Supreme Court Strikes Down Key DOMA Provisions


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2013
United States
i hate to argue, but examples are not irrelevant. If you are going to report someone for using an example, then you should report atleast another 100 posts doing the exact same thing from both parties. you cant sit here and judge someone using an example, simply because they are not on the same fence as you.

thats called oppression.=O something this thread is actually about as well.

Nathan Drake

Obligations fulfilled, now I depart.
Jan 2, 2011
i hate to argue, but examples are not irrelevant. If you are going to report someone for using an example, then you should report atleast another 100 posts doing the exact same thing from both parties. you cant sit here and judge someone using an example, simply because they are not on the same fence as you.

thats called oppression.=O something this thread is actually about as well.
There is a difference between using examples and spiraling entirely off topic. He isn't just using polygamy as an example, he's trying to use it as an excuse to derail the gay marriage argument through misdirection, which would effectively derail the thread completely. If you're going to use an example, fantastic! But use it in a way that strengthens your argument, like, you know, actually referencing the subject at hand, and not in an inflammatory manner. It helps to make it an appropriate example too. If you have to ask yourself, for example, if comparing child molestation to gay marriage is a good idea, then I can assure you, it really, really isn't.

This is a forum. This forum is also not gay marriage. Although I do applaud the near relevant comparison.


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2013
United States
this thread is one giant flame war waiting to happen with opinions as it is. For it to "derail", that isnt very hard to do.

This subject is an insanely touchy area, despite how open minded people appear to be, we are just an imaginary blip on the internet. You cant make a thread like this, and expect well educated opinions attempting to reason with other well educated opinions. IT JUST DOES NOT MIX. No matter what, w/e the majority is on the thread, the other opinion will be drowned out, ultimatly make that group look like a sorry bunch of *censored*. As well as arguments that attempt to rip apart the persons opinion, and win because of the volume.

Basically this thread is

1. Gay rights!
2. No Gay Rights!

The majority holds all the cards with threads like this, and the millions before it. Its pretty obvious what thread this is atm reading the 13 pages. This thread isnt about facts, its about the majority opinion on the subject.


Editorial Team
Nov 21, 2005
United Kingdom
Aah, yes the government, always thinking they know what's best when the people are just mindless drones to them. Gee, and I thought people could decide for themselves. What people choose to do in their own lives is their business, not the government's. It's bad enough they try to tell us what we can/can't eat, how much gas our cars are supposed to use, how much CO2 we can produce, etc. etc. I do what I want to do, and as far as I'm concerned, the government can screw off. They've no right to tell us what we can or can't do in our personal lives. There are schmucks on both sides of the political spectrum, in fact, it's easily a clown college in disguise.

I didn't want to join in the discussion without thinking beforehand on what I wanted to say. All I can say is the government isn't for the people, the do the things they do for themselves. They tell us what's right or wrong, moral or immoral, acceptable or unacceptable. Frankly, they should stay the hell outta our personal lives.

There, I said my piece. If people want to come down on me for my rant on why I despise the government, so be it.

"It's bad enough they try to tell us what we can/can't eat"
They try to stop fast acting poisons from coming into the food chain and otherwise maintain a level of quality in the food. I do not see them saying yay or nay explicitly (salted sugar butter is something anybody is perfectly legally free to eat by the trough assuming they are not otherwise bound by an additional contract where that would be unwise), they do try to discourage people from making themselves or their spawn into fat bastards but they are still quite capable of doing it should they want to. About the closest you will get is in a lot of schools they might try to up the quality level a bit in terms of making a balanced meal which I will certainly be front and centre for when it comes to the protest against it.

"how much gas our cars are supposed to use"
Oil products are often a net import and one that is quite costly on a whole bunch of fronts. Trying to disincentivise use of fuel guzzlers when equally functional options are available that use far less makes complete sense. Likewise I do not know of anywhere in the world that expressly forbids existing vehicles of a certain distance to fuel volume ratio, it might happen as a result of emissions testing though most of those are volumetric and more concerned with unpleasant by-products. In many ways that is no different to other general roadworthyness tests.

"how much CO2 we can produce"
With the possible exception of an industry or two in Scandinavia every single carbon credits/limit has been optional I believe. There might have been tax breaks/accounting reasons and soft encouragements for various actions but it is all still optional. Car emissions testing..... have you seen smog?

"[the government] tell us what's right or wrong, moral or immoral, acceptable or unacceptable."
Again that is their job and it is how society works. They feel for the pulse of present morality in domestic, international, in line with established principles and give it out as a baseline -- you are quite free to adopt harsher morals for yourself. Sometimes they get it wrong, sometimes they appear almost capable of predicting the future and most times you get to revise it every couple of years as the world moves on.

"What people choose to do in their own lives is their business, not the government's."
To take it back onto topic it is. However as marriage is a government directed function/service/contract with potential benefits for those that utilise it the argument came up of why should this entirely acceptable group have a lesser version of it (typically not the done thing in a place that espouses equality as a governing principle) for no reason at all.

This is a very stupid reason. In general if you attempt to argue your opinions to a brick wall, you will only be yelling at yourself. Like wise for the opposite party. If you can not accept someones opinion, then maybe it is you who needs to open up their eyes. I saw no benefit arguing with someone such as that person, it was clear what that guy was attempting to provoke, and im ashamed to see people even back it up. Its just as bad for you to even claim my post had any righteous attitude. It seems you are attempting to provoke emotion into a subject that revolves souly around personal opinion. That road is a very slippery path that i have been down an obscene amount of times, i decided to not do it again, i saw no point.

This thread is nothing but a hot mess of people attacking each others opinions on the subject. A hot mess i refuse to be apart of.

Your opinion is your opinion and pending evidence of your having to type it out under duress I will happily accept it as your opinion. However there are various standards against which your opinion can be compared/judged/rated.
Such options include but are not limited to

"rule of the jungle" -- if you can take it then you can have it, not a great way of doing things if society is functioning but an option none the less.

"rule of law" -- various options including international, domestic, comparison to other systems, religious law. Which system will be used or is suitable will have to be established first but it works.

"rule of governing ethical principles" -- possibly quite similar to rule of law but at times less specific and perhaps more broadly applicable. Usually what directs formations of the rule of law as well so quite useful.

Establishing which is to be used/will frame the debate is reasonably important for at times each of those is mutually incompatible. That is OK as one might have higher merit than the other.

I agree that arguing against a brick wall is seldom that useful if your intention is to change the brick wall, however this is a multi person discussion and to go a slight aside arguing against the entrenched is a difficult thing and one seldom worth the effort of doing, arguing in such a manner that someone that has yet to generate an opinion or someone that has a weak/unconsidered opinion is very often worth the effort. As mentioned we are in a multi person discussion and thus typing things out becomes worth the effort.

Righteous... I fear we may have had a miscommunication or are operating on slightly different definitions of the word. Perhaps if I rephrased as "put forth and opinion on a public forum and held it up as one of merit".

"into a subject that revolves solely around personal opinion"
But it does not -- I wish to live in a society that values equality and if there is an issue where equality has not been achieved in the principles/code that governs that society it is not a subject that revolved solely around personal opinion.

"This thread is nothing but a hot mess of people attacking each others opinions on the subject."
You say attacking, I say debate and as people are providing detailed reasoning.... Debate is encouraged as this is a forum. I will go so far as to say I see no merit in general opposition to the issue at hand (pick out specifics of the implementation and we can certainly talk further) and would also go so far as to say general opposition is akin to being out of line with modern general/baseline ethics, however I have free time enough to pick apart reasoning that might be given for it.

"A hot mess i refuse to be apart of."
Read literally/grammatically speaking I found that amusing.
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a real gril
Dec 18, 2009
United States
Is it just me, or is the anti-gay marriage side just getting really desperate now? Come on, guys, you're just getting silly here.

Is it just me, or is the anti-poly marriage side just getting really desperate now? Come on, guys, you're just getting silly here.

p.s. "Real Human Bean" made me lol.


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2008
United States
Is it just me, or is the anti-poly marriage side just getting really desperate now? Come on, guys, you're just getting silly here.

If accepting heterosexual marriage does not require us to accept polygamous marriage, then neither does accepting same-sex marriage. If accepting same-sex marriage requires us to accept polygamous marriage for the sake of consistency, then so does accepting heterosexual marriage. You're talking about two different issues with different logistical concerns. Same-sex marriage and polygamy are as related as heterosexual marriage and polygamy. I don't think you understand that failing to come up with a reason to criminalize polygamy (for the sake of being consistent with wanting to legalize gay marriage) does nothing to provide any reason to criminalize gay marriage.

If, instead, your goal is to bring up the "slippery slope" argument, then be aware that's a fallacy by definition.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2013
Is it just me, or is the anti-poly marriage side just getting really desperate now? Come on, guys, you're just getting silly here.
I thought I quit this thread, but this comment is just plain retarded. If you want to talk about polygamy, go here. This thread is about the decision the court made. Either talk about that decision or leave. I've already made my claim as to why religion can't be used as a counter to their decision. But I fail to see how arguing about polygamy has anything to do with the homosexual marriage, even less with the Supreme Court's decision.

This thread needs a lock, as it has gone far too off rails from the original topic.

The Catboy

GBAtemp Official Catboy™: Savior of the broken
Sep 13, 2009
Making a non-binary fuss
I'm male; I have the right to marry a woman.

The right everyone has is the right to marry someone of the opposite sex. That's how it's supposed to work.

I am going to politely disagree.
As I said before, marriage is a contract between individuals and the state, often using a third party such as a Church to witness the contract being made. Which is a simple break down of the definition. It also pre-dates all modern religions and was part of several which all had same-sex marriages. Interestingly enough even old Christians practiced same-sex marriages.
This argument over same-sex marriage is actually a more modern thing because before it became an argument, same-sex marriage was a common everyday thing and even the Church said nothing about it. If anything the Heterosexual only is actually an example of "redefining" marriage, because it wasn't always like that and wasn't how it's suppose to work.


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2008
United States
That's how it's supposed to work.

The questions we have to ask ourselves are "that's how it's supposed to work according to whom?" and "why is that how it's supposed to work?"

When we ask those questions, it becomes clear that denying marriage rights to others doesn't make much sense. Saying gay males can only legally marry females makes about as much sense as saying straight males can only legally marry males.

Someone from the 1950s said:
I'm a white male; I have the right to marry a white woman.

The right everyone has is the right to marry someone of the same race. That's how it's supposed to work.

Nathan Drake

Obligations fulfilled, now I depart.
Jan 2, 2011
About 10 minutes on Facebook just shows nothing but sharing of today's ruling, scrolling all the way down to the minute the decision was known to the public. Hooray, I say, hooray for the US finally hitting the point where we are so close to putting something behind us that should never have been an issue to begin with. Now that gay marriage is totally legal (when it shouldn't have been bound by law to begin with), I wonder what will become the center stage issue as time goes on and gay marriage is just kind of existing like anything else.


The White Phoenix's purifying flame.
Nov 19, 2008
Coventry, UK
You can put a sign on a cow that says horse but that doesn't change the fact that it's still a cow. So called gay marriage isn't the same and it isn't equal. The purpose of marriage for the past 20,000 years has been the perpetuation of the race. Period. On the bright side states still have the right to define marriage and 38 have defined that between a man and a woman

The implication being that you can only have kids if you're married? As in only PHYSICALLY have kids when you have a magical ring and a permission slip from the Pope? Are you aware of how the human reproductive system works? It's not conditionally activated when you do things right, it works whether your God wants it to or not. Please tell me you're a troll. I'm not sure how anyone could be this genuinely stupid and still retain enough brain capacity to operate a keyboard without swallowing bits of it like a dog eating Scrabble tiles.

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