Pokemon Black 2

So I finished the first Pokemon Black game in about a weekend and started the second one today.

First things I noticed:
  • Cut all the bullshit story development in the intro. The first game started off obnoxiously slow trying to get us to connect to leg-humper Cheren and most-likely-has-autism Bianca. Sorry, I just want to get my Pokemon, get out of this lousy town, and beat shit up. Within 5 minutes you get your starter, 10 Pokeballs and your fucking running shoes. That's right, it took Game Freak god knows how many years to come to the bright realization that people don't enjoy walking for the first hour of the game and actually give you your Running Shoes in the intro.
  • I was surprised that you also get an expanded Pokedex that isn't just Unova Pokemon. Like I saw a Mareep and I was like "Holy shit, they have non-Unova Pokemon already?" It's cool.
  • Hugh is a major thundercunt. He can stop following me and being a ponce.
As far as the game goes, it's Pokemon. There's some noticeable content to set it apart as a "Pokemon Grey" but it still feels kinda like a fan hack more than a completely new game. It's not bad, it's just Pokemon.


Hmmm...I might get this game for myself soon.

I like Pokemon a lot, and I wonder how the city has changes after two years in the Pokemon universe.
I still don't understand why Game Freak doesn't just start you off with running shoes the minute you start.
I agree w/ nuking the story but, of course, if they did that, they'd have several billion wailing Pokemon fans bitching that they...cut the story.
[quote name='Ergo' timestamp='1350533355']
I agree w/ nuking the story but, of course, if they did that, they'd have several billion wailing Pokemon fans bitching that they...cut the story.

They've had the same story for how many years now? I'd think the fans would know it by heart.
*opens door of guilds blog room*
*peeks inside*
*sees a legion of poke-haters*
*gets ready to shout and run for life*

*runs for life*
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[quote name='Black-Ice' timestamp='1350545018'] *opens door of guilds blog room**peeks inside**sees a legion of poke-haters**gets ready to shout and run for life*...GUILD IS WRONG *runs for life* [/quote]

You fucking casual gamer.
[quote name='Black-Ice' timestamp='1350545018']
*opens door of guilds blog room**peeks inside**sees a legion of poke-haters**gets ready to shout and run for life*...GUILD IS WRONG *runs for life*

An entire legion?

Pokemon has killed your eyesight.
[quote name='Black-Ice' timestamp='1350545018']
*opens door of guilds blog room**peeks inside**sees a legion of poke-haters**gets ready to shout and run for life*...GUILD IS WRONG *runs for life*
If this is a legion, I wonder what would be the appropriate word for the armies of poké-nuts in the DS section.
[quote name='Paarish' timestamp='1350549830']
If this is a legion, I wonder what would be the appropriate word for the armies of poké-nuts in the DS section.

World domination.
I never hated Pokemon, I just realize it's really flawed and enjoy being a hypocritical dick.

It's fun when I'm in the mood. I can pick it up and play for 5 minutes and get bored or pick it up and play for weeks and never get bored. Currently I'm in the latter.
To everybody that thinks that pokemon will chage someday I say "give up!"

"Pokemon" is for gamefreak, the same of "rosebud" for a the sims player. They learned a secret code to generate money, and they will not try another code.

Now, even that the game remains unchanged since 1996, I still played and enjoyed many pokemon games (Red, Gold, Platinum and Black 1).
*turns around*
It has changed, just in ways only real fans and can be bothered to see.
*runs again*
[quote name='chris888222' timestamp='1350574895'] They really ruined the rival in this game. He just feels like a watered down Cheren IMO. [/quote]
He's way too angry over a crappy pokemon, his sister doesnt even care
i dont like hugh because he has only 4 battles in the story
that´s half the times i battled bianca on pokemon white 1.
[quote name='weavile001' timestamp='1350576377'] i dont like hugh because he has only 4 battles in the storythat´s half the times i battled bianca on pokemon white 1. [/quote]
Actually its only 1 less.
Bianca has 5 battles.

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Guild McCommunist
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  • BG2CNT @ BG2CNT:
    oh right diddy
  • BG2CNT @ BG2CNT:
    i saw that from penguiz0's video
  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    The video that I linked is more in depth. If you enjoy watching a one hour video.
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    good night btw
  • BG2CNT @ BG2CNT:
    @SylverReZ like a hour long? that's a bit way too long but it depends, i have seem 1 hour long videos
  • BG2CNT @ BG2CNT:
    i have a fucked attention span and somehow i can watch those videos
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    its almost 11:30 pm and I should go to sleep c ya
  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    @Xdqwerty, Goodnight
  • BG2CNT @ BG2CNT:
    @Xdqwerty Goodnight
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    My Zelda character burned dinner and Link came home drunk and was pissed, slapped me, so I'm packing my bags and going to my sisters house. This game is crazy.
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    So these sound core a20is pretty good bass boost is stronger than I thought
  • BG2CNT @ BG2CNT:
    i downloaded echoes of the wisdom
  • BG2CNT @ BG2CNT:
    nintendo will sue me but i don't care
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    I'm sure you're on Nintendos hit list
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    When you play it, don't burn the dinner or Link will go apeshit.
  • BG2CNT @ BG2CNT:
    @K3Nv3 i don't give a shiet
  • BG2CNT @ BG2CNT:
    nintendo ninjas can't with my fists
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    I'm not on v3 yet
  • BG2CNT @ BG2CNT:
    oh wait
  • BG2CNT @ BG2CNT:
    yeah i need to get more anti sleep drugs
  • BG2CNT @ BG2CNT:
  • Michael-MSL @ Michael-MSL:
    good evening and morning
  • P @ placez:
    cant get my mig switch to work still getting cannot read files, after the light blinks
  • S @ shezagamer:
    S @ shezagamer: heyyyyyyyyy