iFish's Blog

Ohai, Tempers!! <3 Well... i've been here for a year. I've meet some very nice people. i met martin, Volpes, Haflore, SoulSnatcher, Ace, Skyline969,Soulanger <3,Guildy, ShadowEO, Raika, Goli, The Pi. i'm not going t list them all. Anybody who i thought was awesome is on my friends list. Sorry...
Hola, Tempers. This month is going to be really busy for me. I have my PSN night, I have my cousins from Israel coming. i'm helping out ih8sn0w dev team (Not really a team, ih8sn0w is just one guy) I'm working on my OP status on the irc network. As some of you know. most of the time, i only...
Hola, Forum!! If you read my last blog mention moody ness. I think that was the wrong word to use I feel mood swings. Like i could be sad, Then out out no where, become into a great mood. Not user if this is just being a teen. According to VVoltz i'm pregnant :mellow: :ha: Well. when...
Hi, Forum. I just want to say this blog will not be like my normal happy cheery self. i'm moody these days. So.. lately i have been having many Real life issues, and internet issues. I've been arguing, fighting, getting mad over nothing. I have been acting childish. I have been acting like a...
Heya, Tempers. As you may know. i got a EX4 ds to review. but i'm in shock by how fast i go it. i spoke to the girl on msn like um... 3 or 4 days ago :/ And then the nezt day i got my tacking number. Well..... i know it was not sunday that we spoke, since they're closed on weekends. so.... i...
Hi, Tempers. Just not i installed DEEp 7 (something like that) i got it all working except for the custom icons. But then on irc Spy (Minox-IX) He told me about VistaGlass. So i installed it. patched so,ething. Then my pc hung on the "Please Wait" sceen. It went black, then appeared. blacked...
Hola, Bitches Tempers!! :yay: So... today i went to pick up my Supercard. Yeah. i am thinking or reviewing it. Thing is, my reivews are not that great. i just do them for fun. Only good part is i have a lot of pictures in them. and i love taking pictures. i am still having some issues with...
Hola, tempers. So, yesturday my mom dropped my whole DS on the floor :( My aceakrd kinda dies. no idea why if it was in the DS ?_? it fell out on my ds slot and something got fucked up. i thought it may be contact issues. but its not. So. my mom said he will replace my card withing a 25$...
Hola, Tempers and chavs TrolleyDave!! I just wanted to talk Stuffs. So.. i recently started golfing with my dads friends. quite fun, actaully. So, the golf cub has a big olympic size pool with diving boards. being the diver i am. i decided to go of the high-dive. Guess what? i slip and fuck up...
Hola, tempers!! Well. some of you may of herd me say i am getting a PS3!! Well.. i finally did. i only have 1 game uncharted 2. so add me to PSN :) ifish49 Kthxbai ~ifish EDIT best video ever <object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie"...
Ohai, Tempers!!! So... this is the last week of school. I have my history test today and tomorrow. I have to make my math memory aid. A lot of fucking studying!! -------- Now, it feels like it was just lasty week when school started and i was so pumped about it!!! and that week my got my ak2i...
Hola, Tempers!! If you read my last blog, well... i am over it. i went back to EB games to make a purchase of some DSi XL styluses since they are SO SEXY!! i even got a discount for being Bugged yesturday so i got them for like 4$ tax in.. Then my dad needed a new hose for the frontyard, he...
Well, today i was at my local game store to pick up a new ds lite charger (my dog ruined my old one) I was in line, i have tourettes. Today was a bad tick day, so i had some vocal ticks and twitches (Before you think, NO I DON'T SCREAM SWEAR WORDS!!!) So..... i was just ticking and everything...
So... tempers. I have been waiting impatiently for this all night!!! it kept me up, it kept my tweeting/facebooking. Now, it is finally in my hands!! thanks to my sisters boy friend for taking me to the store. i cannot be obtherd to up it to my photobucket. so http://twitpic.com/1qe40o
'Ello, Tempers! As some of you may or may not know, i can beat super mario sunshine all 120 shines in 17 hours straight.... So, as all of you know, tomorrow (in North America) Mario galaxy 2 is coming. Now, my plan to day is this: Get up 6:00 AM saturday Start Speed Running mario galaxy 1 Get...
Heya, tempers!! so today i was bored, and decided to make some youtube videos with my channel. I have the EDGE ds one uploaded, but it might be not great quality yet, and i think the acekard 2i one is still processing.. There are the 2 first flash card reviews i feel that i did a "fine" job...
Ohai, Tempers!! Well today i treated my dad to breakfast, then I walk over to EB games, and they were having 2 deals on SMG2 Trade-in=2 geti t ofr 10 or trade in 3 get it FREE..... i could of done the trade in 3... but no, i did trade in 2 and then traded in a third game and now i have an extra...
heya!! so yeah, today i wanted the Humble indie bundle, my dad said no. but a very nice temper bought it for me. and it was non-other then our own LUKE_C!!! and i am very happy, thanks. also, it is mothers day. and i got my mom a free spa day :D that is all. i tried to buy hte bundle...
Well.... as a kid, i can probably say ALL of you had a slinky once and broke it or lost it. well, seems i was cleaning my room under my bed, and i found my slinky!! :) and it is not broken or anything, it still works perfectly! it brings back such good memories, this kept me busy for hours upon...
heya guys!! it's me ifish all weekend i have been at a convention. this was a BBYO convention, spring 2010. this ends the bbyo program year. so i will post pictures in another blog once they are on facebook and shit. in other news, today i declared myself running for miskeir (hope i spelled...

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