Emulation [RELEASE] Cemu - Wii U emulator

  • Thread starter Exzap
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Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2010
Half of you cheap bastards complaining about DRM probably aren't even patreons!
I'd totally become a Patreon supporter if I wasn't so broke and so torn on the ethics behind paying for emulator access when it's released a week later. I mean, he's putting his own time into working on this, he just as easily could be doing something else...


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2016
United States
I have my own Patreon project myself and even I find this DRM crap to actually be insulting to Patrons.
My Patreon project here <snip> (Nudity warning)

Upon learning why Exzap is doing this, I actually believe he is making things worse.

This is the reason most companies these days spend billions on protection to make sure their game never lands in the computers of pirates and fail to realize the problem is they cannot adapt to changing times.
In no way am I saying Exzap is wrong about this.
Exzap, you chose to put DRM in your product because Patrons leaked your work and punish those who are curious and blame it on unknowing innocent people.
These actions you take mimic Hollywood on a smaller scale and have only proven it is a huge waste of time.
30 minutes of your time could have been spent making your Patrons' experience better in my opinion as a game developer.
This is Patreon we are talking about, who cares if someone steals something, that only makes you as bad as the lawyers in Hollywood... welcome to the Internet Exzap, try not to re-invent the wheel like so many accomplish.

I'm creating a game on Patreon and even I find this unnecessary and in your own words... you hate doing it, so STOP doing it.
Treat your Patrons, fans and followers like other Patrons and you won't get this backlash and you won't have to spend more time defending your work.
There is a saying in the gaming industry including a studio I worked for that went by "Copy Protection is Cope-ing Protection, it only protects you."

In my own honesty, I was going to become a Patron until I realized you are only mistreating your Patrons and showing you only care about getting money.
Perhaps this is your way of trying to find a quick way to patch things against people who offend you, but in the end it only seems hasty without much thought... that is another concern I have.

Where are the public posts or any interest in gaining Patrons outside of having a pay-wall only?
Hopefully this website alone isn't the only way you intend to gain Patrons.

Sure, the emulator itself is showing amazing progress and you have my nod of hard work but from my years of experience has shown with developers I know professionally, this stunt people pull kills their projects or they lose their will to keep going.
This may or may not happen to you, but all you seem to care about, in my opinion, is money and that only.
Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with being paid for your work as a creator, but from my year and half experience with Patreon and creators I personally know shows, even developers who create software share their source to give back to the community and are getting a lot more than you are.
You could learn from that.

Where is the money you earn even going to?
Do you have a plan in all of this, have you hired anyone, bought equipment or used it for your own personal gain?
I am shocked noone has BOTHERED to even ask this and is a staple question most non Patrons demand to know in other situations I have seen.
This seems to be a serious and legitimate project and as it matures, I can only guess where my funds are going if I were to become a Patron myself.
You share absolutely no information to the public about what you do, it has to be paid for and that concerns me.

Originally in my Patreon project, I censored everything and ensured no-one would get anything they didn't paid for but I too found my work pirated, leaked and stolen.
It hurt me but I also realized I refused to adapt to changing times.
I loosened things up, showed most of my content for free and the Patrons came pouring in.
Even recently, I am getting almost no declined Patrons anymore because I show my work and that I have given to the community.

Common sense aside, I see this as a form of in-app billing when instead people are willing to download leaks instead.
That right there should be a huge indicator you've made a mistake.
Patrons are paying for content produced each monthly cycle, not to be held hostage that their contribution won't carry on-ward in the future if they decide to no longer become a Patron.
In your 1.4.2 build, according to Patrons, you won't bother to tell anyone why you are doing things, how you are doing it or being an honest person about your work and it says a LOT about you.
Upon editing this statement, you did mention why you included a new protection but it seemed half-assed to me.

Say you don't want to be a Patron anymore but you were in the past and want to use an older version... can't do that.
Its locked into making sure you are a future Patron and missing the entire point of giving back to the Patron community and you have agreed to the terms of statements and everything Patreon has expected you to follow.
A better idea would have been to ask what your Patrons themselves think or perhaps because I am not a Patron yet I don't know that.

I've learned a lot as a Patreon creator myself and especially from creators who have been doing this since Patreon first started.
If you are serious about what you are doing, you need to be more community based than like Hollywood.

The people here on this website are happily paying you for your work and there is nothing wrong with that, but what they don't realize is, you are punishing them for being a Patron regardless of your intent.

Hollywood is well known for going above and beyond to control the internet so people cannot use it so they will pay for that DVD instead of pirating it.
Times are changing and many people fail to realize, in a twist of irony, pirates have actually won.
I don't condone piracy in any way, but if you look at this from a realistic perspective, it makes sense.

I've been watching your project as a creator myself to see exactly how you handle things before I would become a Patron, and upon this DRM you introduced into your work, it only shows me how far you are willing to insult your Patrons instead of give back to the emulation community.

Don't take any of this the wrong way though, Exzap, you have my acknowledgement of your hard work and it hasn't gone unnoticed.
I put a lot of thought into my Patrons on my project and realized Patreon isn't about demanding money and hiding your content, its about sharing your work with everyone and rewarding those who support you, not bribing people with anti-piracy gimmicks.

In the beginning, as I mentioned earlier, I hadn't put a lot of thought into how I would do things but as it turns out, people love your project and share the word more when they can see it.
In the end, however, you get less complaints when you don't put up a wall.

Its your decision to make and I don't expect you to listen to me, take advice or even bother to acknowledge what I am telling you.
But know this Exzap, you have a responsibility to make your Patrons happy among other things.

As a creator myself with more experience than you have, I encourage you to think about what you are doing and how non Patrons are actually Patrons even if they aren't paying for it... there's more to Patreon than just Patrons.

Lastly, I hope to see improvements and more work with the amount you are earning.
When I see some more improvements and decisions that reflect you care about Patrons, I will become a Patron myself.

Until then, I will keep watching and good luck to you Exzap :3
As a Game Developer myself, I look forward to your future work.
Last edited by raulpica, , Reason: Sorry, we're a kid friendly community! -rp


Mar 26, 2016
I hope in a future update, a gamepad / xbox controller support is added. It'll make the games so much fun. I see constant rotating screen in Zelda on 141 with dualshock 4 adding as xbox controller.
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Miguel Gomez

Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2016
Planet Earth
Man. People here are flaming.
Majority to everyone here love to have no DRM and everything's free. That means, no Patreon or funding any cash if that's what you really want. Just admit it that you don't support Cemu on Patreon and you're using the leaks all the time. DEAL WITH IT!
Once it's DRM, that's that. You can't change that.

I hope in a future update, a gamepad / xbox controller support is added. It'll make the games so much fun. I see constant rotating screen in Zelda on 141 with dualshock 4 adding as xbox controller.
You can though. Xpadder.

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

I have made a poll to this thread. If you're honest to your answer, thank you.
I made this poll because almost everyone were flaming about Cemu and DRM. So STFU and answer this poll.
Last edited by Miguel Gomez,


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2016
United States
Man. People here are flaming.
Majority to everyone here love to have no DRM and everything's free. That means, no Patreon or funding any cash if that's what you really want. Just admit it that you don't support Cemu on Patreon and you're using the leaks all the time. DEAL WITH IT!
Once it's DRM, that's that. You can't change that.

You can though. Xpadder.

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

I have made a poll to this thread. If you're honest to your answer, thank you.
I made this poll because almost everyone were flaming about Cemu and DRM. So STFU and answer this poll.

Only those who aren't Patreon creators themselves miss the point.
Exzap gets paid whether or not he protects his work, DRM is only something Hollywood believes works and it obviously doesn't work here.

Do your homework, I advise it.

I forgot to ask, what is the point of a poll if we already know most people do not want DRM in Cemu?
Most people call this opinion conversion.
You also seem to have no idea how Patreon works.
Last edited by JanetMerai,


May 1, 2016
I have my own Patreon project myself and even I find this DRM crap to actually be insulting to Patrons.
My Patreon project here https://www.patreon.com/NaughtyTails (Nudity warning)

Upon learning why Exzap is doing this, I actually believe he is making things worse.

This is the reason most companies these days spend billions on protection to make sure their game never lands in the computers of pirates and fail to realize the problem is they cannot adapt to changing times.
In no way am I saying Exzap is wrong about this.
Exzap, you chose to put DRM in your product because Patrons leaked your work and punish those who are curious and blame it on unknowing innocent people.
These actions you take mimic Hollywood on a smaller scale and have only proven it is a huge waste of time.
30 minutes of your time could have been spent making your Patrons' experience better in my opinion as a game developer.
This is Patreon we are talking about, who cares if someone steals something, that only makes you as bad as the lawyers in Hollywood... welcome to the Internet Exzap, try not to re-invent the wheel like so many accomplish.

I'm creating a game on Patreon and even I find this unnecessary and in your own words... you hate doing it, so STOP doing it.
Treat your Patrons, fans and followers like other Patrons and you won't get this backlash and you won't have to spend more time defending your work.
There is a saying in the gaming industry including a studio I worked for that went by "Copy Protection is Cope-ing Protection, it only protects you."

In my own honesty, I was going to become a Patron until I realized you are only mistreating your Patrons and showing you only care about getting money.
Perhaps this is your way of trying to find a quick way to patch things against people who offend you, but in the end it only seems hasty without much thought... that is another concern I have.

Where are the public posts or any interest in gaining Patrons outside of having a pay-wall only?
Hopefully this website alone isn't the only way you intend to gain Patrons.

Sure, the emulator itself is showing amazing progress and you have my nod of hard work but from my years of experience has shown with developers I know professionally, this stunt people pull kills their projects or they lose their will to keep going.
This may or may not happen to you, but all you seem to care about, in my opinion, is money and that only.
Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with being paid for your work as a creator, but from my year and half experience with Patreon and creators I personally know shows, even developers who create software share their source to give back to the community and are getting a lot more than you are.
You could learn from that.

Where is the money you earn even going to?
Do you have a plan in all of this, have you hired anyone, bought equipment or used it for your own personal gain?
I am shocked noone has BOTHERED to even ask this and is a staple question most non Patrons demand to know in other situations I have seen.
This seems to be a serious and legitimate project and as it matures, I can only guess where my funds are going if I were to become a Patron myself.
You share absolutely no information to the public about what you do, it has to be paid for and that concerns me.

Originally in my Patreon project, I censored everything and ensured no-one would get anything they didn't paid for but I too found my worked pirated, leaked and stolen.
It hurt me but I also realized I refused to change to adapting times.
I loosened things up, showed most of my content for free and the Patrons came pouring in.
Even recently, I am getting almost no declined Patrons anymore because I show my work and that I have given to the community.

Common sense aside, I see this as a form of in-app billing when instead people are willing to download leaks instead.
Patrons are paying for content produced each monthly cycle, not to be held hostage that their contribution won't carry on-ward in the future if they decide to no longer become a Patron.
In your 1.4.2 build, according to Patrons, you won't bother to tell anyone why you are doing things, how you are doing it or being an honest person about your work and it says a LOT about you.
Upon editing this statement, you did mention why you included a new protection but it seemed half-assed to me.

Say you don't want to be a Patron anymore but you were in the past and want to use an older version... can't do that.
Its locked into making sure you are a future Patron and missing the entire point of giving back to the Patron community and you have agreed to the terms of statements and everything Patron has expected you to follow.
A better idea would have been to ask what your Patrons themselves think or perhaps because I am not a Patron yet I don't know that.

I've learned a lot as a Patreon creator myself and especially from creators who have been doing this since Patreon first started.
If you are serious about what you are doing, you need to be more community based than like Hollywood.

The people here on this website are happily paying you for your work and there is nothing wrong with that, but what they don't realize is, you are punishing them for being a Patron regardless of your intent.

Hollywood is well known for going above and beyond to control the internet so people cannot use it so they will pay for that DVD instead of pirating it.
Times are changing and many people fail to realize, in a twist of irony, pirates have actually won.
I don't condone piracy in any way, but if you look at this from a realistic perspective, it makes sense.

I've been watching your project as a creator myself to see exactly how you handle things before I would become a Patron, and upon this DRM you introduced into your work, it only shows me how far you are willing to insult your Patrons instead of give back to the emulation community.

Don't take any of this the wrong way though, Exzap, you have my acknowledgement of your hard work and it hasn't gone unnoticed.
I put a lot of thought into my Patrons on my project and realized Patreon isn't about demanding money and hiding your content, its about sharing your work with everyone and rewarding those who support you, not bribing people with anti-piracy gimmicks.

In the beginning, as I mentioned earlier, I hadn't put a lot of thought into how I would do things but as it turns out, people love your project and share the word more when they can see it.
In the end, however, you get less complaints when you don't put up a wall.

Its your decision to make and I don't expect you to listen to me, take advice or even bother to acknowledge what I am telling you.
But know this Exzap, you have a responsibility to make your Patrons happy among other things.

As a creator myself with more experience than you have, I encourage you to think about what you are doing and how non Patrons are actually Patrons even if they aren't paying for it... there's more to Patreon than just Patrons.

Lastly, I hope to see improvements and more work with the amount you are earning.
When I see some more improvements and decisions that reflect you care about Patrons, I will become a Patron myself.

Until then, I will keep watching and good luck to you Exzap :3
As a Game Developer myself, I look forward to your future work.


I also would like to add that this whole thing kind of confuses me. On one side this project looks like your common internet project, doing it on free time, don't get the developer angry because he is being nice, "no need to prepare an income statement"
On the other hand he asks for money, puts restrictions and acts like an common company and noone finds that strange.......


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2012
Newport, WA
United States
Two questions. One, I just saw the 60 FPS MK8 video a few pages back. It's great that the speed's been improved so much, but does anybody know why the sky gets all bugged out like it is?

Second, is this running mainly off the CPU or the GPU? I have a Radeon R7 Series video card. Do you think I'll be able to get a decent speed on this?
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Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2016
United States

I also would like to add that this whole thing kind of confuses me. On one side this project looks like your common internet project, doing it on free time, don't get the developer angry because he is being nice, "no need to prepare an income statement"
On the other hand he asks for money, puts restrictions and acts like an common company and noone finds that strange.......

The whole point of what he is doing is meant to be confusing.

He isn't doing it for free anymore, he's basically being paid more than minimum wage, or whatever it is in Exzap's region, to program an emulator that allows Wii U games to be played.

And yes, you just re-explained about why I asked him about money because you don't know where its going.

Patreon is rather new and few people question things, but as a creator myself I know a lot of hidden crap people do that they fail to tell their Patrons, this is also very common on KickStarter when project creators care more about money and fail to realize even viewers can be a supporter but treat them like crap instead.

Crowd-funding is often abused toward the backer / Patron and you are right, NO-ONE questions small projects and I did.

Simply put, he won't get my support until I see some major changes... not like it matters though.


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2007
This DRM discussion is really pathetic. I don't understand what's wrong with you guys, there's some people who is *PAYING MONEY* every month to get access to Cemu versions earlier and protect their interests is the right thing to do. In just 1 week you all will be able to download for free the same version that Patreon users are using right now. Again, this is a free emulator, Exzap is doing an amazing work, if you don't like this go using another Wii U emulator (good luck) or, even better, go buying a Wii U.


Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2013
I have my own Patreon project myself and even I find this DRM crap to actually be insulting to Patrons.
My Patreon project here https://www.patreon.com/NaughtyTails (Nudity warning)

Upon learning why Exzap is doing this, I actually believe he is making things worse.

This is the reason most companies these days spend billions on protection to make sure their game never lands in the computers of pirates and fail to realize the problem is they cannot adapt to changing times.
In no way am I saying Exzap is wrong about this.
Exzap, you chose to put DRM in your product because Patrons leaked your work and punish those who are curious and blame it on unknowing innocent people.
These actions you take mimic Hollywood on a smaller scale and have only proven it is a huge waste of time.
30 minutes of your time could have been spent making your Patrons' experience better in my opinion as a game developer.
This is Patreon we are talking about, who cares if someone steals something, that only makes you as bad as the lawyers in Hollywood... welcome to the Internet Exzap, try not to re-invent the wheel like so many accomplish.

I'm creating a game on Patreon and even I find this unnecessary and in your own words... you hate doing it, so STOP doing it.
Treat your Patrons, fans and followers like other Patrons and you won't get this backlash and you won't have to spend more time defending your work.
There is a saying in the gaming industry including a studio I worked for that went by "Copy Protection is Cope-ing Protection, it only protects you."

In my own honesty, I was going to become a Patron until I realized you are only mistreating your Patrons and showing you only care about getting money.
Perhaps this is your way of trying to find a quick way to patch things against people who offend you, but in the end it only seems hasty without much thought... that is another concern I have.

Where are the public posts or any interest in gaining Patrons outside of having a pay-wall only?
Hopefully this website alone isn't the only way you intend to gain Patrons.

Sure, the emulator itself is showing amazing progress and you have my nod of hard work but from my years of experience has shown with developers I know professionally, this stunt people pull kills their projects or they lose their will to keep going.
This may or may not happen to you, but all you seem to care about, in my opinion, is money and that only.
Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with being paid for your work as a creator, but from my year and half experience with Patreon and creators I personally know shows, even developers who create software share their source to give back to the community and are getting a lot more than you are.
You could learn from that.

Where is the money you earn even going to?
Do you have a plan in all of this, have you hired anyone, bought equipment or used it for your own personal gain?
I am shocked noone has BOTHERED to even ask this and is a staple question most non Patrons demand to know in other situations I have seen.
This seems to be a serious and legitimate project and as it matures, I can only guess where my funds are going if I were to become a Patron myself.
You share absolutely no information to the public about what you do, it has to be paid for and that concerns me.

Originally in my Patreon project, I censored everything and ensured no-one would get anything they didn't paid for but I too found my work pirated, leaked and stolen.
It hurt me but I also realized I refused to adapt to changing times.
I loosened things up, showed most of my content for free and the Patrons came pouring in.
Even recently, I am getting almost no declined Patrons anymore because I show my work and that I have given to the community.

Common sense aside, I see this as a form of in-app billing when instead people are willing to download leaks instead.
That right there should be a huge indicator you've made a mistake.
Patrons are paying for content produced each monthly cycle, not to be held hostage that their contribution won't carry on-ward in the future if they decide to no longer become a Patron.
In your 1.4.2 build, according to Patrons, you won't bother to tell anyone why you are doing things, how you are doing it or being an honest person about your work and it says a LOT about you.
Upon editing this statement, you did mention why you included a new protection but it seemed half-assed to me.

Say you don't want to be a Patron anymore but you were in the past and want to use an older version... can't do that.
Its locked into making sure you are a future Patron and missing the entire point of giving back to the Patron community and you have agreed to the terms of statements and everything Patreon has expected you to follow.
A better idea would have been to ask what your Patrons themselves think or perhaps because I am not a Patron yet I don't know that.

I've learned a lot as a Patreon creator myself and especially from creators who have been doing this since Patreon first started.
If you are serious about what you are doing, you need to be more community based than like Hollywood.

The people here on this website are happily paying you for your work and there is nothing wrong with that, but what they don't realize is, you are punishing them for being a Patron regardless of your intent.

Hollywood is well known for going above and beyond to control the internet so people cannot use it so they will pay for that DVD instead of pirating it.
Times are changing and many people fail to realize, in a twist of irony, pirates have actually won.
I don't condone piracy in any way, but if you look at this from a realistic perspective, it makes sense.

I've been watching your project as a creator myself to see exactly how you handle things before I would become a Patron, and upon this DRM you introduced into your work, it only shows me how far you are willing to insult your Patrons instead of give back to the emulation community.

Don't take any of this the wrong way though, Exzap, you have my acknowledgement of your hard work and it hasn't gone unnoticed.
I put a lot of thought into my Patrons on my project and realized Patreon isn't about demanding money and hiding your content, its about sharing your work with everyone and rewarding those who support you, not bribing people with anti-piracy gimmicks.

In the beginning, as I mentioned earlier, I hadn't put a lot of thought into how I would do things but as it turns out, people love your project and share the word more when they can see it.
In the end, however, you get less complaints when you don't put up a wall.

Its your decision to make and I don't expect you to listen to me, take advice or even bother to acknowledge what I am telling you.
But know this Exzap, you have a responsibility to make your Patrons happy among other things.

As a creator myself with more experience than you have, I encourage you to think about what you are doing and how non Patrons are actually Patrons even if they aren't paying for it... there's more to Patreon than just Patrons.

Lastly, I hope to see improvements and more work with the amount you are earning.
When I see some more improvements and decisions that reflect you care about Patrons, I will become a Patron myself.

Until then, I will keep watching and good luck to you Exzap :3
As a Game Developer myself, I look forward to your future work.

clap clap clap clap clap :)
Best argument of the night
Nothing more to say for today, @JanetMerai just put everything in the table with simple words
I really want to see what @Exzap will say about it now...
Tomorrow, let's see how effective is all these crap DRM is being about "have more people contributing to the project"...


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2016
United States
This DRM discussion is really pathetic. I don't understand what's wrong with you guys, there's some people who is *PAYING MONEY* every month to get access to Cemu versions earlier and protect their interests is the right thing to do. In just 1 week you all will be able to download for free the same version that Patreon users are using right now. Again, this is a free emulator, Exzap is doing an amazing work, if you don't like this go using another Wii U emulator (good luck) or, even better, go buying a Wii U.

Take a look around you, Cemu isn't free at all.
Its a time-based payment method and it becomes free after a week, so it actually IS paid for.

Look at Crunchy Roll, the Japanese Anime version of NetFlix.
They do the same method but people still see them as a paid streaming service which include ads... the DRM seems eerily similar in that way.

Once it is paid for, after a week, he gives you a modified version of Cemu or barely modified without the DRM and is in fact modified as a sort of prank to entice you to think you JUST got it for free.
That's called 'bait and switch.'

You aren't going to scare me away like you do to everyone else with that nonsense, just so you know.
Last edited by JanetMerai,


Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2016
As a current patreon, all you non-patreon users bitching about DRM, shush. Exzap has chosen this method to protect his work, and you have NO say whatsoever in that decision. You're not supporting development anyway, so why should he listen to you?

However, as I AM a patreon, I'd like to say this. I do not like DRM, and I think this is the wrong direction to take to protect CEMU, especially as we're only talking about 1 week here. Personally, what I would prefer as a patreon benefit is actual interaction with the devs at a level non-patreons don't get. Currently, we get virtually zero extra info on the patreon site, no advance notices, no chance to chat with the devs and get an idea of their roadmap, or maybe even an opportunity to influence feature progression.

So I ask, as a supporter of the project, drop the DRM please. By all means keep the 1 week thing, but accept that leaks will happen and that honest people won't use them. Instead, repay your patreons by talking to us and listening to us, possibly with an official forum that only active patreons can access.

Oh, and despite what JanetMerai said, we really don't need to know what you're doing with the money; that's not why we're giving it to you.


Apr 10, 2016
I personally think it is disgusting if development time is spent on drm, we are currently supporting you @Exzap with over $1500 dollars a month we aren't paying you to necessarily get the next version early but to support wii u emulation to progress - don't be blinded by $$$$ by a few hundred pirates that will be impossible to stop without deneuvo ultimately.


Nov 22, 2010
From a veteran like me...

You all who complain about exzap and his team. Shut up!
You who complain are nothing more than pirates who probably used the leaked 1.4.1 version. And thought a DRM never would hit your face yesterday. If you like cemu, the dev team and the progress of it. Donate... Its 5$/Month.. If u can't afford it, i don't know what world you are living in..

Thanks @Exzap for the fantastic superb work/coding/testing and skills u are showing us!

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