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Feminists and Liberals Gets Owned by Fake Studies


Editorial Team
Nov 21, 2005
United Kingdom
How can one abuse maternity leave? I'd love to hear this. Also, "less work" ? Really? It's less work if the mother chooses to be irresponsible.. The restless nights, fussing, screaming, feeding, cleaning and other responsibilities.. You're serious? Not to mention the potential of medical issues.
Probably would want to be a different topic but going here for now.
From certain perspectives there are those that companies would ideally not have if they care for best returns on investment. In this case it has been seen for people to more or less get fully trained up*, pop a sprog out (if you can go on leave at 6 months, and stay off for a while after that, possibly longer on half pay) and then come back for a few months only to repeat it all over again. Time frame wise this can happen for several years, and be on your wages for several of those years.
Compare that to a dude that might never take anything, or maybe take a few months paternity, and then a load of overtime to pay for things, and the cost - benefit ratio skews far in their favour.

*it being fairly noted in medicine - 5 years in school plus another 8 to become a consultant means about 30 for most (assuming you do Uni at 18 like most people) which is when those biological clocks start ticking (something medics are typically rather aware of, seemingly unlike the population at large. For those wanting some numbers -- https://www.babycentre.co.uk/a6155/your-age-and-fertility ). I have also had discussions about it for those in finance, amusingly as it is not uncommon to bounce in and out of departments every 8 months or so it can lead to "long term employees" either not being known by or not knowing people that have put in, relatively speaking, a fair bit of time.

Similarly if you are playing the long game then someone doing the above is by simple "not enough hours in the day" going to be out gaining clients, doing jobs/improving their skills... and generally becoming a more and more valuable employee. Career earnings and pay rates (and increases thereof) when comparing women with and without children being a fun one here.

What to think about it all is complicated from where I sit. For one I don't want to move away from "if you do the work then you get the pay" but at the same time I am quite OK with the general idea of maternity leave, and find the lack of a mandated thing in the US to be very odd. Going beyond that there are a lot of poor old women out there (projections given levels of debt among those set to be old are also not great), and the areas under graphs if magically equalised would alleviate something there. Some of it might be spending habits as well but if we look at the typical training-earning-retiring diagrams and what each stage is supposed to represent...
Discussions of birth rates (them being rather low, indeed below replacement among native populations for a lot of places) is also a popular subject of discussion these days and while I am generally OK with it being as such** if you did care to increase them then as "finances" tend to be the top answers when asking the fertile people of today "why so few kids" then ensuring a measure of security there goes somewhere.

**the concerns with it are very real if things do carry on, however I would opt for a change in models used and technology to cover the gaps rather than propping up old ones made on faulty assumptions.


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2009
Tell you what...

Tell that to the poor sod who had an unblemished career ruined by this crap.

Go on. You look in his eyes and say "grossly misrepresenting what happened"

lol, a career ruined? don't make me laugh, even if you are not grossly misrepresenting what happened OR making it up (and you are), this wouldn't be so much as a pebble on the road for anyones career.

you'd have to have swallowed a ton of red pills to believe that holding a door could be blown out of propotions that much OR that he couldn't just move to the next best institution if his work was worth anything at all.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2007
@FAST6191 Answer to this is simple as well. This may be the ONLY form of CSR I actually believe in. ;) Because its legally mandated.

Can be put in very simple terms. There is value to "reproducing society", that not expressed in wages.

Answer to your deliberations seems to be to make maternity leave > parental leave after some time, and make it socialy acceptable, that ypu also have dads instead of moms are attending to their children. Thats also what legislators around the world are doing. I'm sure the OP would love to hear that. ;)

As well as better wage models on part of corperations (but those never happen). (Because wage in capitalism is "reflective" of productivity - and "what would you pay" - is not an objective measure. (markets arent intelligent, they just markets.))
Last edited by notimp,


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2009
United States
the whole "there are only two genders because xy/xx" argument is not scientifically sound. there are various sex chromosome arrangements from
xx: female

xy: male

X0: no second sex chromosome(turners syndrome)

XX males: SRY gene translocated to X chromosome

XY female: androgen insensitivity(no reaction to testosterone)

xxy: kleinfelter's syndrome

xyy: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XYY_syndrome

XXYY: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XXYY_syndrome

XXX https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triple_X_syndrome

XXXX https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tetrasomy_X

and xxxxx https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pentasomy_X

there are also various possible arrangements of the genitalia should they not form correctly in utero,

in this case the quiggly scale is useful for reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quigley_scale

intersex is just as common as having red hair, ~2% of the population.

this isn't even touching on the fact that one's mental identity can totally not match their physical makeup(classic idea of what it means to be trans).

it is amazing how many people run around with less than high school biology, but claim to be intellectuals.
Last edited by omgcat,


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2007
intersex is just as common as having red hair, ~2% of the population.

this isn't even touching on the fact that one's mental identity can totally not match their physical makeup(classic idea of what it means to be trans).
So to get this correct - these are states often not identifiable, without you taking a DNA test. Of which symptoms - in some cases are "none - to few". And which wouldnt match the persons mental identity anyways.


And its as common as having red hair! The thing with potentially few to no symptoms, that shouldnt define what identity a person can have.

So - would you have male/female toilets, for red haired people if their hair was brown, but they felt it was blond?

Dang, that logic. But debunked the xy/xx argument as a valid selector for the last 95th percentile. Statistics ftw. :) (I don't want to focus in on what combinations symptoms may be more out of the norm, and what percentage of the population is affected.)

Here is maybe a more valid number in contrast. According to surveys, 0.5% of americans self identify as transgender. Recent polls.
Last edited by notimp,


You don`t want to listen to anything I say.
Apr 27, 2018
United Kingdom
lol, a career ruined? don't make me laugh, even if you are not grossly misrepresenting what happened OR making it up (and you are), this wouldn't be so much as a pebble on the road for anyones career.

you'd have to have swallowed a ton of red pills to believe that holding a door could be blown out of propotions that much OR that he couldn't just move to the next best institution if his work was worth anything at all.
Whatever you say, son. Whatever you say.

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

the whole "there are only two genders because xy/xx" argument is not scientifically sound. there are various sex chromosome arrangements from
xx: female

xy: male

X0: no second sex chromosome(turners syndrome)

XX males: SRY gene translocated to X chromosome

XY female: androgen insensitivity(no reaction to testosterone)

xxy: kleinfelter's syndrome

xyy: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XYY_syndrome

XXYY: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XXYY_syndrome

XXX https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triple_X_syndrome

XXXX https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tetrasomy_X

and xxxxx https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pentasomy_X

there are also various possible arrangements of the genitalia should they not form correctly in utero,

in this case the quiggly scale is useful for reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quigley_scale

intersex is just as common as having red hair, ~2% of the population.

this isn't even touching on the fact that one's mental identity can totally not match their physical makeup(classic idea of what it means to be trans).

it is amazing how many people run around with less than high school biology, but claim to be intellectuals.
We are NOT talking about genetic chromosomal abnormalities. We are talking about freaks who DO have an intact correct human genome but who choose to identify as something else but won`t have surgery to correct their body. Thought that was kind of obvious.

People can be born into the wrong body. People can understandably go through a cosmetic sex change for their own mental wellbeing.

This is about certain individuals "identifying" as something because it is currently the done thing to do in this dystopian society we live in.
Last edited by mattytrog,


Editorial Team
Nov 21, 2005
United Kingdom
the whole "there are only two genders because xy/xx" argument is not scientifically sound. there are various sex chromosome arrangements from
xx: female

xy: male

X0: no second sex chromosome(turners syndrome)

XX males: SRY gene translocated to X chromosome

XY female: androgen insensitivity(no reaction to testosterone)

xxy: kleinfelter's syndrome

xyy: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XYY_syndrome

XXYY: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XXYY_syndrome

XXX https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triple_X_syndrome

XXXX https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tetrasomy_X

and xxxxx https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pentasomy_X

there are also various possible arrangements of the genitalia should they not form correctly in utero,

in this case the quiggly scale is useful for reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quigley_scale

intersex is just as common as having red hair, ~2% of the population.

this isn't even touching on the fact that one's mental identity can totally not match their physical makeup(classic idea of what it means to be trans).

it is amazing how many people run around with less than high school biology, but claim to be intellectuals.

A curious way to approach things, and potentially at odds with tumblr approach to such things where such things get very odd indeed. Similarly a great many of those would be infertile by default, not typically show any traits that would be a blend or a new expression, massively handicapped such that conscious/subconscious gender expression is tricky to meaningfully determine or otherwise functionally either of the common two.
That said I am still somewhat at a loss why there are two genders is such a contentious phrase for some -- you get the two most fall into, and then some for whatever reason that have both their head go with the one not matching their genitals and actually care about such a thing*. Where you go from here as far as pronouns and rules concerning segregation of genders, age limits, treatment options to be made available, treatment options to be paid for by various entities (not always the same as those available), might depend upon a few things but I would probably go with if someone is making the effort (including the living as part in the case of those places that do that, something I quite for) then it is a bit a cunt move to not go with it. Similarly for the man on the street test would knowing that trait affect their ability to do stuff or be a decent human (answer from where I sit would be no. Don't know if there is even a statistical thing for a larger grouping).

*for extra fun we also have the "future science makes a pill that will make you not care" debate.

I will also have to say I have only once met someone that changed, for want of a better term, "on a whim". They had dementia and were skipping around ages at that point. I can't then rule out people changing on the daily but between that and it not typically being discussed, even by those that I would expect to do so and have it in their diagnostic criteria, I would have to wonder.

As far as 2% for redheads then I would urge caution here as that is a global stat and different areas do different things here which may lead to the wrong inference ( https://www.telegraph.co.uk/travel/maps-and-graphics/country-with-the-most-redheads-gingers/ ).

@FAST6191 Answer to this is simple as well. This may be the ONLY form of CSR I actually believe in. ;) Because its legally mandated.

Can be put in very simple terms. There is value to "reproducing society", that not expressed in wages.

Answer to your deliberations seems to be to make maternity leave > parental leave after some time, and make it socialy acceptable, that ypu also have dads instead of moms are attending to their children. Thats also what legislators around the world are doing. I'm sure the OP would love to hear that. ;)

As well as better wage models on part of corperations (but those never happen). (Because wage in capitalism is "reflective" of productivity - and "what would you pay" - is not an objective measure. (markets arent intelligent, they just markets.))

To spin an old phrase. Markets are the worst way to do things, except for all the others.

That said I am not sure what you were aiming at from my post, and what thing from it your proposal aims to address.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2007
we are talking about freaks
Dont you dare using this word.

One of us, one of us.

Here is the part thats actually hard to believe though. Sadly as well.
0.5% (self identified transgender) = 1 in 200 people. The chances of a left leaning activist to actually personally care about someone with a visibility that "high" are slim. So there are other multiplier factors in play. ("It became a cool group to identify with on social media." being my current guess.)

This isnt bad btw. f.e. we also probably mostly care about the effects of "pick something", because of someone prominent - it just is. To me its interesting in regards to how political opinions are formed these days, which is separate from that its morally proper to also care about smaller minorities.
Last edited by notimp,


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2009
United States
Whatever you say, son. Whatever you say.

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

We are NOT talking about genetic chromosomal abnormalities. We are talking about freaks who DO have an intact correct human genome but who choose to identify as something else but won`t have surgery to correct their body. Thought that was kind of obvious.

People can be born into the wrong body. People can understandably go through a cosmetic sex change for their own mental wellbeing.

This is about certain individuals "identifying" as something because it is currently the done thing to do in this dystopian society we live in.

if a chromosomal error is possible, then so is a hormonal/proprioceptive error. proprioception is the ability to feel that your body is intact, there are a few disorders that follow this, such as Body integrity identity disorder. if one's mental identity does not match their physical identity, this can manifest itself as body dysmorphia, in the same vein as anorexia. does the world need to be black and white for people to be able to function? it just seems to me that the idea of a gender spectrum makes things too complicated for some people and they freak out because it is hard to understand. humans rarely do things as a binary, and most things run as a spectrum, emotions, height, weight, skin color, hair color, eye color, voice tone, sexual interest(homosexual,bi-sexual,heterosexual), and even gender identity (masculine to feminine). it is all not that complicated and honestly not that shocking. just look at the rest of nature, everything is weird in the animal kingdom and we are no exception.


You don`t want to listen to anything I say.
Apr 27, 2018
United Kingdom
Dont you dare using this word.

One of us, one of us.

Here is the part thats actually hard to believe though. Sadly as well.
0.5% (self identified transgender) = 1 in 200 people. The chances of a left leaning activist to actually personally care about someone with a visibility that "high" are slim. So there are other multiplier factors in play. ("It became a cool group to identify with on social media." being my current guess.)

This isnt bad btw. f.e. we also probably mostly care about the effects of "pick something", because of someone prominent - it just is. To me its interesting in regards to how political opinions are formed these days, which is separate from that its morally proper to also care about smaller minorities.
Read the whole post Mr. Wall-Of-Text.

I`ll use whatever words I feel fit and I don`t need schooling thank-you.

People who choose to identify as something just because they wake up one day and choose to... Example non-binary. No such thing. Its revolting. And they ARE FREAKS. Freaky as the day is long and they need some discipline.

People can genuinely be born into the wrong body. It can make them miserable and even suicidal. And if these people want to undergo surgery then they absolutely SHOULD.
Last edited by mattytrog,
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You don`t want to listen to anything I say.
Apr 27, 2018
United Kingdom
I've been using this site for well over a decade and every time I see this kind of shit, I think about deleting my account.

Why is alt right propaganda given a pass here?
Seriously. Can any of the mods tell me how they rationalize this?

@Costello @shaunj66 @T-hug @Chary @BORTZ @Issac @tj_cool @Cyan @Depravo @FIX94 @Foxi4 @porkiewpyne @Sicklyboy
Whats alt-right about it? Having an opinion that even DARES to stray to the wrong side of the centre-line?

The extreme-left nutters can mouth off all they like. However when even remotely conservative views are expressed, they are alt-right?

Do me a favour.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2007
Mr wall of text (me ;) ) still has to insist, that you don't call anyone in that context freak. Not even freaky - because of potentially implied meaning.

Here is the background. Humanity in all its splendor chose in the past to take people like them, put them in freakshows, and show them around for money to uneducated morons. Often in accordance with families, who didn't care silt about them - because they might not have been "the norm".

The word freak is tainted in this context. Can't be used.

I mean, you could... But you really shouldnt. This coming from someone who rants against PC culture that ruins everything good today.

The word is just tainted, and no good in this context. (Except if you want everyone to fight from the start.)
Last edited by notimp,


Time to fly, 621
Dec 26, 2013
The Lands Between
United States
The extreme-left nutters can mouth off all they like. However when even remotely conservative views are expressed, they are alt-right?
Perhaps it's because the 'extreme left' want free college and guaranteed healthcare for all citizens, whereas the 'extreme right' want genocide and a whites-only authoritarian ethnostate. Maybe some of those viewpoints are less controversial than others. Just a thought.
Last edited by Xzi,


You don`t want to listen to anything I say.
Apr 27, 2018
United Kingdom
corruption goes 2 ways don't think all conservatives are all pure and holy most racist are right/alt right also anti gay are the same (not saying some liberals aren't that way but far fewer)
Just like radical islam. People say it is Waycist to dislike it. We should "understand", empathizew.

I`d like to know when Islam turned into a race. I must have blinked and missed it.
Perhaps it's because the 'extreme left' want free college and guaranteed healthcare for all citizens, whereas the 'extreme right' want genocide and a whites-only authoritarian ethnostate. Just a thought.
Free college? Guaranteed healthcare? Good old socialism.

They aren`t extreme left views. They are views of normal people surprisingly enough.

If the extreme right want those things, the extreme left want everybody to be the same. Everybody get a trophy. Everybody is equal. Everybody MUST have these views. If you don`t have these views, you will be prosecuted for "hate crimes". Thats what the fucking far-left want.
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Time to fly, 621
Dec 26, 2013
The Lands Between
United States
If the extreme right want those things, the extreme left want everybody to be the same. Everybody get a trophy. Everybody is equal. Everybody MUST have these views. If you don`t have these views, you will be prosecuted for "hate crimes". Thats what the fucking far-left want.
You're talking about PC culture, not the far left. PC culture is fairly mainstream and it extends to the right-wing as well. Just look at their reaction to recent Gillette advertisements. Anyone can be offended/act offended over something innocuous.
Last edited by Xzi,

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