Waning Interest In Video Games

I have been following the "gaming" scene online since about seven years ago. I religiously followed multiple news sites throughout most of my youth, and even into adulthood. I even skipped work a few times to watch the E3 presentations live on my computer, and engaged in long drawn out "console wars" conversations with my co-worker. You might assume then, from hearing all that, that I am an avid gamer. You would assume wrong.

You see when I was a younger man, around 14, I would hang out at my friends house and we would spend hours sitting in-front of the T.V taking it in turns to play all manner of games. On the warm summer holidays, I would go round to his house at 7am, he would make a bacon sandwich for us both and then we would load up the Playstation. Back then I used to dream of being older and having all the latest consoles and games at my disposal. I laughed at my older siblings who were working full time and didn't even have a console. "Crazy" I called them. How could you not buy the new Final Fantasy when you have so much spare money?

Then Xbox Live came out, and with it Halo 2. Now around this time I had a small circle of friends I used to hang out with after school. There was the kid who lived down the road, the kid who lived across town, and my brother who lived with me at the time. We were all around 13-15 and were, for lack of a better term, nerds. 3:15 rolled around and we would all log on to go a few(hundred) rounds of Halo before bed time. Then I got a girlfriend.

Now I bet you're expecting me to say about how a girlfriend made me quit games and start focusing on girls. Well you would only be half right. I did start spending more time with girls, but I didn't stop playing games. I would still spend maybe 3 or 4 nights a week playing online. No, it would be a much less interesting thing that sparked my slow descent into the land of the non-gamers.

I was about 17, I had just left school and was starting A-levels. I had an Xbox 360, a few choice games, and an Xbox Live account. I came home from school one day, fired up the Xbox and loaded up a game. (I forget which, I think it may have been Viva Pinata) I played it for five minutes, before a vicious, childhood ending series of thoughts popped into my head. "Why are you playing this game? what's the point? how will this benefit your life?" ...I shook it off. That was the first time I can recall thinking about a game in this light. I switched it off, maybe that game wasn't for me. I put in a more action orientated title and booted it up. Again, the thoughts crept into my head. "This is pointless. You are playing a predetermined pattern of 1s and 0s" I remember trying a few more titles that night before giving up and putting my Xbox away.

I remember that night as the night I stopped enjoying video games. Ever since then game after game has been the same old pattern. I play it for five minutes, I question why I am bothering with it, and I turn it off. That still continues, even to this day. There is maybe one choice game that I can play sporadically for slightly longer periods but that is tied into nostalgia goggles and remembering better times.

The bizzare thing about my situation is that there hasn't been one day, even after that "event" where I haven't followed the games news sites. I would follow the exciting build ups of new releases, find out all the information about new games coming out, watch developer diaries, speculate on sequel, new IPs, console wars, everything. But secretly, whilst my friends were enjoying their new games I would quit after a few minutes and pack them away in my cabinet.

A few years later I found GBAtemp, Xboxscene, a few other places. I began getting interested in console modding, custom firmwares, flashing, repairing and burning. It was so interesting to me at the time, mainly because it was mostly other young kids doing these amazing things with their machines. I was astonished by how smart they were and tried to learn as much as possible from them.

So that pretty much brings me up to modern day. I still don't enjoy playing games that much. I'd say the closest I get is spending 10 minutes playing on my 3DS on the train home from work. I haven't touched my Xbox in a year, I have a PS3 that I haven't even set up once. Several PSPs hanging out around the house. It's strange. I feel like a hoarder, or like there's something wrong with me because everyone else I know can sit down and play their Xboxes for 3-4 hours at a time no problem. Here's me, a guy who by all means should love games, who follows the gaming news, who owns all the consoles, follows the scenes, discusses them several hours a day and I can't sit down and enjoy a game without feeling like I'm wasting my life.

Sorry for the weird ramble there fellas, just felt like I had to get that one out in text form.


It's funny you should post this. I was planning to hold off on commenting until I could think of something super cool or clever to reply with. I feel exactly the same way. I had so much energy and passion to play videogames in the past. Until I had the same thought:
'What benefit is this having?'

Like yourself, I still keep up to date with all the gaming news and stuff. I just don't feel the same passion for playing as I once did though. Well... I find myself sporadically able to play games. Sometimes I can pick up a game and be hooked! However, the vast majority of the time, I just don't have the same drive to do so I did in the past.

I'm still a massive videogame fan! I just find my ability to play them for 392059230 hours declining lol.

p.s. I think it was Viva Pinata that delivered the gaming kiss of death to me too lol!
You don't have to play games for hours and hours to be a gamer. I still consider myself a pretty avid gamer, but sometimes go weeks between actually playing anything. In my eyes, that's perfectly healthy. How often do skydiving enthusiasts go skydiving?

Life's too short to do the same crap/play the same games over and over. If no games interest you, then don't just give up, other games will come along, or something you had previously dismissed will take your interest.

An example, at a whim I downloaded Arkham City the other day, I had previously played it but couldn't get into it. This time I had a damn good weekend completing it.

Dunno what I'll play next, or how long it'll be before I play it.
I'm exactly the same way but have turned to board gaming as a main interest. I have a new Call of Duty Xbox and Skyrim sitting on a shelf unopened.
I discovered that piracy killed my gaming enthusiasm.I just start them and then i fell like playing a different game and so on.I got oot for my 3ds and and played the shit out of it, the same happened with uncharted for the vita even though i think it is a boring game.
[quote name='giavol' timestamp='1337820850'] I discovered that piracy killed my gaming enthusiasm.[/quote]

Spoiling yourself for choice can absolutely affect enthusiasm. When you actually pay for games you're more likely to enjoy them.

This is all personal experience, however.
There were times were I also felt like that, but it never amounted to anything serious. When I was working a lot (50-60 hours a week), I was tired whenever I was not working. One of the few things I still managed to do was play video games. At work I actually met a guy who liked playing Gear of War. Me and him would play 3 hours a day once a week or so. I feel that video games will always be a part of my life, no matter how much time I have for them. It was part of who I was throughout my life.
yea i am the same lol

i think its an affect from piracy
i can just get any game i want, i purchase games i want to play too
but i cant sit and enjoy games like i used to
my GF is a heavier gamer than me

i seem to find i can play games with other people or if someone else is playing a game
Me on Skyrim on my computer and GF on her computer playing her copy

some games still grab me, like Portal and Zelda, but i love the puzzles/adventures but shooters and ones with a poorly created story i drop

pokemon is one or my more played games on DS because i have a younger half brother (6 years old) so i play my game to get a decent character and it motivates him to train up and battle me and try to win.

i only play other games when there is nothing else to play, Mario 3D land was good as i would play a level or 2 at a time

think my next purchase will be Mario Open Tennis but mainly because it will be playable with family and GF

next game looking forward to is Luigis mansion 2 and pikmin 3 on the WiiU
"Why are you playing this game? what's the point? how will this benefit your life?"

Something called Entertainment, if you don't have that, your life would be much less interesting.
I have been in this situation too.. Me, I still enjoy games, although I play my portables between cooking at home or for an hour while waiting for a TV show after work, so I don't need them on all the time. It's more of a casual activity for me. My boredom is really mores due to the overall trend of gaming in general. I am not a fan of having 'The best graphics!' or joining in the console wars or even buying a game and then paying extra for bonus content (Damn you FF 13-2!!). I know what I like and I stick with them.

I make no secret of it, I am a jRPG fan. Currently I am playing an old SNES RPG on my Android, but it gives me more entertainment than Mass Effect or Skyrim ever did.. I stick with jRPGs in general and play FF games, but that's because I enjoy them. My interest in general has waned from gaming as a whole, but it has made me become more specific about what I enjoy, you know? I am happy with playing my old 90's gem for an hour a night, it keeps me content :)
Thanks for the comments all, some very valid points have been made.

I very much agree with the piracy thing. Too much choice can actually be more restricting than having to pick up one game a month at times.
[quote name='LTK' timestamp='1337869634']
I very much agree with the piracy thing. Too much choice can actually be more restricting than having to pick up one game a month at times.

Pretty much why I deleted all my Castlevania roms, I had started one of the GBA ones, but then since I had too many other roms that would just stand there doing nothing, I deleted them all.
what killed it for me was... the newer/prittyert /better the game , the dunmmer u have to be just to have a "challenge". games now-a-days hold ur hand thruw it and u dont need to think... i still love gameing ...im playing P'M-WHITE waiting for 2 and even dust off the psX( tomba2 or legend of dragoon for nastalga/ shits-n-giggels). but gameplay only get u soooooooo far when it neeeds a good plot/storyline.
ok im done, thats my 2cents
Huh, the same happened for me few years ago.

Then I had a little gaming reinsurgence one year ago or so, now I'm again in a "declining" phase, in which I'm not playing much.

As elgarta said, I still enjoy playing retrogames (mainly from when I was a kid) and those give me a lot more entertainment value than any modern title has given me in years.

Still, my favourite period was when I was 11-19 (now I'm 24). I played like a madman. Good times.

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  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    :( I feel sorry for you, man.
  • Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo:
  • RedColoredStars @ RedColoredStars:
    Ive done that a lot. Hot compresses.
  • RedColoredStars @ RedColoredStars:
    It does provide temp relief but comes back right away.
  • Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo:
    A simple surgery might be able to correct it for both of you
  • Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo:
    The source of this information for me is Dr House. Some of the stories where based on actual cases
  • Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo:
    One episode helped me save a life one time
  • HiradeGirl @ HiradeGirl:
    House M.D. is great.
  • HiradeGirl @ HiradeGirl:
    Sad for the pain. I hope it gets better somehow. @RedColoredStars
  • RedColoredStars @ RedColoredStars:
    Yes. Thats what Ive read. Surgery is most likely required. I sent a message to the ENT center with my concerns and asked if I should be seen much sooner and not wait, since it will be 71 days since symptoms started until my appointment.
  • Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo:
    Guy came in his lips where turning blue, I knew he was having a heart attack and I raced him to the ER they saved him
  • Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo:
    Without House I wouldn't have recognized the symptoms
  • HiradeGirl @ HiradeGirl:
    Blue like this?
  • RedColoredStars @ RedColoredStars:
    House was fantastic show from the episodes I've seen. Maybe I should watch the entire series.
  • Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo:
    @HiradeGirl, almost, definitely a noticeable difference than normal color
  • RedColoredStars @ RedColoredStars:
    Are your lips blue like that Hirada?
  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    @RedColoredStars, The theme for House M.D. reminds me of when Computer Clan used this as their intro music.
  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    I miss the old days.
  • RedColoredStars @ RedColoredStars:
    Me too. When I was young and not all fucking broken.
  • HiradeGirl @ HiradeGirl:
    @RedColoredStars Maybe I'm having a stroke. Sorry gtg, will update later.
  • RedColoredStars @ RedColoredStars:
    Getting older really sucks if you have health problems. I was a preemie and have had health issues off and on my entire life. But its gotten much worse since I hit 40. That was 12 years ago.
  • RedColoredStars @ RedColoredStars:
    Probably wont live to see 70.
  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    @HiradeGirl, Okay, see you soon.
  • RedColoredStars @ RedColoredStars:
    I hear mouth to mouth can help with a stroke. Anyone there to breath some life into you? lol
    RedColoredStars @ RedColoredStars: I hear mouth to mouth can help with a stroke. Anyone there to breath some life into you? lol