNES, it maybe had not been a good idea in my opinion to try the SNES one, so i got my hands on the GBA one. I played it on 3DS using VC injection.

Reason why i played the GBA instead of SNES, well the major selling point was THE CHARACTERS CAN RUN. If you know me by know, you know i hate any RPG game where characters have no fast movement speed, combine that with easy ways to get lost and congratulations, you made me dislike your game. (Phantasy star 2 :glare:)


Anyway, The game series is basically about Dragons, religion, gods and goddesses... but wait a moment, that stuff on a Nintendo console? If you live in USA you might know about how Nintendo games early in the game publishing days that Nintendo tries to censor such things, they still do but is shocking that they couldn't let the Mega man boss "Rock monster" Be named "Yellow Devil" But they can make a game about gods, deities, dragons, religions and killing such things. How times have changed.:teach:

Breath of fire is a series of RPG games by CAPCOM, Yes, same CAPCOM that make street fighter and Resident evil. Most games contain consistent elements, the main characters are usually A boy name Ryu who is the hero of every story, but you can rename him anything you want much like link in legend of Zelda, but can't name anyone else. Ryu is from a clan of Dragons, he has a human form but later find out he can transform into powerful dragons that dominate the battle field (Kaiser dragon anyone?) There is a winged woman, Nina, who is from Windia... or according to the first game, WINLAN... Don't ask me, square soft did the localization for this game. She is your typical spell caster who uses powerful magic, and she is a princess from a place where they all have wings and sometimes just call bird folk. They seem like angels to me. Then there is one other character called Bleu if you playing the Nintendo games... or Deis you playing the Playstation games. She is a goddess who helps RYU through each game and she is pretty much a serpentine, having a snake lower have and human upper half. She is only playable in the Nintendo games, but she just either becomes a teacher and advisor in other games, more on that later. She is sometimes considered the sister of the next person i am about to mention. The last consistent character in the series is the goddess Myria, she is the main antagonist of the first game and third game. So far these 4 is consistent in the series, but each game tells a different story and as if they never met before in any previous one.


The first game has Ryu who is part of the Light dragon clan, one day his home is attacked by a rival clan, the dark dragon clan, who comes to exterminate all the light dragon members, in a attempted to obtain the goddess keys to resurrect evil goddess name Tyr. Ryu sister SARA is captured as she sacrificed herself to protect village from harm. Ryu goes on journey to save her. During the adventure, he meets the other characters, Nina once again from WINLAN (This game only) a winged angel lady, BO a Wolf humanoid who uses bow and arrows to attack, Karn, a master thief who also gain abilities to transform into other powerful relatives with the power of his ancestors, GOBI, a fish humanoid who is a merchant and attacks with a trident. (You see many of the fish men sell items through out the series of games) There is also, OX, a bull like humanoid with lots of strength who attacks with axe and good at building things, Mogu who is a mole who attacks with its claws and digs, and Bleu who is actually known as Deis in Japan, so I will refer to her as this for now. The game contains 2 endings, one good and one bad depending on your actions, your job is to accept all the trials of the dragons, learn how to use the dragon forms and after obtaining the strongest form AGNI, you can defeat the goddess Tyr who is known as Myria in the Japanese version, to get the good ending. Defeating her any other means will be the bad ending.


Breath of fire 2 starts off in black and white color. (NO JOKE) You are KID Ryu who is just the child form as this part is prologue. You live in the town of gate with your sister patty and father Garner. This game is all about religion and trying to expose the Churches of st. Eva as just a cover up for a evil god who absorbs energy by any followers. At some point you get separated from your family and become a orphan with another character name BOW, who is a humanoid dog. He is from a race known as "Grassrunner" Who are supposed to be thieves, but only one in the whole game apparently. (Another character in a later games series appears to be from this clan as well) He uses support magic and crossbow to attack. Anyway, he and Ryu are now orphans who run away from the church and get encounter from a monster. 10 years later now 16 years old, Ryu and bow are members of a guild or mercenaries who do jobs for people. One day he is asked to steal something from a very rich guy in HOMETOWN, after failing to do so, he is accused of stealing and becomes a fugitive, apparently someone else already was ahead of him. He asked Ryu to clear his name by finding the thief and sets out to find them, while he hides.

Along the way he runs into the other characters, Nina and Bleu (Deis) of course i don't have to mention but the others are Katt, a female cat humanoid, she is from a race of clan known as Woren, and she attacks with a staff. (To be honest this character reminds me more of SON SON from the arcade game or marvel vs capcom 2, who is basically based on the monkey king from the famous novel journey to the west.) Then there is Rand who is a pangolin Humanoid that fights with his hands, Sten, a Monkey humanoid who was a soldier of his clan now a traveling con artist or trickster. Jean a giant frog... or toad who is prince of a underwater kingdom who attacks with a rapier (sword made for stabbing/thrusting instead of slashing) and Spar, a plant humanoid who can talk to nature and attacks with thorn whip. (Another character in later game seem much like this one) Together on the journey they discover various people who transform into monsters and do battle with them. After finally finding the thief and setting bow straight that he was innocent, Ryu feels that something bad is happening and continues to investigate, the churches were the source of the problem.

After trying to find the truth, he returns to his birthplace, Gate, where a huge dragon blocks path into the underground tunnel. After going inside, he learns the truth about himself. He is of a clan of dragons who was trying to protect the surface from a evil demon. They live underground in the village of gate. His mom one day was chooses to go to the surface to investigate, after reaching the surface, he meets a man name Garner who is Ryu's father, love at first sight, she gave birth to Ryu and sister patty (The thief) and sometimes later the place was attacked by demons. They came from the underground, desperate to save everyone, she gave her life by transforming into huge dragon and blocks the path to contain the demons. Ryu known to be the destined child to rid the world of demons, must pass a trial of dragons to receive the power necessary to save the world. After succeeding, he confronts the nightmare from his past and the mastermind behind everything called "Deathevn" (i am not making this name up) "IT" is some type of reincarnation of Myria from the last game, and must be stopped. This one in my opinion had the worst story and was very confusing, i dunno if it was the translation, or the constant "Bit by bit info" Or just me.


Breath of fire 3 starts on Playstation and in this game Ryu has no family, no sister, or father or mom. The game starts in the mines as he is seen sealed in his dragon state, after some dumb mine workers break him out, he is free and everyone is scared of him, i guess at this point he has no experience in controlling his power. He is then captured and sent away, but breaks free and escapes. Lost and tired, he is found by Rei again, a member of Woren clan race that looks like cat humanoid, except he fights with dual wielding knives or daggers, and is good at picking locks and stealing. After being found by him, who at the time was naked cause he had no clothes on, he was a dragon after all, he takes him to his... clubhouse in the woods with his other friend named Teepo, where they live the life of just trying to get by surviving. Leaving him to rest and as Rei and Teepo, begins to feel bad for him as Teepo also was abandoned orphan. During a dream Ryu has, he is confronted by Myria who if you know by now is the consistent bad person of the game, who share some words with him, then, Deis who also shares words with him, and a Aged version of Teepo who is actually from the same clan of dragons known as Brood in this game at least. (So much fore shadow, but also so much spoiler.)

Together the three live a life of survival doing stuff like taking jobs for money or stealing for food and towns people aren't happy. After messing with the wrong guy, a very rich guy, two assassians are hired to take them out and their home gets burned, and also they split up. Ryu wakes up wondering what to do next, determined to find his friends, he goes to Windia, but is still being chased by assassins. There he meets Nina who helps him to find his friends and escapes the assassins. Needing more help, they find a Scholar Momo. She supposed to be the educator of the group much like Raine from Tales Of Symphonia. She can cast support spells, some useless ones like reading your fortune, and uses a gun to attack. After asking her for help in finding somewhere to hide from the assassins, she agrees under the condition that she must finish a errand, one that leads to adding a new character, Peco. Pretty much like spar from the first game, except he doesn't talk much and only ever says anything important at specific times like at the very end. Eventually they are caught and are forced to fight in a coliseum for the freedom.

They meet Garr, who looks kinda like a Gargoyle.... maybe that why the name... or could be he from clan known as guardians. He serves the goddess Myria who if you know by now is the bad girl of the series stories. They learn that Garr and his tribe the guardians was instructed to slay the race of Brood which Ryu and Teepo are from in the past before they existed i guess, without question. Curious to know why they are task with such a job, he did it anyway. After finding Ryu and understanding he is a survivor of near extinct clan, he tries find the truth behind the actions that happened in the past. Realizing that the dragons at the time did not put up much of a fight and the battle was easily won, and now considered genocide rather than war, he takes Ryu into a temple where he reveals all this information to him and then challenges him ending in a unconcluded end. The place then collapse with them being separated again.

Few years later Ryu this time as a adult once again dragon in the same mines at the beginning of the game is found by Garr, asking for forgiveness and agrees to help him find his friends and find the truth behind the merciless killing instructed by the goddess. They find adult Nina who know has wings and evolved Rei who has a transformation of his own of a berserked looking tiger, while Momo and Peco remains unchanged. Finding Peco, they learn he can communicate with nature, and speaks to a giant tree (much like spar in the second game) the tree Yggdrasil, instructs the group to find Deis who can help them more than he can. So they set off to find her, this time not as a playable character just a support character who is also a teacher. After finding her (trapped naked and releasing her) she humorously beats up Garr and eventually gets her usual look of the serpentine lower snake body. Then tells them to find Myria who is very far across the world.

Finally after all that work, they find Myria place, inside is a huge city of advance technology and also Eden like place where they find Teepo, he explains Mryia gave him the choice to live there without any problems and accept knowing that it will lead him to find Rei and Ryu, after confronting him he is upset to find he cannot convince them to stay and battles them, losing he reveals he just wanted to live with his family in peace, Rei and Ryu, that was the decision of his choice. After he dies, they confront the goddess and the whole story comes out to, she wanted to protect the people from harming themselves. From my understanding she saying if they befriended the dragons, they might eventually betray them and cause harm, she also tried to stop technology from advancing for the same reason, "technology is dangerous" So that was why the huge wall and barrier set up to look like the end of the world exist and no one else was there... i guess. She wanted to protect them from POTENTIALLY DANGEROUS situations by eliminating them (The brood dragons and technology)

After the group dis agree with her reasons realizing that is not fair as they had come to the conclusions they should be able to handle their own lives without needing protection from a goddess, they wanted her to leave the world and allow them to control their life with the knowledge of knowing potential risk... Some deep stuff i guess. She then gives the player a ultimatum, a choice to Ryu, the same one she gave Teepo.

If Ryu agrees to live here (like Teepo did), the game ends with the bad ending. If he wants to keep the power of dragons, they must battle and show her they don't need her in this world. Enraged she desires to take force into her own hands by turning in one... ridiculous collsal boss. Ryu defeats the goddess and the place start to fall, Garr sacrificing his life to show he deserves it by killing Ryu clan men agree to die with the goddess by turning himself into stone. Later Deis shows up revealing they are sisters and that the world has no need for gods or goddess like them and then as they escape the falling fortress they travel the desert back home.


Breath of fire IV is probably the most complicated so far, this one also on Playstation as well is long. If you aren't confused yet, or bored, and still reading then okay But I'll do my best so please give heed to the warning.


Sometime before the game, The eastern and western parts of the world was at civil war, a emperor named Muuru was in a deep struggle and wanted to do something about it. He deiced to summon a god, known as the Yorae Dragon, but instead what he got was Fou-Lu. Fou-Lu was not at full power, instead he was in weakened state cause the summoning was incomplete. He has another half that did not accompany him, thus he was so weak to do much he entered hybernation for several years, and the war continud without his support.

Starting from the games point, the time has come when the other half of fou-lu has finally come, you guessed it, Ryu has been summoned. (Apparently they are both one being and somehow the summon divided them and then waited for the other half to follow) Now realizing his other half has come to this world, he awakens starting to recover his remaining energy to fulfill his purpose and leave the world. So the game switches between two sided stories of Ryu adventure and Fou-Lu adventure to find each other.

During this time, Nina once again and new character Cray a member of the Woren cat humanoid tribe like Katt and Rei from previous games, are looking for Nina's sister who is the princess of Windia this time and not her for once, and also Cray love interest. They are cruising on a sandflier (vehicle for travel in the desert) and attacked by a dragon. With the "Flying boat" destroyed, Nina sets out to find parts and finds Ryu who is again naked at first sight, and no memory of his past besides his name. Curious about what to do, nina takes him along and agree to help him. They go to nearby town, to find information, but is attacked by members of the opposing empire, they managed to escape, find cray and continue to search for parts.

During this time, Fou-Llu exits his tomb, and begins to search for Ryu, but he is stopped by Yhom who knew about the situation and was waiting for this time to defeat him, and so he also has trouble to deal with making things not as easy. Back to RYU, his group finds a town enslaved by a HEX and only one person in town can help named "Ershin". This character is like living armor, he look like a trash can with a cape and rocket punch hands. He talks in a third person referring to himself as Eeshin. Is later revealed why. After reuniting with Cray the four continue to find information about Nina's sister.

Fou-Lu still escaping Yhom, finally beats him and he is then cared for by a lumberjack Bunyan. He then rest up and proceeds to continue his quest, but is found by Yhom again and once again, is defeated.

After Ryu and his group reach the next place, he is confronted by a member of the empire again, this mane is named Yuna. He is a imperial scientist who knows where Nina's sister is, but then arrest them for breaking a no war treaty they had and is detained in a near by town while being under watchful eye of Scias, another character like bow from the Grassrunner race clan of humanoid dogs. He slurs his words talking in a drunk state and fights kinda like a samurai... or ninja. Instead of being a thief, he is a mercenary who works only for money. Cray is put on trial to examine how he broke the treaty, after a unfair trial, they escape back to Windia, Nina's home to speak to the king for advice, He suggest talking to the wind dragon.

After talking to the dragon, they learned that the one called Ershin (the robot trashcan) Has a "ENDLESS" within it. The term endless is used in this game, refers to the same as previous ones, a type of god or goddess, basically immortal. The dragon suggest trying to ask the one trapped inside for help. They continue to a near by place specializing in spiritual mediums much like Maya and the rest of the fey clan in Ace Attorney games, to help with getting it out.

After going inside, they find that is actually Deis again. She is trapped in a trashcan and that Ershin says Ershin, referring to Deis as master. So Ershin means master. After freeing her, she realize she cannot leave by herself so a medium is necessary to escape. Unwilling agrees seeing is important. Ryu learns about himself from Deis, he learns he is incomplete and that the other half is looking for him. The empire also wants him dead to prevent them both from uniting as it could be bad for them. They learn there is other on this world that can help him.

Soon after the village of summoner and mediums is attacked and they flee finding that the village people was captured and tries to defend them. Being overpowered and unable to win, Ryu transform into the ALMIGHTY GODLIKE KAISER DRAGON! In this enraged and berserk form, he defeats the enemy and saves everyone. Unable to control it fully, he must seek the other endless to help support him on his quest. (basically they offer help only in battle and finding them all allowed the player control the kaiser form, any time using before this will always be berserk where you just have to wait for it to be over.)

They then meet Ursala who looks like a squirrel or Racoon.... maybe a tanooki... honesty i dunno. (I could not find any information on the clan or race she is from) She fights with a gun, and is grand daughter of a high ranking official of the Fou empire army. She is tasked with bring Ryu to her capital, and agrees to escort them as they wanted more information themselves.

Soon after reaching the capital, the find Nina's sister Elina who is transformed into a hideous immortal beast by Yuna who was trying to create his own goddess. She does not wish to live this life, as she became immortal, and ask Cray to kill her with the Dragon Slayer, weapon capable of doing to job. Everyone is soon at ease after the devastated problems that they witnessed, and finally goes after Fou-Lu.

Sometime earlier, Fou-Lu reaches the inner sanctum of the empire and waits for Ryu to come. As Ryu finally finds him, he personally deals with him, Fou-Lu wanting to destroy humanity as he is enraged at how they treated him negatively and each other begins to question Ryu about the series of events. Comparing memories good and bad about their lives and actions, he is given the offer to rejoin him and destory the word as the dominant personality soon after leaving.e

If Ryu accepts, he becomes one again with Fou-Lu and starts by killing his party before the game gives you a bad ending. If he refuse, he must battle against him with his group to weaken his powers. With the help of the other endless dragon gods, he rejoins and becomes the Yorae dragon that was supposed to be summoned long time ago before this mess started. He then tells the group that he will take the other dragons back to his world and Ryu can remain here as human with his friends, making the good ending. Understanding he is is now human with no god powers, he will soon die someday like the rest.

I also wrote all of this from memory, so excuse me for the hard core fans who lies in wait to just tell me of all mistakes I made so far.:rolleyes:

Basically the games stories are interesting to learn of. My favorite is the 4th game for both playing and experiencing, while my least favorite was the second for the same reasons, playing and experiencing. There was many problems with all of them i will express in another post, but I'll try to conclude this one for now, cause is rather long and took about six consecutive hours to write.:ninja:
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How long did it take to play them all?
I find it funny that you explained what a Rapier is,
and I just HATE games that wont let you run.
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I do like the Breath of Fire series, and Breath of Fire 2 has a re-translation hack that adds a dash feature as well, I can't play the vanilla version because of it (and the laughably enjoyable translation :lol: ) What I do want to do is find a ROM hack for the first one and add a dash feature, because if I can make like the GBA port, I can enjoy that version too. But yeah, it's a series I love a lot too ^_^
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Well since i played the 3rd and 4th game over a decade ago (Sometimes in this current decade) Usually the timer is left around maybe 40 hours by the time i end the game. The first two, has no timer on gameplay so it took about maybe a week to beat each of them.

I used a guide since i had very limited information on what to do or where to go... which i hate in JRPG to begin with.... Phantasy star 2!!! :glare:

Also these games are not easy, i see that capcom made sure of that by changing up the way you play each game. Perhaps the first one was the easiest, but i still like the 4th game best, cause of the music, story, characters and gameplay, while the first one seem to be too cryptic on things making navigation hard, as well as random encounter rate is outrageous posing a very unfair advantage especially since running is almost impossible that you actually kill the monsters usin counter attacks that you might as well just fought them. :blink:

I may seem exaggerating but is actually what happened... after 35 failed run attempts. :ninja:
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BOF went downhill after Dragon Quarter (which was garbage), the sixth one is mobile only and looks hideous. Breath of Fire 3 is the one I played the most on Playstation growing up, renting it and finally playing it through high school :P I'll ask around ROM hacking forums to see how to add a dash feature in BOF 1. Even that had a better translation than the 2nd one, Ted Woolsey helped translate it.
@the_randomizer The GBA game seem like a good decision, yes is true i did pick that one simply cause you can run, and i hate not having a faster movement speed in JRPG games, but it also redesign the menu to make it easier to understand, while the SNES games have a slightly confusing HUD to use in my opinion, the GBA has character portraits in battle, and the menu uses words instead of icons to allow me to understand better.

It also stated that they rebalanced the difficulty in the GBA port by increasing the exp earned from monsters compared to the snes but still the games were hard with the unfair random encounters every 4 step or so and unable to run most of the time.

The other thing is the death system, dying makes you return to the last save point, but you lose half your current money you was carrying, instead you have to deposite them into the bank to keep it from decreasing every time you die. Another thing i dislike about some JRPG that do that, just kill me and have me load the save data over again. I suppose that another reason why i feel is hard even though is possible to abuse that feature.
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To be honest since before the internet existed, the idea of bad translations wasn't a thing i had discussed with people cause we didn't know any better, all we knew is the game was able to be read cause it was in english. :P

The two snes games were translated by squaresoft due to capcom lack of translation skills at the time which perhaps was a good idea since it help shape JRPG internationally during the popularity of games like Final Fantasy, Phantasy star, Dragon quest, Shining force and whatever else i can think of. But i never considered the fact that knowing what to do was cause of bad tranlations, just cause lack of instructing the player what to do.

Like in legend of zelda link to the past where you get a map on the screen with a X telling you where you need to go next. It was more like zelda 1 where you justs run around not knowing where to go. Sometimes they can't even say "Go east, to get to Windia" or something, is just "Go forward young hero, save us from the evil dragon clan" And then is like what now? WHERE ARE THEY OLD MAN! :blink:

Is reasons like this why i stop playing some games, combine that with not being able to run fast and getting lost easily and you got a reason for me not to wanna play anymore. I never beat NES metroid for that reason, Never beat phantasy star 1 2 or 3, I actually feel 4th game is better to play cause it not as tedious as the others.
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Opinions are not a problem. I like that game as well. :P

I just wish games weren't so cryptic in situations or just wasn't unfair. Maybe is just me and my play style, but how are you supposed to know that every game has two endings and how to get the best one.

In the first game the only way to get the best ending is to pass all the dragon trials, then find one hidden dragon form to turn into AGNI to use against the final boss that will get the good ending, unlike 3 and 4 where you just given a choice at the end of the game which is obviously easy to tell which is good and bad.

How were you supposed to know where to find hidden tombs trials for dragon forms without information from in game (which i state they lack to give) or a guide from someone who played the game before and discovered that?:blink:
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I played and completed only the first game on SNES.
I liked it a lot.

I tried to start BoF2 few times but never went very far (usually always after meeting the first dragon). I hope to play it one day.
I tried BoF3 ... en french .. sorry, I can't take more than 10min of that language. that's PLAIN horrible and eye bleeding, grammar mistakes, wrong words choice, even google translate can do better, really. I'm so happy to know english so I can play that game in another language haha

I hope to play the series one day, but seeing all my backlog, I think it's lost cause :(
I didn't know all the characters were present in each game !
I didn't read all your descriptions to not be spoiled, sorry :P
Not all of them, is mostly just 4 of them, 2 are the main protagnist and one supporting one and one main villian.

Although, other characters seem to appear in other games, but with less important roles, or just representing their race in the games fantasy world of creatures.

Ryu always tansform into dragons, each game has different way of using it and different dragons, Nina, is always a princess and has wings, uses a wand and is best spell caster, Deis or BLEU is a immortal goddess and also is spell caster like nina in first two games, in the other two, on psx, she becomes a teacher in the third one and supporting character in both, and considered the sister to... Myria, or TYR who is the main villian, a goddess trying to dominate the world.

I don't very much understand the reason for recycle characters and inserting them into a new story, perhaps is much like legend of zelda series where each game has pretty much the same consistent situation, playing each game off as another point in time with some ancestors or paralell worlds or something, where all characters exist but never remember anything about themself or each other, which is basic reincarnation ideas.

For some reason Nintendo usually one to censor religion in their published game content but these two don't seem to hide much of it at all. :ninja:
Well there was the gba sp that sometimes helped, especially the one with the super backlight, it looks okay on the 3ds or emulators. Cause they had backlights, back then we had wormlights for the gameboy. :P

Glad we don't need them anymore. Still i didn't expect any hacks for the gba game, but is nice to see someone cares to do it.
Sorry to hear that, though least NDS lite has the gba games playable and the bright changing backlight levels. Though any emulator or GBA player for gamecube will work just as well.
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