Twiffles's Blog

New comics today, and some lame books for school, although, 1984 is about an oppressive government and rampant sex. I'll probably read that. Saw the Scott Pilgrim vs The World trailer this week. Michael Cera AND Mary Winstead? Movie needs to come out NOW. 57saocQSQDo I learned it was a comic...
You know those nagging parents most, if not all, have. Yeah.. My parents are like that, esp. my mother. It's not necessarily a bad thing, but right now it's getting out of hand. Going to move for the 2nd time in almost 2 months. It was pre-decided for me to get the bigger room because I'm the...
So, I'm old. It's college time for me. Right now, in this crappy economy, I've had to move around a lot thus correlates to me having less and less stuff inside my room. Because of this, I've realized how much crap I really have and how much I actually use, all that jazz. I finally, after 8...
So, I admit to having 3 iPods. 5.5G iPod Classic 60GB 6G iPod Classic 80GB 1G iPod Touch 8GB I used my 60GB so much, but it's been through a lot as well. The screen is badly internally messed up, plus I needed more space. My iPod Touch is pretty awesome, I'd use it a lot more as my default, if...
Yeah, I live in Vegas, and yeah it's a desert. It snowed yesterday, funny stuff, since the airport and my school were closed. xD It's not a lot of snow, since I've seen more snow in the city I lived in Texas near the coast. When it started: 2 Hours later: Ironically, I had 3 major...
I'm giving up hentai. NO MORE YAOI BATTLES, SCUBERS.
I've been here for over a year... Yay :toot: P.S- I dun like those idiot kids that try to troll the R4. lol
Contains kinda bad language, meh. Ah, Lelouch, you could have been much more of a douche... :(
As some may know, I got a Xbox360 a few weeks ago. I'm pretty content in games, since I have little money to buy them right now. But after signing up on XBL and getting my first achievement in Halo 3, I realized something, these quick little instant gratification things are so awesome. I spent a...
I spent some 3-odd hours putting my music into the failure iTunes. Took forever, and it looks bad. XD Now back to sleep. >_> Eh, it's like 3000~ something songs, and I'm not even done. Feel free to laugh.
So, I totally forgot that this was here since I have an off-site blog that's in my sig. Perhaps I'll just mirror entires or something. Also, at the end about SSBB you have to comment on the off-site blog (like Linki... XD) to get it. It's unofficial, so it's no big. (Only like 1.1 Gigs) Latest...

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