And you thought your life sucked...

I really have no purpose in this blog except to vent, I'm fucking cursed, and ScuberSteve posted a tell all a while back that was inspiring. Normally I would never do a "tell all" but if someone did enough reading they can track down pieces and tidbits I'd never want known. So what not clear the fucking air? You see at first when I cam to GBAtemp I was a bit more open with life as I was retired from my work of pushing smut, I was a stay at home dad enjoying life and retirement.

Well lets go over the basics, go from ground zero shall we? Some of you might have already read my movie I wrote and if you have by all means fast forward, if not well... if you think your life sucks sit down and buckle the fuck up.

I am an ex bad person, I lived a long life of crime, I at one point used to be hired "muscle" and I have done a lot of things I have regretted, and now I am a porn producer. One might say that if I am unhappy with my life well Karma might have a big play in all of this? But again let us start from the very beginning. I was the product of a drugged up mother who never wanted a kid, let alone a boy. The only good thing a 3 month old baby boy was good for was an astray apparently. At around the age of 7-11 I was locked in a garage, basement, or closet (depending on what country/state I lived in) and was made to kneel in the corner. Not sit but kneel. Had I fallen asleep I would get beaten with a broom...and so yes that mean no sleeping and often NOT eating, and I did not see light for often days.

At almost 12 I was freed only to move in with my father. Which would soon become an abusive home life and the pressure of being a freak at school and not being the son my dad wanted me to be was too much to burden. I attempted suicide on several attempts mainly to fail. To afraid to pull the trigger on my head as my luck would lead me to believe I'd be a veggie for the rest of my life I turned my frustration to my peers. At 15 years old I was dropped off in this country and my parents went back to their country. I had no money, no home, no shelter, no food, no family, no friends.

I slept on the beach, park benches, under stair wells, ect. I ended up getting a job as a paper boy and a bus boy using a fake ID. (For bus boy, not paperboy). I did all this while trying to stay in school. At some point I started getting paid by girls to sleep with them. Not directly but more so as a "Don't go to work and just fuck me, I'll give you what you would have made" sort of thing. Eventually I didn't even have a job just said I did. School eventually found out I had no guardian and at 17 kicked me out as you need a legal parent/guardian in order to stay in school. 2 weeks prior to getting kicked out I had brought several firearms to school with me.

I turned to Jesus for like a year mainly for the free pizza but had a epiphany and thought I would have a purpose. I thought maybe...just MAYBE life would get better? Maybe it was all for the movie, I'd help people and get a break, I don't know...some fucked up shit in my head to cope with the fucked up reality I had.

Unemployed I got a job at 17 beating people up for money. It sucked ass but I manly hurt people who did bad stuff. I ended up hurting someone bad who tried to rape a chick, went to jail, my boss bailed me out and said get the fuck outta town.

I got a job for a company that makes operating systems in the research department. Those registration cards you fill out, I was involved in the team that called you to make sure everything was to your expectations. I worked HARD for a year, no car, literally worked 12 hours a day with a 1 hour walk home and back. My mom had called me during this time frame of me getting my shit together and acted like she wanted to be my mom again. She called me for 3 months on every monday to see how I was. Then she asked me for a favor, my life savings. which she would pay back in 30 days. I gave her the money and never heard back from her again.

I get a job as a porn actor and for once a bit of stress is taken off me, 5 months later my fiancee and I brake up and she takes the house and everything in it. No worries as money is a flowing now. The porn gig was alright really, good money, nice hours, ect, ect but I am still depressed. I want a family, shit I have been trying to make one since I was 12. At 21 I get my first kid and have enough money to retire. Problem is I get another kid that I did NOT have enough money for.

I struggle for years to stay retired and manage and invest, I get a job at a computer store and get fired for being an ex porn star (A chick knew who I was). Money is now tight. During this time my father moves to America and says to me to move to Chicago where we will open a computer store. I leave behind all my porn connections for the strait life to find out he lied and thinks computers are silly. My fiancee moves me to a place she can't afford, mortgage, property tax, all VERY high. I HAVE to go back to the world of porn.

What stopped me from offing myself prior was hope "There was a point to it all" when nothing got better it was "hope of a family"
Now being a producer I am never home, I can't be the father I want to be. I keep getting hit with setbacks, Feds raid me on Christmas, people stealing my equipment, and today one of my check suppliers says "I can't give you the 4k I owe you cause "blah, blah, blah"

I've been working since I was 15, I have been struggling since I was 15, I am tired, I am cursed, oh and get I am depressed and my doctor gives me Prozac which stops me from having emotional brake downs. The Prozac makes me lose my ability to cum on command so I have to work depressed or be happy and not work at all. I could go be an actor at a whopping $400 a flick or I can produce and make much more money but its like a lot more stressful. Who makes more money the burger flipper at McDonalds or the guy who OWNS the McDonalds. But the stress is higher to make sure kids aren't taking home trays, food, and pocketing from the register.

Listen, I am not depressed over my job... 50% of the time it is a great gig I just miss my kids, and they are getting older and once again those things I crave are getting ripped away from me. Every dream, every hope, POOF. 28 years and only one of em was not awful.

Oh the economy sucks which is bad timing for me and I can't become a citizen cause of my criminal record.

I don't know, I wish I could say to those troubled teens out there that it gets better but it doesn't or it may not. Even if you work hard uncontrollable factors will sneak in and FUCK you. And it seems the better guy I try to be the worse off I end up.

I have no friends except GBAtemp and that, no offense guys, is pretty sad.

I am Jack's wasted existence.


Damn, Weap. This might not sound like much, but I have (and always have had, since the moment I popped up in this little place and started seeing ya around) mad respect for you. The fact that you're still here, still taking life's punches left and right, is reason enough to tip a glass or whatever. Fuck man, keep that head above water...


(Effing A, thanks for the read, too!)
ScuberSteve, the link is fixed not sure what happened, it is the first 80 pages. I keep the ending private unless someone actually reads the whole story. It is the true story with names and places changed so if you wanna find out what happens at the very end just PM me.

you know I try and stay strong but when its just one slam after another.... and with kids in the mix its not like I can keep saying "It'll get better" Just wait. In a week I was supposed to go on vacation, a big break, a nice start over for me and my family. some unwind time for me to be the Dad I want to be. As my company grows the expenses for me to finance these journeys do as well. Im taking big gambles right now putting me in the red. So this check supplier who won't pay me has just killed the hope ... let me rephrase that, I work in an industry thats amazing. I can make 5k tomorrow, the problem with that notion is how HARD I have to work. I am working myself to death, will work myself to death, all for this vacation which I will probably be worrying about work the whole time. It is a beautiful day today. I'd rather be at the park flying a kite. Instead I am making DVD covers for work :(

lol that brightened my day, Martins name when spelled correctly gave me this error:
There is an error with your BBCode. It is possible that you have incorrectly used a tag such as [TAG] when it is meant to be used as [TAG=] or vice-versa.
I usually do not comment on the "my life" posts as I am not terribly good at the whole emotion thing and quite frankly while I do occasionally work hard I have had no real hardships.

Some things strike me:
you have done loads and have some fantastic tales, I have met all manner of "colourful" characters so far in life (whose tutelage tends to go some way to making the no real hardships thing above but that is a different matter) and few can match stories with you (by the way colourful means ex-SADF, "grey" ops types, some of the best minds in a given field and those who travelled the world for years doing just about everything). I do not know about anyone else but for me that rates as success.
Continuing from above I have equally met those who rarely ventured outside their home county (for those wondering a county in the UK is about the same size as one in the US) or done anything other than work. Sure they have a decent house, a nice bit of wedge in the bank and a load of kids but it does not strike me as something to be proud of.

Your kids: I have none of my own (I always find it odd but by now my mother had given birth to me and my grandmother had buried two of hers) but I do have a lot of (much) younger siblings (not quite brothers from different mothers, sisters from different misters but not far off) I play a fair role in. For me and others it is not as much being there 24/7 (anyone can sit on the sofa all day) but making yourself a definite presence, something I have great difficulty imagining you not doing. Somewhat tangential but it seems ever person I have had a great deal of respect for has taught me something (and it did/does not matter what).
Edit: just read your reply in the homework thread ( ) so it looks I am probably preaching to the choir /edit

Economy: Few would argue that you would not be here if you could not do for yourself (nothing I have seen would suggest otherwise either) and even when it gets really bad (which I dare say it will) there will always be openings for those that can (oh how I wish there were more people that can actually think rather than be sheep).

Nice guys finish last: agreed but there is a difference between not taking crap and generally being a bastard. The following is meant in the hope it will not cause offence but a lot of the stuff you have posted about at various points would point towards you accepting stuff where it may not be wise to (I am not saying go full on revenge mode but being more forcible in your actions/responses and perhaps calling people on things they try to get away with).

I am not quite sure how to end this so random unemployed fairly well travelled guy 6 years younger than you on the internet says you are doing OK.
I read the whole post, because I know that this is the truth. I've known you for a few years now and I've seen enough to believe you.
I remember the video you'd taken with you and naked girls, having the girls speak out the names of some of the IRC guys :D I think I asked if you could get the girls to say my name or something, but you must've forgotten! haha

Anyway, this is a hell of a life. I'm not sure what to say, besides showing my respect for you, telling you how courageous I think you are, and being all impressed & admirative (maybe I shouldn't be) for everything you've done and for being able to tell others about what you've been through.
[quote name='Costello' post='1131798' date='May 6 2008, 10:51 PM']I remember the video you'd taken with you and naked girls, having the girls speak out the names of some of the IRC guys :D I think I asked if you could get the girls to say my name or something, but you must've forgotten! haha[/quote]
WeaponXxX, wow. I've always respected you, man, because I knew you had a tough life and turned out to be a pretty damn nice guy. But I had NO IDEA it was as tough as all of that. Quite frankly I'm honored to be in your presence. You've experienced unthinkable things, both good and bad. To be honest, on some level, I'm a bit envious. That may sound unbelievable, right? You must think, after the life you've lived, how could anyone envy you? The answer, is in the question. "The life you lived". I haven't lived, at all. Sure I've had a few life altering moments, but to you, the sort of things I've done would be less than nothing.

You should be proud of your life, proud of your experiences. You lived through it and even prospered. Your experiences make you who you are. And who you are? Is a damn fine person (from what I know). Right now though, you need to put the past aside and figure out what makes you happy. You've worked your ass off doing odd jobs to make something of yourself, and you have. Not long ago I was fairly depressed, but then I stopped trying to push myself in a direction that may have been better for me in society's eyes, but made me miserable in my own. Now I'm happy with who I am because I stopped trying to live up to the expectations of the whole damn world.

I don't know you on a deeply personal level, but from everything I've read here it seems to me like your in a similar (if not much more severe) rut. You have these expectations for yourself, this need to escape your past and build a better future. To push yourself and be someone better. That's all well and good, but, you know, you are someone better; you're there. Now you just need to figure out your place in the world in a way that will lead to happiness. If I'm totally off base, well, sorry for wasting your time.
I'd say most people who come across WeaponX on this forum and IRC can describe him as either cool or nice. I go through some similar things as him from what I've read just not as much, since I'm a citizen and all and other reasons. But I always figured he was out there having the time of his life while I'm stuck at an office job (which actually I wanted before but then I wanted to work outside, now it just varies week to week).

Hmm prozac man? I was offered that and told about the side effects, didn't know it went that way. There are other treatments, seems like you could gradually come off that medication and get on something else if necessary.

Welp I dunno.. I always thought people who get to drive fancy cars with V8 engines have it all going good.. well maybe I'm still right.. I don't want to burst any bubble of hope.

This guy also hooks up with so many chicks it is unbelievable, it's difficult to do that at any rate, especially in these big cities that he goes to live in. I dunno how you do it man, but if I had that opportunity long ago I'd be living even stronger today. There's a lot of the world you have experienced that I and many people on here have not, and not due to choice just due to general attitudes people have around us in real life.
[quote name='Ackers' post='1131821' date='May 6 2008, 11:07 PM'][quote name='Costello' post='1131798' date='May 6 2008, 10:51 PM']I remember the video you'd taken with you and naked girls, having the girls speak out the names of some of the IRC guys :D I think I asked if you could get the girls to say my name or something, but you must've forgotten! haha[/quote]

That, my friend, was fucking awesome and I showed it to my friends and it made them smile and say that was totally killer.
You know what's the thing that impressed me the most about your post?

The fact that you've realized that some of the things you did in your past were wrong and not only that but also the fact that you've worked really, really hard to make a better man out of yourself. You might think it means nothing, but the vast majority of the people doesn't even know they're wrong and when they finally realize it, they don't give a shit about it.

Keep working man, for you, for your childrens and for the future you want.
Wow man, Your really open with this stuff. That takes some guts to do, I hope everything gets better for you man. I really do feel for you bro.

*Hugs WeaponXXX* (PS, I am not gay)
I really feel sorry for you after reading that. I thought you were lying about that porn star thing but I guess you weren't. Hope everything goes well :)
What country did you orginally live in?

I also forgot to add that I have alot of respect for you (basically because I always thought you were a pimp) because of the curage to post this and because you are a nice person.
Takes a lot of guts to post something like this on a public forum. You have my respect and my admiration for never giving up and trying your best for your children.

Hopes this serves for those emo kids who thinks that their life sucks because their mom don't want to buy them a Wii.. When I first read the title of the article I thought it was something like that (no offense, at first I didn't see that it written by WeaponXxX).

Keep fighting man. I believe that if the universe gave you so many bad things in the past, it's because something really good might be waiting for you in the future.
[quote name='phoood' post='1131813' date='May 6 2008, 06:00 PM']respect[/quote]

Sorry to hear about your tragic childhood, XxX. You somehow survived though so my hats off to you. You make sure your kids enjoy themselves and treat them right, you hear? It's corny but I get through the crappy points of my job and stay out of trouble for my kids - that's what parents do.

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  • Gamemaster2022 @ Gamemaster2022:
    Great titles. I'm about to play some Pokémon Emerald. I need to lvl up
  • PandaPandel @ PandaPandel:
    yassssss i love emerald
  • BakerMan @ BakerMan:
    more of a platinum guy myself personally
  • BakerMan @ BakerMan:
    guys i just checked to see what's in the fortnite item shop today and saw that metallica skins, atla skins and jjk skins are in the item shop at the same time rn, shit's not real 💀
  • PandaPandel @ PandaPandel:
    im playing fortnite rn and just got rsn over by a car
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @PandaPandel, irl or in the game?
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    Btw it seems like the user dtapple disabled others posting on their profile, either they are going through something or they blocked me. Better leave them alone ig
  • Veho @ Veho:
    I sat on my ball and I think I crushed it

  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @Veho, atleast you still have the other one
  • Veho @ Veho:
    Yeah that's why we have two balls. Redundancy.
  • Veho @ Veho:
    The squished one still hurts like a motherfucker tho.
  • 4d1xlaan @ 4d1xlaan:
    why did you do that
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @4d1xlaan, he just wanted to sit down
  • T @ Texasauras:
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @AncientBoi, fixed it?
  • Veho @ Veho:
    As in, kiss and make better?
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    Oh wait wrong edit
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    That edit was made by ancient and i forgot to change the name
  • AncientBoi @ AncientBoi:
    Yea right. :tpi::rofl2::tpi:
    AncientBoi @ AncientBoi: Yea right. :tpi::rofl2::tpi: +1