
I don't know the name of the medicine, but it tastes nasty and bitter. I had a high temperature to be consider a fever and gave me a prescription and told me to rest. OH and of course, drink lots of liquids. I took 2 tablespoons of the stuff and I think it is making me feel a little high. With a...
Hope everyone is doing alright and I wish you all a happy good and safe weekend<3 ^_^ Okay, well here I go with another blog and I encourage anyone to leave an opinion on this, because I do want to know what you think. :3 I will try to make it short and to the point. xP My friend Lina is...
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Personal Blogs
Yesss! ... well, no, no no...no more honey whiskey for me ever. I have decided to make a blog about this alcoholic beverage...and well, at first it is tasty but afterwards it hurts. xP I know very well how I am at this point. Just had a friend come over, her name is Mariana. She loves to drink...
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Personal Blogs
Is it a bad thing? To voluntarily remind someone else stuff? If someone asks you to remind them of something, then you do it. But if that someone doesn't ask you to do so and you do it without them telling you, and then later tell you "it is not your responsibility and/or obligation to remind me...
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Personal Blogs
Hii everyone! It's been forever since my last blog. Also I have disappeared into the real world for a long time. I come every now and then. Busy with school and work and life in general. Anyways, I'm here to blog about a good friend that I know, her name is Leticia, or Lilly for short. I've...
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Personal Blogs
It has been very rainy the past days. A mix of warm weather, cool mornings and rainy wet days. Its sunny sometimes too. I wear these nice comfy red boots when I know it will rain. I carry a backpack that always contains small towels and comfy sandels as well. Also a bottle of water. Always to be...
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Personal Blogs
I feel like I will be rambling about stuff throughout this blog. I have no direction at all and well, lets see where this goes. First off, I've been doing well in school but now I feel like I am lost. I don't know what I want to do with life anymore. >.< I know I want to major in Biology but...
As I am typing this I am on my way to Acapulco. Gonna visit family and stay with a cousin. And I am going to relax. I recently got fired for something I didn't do. Stealing money. I worked as a receptionist for a doctor in the city. Got paid around 2,700 - 3,400 pesos(roughly $300) a week. Mon...
To the point! -> He's(Manuel) 23. She's(?..dont know her name, lets call her Suzy) 35 with 3 kiddos(one is like 15). I get annoyed with Manuel cause he's just that guy that tells anyone about his goals and etc. I dont mind but then it just gets annoying. (i dont tell him that cause i think he...
OK well see, i personally do not believe in a higher-power..so im just..nothing. Atheist? Whatever. I don't care. but whatever our beliefs are, it seems that the supernatural always challenges what we think we know. We all can say "yeah, well ghosts aren't real. fake crap" "im so badass...
Disgusting. Nasty. I cannot eat them. I have tried. Today one of my friends(Amelia) invited me over for some dinner. She said that the food was a surprise. She knows I hate onions and that if i eat and chew one i feel like i wanna throw it up. So, i arrive and her mom greets me and we all sit...

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