I have nothing better to do. I can't sleep, so I wake up. I attempt to restring my electric guitar with the new strings I bought this week.
*fiddles with B string*
Fuck, it snapped into two. Great. Just great.
I successfully restring all of the other strings, then I attempt to use my old B string again since the new one snapped. I try slotting the string into the hole behind the guitar.
It's stuck.
*pulls really hard*
Goddammit. "But good thing only a little of it snapped off this time. Gotta be more careful" was what I thought.
After many many many minutes I finally managed to slot it in by taping it to a toothpick. The string was too curvy to be inserted properly.
Eh? You've gotta be kidding me. The string isn't long enough? Fuck it.
The side of my foot felt a really sharp pain suddenly. It felt as though it was slashed by a knife.
*looks down*
*sees that sharp point used to cut the tape off*
*sees quite a lot of blood flowing out from wound*
*kicks dispenser really hard*
*runs off to clean wound*
I feel really pissed right now. First my brand new guitar string snaps, then I waste fuckloads of time attempting to put the old one back in just to realize that it wasn't long enough because a small part of it snapped off, THEN I accidentally cut myself with the fucking sticky tape dispenser. GOOD GRIEF GODDAMMIT WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE THIS!?!?
First blog ever on the Internet btw.
*fiddles with B string*
Fuck, it snapped into two. Great. Just great.
I successfully restring all of the other strings, then I attempt to use my old B string again since the new one snapped. I try slotting the string into the hole behind the guitar.
It's stuck.
*pulls really hard*
Goddammit. "But good thing only a little of it snapped off this time. Gotta be more careful" was what I thought.
After many many many minutes I finally managed to slot it in by taping it to a toothpick. The string was too curvy to be inserted properly.
Eh? You've gotta be kidding me. The string isn't long enough? Fuck it.
The side of my foot felt a really sharp pain suddenly. It felt as though it was slashed by a knife.
*looks down*

*sees that sharp point used to cut the tape off*
*sees quite a lot of blood flowing out from wound*
*kicks dispenser really hard*
*runs off to clean wound*
I feel really pissed right now. First my brand new guitar string snaps, then I waste fuckloads of time attempting to put the old one back in just to realize that it wasn't long enough because a small part of it snapped off, THEN I accidentally cut myself with the fucking sticky tape dispenser. GOOD GRIEF GODDAMMIT WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE THIS!?!?
First blog ever on the Internet btw.