Stupid females and their kind! D<

I used to understand girls pretty well, perhaps its because of the age, but girls keep getting more and more complicated. z.z
I met both of these girls in the same place, they don't know each other or anything, but well, it's ironic that I met them around the same time as well.

There's this girl I've known for two years, maybe three now, I don't really recall how long ago we met, we got along at first and well, I kinda developed a crush on her, one month after me developing my crush she started dating this guy that I couldn't stand (the feeling was mutual though) and she stopped talking to me because of that. Last November she managed to get my facebook and started talking to me, she told me she'd broken up with her bf a few months ago, she was pretty down and I tried to cheer her up, stupidity on my part since after a while the feelings from the past returned, she talked about how she liked be back then, before dating that guy and well, it gave me false hopes.. Soon after Christmas I stopped talking to her since she never seemed to pay enough attention to me, or rather, I just felt like she was indifferent towards me, even tho I was her friend, she never talked t me about her problems or anything, but rather my best friend (which was also her friend) and so I moved on, towards the ends of March she added me again, that made the chain of events repeat itself, she told me how she liked me the last time we'd talked and how she missed talking to me, so I wound up liking her again, but things didn't work out again, during her birthday and prom, she went with this ex-boyfriend of hers, and well, they were holding hands on her birthday, after seeing how he talked to her (he never really stopped liking her, and I knew it), I stepped down again since I assumed she was lieing to me about not having feelings for him. Two days ago she got back into my life again and I fear the same thing will happen again, I just can't get over this girl, she's nice, pretty and she makes someone like me happy just talking to her, we had an argument yesterday about how she likes my friend and stuff, in the end she admitted she liked him at a time but gave up since he will never be interested in her (he has no interest in pursuing relationships with girls at all), I was pretty depressed about it and even talked it out with my friend, I was pissed at him and her, but I couldn't stay mad at her, she explained to me that she didn't feel anything for him anymore to top it of, she even told me that she liked me again the last time we talked, I asked her why she didn't say anything since I had told her my feelings that time, and she said it was because I always talked about not having an interest in dating (well, I sure used that excuse a lot of times to reject girls before).
I don't know what I should do about her, I'm afraid I'll stop talking to her again, she told me that she'd always wind up coming back, even if I pushed her away, but I dunno.. I fear that she only says that stuff because she's nice and that in fact she never even liked me to begin with. =S

As for the other girl... She's been saying she loves me for a long time, she had a severe depression when we met (and somewhat still does), and I tried to help her, she wasn't bad looking, quite the contrary, she was a pretty good looking girl, but her self esteem was crap, I was really worried about her and I tried everything to get her better, I even made her promise not to cut herself anymore, her arms were full of scars. Things started to get soon afterwards, she was so broken that she wanted love desperately, she was willing to do anything for me as long as I would be her boyfriend, but I just couldn't lie to her, I couldn't love her, I can't choose my feelings and I tried to explain it to her for so long, because of that I started to avoid her a bit, I thought that she should forget me, if she forgot about me and moved on her life would be better... In the end things didn't get better, she's as depressed as before and she's still fixated on me, I'll always be her friend but I can't do anything about feelings which I don't have. =S

So that's the situation, it's a pretty messed up event, a girl that I always end up liking, but appears not to care that much although she says she does, and another one that would do anything for me, knowing that I don't love her. Love is so messed up, I was so happy during these 5 years that I didn't bother about dating. T_T


[quote name='DiscostewSM' timestamp='1344041464'] As much as there are stupid females, us males can be pretty stupid too. :) [/quote]
I know. =P
I was kidding about the tittle.
[quote name='DiscostewSM' timestamp='1344041464']
As much as there are stupid females, us males can be pretty stupid too. :)

You couldn't be more correct.
what a bitch. ^_^

Just stop. You shouldn't repeat pain. Unless you like that...
...then you're just silly.

Learn to say NO
I kinda know what your comming from I mean hell a bunch of girls came up to to me and saying shit I did not want to here so I ran but that was a millin years ago at lest I don't have that problem anymore
I used to understand girls pretty well,

hahahahaha, no you didn't.
No offense.
I counselled more than my fair share of teenage girls back in the day. I still don't understand them.
I'm pretty sure they don't understand themselves.

Girls are an enigma.

Too late for me to comment on anything else. My brain is going about 50%~.
Girl 1 - she's friendzoning the SHIT out of you, man. But it almost sounds like there /might/ be slightly more than just that. I'd say not to do anything with her because if you two become a thing, there's a good chance you'll be setting yourself up for disappointment in the end. However, that's kinda something you need to experience if you haven't already. And who knows, things could go just peachy, or things could go bad after two weeks (funny how I chose that... I'll explain further down) and you'll feel better about it after a few days.

Girl 2 - sounds like my ex. Except we dated. Hell, both girls combined sound pretty much like what the relationship between me and my ex was, minus some of the drama we had. Again, trouble.

My fares with women - incoming read

Met this girl in middle school who was friends with this girl I dated for a week. Forward to high school, I was crushing on her big time, tried everything I could to get us together, we were best friends, she friendzoned me, try more, more friendzone, etc... Friendzone flavored Disappointment

Meet another girl from a place me and my friends hang out. Date for two weeks. She breaks up with me. "I would rather us just be friends". I crushed on her like I have had never before. I was like 15 and was pretty depressed for a week or so. TEENAGE ANGST, MAN. Stupid Disappointment

Year later in high school, meet this girl who ironically has no sexual interests whatsoever (except for Leonardo DiCaprio LOL). We become best friends. We do everything (in school) together. Crushing on her big time. Ask her out, despite knowing the odds, given the circumstances, are pretty much zero. She says yes. We date for 4 months. Never really progressed. Still teenage angst. [/b]Teenage angst flavored depression[/b]
-girl 3 eliminated-

Found out girl 1 is a druggie, we're not even friends anymore. Stupid-bitch flavored frustration
-girl 1 eliminated-

Try getting closer to girl 2 again. Succeed. We date. Break up because she wants to try pot which I am not okay with and I didn't want her to so I was "being too controlling". Get back together a week later. Stupid me. Break up again, I think, for the same shit. Back together a week later again. If that didn't happen, we ended up breaking up for me "not being supportive enough". Shit went for two years 'Why did I spend so much money on her' flavored depression
-don't ever again-

Meet girl who I work with. Hit it off instantly. Dating two weeks later. Over a year so far. If this was a perfect world, we probably would have gotten married by this point. SUCCESS!

Given that... all I can say is "live and learn". If you don't take "that risk", whatever "that risk" may be, you're never gonna know what the outcome is. The only thing you can think of before-hand is if "that risk" is worth whatever the consequence, good or bad, may be.

Bitches be trippin.
[quote name='plasma dragon007' timestamp='1344062694'][/quote]

Well, tbh, I dated plenty of dif girls when I was a teenager, some were close friends and some were girls I'd just met not long ago, back in the day friendzones didn't really matter to me. I think that she enjoys talking to me and stuff, but maybe it's just that and I should just give up on her, however she keeps giving hopes at times and those hopes mess me up. She's a pretty bright girl from a good family that's really well in life, so she had excellent upbringing and she doesn't drink, smoke and for sure she'd never touch drugs, but well, she has a huge horde of guys and stalkers after her, so there's just too much competition. xP

Well, sooner or later I'll be over her.
First girl is awfully stubborn. The way I understood it, she keeps liking different guys but gets over it really quickly. What if she wants to be with you all of a sudden? Would you be okay with that? I mean, you know that she likes this guy then that guy then this guy and to infinity and beyond.
You said you two were friends which means a lot actually. Whenever you see word "friendzoned" on the Internet just slap yourself and tab away.
Relationships are built on friendship, they don't happen in a week. Now of course, there are guys AND girls who don't understand this.

Now your other friend seems to really like you but it could be just lust for all we know. Things are lame like that. It's good you didn't decide to be with her just because you can. People these days are disgusting, they'd be with anyone who looks good just so they don't stay "single".
Anyway, just continue to support her and hang out with her from time to time. You know, just like you do with your male friends.
Things sort out themselves, no need to rush anything.

I personally find it repulsive when a girl has dated bazzilion guys. Use your god damn head people. This goes for both guys and girls.
I blame society. And TV.

Hope I helped at least a little bit. I wasn't very objective.
[quote name='ortomedius' timestamp='1344111018'] First girl is awfully stubborn. The way I understood it, she keeps liking different guys but gets over it really quickly. What if she wants to be with you all of a sudden? Would you be okay with that? I mean, you know that she likes this guy then that guy then this guy and to infinity and beyond.You said you two were friends which means a lot actually. Whenever you see word "friendzoned" on the Internet just slap yourself and tab away.Relationships are built on friendship, they don't happen in a week. Now of course, there are guys AND girls who don't understand this. Now your other friend seems to really like you but it could be just lust for all we know. Things are lame like that. It's good you didn't decide to be with her just because you can. People these days are disgusting, they'd be with anyone who looks good just so they don't stay "single".Anyway, just continue to support her and hang out with her from time to time. You know, just like you do with your male friends.Things sort out themselves, no need to rush anything. I personally find it repulsive when a girl has dated bazzilion guys. Use your god damn head people. This goes for both guys and girls.I blame society. And TV. Hope I helped at least a little bit. I wasn't very objective. [/quote]

Oh, the first one hasn't dated a lot of guys, tbh she only had 4 boyfriends and she only kissed one of them (didn't go any further than that), and she hasn't liked a lot of guys, I probably didn't explain it very well but what she said was that she liked my best friend before, but she says that she got over it. In general she's just too nice and from what she told me she was holding hands with that guy because he was down or something.. Don't really remember the specific reason.

And yeah, I agree with you, nowadays people don't take commitments seriously, hence why there's such a large amount of divorcees, people should think more with their heart instead of their lust. xP
What is this? Is this some paragraph from a love novel, or is this really a true story. The second one i can tell you for sure that she just needs a thorough sex session, well actually both of them need it. The second one will see a reason not to cut herself anymore, and get some self esteem , and the first one might see a reason to stay with you for a couple of months. Don´t dwell on on them to much sooner or later everything ends. And start with the second one witch you don´t really need to impress.
[quote name='giavol' timestamp='1344163311'] What is this? Is this some paragraph from a love novel, or is this really a true story. The second one i can tell you for sure that she just needs a thorough sex session, well actually both of them need it. The second one will see a reason not to cut herself anymore, and get some self esteem , and the first one might see a reason to stay with you for a couple of months. Don´t dwell on on them to much sooner or later everything ends. And start with the second one witch you don´t really need to impress. [/quote]
I won't have sex with a girl I don't like, I'm old fashioned and I plan to continue that way.
I´ve been through this, and i can tell you that this is just childish idealism. You will soon realize that sex is just sex. And on the funny side, you hold the power to save that pretty,second girl, that cuts herself because she did not experience what life holds for her. Only your love meat can save her.
[quote name='giavol' timestamp='1344163311'] What is this? Is this some paragraph from a love novel, or is this really a true story. The second one i can tell you for sure that she just needs a thorough sex session, well actually both of them need it. The second one will see a reason not to cut herself anymore, and get some self esteem , and the first one might see a reason to stay with you for a couple of months. Don´t dwell on on them to much sooner or later everything ends. And start with the second one witch you don´t really need to impress. [/quote]

That's just plain primitive way of thinking.
[quote name='giavol' timestamp='1344170094'] I´ve been through this, and i can tell you that this is just childish idealism. You will soon realize that sex is just sex. And on the funny side, you hold the power to save that pretty,second girl, that cuts herself because she did not experience what life holds for her. Only your love meat can save her. [/quote]
My idealism isn't childish and I won't change my beliefs, I've had many chances to change that but I didn't want it and it'll continue to be like that.
Just remember me the day you will realize that you were childish. I am not primitive i was like him, i was 14 thought i have the girl of my life, i actually never looked at another girl , while i was with her 7 years, well for the first 5 at least. But then we realized that we need some stirring up in our relationship.So we decided to try an open relationship ,worked for a couple of mounts than we had a fight and took our separate ways.We still speak and plan to write a book about the funny things that happed during the mounts of open relationship. So dwelling on a girl is a bit childish at lest if he really is 21. And just to not leave a bad impression here, i refused sex many times for the fact that she was drunk or high, so i am not that sex hungry, primitive jerk. And seriously that girl needs something to wake her up, and make her see that cutting yourself is unreasonable.
I don't understand anyone.

On a side note though I honestly think you should avoid both. I might be stating the obvious here but I've got experience. #1 sounds like she falls for people far too easily. She does seem like the forgiving type, but she also seems like the type who'd need to be forgiven very often. As for #2, I once had a female friend like that. I was the only one emotionally supporting her and when she realised this she took advantage of my services. Sometimes she'd overdo it just to get my attention, to have someone acknowledge her existence. She took it to the extent where she'd actually send me pictures of blood in a cup (blood from scars, that is..) via MMS when I'd be out with family. Eventually she took control of my life and I had no time for anything else than to "calm her down" and I honestly felt giving her attention was only going to cause her to harm herself even further.
[quote name='Lucifer666' timestamp='1344185359'] I don't understand anyone. On a side note though I honestly think you should avoid both. I might be stating the obvious here but I've got experience. #1 sounds like she falls for people far too easily. She does seem like the forgiving type, but she also seems like the type who'd need to be forgiven very often. As for #2, I once had a female friend like that. I was the only one emotionally supporting her and when she realised this she took advantage of my services. Sometimes she'd overdo it just to get my attention, to have someone acknowledge her existence. She took it to the extent where she'd actually send me pictures of blood in a cup (blood from scars, that is..) via MMS when I'd be out with family. Eventually she took control of my life and I had no time for anything else than to "calm her down" and I honestly felt giving her attention was only going to cause her to harm herself even further. [/quote]

Yeah, I understand that, because of those reasons I worry a lot about #1 and as for #2, she often tries to get me to talk more to her by saying that she'll cut herself, so yeah, I'm trying to get away from her for her own good too. x.x

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  • Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo:
    Float like a butterfly burns when I pee lol
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    So does that mean your date was not good? It burns now?
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Got two new stds in one night
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
  • The Catboy @ The Catboy:
    I don't bite! Minus the times when I did bite
  • The Catboy @ The Catboy:
    Like 5 minutes ago
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Billie needs her lunch
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Ffs papa brought back the cheeseburger pizza it's like the only decent pie they had since the 80s
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    I'm not a fan of papa johns, but that does sound good. We hardly order out pizza, I like making my own, but when we do its donatoes
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    I get them like once every two months anymore
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Just because it's half a mile from where I live
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Request next time you order, that Shaq deliver it to you
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    I want him to buy me a chain also
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Open it right next to the one we have
  • BakerMan @ BakerMan:
    guys should i make a new thread and just count the amount of posts until kyle, luke or leo joins the thread for fun?
  • BakerMan @ BakerMan:
    kyle's fine, just waiting for that wario joke

    luke and leo though, they yap until the thread's enjoyability is about halved
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Leo is Luke's alterego when he gets hard
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Luke is gone, he got banned. And I'm surprised Leo hasn't yet
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
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  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Wut you get, a seafood and psi salad sub
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
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  • PandaPandel @ PandaPandel:
    i want a meatball sandwich
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Bout time you came out and admitted it
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Bigonya talks to himself often
    K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2: Bigonya talks to himself often +1