I have nothing better to do. I can't sleep, so I wake up. I attempt to restring my electric guitar with the new strings I bought this week.
*fiddles with B string*
Fuck, it snapped into two. Great. Just great.
I successfully restring all of the other strings, then I attempt to use my old B string again since the new one snapped. I try slotting the string into the hole behind the guitar.
It's stuck.
*pulls really hard*
Goddammit. "But good thing only a little of it snapped off this time. Gotta be more careful" was what I thought.
After many many many minutes I finally managed to slot it in by taping it to a toothpick. The string was too curvy to be inserted properly.
Eh? You've gotta be kidding me. The string isn't long enough? Fuck it.
The side of my foot felt a really sharp pain suddenly. It felt as though it was slashed by a knife.
*looks down*

*sees that sharp point used to cut the tape off*
*sees quite a lot of blood flowing out from wound*
*kicks dispenser really hard*
*runs off to clean wound*

I feel really pissed right now. First my brand new guitar string snaps, then I waste fuckloads of time attempting to put the old one back in just to realize that it wasn't long enough because a small part of it snapped off, THEN I accidentally cut myself with the fucking sticky tape dispenser. GOOD GRIEF GODDAMMIT WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE THIS!?!?

First blog ever on the Internet btw.


i wonder how much skill it takes to repair guitar strings and end up cutting your own foot :unsure:
It was my first time replacing guitar strings. And I was trying to do it without any help :P
I'm a noob at it. And somehow that damned dispenser ended up right underneath my foot, and when I tried to sit down...

Now my room has guitar strings all over the floor. It's a mess. :(
Ugh I remember the joys of restringing a guitar. I have two guitars and I rarely play them now (mostly because I can't get to them...and I just love playing the ocarina more). I let my step-sister borrow my very expensive acoustic because she wanted to take guitar for an elective in college. After screwing up the strings she just left them there and now I have to retune them. The bad part is that my dad bought me a guitar tuner and one of his friends stole it. Luckily I can get them really close by ear (which my dad thinks is impossible), but since I can play the piano by ear and other instruments it's not as impossible as he thinks. My hands are super tiny (about the size of a kindergartner and my left pink is deformed so it permanently curled inward) so playing the guitar is maybe I should just switch to a's easier for people with small hands (since my dad thinks mine are magically going to stretch out...). Anyway restringing guitars is fun *sarcasm*. Try having it on a guitar stand and having your autistic cousin pull so hard on the string that when it snaps it backlashes you in the face XD!
That's some seriously bad strings if they snap so easily.
Is it an electric guitar or an acoustic one? Cuz electric guitars are so much easier to restring.
[quote name='Raika' post='2797518' date='May 2 2010, 12:54 AM']*fiddles with B string*
Fuck, it snapped into two. Great. Just great.[/quote]
HORAY! you got 2 now, you got 2 for the price of 1 now you have an extra spare ;)
[quote name='Demonbart' post='2798104' date='May 1 2010, 12:17 PM']That's some seriously bad strings if they snap so easily.
Is it an electric guitar or an acoustic one? Cuz electric guitars are so much easier to restring.[/quote]
They aren't bad strings. I'm a noob at restringing and I thought I didn't need to cut away the extra dangling string and thought that all of the string will be used up. So I think I tightened the string too much and it snapped. I use the electric one btw, and yeah once you get the hang of restringing it's pretty easy. I had little problems with the other 5 strings. :P
[quote name='Demonbart' post='2798104' date='May 2 2010, 06:17 AM']That's some seriously bad strings if they snap so easily.
Is it an electric guitar or an acoustic one? Cuz electric guitars are so much easier to restring.[/quote]

i hope you have fun restringing a floyd rose.

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    Skelletonike @ Skelletonike: But I would say a big part of them are weird. +2