Hardware What will happen with nintendo (?)


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2013
Gaza Strip
Just like Super Smash Bros. made the Gamecube and N64 successful.

R-right guys?

Also if you think Bayoniche 2 and Xenoniche 2 are going to push consoles then you're deluding yourself.

Smash Bros. made the N64 and NGC successful consoles, it was the highest praised game of both systems because of how addictive it is to play, even still to this day Melee is considered the best of the trilogy.

Also, the delusional one here is you because if you were aware you'd know how people are angry that Bayonetta 2 is a Wii U exclusive and not coming to 360/PS3/PS4/XO that's customers who want it but aren't willing to buy it, well, they'll probably eventually.

In comparison to PS2 the NGC did lose but Smash Bros. Melee is its most played and popular game, after all, it's a fighting game with Nintendo characters that people love.

P.S.: About Xenoblade 2, have you seen that trailer of it that's on YouTube? You'd be lying to yourself if you didn't want to play that right now.
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Bakayaro Banzai
Aug 5, 2011
United States
Smash Bros. made the N64 and NGC successful consoles, it was the highest praised game of both systems because of how addictive it is to play, even still to this day Melee is considered the best of the trilogy.

One fun game a successful (strictly in terms of finances here) console make.

Also, the delusional one here is you because if you were aware you'd know how people are angry that Bayonetta 2 is a Wii U exclusive and not coming to 360/PS3/PS4/XO that's customers who want it but aren't willing to buy it, well, they'll probably eventually.

Quality financial analysis.

Look, the original Bayonetta sold a little over 1 million copies (actually underperforming compared to Sega's expectations). If people didn't rush out to grab the game when it was available on consoles they already owned, I doubt that they'll go and buy a brand new system and its sequel. Bayonetta is a game with limited appeal; that doesn't mean it's bad, just that it's a bad asset if you're trying to sell consoles.

Plus, knee-jerk reactions are never a good indicator of future sales. Just because people are annoyed they won't be able to play a game doesn't mean they're willing to spend hundreds of dollars on a new console.

In comparison to PS2 the NGC did lose but Smash Bros. Melee is its most played and popular game, after all, it's a fighting game with Nintendo characters that people love.

Yeah, no one said otherwise. The issue is whether or not it'll sell consoles, not whether or not people with the console like it.

P.S.: About Xenoblade 2, have you seen that trailer of it that's on YouTube? You'd be lying to yourself if you didn't want to play that right now.


In what way was the gamecube and N64 not successful?

Did they doom nintendo the same the wii u is going to?

Systems don't have to "doom" the company in order to be unsuccessful, and trying to argue otherwise is just moving the goalposts here.

While the SNES was the top selling console, the N64 only managed to take 23% of the market share (the N64's 30 million vs. the PS1's 100 million). The Gamecube managed to sell even less than that (only 21 million or so), and even lost out to the Xbox. Nintendo went from first place to dead last, and while they still managed to provide some good first party titles, they lost a lot of third party support, something they still haven't recovered.

So yes, that's very bad.

Guild McCommunist

(not on boat)
May 6, 2009
The Danger Zone
United States
Smash Bros. made the N64 and NGC successful consoles, it was the highest praised game of both systems because of how addictive it is to play, even still to this day Melee is considered the best of the trilogy.

Also, the delusional one here is you because if you were aware you'd know how people are angry that Bayonetta 2 is a Wii U exclusive and not coming to 360/PS3/PS4/XO that's customers who want it but aren't willing to buy it, well, they'll probably eventually.

In comparison to PS2 the NGC did lose but Smash Bros. Melee is its most played and popular game, after all, it's a fighting game with Nintendo characters that people love.

P.S.: About Xenoblade 2, have you seen that trailer of it that's on YouTube? You'd be lying to yourself if you didn't want to play that right now.

It sold well but it didn't sell the systems. They still sold miserably.

People are angry about Bayonetta 2 because they don't want to buy a new console for it. And they won't.

Also I saw the X trailer. Xenoblade was bad. The sequel also looks bad.


Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2012
United States
A system doesn't have to win fan boy bragging rights to be successful.

Their are plenty of failed consoles, n64 and GameCube are not failed consoles when they had some of the all time great classic games and made money for their company.

And as I have repeatedly pointed out winning the console war and being successful has not meant that those companies made the most money. Making money is the entire reason these companies are making these consoles.

Sure you can say that compared to the Nes and snes that those consoles did not have the same sort of market dominance, but since this thread is asking what will Nintendo do as though the struggling wii U is going to kill the companies consoles business just doesn't make sense. Those consoles doomed them to the point the ds and wii never happened right?

By many measures you can say 360 won this last generation. I believe they sold the most software even if wii moved more hardware. But financially the 360 was not profitable. The Xbox was not profitable. If you are successful and winning console wars and not making money than your business is broken and unsustainable and in more trouble than Nintendo.

So all your points are about achieving market dominance and you don't seem to get that point that Nintendo was perfectly fine and profitable with out having market dominance. Not only that but if you look what they have done recently they are not even trying to achieve market dominance anymore since the GameCube. Yes their handhelds dominate but their home consoles are not failures or successes based on where they place in the console war.

Guild McCommunist

(not on boat)
May 6, 2009
The Danger Zone
United States
Did you miss the part where I said Xenoblade was kinda shit so why would I want a sequel?

And yes I played Xenoblade.

When my point is that the sequel to a game that was A) bad and B) won't sell shit and your point is "BUT THE TRAILER GUYSSSS" then I don't think you really understand relativity from person to person or how the market works.


Hamon > Stand
Jul 1, 2010
By many measures you can say 360 won this last generation. I believe they sold the most software even if wii moved more hardware. But financially the 360 was not profitable. The Xbox was not profitable. If you are successful and winning console wars and not making money than your business is broken and unsustainable and in more trouble than Nintendo.

I always read that Xbox 360 was sold for a higher price than the manufacturing costs, that alone would make it profitable.

Oh yeah this is tooootally terrible.

Opnions.To me, this game looks fucking boring.
It's not because you like the game, or think it's beautiful that everyone will agree.[

Smash Bros. made the N64 and NGC successful consoles, it was the highest praised game of both systems because of how addictive it is to play, even still to this day Melee is considered the best of the trilogy.

Look at the sales man, both consoles did terribad.
It wasn't a complete disaster like Virtual Boy, but that doesn't make them less of failures

Also, the delusional one here is you because if you were aware you'd know how people are angry that Bayonetta 2 is a Wii U exclusive and not coming to 360/PS3/PS4/XO that's customers who want it but aren't willing to buy it, well, they'll probably eventually.

Most people aren't willing to buy a new console for a single game.
Considering it's a nieche game, even if every consumer that bought the first game decided to buy a WiiU for Bayonetta 2,
the console sales would have just a small raise, but would still be terrible.

In comparison to PS2 the NGC did lose but Smash Bros. Melee is its most played and popular game, after all, it's a fighting game with Nintendo characters that people love.

What does it have to do with anything?
Even complete console failures have one or another title that have quite a popularity.
Dreamcast is full of underrated games that many Sega fans play up to this day.

P.S.: About Xenoblade 2, have you seen that trailer of it that's on YouTube? You'd be lying to yourself if you didn't want to play that right now.

No, I don't want it, like I said, it look boring as hell.


Nov 6, 2002
Land o't pies
United Kingdom
Did you miss the part where I said Xenoblade was kinda shit so why would I want a sequel?

And yes I played Xenoblade.

When my point is that the sequel to a game that was A) bad and B) won't sell shit and your point is "BUT THE TRAILER GUYSSSS" then I don't think you really understand relativity from person to person or how the market works.

So your opinion counts for the entire gaming community does it?? Personally I also thought Xenoblade was rather over-rated garbage, but I'm not short sighted enough to think that everyone else thought the same way - I've got friends who thought that was the best RPG they've played in over a decade! Baffles me :lol:, but there you go.... kinda puts your 'relativity from person to person' comment into context no? ;)

Didn't Gamestop recently 'restock' 'secondhand' Xenoblade at $85 and STILL shift a good amount of units? Both Bayonetta & X will shift a few machines whether you like it or not.... not enough to save the Wii U from dead last in the console sales charts, but enough to keep the machine trundling along. Again though, I reckon both games would sell more if they were released on the PS4 instead - come on Nintendo, take note....
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T Link7

Well-Known Member
Dec 25, 2008
Did you miss the part where I said Xenoblade was kinda shit so why would I want a sequel?

And yes I played Xenoblade.

When my point is that the sequel to a game that was A) bad and B) won't sell shit and your point is "BUT THE TRAILER GUYSSSS" then I don't think you really understand relativity from person to person or how the market works.

Your psychic powers continue to baffle me! Lots of people disagree with you, though. However, you're right about the sales not being amazing. It's at place 177 in the Wii sales chart, with a little less than million worldwide sales. To put it in perspective: Mario Galaxy was bought around 11 million times.

Guild McCommunist

(not on boat)
May 6, 2009
The Danger Zone
United States
So your opinion counts for the entire gaming community does it?? Personally I also thought Xenoblade was rather over-rated garbage, but I'm not short sighted enough to think that everyone else thought the same way - I've got friends who thought that was the best RPG they've played in over a decade! Baffles me :lol:, but there you go.... kinda puts your 'relativity from person to person' comment into context no? ;)

Didn't Gamestop recently 'restock' 'secondhand' Xenoblade at $85 and STILL shift a good amount of units? Both Bayonetta & X will shift a few machines whether you like it or not.... not enough to save the Wii U from dead last in the console sales charts, but enough to keep the machine trundling along. Again though, I reckon both games would sell more if they were released on the PS4 instead - come on Nintendo, take note....

My point is that the game didn't sell and his point was "b-but the sequel looks good so it'll sell!" I'm just stating my personal opinion on Xenoblade, factually the didn't do that well.
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Hamon > Stand
Jul 1, 2010
Why do these shit threads keep on being made again? I'm actually very curious myself, but they never seem to end well and people are continually bitching about Nintendo not being as godlike as Sony and Microsoft (I mean, those two NEVER make mistakes), amirite? Since when we become IGN?

Because PS4 and Xbox One appear to have a promising future, and WiiU has been doing terrible for over a year.
Since this is GBATemp, it's natural that many users here are Nintendo fans, that already bought a WiiU and are dissapointed by the quantity of quality titles to the system,
and the lack of perspectitive of a better future for the console.


GBATemp old fogey
Jul 10, 2003
Sleaford, UK
United Kingdom
My opinion on this is that people just bow down to peer pressure too much when buying a console. This is a decision which is ultimately hurting nintendo, on the console front anyway.

Ive seen countless things on forums over the past few weeks whereby people have either gone out and bought an Xbox One or a PS4, then gone into a store or ebay or whatever, to try and trade it for the other console, purely because thats what their mates either socially or online have gotten.

Ive got the PS4 this time round purely because thats what I wanted. However, there are two other friends I have who also, for whatever reason have chosen to buy the PS4. However, this has left a couple of other friends, who went for the Xbox one, to now want to change over, so we all have the same. As previously we were all playing Battlefield, FIFA, COD, Tiger Woods, Project Gotham 4, Borderlands etc on the 360 over xbox live, that tradition these days also carries alot of weight in what people want to by.

Now for my money, the social side of nintendos online play has been sorely lacking and thats been a problem in the past. The problem now however is as mentioned above, you've only got to have a few real friends or good online friends go and pick the same console up, and your more likely to sway that way to keep everyone together. And thats something now that Nintendo cannot really muscle in on.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2013
Gaza Strip
dissapointed by the quantity of quality titles to the system,
and the lack of perspectitive of a better future for the console.

That is a lie. The exclusives that have been released and are going to be out in 2014 are exactly what I was hoping for.

I only buy Nintendo consoles for Nintendo exclusives, not multiplatforms so I couldn't careless about third party support.


Hamon > Stand
Jul 1, 2010
That is a lie. The exclusives that have been released and are going to be out in 2014 are exactly what I was hoping for.

I only buy Nintendo consoles for Nintendo exclusives, not multiplatforms so I couldn't careless about third party support.

That's you, this does not represent the whole community of Nintendo fans.
If you don't care about third party support that's your problem, but anyone with the minimal common sense should know how good it is to have third party support.

It's funny how you simply ignored everything else I posted above.
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Endless Trash
Global Moderator
Sep 13, 2009
Gaming Grotto
Smash Bros. made the N64 and NGC successful consoles (...)
...except it didn't. :rolleyes:
As of December 31, 2009, the N64 had sold 5.54 million units in Japan, 20.63 million in the Americas, and 6.75 million in other regions, for a total of 32.93 million units. (...) A total of 387 games were released for the console (...) For comparison, the rival PlayStation received around 1,100 games, while the earlier NES and SNES had 768 and 725 US games, respectively. (...) The Economist described effective programming for the Nintendo 64 as being "horrendously complex." (...) As the Nintendo 64 reached the end of its lifecycle, hardware development chief Genyo Takeda referred to the programming challenges using the word hansei (Japanese: 反省 "reflective regret").

It was actually 2418 games for the PlayStation, but oh well - even Wikipedia has to do damage control. You can't make this stuff up.
Looking back, Joystiq compared the GameCube's launch window to its successor, the Wii, noting that the GameCube's "lack of games" resulted in a subpar launch, and the console's limited selection of online titles hurt its market share in the long run.Time International concluded that the system had low sales figures, because it lacked "technical innovations". (...) Nintendo sold approximately 22 million GameCube units worldwide during its lifespan, placing it slightly behind the Xbox's 24 million, and well behind the PlayStation 2's 153 million.

"Successful consoles". :rofl2:


Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2012
United States
I always read that Xbox 360 was sold for a higher price.

Look at the sales man, both consoles did terribad.
I don't know if they profit on each 360 sold, that very well may have changed over time. There are other expenses though, so it doesn't mean much one way or the other.

I have seen multiple sources, when I search the internet, that state that the Xbox brand has not made any money for Microsoft. Perhaps 360 by itself did, I am not sure, but overall xbox has not made money.

You can also find info that GameCube was profitable for nintendo.

Whether or not sales were good comparatively for its generation is not what matters as far as my point. I am simply saying nintendo made money that console generation.

If this thread was about just the wii u it's a different conversation. All I am saying is that the wii u struggling is not the end of the world for nintendo. Comparitively low sales is not either. Sure selling better is good, but even if by your standards those consoles were failures nintendo did well enough with them that it didn't kill the company or their ability to make games or future consoles.

I am only saying that Nintendo is not on the precipice of complete failure in the console industry the way all it's pre-sony competition failed.

Also all this nonsense about certain games not selling the console is nonsense. Overall sales is not the point. If a certain game convince 1000 people to buy a nintendo console than that is enough. It doesn't have to resurrect the console to the top in order for that to be true.


Endless Trash
Global Moderator
Sep 13, 2009
Gaming Grotto
You can also find info that GameCube was profitable for nintendo. (...) Whether or not sales were good comparatively for its generation is not what matters as far as my point. I am simply saying nintendo made money that console generation.
That's the equivalent of saying "I don't care if I had friends with the same system with whom I could play games, all I care about is that Nintendo made money". Sure, they made money - on your lack of games and support of any kind beyond the scope of first-party titles.
Sure selling better is good, but even if by your standards those consoles were failures nintendo did well enough with them that it didn't kill the company or their ability to make games or future consoles.
Because they had the consistently successful Game Boy brand to lean against? It was their ultimate money pillow at the time, more or less.
I am only saying that Nintendo is not on the precipice of complete failure in the console industry the way all it's pre-sony competition failed.
You mean how they released two consoles that bombed big time, one successful one and now a new one that's bombing already? That's inches away from SEGA's scenario.
Also all this nonsense about certain games not selling the console is nonsense. Overall sales is not the point. If a certain game convince 1000 people to buy a nintendo console than that is enough. It doesn't have to resurrect the console to the top in order for that to be true.
Of course it is the point, at least in the grand scheme of things. The system has to go back on track, it has to become profitable, it has to pay not only your bills but also the bills of third-party who invested in it and is expecting to make money on it. If they won't, they will withdraw support and your system will die. If those 1000 customers will not get new good games after the initial first one that made them purchase the system, they will be disappointed. They might stop supporting the Wii U, hell, they might stop supporting Nintendo because essentially, they bought a $300 1-game machine. All of this matters.


Bakayaro Banzai
Aug 5, 2011
United States
Also all this nonsense about certain games not selling the console is nonsense. Overall sales is not the point. If a certain game convince 1000 people to buy a nintendo console than that is enough. It doesn't have to resurrect the console to the top in order for that to be true.

Ha ha what.

If you're investing millions of dollars into a game then yeah, it does matter. If you're not bringing in enough people to justify your costs, then your investment has failed. And that's terrible.


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2013
United States
Ha ha what.

If you're investing millions of dollars into a game then yeah, it does matter. If you're not bringing in enough people to justify your costs, then your investment has failed. And that's terrible.

Sales != profit
If I sell one million units at a loss of $50 a unit, am I more successful than my competitor who sold one hundred thousand units at a profit of $5 a unit?


Endless Trash
Global Moderator
Sep 13, 2009
Gaming Grotto
Sales != profit
If I sell one million units at a loss of $50 a unit, am I more successful than my competitor who sold one hundred thousand units at a profit of $5 a unit?
You're assuming that the aim is to make money selling hardware, which it is not. It's the licenses and services that are the money-makers, hardware is supposed to be cheap to be approachable to the End-User.

You only ever buy a console once, games you have to buy periodically. When you look at the matter from that perspective, it is beneficial for you to sell a ton of consoles even if you don't make any money on them for the sake of securing future profits.

Assuming that the royalties per title would be $5, chances are that in the next 5-10 years that one million of users will buy more than 10 games nullifying your loss completely. Anything beyond those 10 games is all profit and it keeps rolling in, and that's without even taking services into account.

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