My DSI has booted up for the first time in 6 years

Hi Tempers! Most of you don't know me because I'm not super active, but I'm slowly trying to fix that. Anyway, I've got a story to tell today that I think is pretty great (it's made me very happy at the very least).

I got my first DSi in Christmas of 2009. I was pretty happy with it, and I have many good memories using it with the EZ-Flash V my dad got me in a sketchy video game store. Fast forward to summer of 2010, and one day I'm goofing around with it and I discover DSi sound. I make a bunch of silly recordings with my brother, parents, and grandparents. We sing a bunch of silly songs and do impressions of commercials that were on at the time.

I pretty much lose these the winter of that year, because I hand it to my dad and ask him to charge it, and he handles it a bit roughly and breaks the charging port. It ends up not mattering because I later get the Pokemon Black DSi bundle in March and continue my enjoyment with it. I keep the old DSi put away, since it can't charge itself anymore.

What I didn't know when I was making those silly recordings was that my grandfather's health was about to take a fatal turn. He gets very sick around a year later and lives in constant pain until his death in December of 2013. I'd dreamed he would get better, but knew he wouldn't. I still miss him to this day. He would take me out for a cup of coffee at this exact place every day during school breaks, and we would call it our little "escapes" (even though everyone knew where we were). We would make jokes together all the time. We had a great relationship, even though we lived far apart and only saw each other during breaks.

And, finally, fast forward to today. I'm thinking about thst old DSi with the recordings in it, when I realize that since only the charger port was broken I could swap the batteries with that of my Pokemon Black DSi and it would turn on again. I do so, and when it turns on I boot up DSi sound and listen to those silly recordings. Using my DSi, I've heard my grandfather's voice alive and well again, and that's something I didn't even realize I'd be able to say. I'm extremely grateful for that.

And now, I would like some advice from you, my fellow Temps. DSi sound has no export function, so those recordings are more or less tied to the DSi. I would really like to find a way to dump them and send them to my family. I tried to use a headphone cable to connect the DSi to my co,outer and record with Audacity, but the sound quality was terrible. Does anyone know of any way to dump it to my sd Card, or of any gear I could use to transfer it to my PC without terrible sound quality? I'm guessing I could hardmod it, but if I mess up I lose the recordings. Not willing to take the risk. Any help is appreciated, whether it be software tricks or a better cable for connecting to Audacity.

Thanks for taking a read through this.

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This was a really touching story. I wish I could help you, but don't know of any way to dump those files.
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With regard to the sound quality when recording by headphone cable, could you try some things? First, listen with headphones from the DSi. Does it sound just as bad? If so, maybe there's a problem with the headphone socket on the DSi :( If it sounds ok, then try recording something else to Audacity using the same 3.5mm jack cable. Maybe from a phone or tablet. Does it sound just as bad? If so, perhaps there is a problem with the cable or the audio input of your computer. If it sounds ok, then could you describe the way the recording from the DSi sounds? If it sounds distorted, then it might be that the volume is simply too high on the DSi. You could try recording the sound at a lower level by reducing the volume on the DSi, then amplify it in Audacity to get the volume back up to an audible level.
I'm no audio engineer, but I know there's a way to clean up audio (filter out background noise and interference with software). My guess would be that audacity has this sort of functionality, its just been ages since I've used it. Hopefully somebody else with more knowledge will chime in.

Very touching story!
I did have the volume fairly high up on the DSi, so that might be it. I'll test both the DSi headphone jack and the audio input of my computer when I get back home today. If it's the computer I'll try to borrow another one, and if it's the headphone jack I'll play around with audacity and see if there's any filters that help. Thanks guys!
afaik the sound files are copied (not moved, i.e. they stay on the DSi) in a DSi -> 3DS system transfer. if you have a 3DS, try this. I'm going to quickly test that....
yes, they are just copied over, so they are on both 3DS and DSi.

remember that any recordings in the target 3DS's system memory are erased (if you have any there!).
Yes you can try to clean up audio using Audacity. Generally you would use high and/or low pass filters to try to filter out the frequency range of the background noise. The problem is that you can rarely isolate the noise this way as other sounds will almost always overlap in frequency. So trying to filter out background noise will also affect the sound you want to keep.

So if you system transfer to 3DS, are the audio files then accessible? Or exportable?
Just use a male-to-male aux cable and plug it into your DSi and PC's mic input port. Open audacity, click record on audacity, then press play on the DSi.
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I think this would be the best solution in that case.

He's said he already tried that and wasn't happy with the quality.
Male-to-male aux is an easier, quicker and safer method of copying the files over. They won't degrade in quality by much, provided you'll use a good quality cable to do the job.
@mashers My autocorrect is running two languages simultaneously, one of which contains special symbols. Every now and then the words just happen to "align" and the autocorrect chooses one seemingly at random.
So if I system transfer my DSi sound files I'll be able to keep the DSi recordings on both the original console and the 3DS? That's really awesome, thanks. Also, if I do a custom transfer and transfer only the sound files, my DSiWare saves should stay on the DSi system, right?
@ThisIsDaAccount you can choose to transfer only "Nintendo DSi Sound", and the recordings would be on both systems. you can then copy them to the SD card on the 3DS.

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  • BG2CNT @ BG2CNT:
    oh right diddy
  • BG2CNT @ BG2CNT:
    i saw that from penguiz0's video
  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    The video that I linked is more in depth. If you enjoy watching a one hour video.
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    good night btw
  • BG2CNT @ BG2CNT:
    @SylverReZ like a hour long? that's a bit way too long but it depends, i have seem 1 hour long videos
  • BG2CNT @ BG2CNT:
    i have a fucked attention span and somehow i can watch those videos
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    its almost 11:30 pm and I should go to sleep c ya
  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    @Xdqwerty, Goodnight
  • BG2CNT @ BG2CNT:
    @Xdqwerty Goodnight
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    My Zelda character burned dinner and Link came home drunk and was pissed, slapped me, so I'm packing my bags and going to my sisters house. This game is crazy.
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    So these sound core a20is pretty good bass boost is stronger than I thought
  • BG2CNT @ BG2CNT:
    i downloaded echoes of the wisdom
  • BG2CNT @ BG2CNT:
    nintendo will sue me but i don't care
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    I'm sure you're on Nintendos hit list
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    When you play it, don't burn the dinner or Link will go apeshit.
  • BG2CNT @ BG2CNT:
    @K3Nv3 i don't give a shiet
  • BG2CNT @ BG2CNT:
    nintendo ninjas can't with my fists
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    I'm not on v3 yet
  • BG2CNT @ BG2CNT:
    oh wait
  • BG2CNT @ BG2CNT:
    yeah i need to get more anti sleep drugs
  • BG2CNT @ BG2CNT:
  • Michael-MSL @ Michael-MSL:
    good evening and morning
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    cant get my mig switch to work still getting cannot read files, after the light blinks
  • S @ shezagamer:
    S @ shezagamer: heyyyyyyyyy