Being lactose intolerant sucks.

This intolerance didn't begin until... about 2 years ago, when I moved here to California. Well, I guess I've always had it, but it was never this bad. I used to drink 2 glasses of milk a day and have a ton of other lactose products with little to no repercussions. Nowadays, I have to drink tea instead of milk, I can't eat chocolate, cheese, Nutella (;____;), etc. And hell, even if I have something with just a small amount of lactose... like for example a granola bar or something, my stomach implodes and I'll be sick for the rest of the day. It's pretty frustrating... and it seems like I have to keep limiting the stuff I can eat more and more. I went to the store today and found out that there's these kosher chocolates that have either no milk or just a little bit, so I got 2 to try them out. They're kind of expensive, though... but it's not like I spend that much on food anyway :\ FML.


I drink milk more than anything, I'd hate to be lactose intolerant.
Poor babe.
My little brother is allergic to lactose, wheat, and eggs. It literally took us 1 whole day to find something he could eat without getting sick.

You think you have it bad :(
[quote name='Hop2089' post='2621493' date='Feb 25 2010, 08:28 PM']Take some OTC medicine before consuming dairy.[/quote]
At one point, I was taking this thing called Lactaid... but it didn't help at all, unfortunately :\
Oh boo hoo. I have been living with a dairy ALLERGY (meaning i could die, not just get bad gas) for my whole life, and you know what? I have been doing fine. I am also allergic to chicken and turkey. That isn't even as bad as it gets. Have you ever hear about what happens to people with peanut allergies? Count your blessings.
Yeah, I'm glad I'm not allergic to it or anything, but it still sucks :\
I would suggest dark chocolate though (Toblerones are my favorite.) Idk about lactose, but if I can have them, you probably can too.
[quote name='Combo Baker' post='2621503' date='Feb 26 2010, 05:32 AM']Oh boo hoo. I have been living with a dairy ALLERGY (meaning i could die, not just get bad gas) for my whole life, and you know what? I have been doing fine. I am also allergic to chicken and turkey. That isn't even as bad as it gets. Have you ever hear about what happens to people with peanut allergies? Count your blessings.[/quote]

Latex allergies are much worse, it can even force you on an oxygen tank for life in extreme cases.
[quote name='War' post='2621485' date='Feb 25 2010, 10:26 PM']This intolerance didn't begin until... about 2 years ago, when I moved here to California. Well, I guess I've always had it, but it was never this bad. I used to drink 2 glasses of milk a day and have a ton of other lactose products with little to no repercussions. Nowadays, I have to drink tea instead of milk, I can't eat chocolate, cheese, Nutella (;____;), etc. And hell, even if I have something with just a small amount of lactose... like for example a granola bar or something, my stomach implodes and I'll be sick for the rest of the day. It's pretty frustrating... and it seems like I have to keep limiting the stuff I can eat more and more. I went to the store today and found out that there's these kosher chocolates that have either no milk or just a little bit, so I got 2 to try them out. They're kind of expensive, though... but it's not like I spend that much on food anyway :\ FML.[/quote]
Same story here, started being lactose intolerant about 3 years ago when I moved to Ohio for a bit. Sucks not being able to drink milk without feeling sick and getting the shits. Small amounts of cheese and such don't affect me too bad, just upset stomach sometimes.
[quote name='Sephi' post='2621548' date='Feb 26 2010, 04:57 AM'][quote name='War' post='2621485' date='Feb 25 2010, 10:26 PM']This intolerance didn't begin until... about 2 years ago, when I moved here to California. Well, I guess I've always had it, but it was never this bad. I used to drink 2 glasses of milk a day and have a ton of other lactose products with little to no repercussions. Nowadays, I have to drink tea instead of milk, I can't eat chocolate, cheese, Nutella (;____;), etc. And hell, even if I have something with just a small amount of lactose... like for example a granola bar or something, my stomach implodes and I'll be sick for the rest of the day. It's pretty frustrating... and it seems like I have to keep limiting the stuff I can eat more and more. I went to the store today and found out that there's these kosher chocolates that have either no milk or just a little bit, so I got 2 to try them out. They're kind of expensive, though... but it's not like I spend that much on food anyway :\ FML.[/quote]
Same story here, started being lactose intolerant about 3 years ago when I moved to Ohio for a bit. Sucks not being able to drink milk without feeling sick and getting the shits. Small amounts of cheese and such don't affect me too bad, just upset stomach sometimes.

Now that I think of it, it could be the water causing both of your symptoms. I can't drink the water in NYC otherwise I get terrible diarrhea.
One of my relatives has a kid who's lactose intolerant. I know how much it hurts your wallet, if nothing else. Example: in my local supermarket a decent size bar of the store brand milk chocolate will set you back 27p. The exact same size bar of lactose free choc will set you back £1.50. That's just ludicrous. Everything is stupidly expensive. Not to mention you're badly limited in what you can eat since pretty much everything has some sort of dairy product in it these days.
Well I am in Florida now and it's still the same. Just drinking the water here doesn't do anything to me as far as I can tell.
[quote name='Sephi' post='2621548' date='Feb 26 2010, 04:57 AM'][quote name='War' post='2621485' date='Feb 25 2010, 10:26 PM']This intolerance didn't begin until... about 2 years ago, when I moved here to California. Well, I guess I've always had it, but it was never this bad. I used to drink 2 glasses of milk a day and have a ton of other lactose products with little to no repercussions. Nowadays, I have to drink tea instead of milk, I can't eat chocolate, cheese, Nutella (;____;), etc. And hell, even if I have something with just a small amount of lactose... like for example a granola bar or something, my stomach implodes and I'll be sick for the rest of the day. It's pretty frustrating... and it seems like I have to keep limiting the stuff I can eat more and more. I went to the store today and found out that there's these kosher chocolates that have either no milk or just a little bit, so I got 2 to try them out. They're kind of expensive, though... but it's not like I spend that much on food anyway :\ FML.[/quote]
Same story here, started being lactose intolerant about 3 years ago when I moved to Ohio for a bit. Sucks not being able to drink milk without feeling sick and getting the shits. Small amounts of cheese and such don't affect me too bad, just upset stomach sometimes.

EXACT same story except for moving to Ohio (I already lived there) and around 3 years ago I discovered my intolerance for lactose. I can have small amounts of cheese but if I had a DQ Blizzard or something I would be on the toilet the whole night. I shouldn't be complaining as many people have it much worse off.
When I was younger I used to be allergic to lactose, which sucked. I had to drink soy milk while all the other kids could drink normal milk. I still do, actually, not because I'm allergic, but because I think it has a better taste than the regular milk.

Sucks for you though :(
Currently, I am reading this thread while enjoying a tall glass of milk...

[quote name='_Chaz_' post='2622945' date='Feb 26 2010, 08:14 PM']Currently, I am reading this thread while enjoying a tall glass of milk...


My nephews had such a thing, only really badly. They also had almost every other allergic kinda stuff in the world. They went to a special kinda doctor (dunno the name in English, I think it's only Dutch) and she cured them completly. They can now drink milk and so on, without getting sick.

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