ShadowSoldier's Blog
So on Club Nintendo, are the 25th Zelda Anniversary posters. And right when I got 400 coins, they were out. I was so bummed because it's the only poster set that I need on there. So they were out, they never restocked anything before so I thought my chances were gone. Then I find out that they...
Why? Because stores here don't have games anymore. EB Games for example, sure they buttfuck you with your pants still on, but at least they have a big selection... if you're looking for older games. Mario 3D Land has been out since November correct? Then why is it not possible to find the damn...
FUCKING SUCKS! Okay, I'm a huge fan of Super Meat Boy, Alien Hominid and Castle Crashers, but "The Binding of Isaac" is just a horrible game all together. How anybody finds it fun is beyond me. Everybody says "it's reminiscent of the old Zelda". No it isn't, it's a piece of garbage. I know the...
Seriously, I cannot wait. I recently finished Batman Arkham Asylum on Steam, and fell in love with it. Easily my second favorite game (behind OoT, ahead of Portal 2). And I can only imagine Arkham City. I figured why not as I now can buy things, and my computer can run it (only on minimum...
So recently I've gotten somewhat a decent computer that can run games. I got Portal 2 and Left 4 Dead (I find it better than L4D2). Just wondering if anybody is up for some play time with me? I got: TF2, Portal 2, L4D GOTY, Spiral Knights and some other Free-to-Play games. Also I was going...
This shit is weird. Then again, I was just getting used to Vista, and I only had that for like a week. I do notice an improvement in speed though, so that's nice. Anyways, what are you guys up to? Anything?
Honestly, I don't understand why people give it so much praise. I know they have awesome deals, but to me it's not worth it as I can't buy shit online. Anyways, I bought a copy of Portal 2 from the store (disk). I installed it a couple days ago, and it was going great. So I decided to download...
So my friend was selling his custom made computer that he paid $1200.00 around 2007 or so. He doesn't use the thing at all, it's been sitting on his desk full of viruses and hardware problems. I said I was after a new computer, and he goes with a "price is right stance" "You're looking to buy...
Yep, finally got one today. Went to Bell to look at the HTC 4G Sensation, needed a 500 dollar deposit that I get back in 6 months. I said "okay, let me go get my older sister and I'll be right back", never went back. Went to Rogers (both are in the mall), and I said to the guy "Okay, I just...
HOLY FUCKING SHIT IS THIS EXPENSIVE! Seriously. I remember when I was a kid, the N64 days, when I could walk to a store and buy one of the magazines for 10-12 bucks CAD. I also remember it being a lot cheaper to subscribe too. I go to the site and it says "5 DOLLARS OFF!" and I was like "oh...
And no I'm not getting a blackberry (though I could), or an iPhone. First of all, I can get a free blackberry curve from my sister who is getting a new one, but eh, don't like the keyboards. I'm looking at the phones for Bell, and I have to say I'm somewhat impressed. They offer the blackberry...
Yeah, so I came to the conclusion that I know how to handle and milk tits. Let me explain. See, I'm a farmer. I milk cows. And I'm just on my friends farm, basically doing relief work. I work 2 hours a day, 10 bucks an hour, but if there's other work that needs to be done, we get paid for that...
Ever have one of those days, where you're just cranky and you don't want anybody talking to you? You just want to get through the day doing the things you like without any interruption? Yeah, I'm having one of those days. I went to EB Games today, I bought a used copy of Rayman 3D. And I wish I...
Let me just start off by saying, I fucking love the 3DS. It's probably my favorite handheld I have ever had, if not it's a close second behind the Gameboy Color. I've been seeing a lot of comments lately on the forums, and around the web, about how Nintendo is done. They've tapped the well dry...
Who here has got one? Mine is just a simple deal. Free credit card with no fees, same with my debit card. Unlimited transactions and no fees. I figured I'm 22, never owned a credit card, I might as well start building up some credit. I don't plan on buying lots and lots of things, just if I...
So after having a few days to play the 3DS, and explore it, I decided to write this up. Don't know why, but hey, whats the point of blogs when you have a pen and paper at home, right? Anyways, I bought my 3DS on monday at Wal-Mart. They already had the price marked down to $190. Went and...
So I just got back from the long weekend. And I got paid today from work, in which I netted around 480 bucks. So what did I do? OFF TO WALMART! Seen the flier, 3DS' are now $180 there. So why not right? I went to Wal-Mart, bought a new bike for only 80 bucks or so. Just something that I can...
Anyways, been a long time since I've been actually posting on this site. A lot has changed for me and I've simply run out of time for the computer (I never thought I would say that). I've got a job on a farm milking cows. It's only 42 cows, 10 bucks an hour, 2 hours a day. But if there's work...

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