
Life's been pretty exciting for me lately; After leaving GBATemp, I really got into Twitter. Made a few more friends, lost a few more. WoW is fun, playing a lot with my school friends. Warrior Druid Worgen! :) School is being a pain, like always. Not a lot of work, but our grading system...
Life. School's kind of taking my time. Games. Solatorobo is fun. KMA is fun. Saving up as much money as possible for the amazing flood of good games for later this year. Blogs. SoulSnatcher, try to edit this. You too, KirbyBoy. Prowler included. SoulSnatcher: HELLO SLYAKIN Slyakin: YAY...
- Pre-ordered my PSV today. If you were one of the 5 people who was watching the shoutbox yesterday, you would have seen me complaining about the high price that electronics have come to these days. But then... I remembered my bigass collection of Wii games that I could just trade in. And I gave...
Life's been pretty sweet for the summer, and it sucks that I only have July left to enjoy it to the fullest. Oh well. -I'm getting Child of Eden today; I have no idea why the hell I have a Kinect, but I might as well enjoy it. I heard it's basically a straight-up euphoria trip. -I've really...
So, today in the US, participating Gamestops are having Zelda OoT 3D demos set up in their stores, as well as a representative from Nintendo who will answer your questions as well as show you features of the new game. I went in today to see my Gamestop almost empty (:O) giving me access to the...
So... Tomorrow is the last day before Spring Break. Woo. I can't seem to get excited about it though. :sigh: The 3DS seems to be taking the majority of my time now; I even managed to StreetPass with Zarkz 2 times in the past week. :) Speaking of the 3DS, I let a few friends of mine try mine...
I'm now proud to say that I am now the owner of The Legend of Zelda OoT for the N64! I bid just $14.50 and won the game! (By the way, you just lost the game) :D I can't wait!
So... I finally got to try out the 3DS at my local Best Buy... Holy shit, it blows my expectations out of the water. The system feels really solid, and it just feels great in the hand. The buttons are really clicky, like the silver DS Phat. That in itself is awesome. The circle pad was a bit...
Minecraft Beta 1.3 came out. At first, I was like "SHIT. No more server play for a while." Then, I was greeted by a total and completely un-expected overhaul. 1) Everything is twice as fast. Notch has finally standardized Optimine (a chunk-loading mod). THANK GOD. 2) BetterLight standardized as...
YESH = I got a case for my PSP Go, got Tn HEN C (signed), and got FF Tactics. (Pirated of course.) Also, PRE-ORDERED MY MOTHERFUCKING 3DS. FUCK YEAH. Got it in black, cause I got a blue DSi at launch and I was horrified by the shade of blue. FUUUUUUU- = My Chem teacher assigned me a 200 part...
Well, before I get on the topic at hand, I just wanted to share that I'm ADDICTED to Persona now. I got P3P for my PSP Go, and I can't believe I haven't played it before. Anyway, I never heard about this. Shin Megami Tensei Overclocked? Wow, that's really cool how they're making a new Tensei...
So I've been contemplating about whether or not I should get a PSP Go. I head off to the game store to see if (maybe) they had game demos out, and they don't. The thing is, I noticed a pre-owned PSP Go for 50 bucks. I decided that, "Hell, it's almost as cheap as a game, so why not?". I buy it...
Wow, I've been waiting forever, and today is the release data of Saga 3 for the DS. Edit: Oh, it's already out. Whoops!
Okay, here I was excited with the new Beta. Updated, jumped for joy, loaded game. SUFFOCATION. IN MY HOUSE OF STONE. Apparently, I somehow got trapped under the floor in my house, and I suffocated to death. Luckily, I just lost some iron picks and a few gold blocks (I just came back from...
Woo. Beta is gonna come out today. YAY! :) ...And that's about it. :/
Meh, I felt like blogging. Today has been pretty good, surprisingly. Got two B's on the 2 tests I have been dreading (Algebra 2 and French 2) and ace'd my Computer Sciences test. Java is so easy. :P I also drew this smexy piece of work: Made it in Comp. Sci in my spare time. Oh yeah.
Life's been pretty good right now. Not a bunch of homework, 2 day school week next week (Thanksgiving Break, bitches!) and I'm not really expecting much work, unless my teachers decide to be total dicks (which will probably be the case). French. It's great, but my teacher SUCKS. She never tells...
I've really been looking into getting a tablet lately, but Amazon and Google makes it seem so confusing... I see these strange knock-offs and I don't trust them very well. What I was really looking for was a cheap Android tablet... I'd appreciate the help.
Just ordered a SCDS2 off of it, and I have to say... The entire order process was clean, efficient, and surprisingly fast even though I was a guest. Can't wait! Also, I love pizza.
I'm torn. I have about 10 bucks in spending money, and I don't know which to get. Does anyone have suggestions?

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