The No. 1 thing I hate about the Wii U - Resistive touchscreen!

The GamePad comes with a stylus, which works well with the resistive touchscreen. But you don’t always want to pull out a stylus pen; sometimes you just want to press a button with your finger and get on with it. That’s not so good on this type of screen.

I own Pikmin 3 but I just refuse to play it because the gamepad sucks so bad with it. I use the nunchuck and wiimote to control the game, but you are a constantly required to put down the nunchuck (I'm left handed), pick up the stylus, then interact with the map to see where you want to go.

You can't simply use your finger to swipe and direct where you want to go because the touchscreen itself cannot handled this type of input. The map will erratically jump or won't move at all. The screen just plain sucks at using it accurately with just your finger.

Yep I just use my finger to press buttons and whatnot on the screen, but that's not what I'm talking about. I'm asking about dextrous movements that are small and precise.


I honestly didn't like Pikmin 3, but thats because I found the gameplay unenjoyable. The controls were just fine to me.
The GamePad comes with a stylus, which works well with the resistive touchscreen. But you don’t always want to pull out a stylus pen; sometimes you just want to press a button with your finger and get on with it. That’s not so good on this type of screen.

I own Pikmin 3 but I just refuse to play it because the gamepad sucks so bad with it. I use the nunchuck and wiimote to control the game, but you are a constantly required to put down the nunchuck (I'm left handed), pick up the stylus, then interact with the map to see where you want to go.

You can't simply use your finger to swipe and direct where you want to go because the touchscreen itself cannot handled this type of input. The map will erratically jump or won't move at all. The screen just plain sucks at using it accurately with just your finger.

Yep I just use my finger to press buttons and whatnot on the screen, but that's not what I'm talking about. I'm asking about dextrous movements that are small and precise.
And that's why it has physical buttons. Best of both worlds.
(I realize this doesn't neccessarily apply to Pikmin 3 but it's preferrable over onscreen buttons in most cases)
Just use the damn stylus instead of complaining that the game will only work when you play the way you are supposed to.
it's not hard to hold the stylus in your right palm while holding the pad i do it all the time. even with the 3ds.
it's not hard to hold the stylus in your right palm while holding the pad i do it all the time. even with the 3ds.
The 3DS is substantially smaller than the massive Wii U pad, so it's a far easier affair. There's no reason why the screen shouldn't be capacitive other than cutting the price of the final product. You might push the argument of precision buuuut on such a big screen with (usually) big icons that doesn't really fly. Then again, you can use fingers on a resistive screen just fine, so the initial point is null and void anyways.

Also, thread reported, since this is blogs material, I think.
There's no reason why the screen shouldn't be capacitive other than cutting the price of the final product.
There is no reason to make it capacitive. You are supposed to use the stylus. It's extremely easy to hold with the Gamepad and stylus at the same time. Keeping the cost down is a great reason not to include something completely unnecessary.
There is no reason to make it capacitive. You are supposed to use the stylus. It's extremely easy to hold with the Gamepad and stylus at the same time. Keeping the cost down is a great reason not to include something completely unnecessary.
I'm sure that the games would be in no way improved by, say, multitouch? Because capacitive screens do that. :rolleyes:

But of course that's all hypothetical mumbo-jumbo, things are as they are.
I doubt they would. It is built to be used with a stylus.'s a tablet. It would work like on any other tablet. In fact, I can think of gameplay mechanics using multitouch within seconds. You could make whole puzzles based solely around the gamepad in games like LoZ and multitouch would substantially enrich that kind of use, but alas, nobody cares for the gamepad so it was relegated to "the display that's used for menus and maps" status. Somewhat rightfuly so, as the concept is fundamentally crippled - the moment you try Off-TV Play, all of those touchscreen-heavy features are immediately unavailable or restricted... but I digress.'s a tablet. It would work like on any other tablet.
It's not a tablet. It's a home console with a controller that has a touch screen.

You could make whole puzzles based solely around the gamepad in games like LoZ and multitouch would substantially enrich that kind of use, but alas, nobody cares for the gamepad so it was relegated to "the display that's used for menus and maps" status.
It's statements like this that make it really hard for me to take you seriously. Not only do you have almost no experience with the console, you are also making ridiculous statements that aren't true. Nobody cares for the Gamepad? Tons of people on this forum alone have expressed how much they enjoy using it. In fact, I've told you I enjoy it myself several times.
We're talking about the controller, so I called it a tablet because that's what it essentially is - a tablet with buttons, triggers and analog sticks. I said that nobody cares for it in the context of utilizing the touchscreen in gameplay, this directly implies the developers who mostly don't utilize it at all. You're getting flustered over simple criticism.
There's no reason why the screen shouldn't be capacitive other than cutting the price of the final product. You might push the argument of precision buuuut on such a big screen with (usually) big icons that doesn't really fly. Then again, you can use fingers on a resistive screen just fine, so the initial point is null and void anyways.
and leave marks all over it that's what the stylus is for. so it's not null and void :P

I said that nobody cares for it in the context of utilizing the touchscreen in gameplay
some games require you to use the gamepad during play like wind waker and it works very well way better than the gbc version. most wiiu games that use the gamepad during play have fucked it up but ww nailed it.
I'm not saying that no games use it effectively - some do, especially Nintendo flagships, it would be blasphemy if those didn't, I'm talking about the general trend. Geez, cool off, Nintendo Army! :P
this thread isn't even about the TREND it's about whether you can hold the stylus and the pad at the same time...and you can! :lol:
The only game ive experienced so far that makes good use of the touch screen is Game & Wario. And thats only because the game requires touch mechanics.
Although when I play wind waker on screen instead of the gamepad, I DO find myself using the simple touch switching a lot. With my finger no less, because its easier.
I really only use the stylus to type something, otherwise I just use my finger.
Then Nintendo should just get rid of the Touchpad.

I agree, but then they'd have to update the Wii U operating system. Some thing cannot be done with the dual analog controller or the wii remote, one thing that I know of is the eShop, every time I try to goto the eShop with the Wii remote I am instructed to use the gamepad. Nintendo, this is so wrong, I could go to the eShop with the Wii remote when using my Wii, but not my Wii U. I know there is other things that require the gamepad too but don't know them right off hand. So, if you break your gamepad then you are out of luck trying to access some of the features of the Wii U, and it shouldn't be like this.

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