Going back to basics: leaving PC gaming for consoles


In what I can only feel like what was some hybrid mixture of a stroke of complete luck and sappy-movie-tier holiday miracle generosity, I find myself with a PlayStation 5 right in time for the holidays. It’s a sad state that merely buying a console has become a heroic feat, and yet, that fact makes it all the more exhilarating to be part of the next console generation. So, what better to do with this powerhouse system, than play Assassin’s Creed II; a game that’s over 11 years old, and originally released two console generations ago?

Backwards compatibility is one of the greatest features of the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series line, letting players go back and experience an entire enhanced backlog of games while waiting for the heavy-hitting “next-gen” games to release, or while waiting for Cyberpunk 2077 to be in a playable state. Add to the fact that many of the games from the PlayStation 4’s library consisted of touched-up PlayStation 3 remasters in the form of Heavy Rain Remastered, Dishonored: Definitive Edition, The Yakuza Collection--every “trilogy”, “collection”, “legendary/definitive/ultimate/special” edition, and so many, many more; you could easily have a hundred PS4 games, none of them originating from that system’s own generation.


In fact, I’ve yet to actually play a single PlayStation 5 game on my PS5. Perhaps it would be seen as bizarre, but as an ex-PC player, and only ever having owned the original PS4 and not the Pro, my favorite part about the PS5 is its ability to play older games at higher framerates or better quality. Games that I easily ignored on the base PlayStation 4 due to their performance have transformed into titles that I find myself wishlisting in hopes of nabbing them on sale at a later date. Even more exciting is that, as opposed to PC games which get dramatic price cuts seasonally, once a console game has been out for a while, the physical version tends to undergo a permanent price drop. It may not be as steep of a discount, but it’s affordable, and doesn’t require waiting around to be sniped during a perfect sale; the ideal combination for someone who’s just gotten a PS5 and is too impatient to wait for holiday price cuts just yet, or might have missed the best deals during Black Friday.

While I still hold an appreciation for PC gaming, the simple nature of consoles has won me back over. Yes, you can’t mod your games as freely, you can’t...try out all those fun demos from Codex, and the fidelity won’t come close to the best of what PCs are capable of right now--especially in the future--but at the same time, you also don’t have to do any fiddling with settings, there’s no worrying about the quality of a PC port, and most importantly, a PS5 doesn’t multitask; it has one purpose: games, and I find myself not getting distracted by things that might normally pull me out of an experience on my PC, like untimely Windows Update restarts, random BSODs, or compatibility issues after said updates. Perhaps it’s just part of my ongoing bad run of luck with PC gaming, but it took an entire hour of messing with settings, watching a game crash repeatedly, and desperately scouring the Steam forums with a friend after Detroit: Become Human stopped working, thanks to an Nvidia GeForce Experience update for Cyberpunk 2077 rendering the former unstable and unable to be played without rolling back to a random sketchy upload of a driver from over six months ago. That’s not something that would ever happen on a console.

pc y.png

The amount of customization PCs provide is a blessing as much as it is a curse.

This generation, Microsoft and Sony seem to have understood what might pique the interest of PC gamers: giving players that same option between graphics and performance, in a simple box that doesn’t ask much of its user; just download a game or slide a disc in, and It Just Works (TM). Of course, not everyone is going to see things that way, and that’s fine. After all, the PC platform is all about giving users the freedom of choice, and now, excitingly, PlayStation and Xbox users are able to get a taste of that glorious freedom, too.

The Real Jdbye

*is birb*
Mar 17, 2010
Console convenience is great. Although the only game systems I really use are the 3DS and the Oculus Quest 2. Everything is so nice and simple. Download a game, update it, play it. Never any issues. But they really just don’t have the customization or nearly as many options as PC does, which is why I prefer PC. But then PC is... unreliable when you don’t take proper care of everything. And sometimes it’s unreliable just because it feels like it- then you freak out and it fixes itself the next day ;w;
I used to be a huge keyboard and mouse person. But I found over time that I much prefer controller now.
There’s also the fact that you can pay to upgrade your PC and let yourself do more things-
On console all you can do is what the publishers allow you (unless you jailbreak your systems. But it can lower stability and you often risk bans) And it doesn’t improve the limits of what your console can do. I’m the type of person who loves making things the best I can.
And while I can’t afford hardware upgrades often- the customizability and software/all the options still allow me to get a majority of the newest games to a decent performance level on a three year old laptop.

That’s likely a Windows MR issue. It was never... even close to perfect. Functional, but straight SteamVR or Oculus has always had less issues.
Or if you have multiple GPUs- it’ll automatically set itself up terribly. So you have to fix it.

And for P4G-
Well black screens like that are common if you get a bad copy. Or if someone didn’t... ‘un-legitimize’ it properly. It instantly worked fine for me.
Not everyone has issues though. For some people it works perfectly fine. It's not entirely clear what the difference is that makes it work for some and not for others.

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

A few of these should be features already there, like the PS1 BC, but at the same time, it's why consoles are so much simpler. If you try to shove all these things into what consoles try to do, then they're just effectively PCs, with all the insane amounts of customization and you're back to square one because your PS5 caught on fire trying to play Skyrim backwards compat with 409 mods on an NES controller. That's the whole conceit of the article. Both have their strengths, and for some, that makes it worth the compromise.

This is entirely why I've given up on PC. I've built 4 PCs, none of them worked right. Plug in the Oculus, whoops we've reset your headset, please set it up from scratch thanks. What's that? You wanted to play games? We're going to make your library just not work for some reason hooray! Oh your sensor? Look at that, your USBs aren't working. Oh you spent 3 hours unplugging everything and troubleshooting and you plugged everything back in? Jk it's fine now.

Mobo came faulty? RAM isn't recognized. CPU died out of nowhere. USBs don't work.

I've given my PCs their fair shake and I appreciate what the platform can do, but sometimes it's just not worth it. I fully get that I'm probably in the 0.0001% of cursed individuals who lives on a haunted Windows burial ground, but I give up.

I still use my PCs fwiw...but only because I've had a long-established library built up on there. Really the entire point of the article is just, people can enjoy whatever, and be happy, because there's options in the industry now.
Yeah pretty sure your computer is cursed dude. Someone really doesn't want you having a good time.
Edit: You must admit though. Going console only will make these articles much harder to write.
Last edited by The Real Jdbye,


The Temp's official fox whisperer
Apr 29, 2011
Dr. Wahwee's castle
United States
Sticking to PC and console, for convenience and also because Sony is too shitbrained to produce enough PS5s for people to buy without having to pay loser scalpers. That, and I don't have a 4K TV, so a PS5 would be useless anyway, I do have a 1440p monitor, but Sony didn't add 1440p support. Ranting, I know, just that consoles and PCs have ups and downs.

The Real Jdbye

*is birb*
Mar 17, 2010
Sticking to PC and console, for convenience and also because Sony is too shitbrained to produce enough PS5s for people to buy without having to pay loser scalpers. That, and I don't have a 4K TV, so a PS5 would be useless anyway, I do have a 1440p monitor, but Sony didn't add 1440p support. Ranting, I know, just that consoles and PCs have ups and downs.
Indeed, the omission of 1440p support seems rather silly. I don't see much of a difference between 1440p and 4K but there is definitely a difference between 1080p and 1440p, if minor. I would rather take higher framerates at 1440p if given the option, rather than being stuck with 4k60, or having to resort to the now positively ancient feeling 1080p to get decent framerates, since that hasn't been the popular screen resolution on monitors in a long while.
I wouldn't say a PS5 is useless, you can still play it in high refresh rate at 1080p at least.
Seeing as most of the games that come out nowadays are multiplatform anyway or using engines that are pretty much resolution agnostic, you can't imagine that Sony and Microsoft supporting 1440p would have been much work. So I'm not sure why they chose not to, especially seeing as all the TVs out there using HDMI 2.0 (which is most of them) max out at 1440p@120 and you can't get high refresh rate 4K without 4:2:0 subsampling, which I don't think the consoles support anyway. It couldn't have possibly been that much work to get decent compatibility with the full capabilities HDMI 2.0 allows for and it would feel a lot less like you are sacrificing anything because 1440p@120 is honestly good enough.

Sonic Angel Knight

Well-Known Member
May 27, 2016
New York
United States
And don't get me wrong I would love a PS5, but I just don't think I'd be saying thank goodness there's no settings, and still doesn't replace what a gaming PC can do.
Well I doubt anyone will be saying that anytime soon. I certainly won't. I don't think consoles or pc aim to replace each other. Just provide alternatives. Options are good and always will be. My speculation was that some may find the plethora of setting distracting or intimidating. Of course I wasn't limiting the idea to just game settings. Choices like games asking the player to constantly choose "This or that." (I got distracted with character customization that I spent more time on it than playing the actual game by the time I had to stop playing.) :ninja:

I always like knowing there is choices for things. It's good as long as the person know what is for and how to use it to suit their experience. Having both a simplified and complex set of options, one for the person who just want things to be easy. Another who want to put in time to understand advance things and have better control. Honestly games should have had quality/performance toggles since ps3 or xbox 360. They are HD consoles but, most titles I know used 720P, not 1080P and still supported composite cables. Not many people had HDTV around the time either. Higher resolutions on a not HDTV wasn't necessary, so why not boost performance if you not using higher resolution? :unsure:
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Never sleeps
Chief Editor
Oct 2, 2012
United States
Edit: You must admit though. Going console only will make these articles much harder to write.
Hah, I'll show you all--I'll write from the Wii Opera browser!!!

ps5 doesn't have DLSS 2.0 and it couldn't even play cyberpunk properly ( :creep: ). so no IT IS NOT better than PC :lol:
I'd love to know where I said it was objectively better than PC...people seem to not be reading the actual article and going "ah hah! here's my 1 second hot take!" I made sure to mention all the high points of PC gaming, just that all those things might not be what some gamers want to deal with. Really, the article boils down to "look, console gamers aren't stuck at 20fps juttering about like absolute idiots anymore, yay!!!" and that it opens the door for everyone to enjoy games whereever they want to, yet the PC crowd seems intent to take it as an attack on their honor. lol.

The Real Jdbye

*is birb*
Mar 17, 2010
Hah, I'll show you all--I'll write from the Wii Opera browser!!!

I'd love to know where I said it was objectively better than PC...people seem to not be reading the actual article and going "ah hah! here's my 1 second hot take!" I made sure to mention all the high points of PC gaming, just that all those things might not be what some gamers want to deal with. Really, the article boils down to "look, console gamers aren't stuck at 20fps juttering about like absolute idiots anymore, yay!!!" and that it opens the door for everyone to enjoy games whereever they want to, yet the PC crowd seems intent to take it as an attack on their honor. lol.
Good luck, I'm not even sure GBAtemp would load in the Wii Internet Channel :P


Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2017
Man I'm a poor-ass person who lives in a third world country. If an old ass PC from 2010 allows me to play my favorite new indie games/Japanese games, some triple AAA games for free using piracy and epic games, every console game up to Wii u and some PS3 games then I won't buy a new console which I already can't afford.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2018
Over the years I've been changing more and more my way of seeing consoles and PC and I'm happy to see more people seeing it as a different platform, both can play games, but are completely different environments, they don't share the same focus. Or maybe I've been spending less time on reddit and more time here and this thinking was commonplace already.

That said, problems with drivers, BSOD and all of that are less and less common, PC maybe be seen as one thing but it has evolved quite nicely, be it with modern games(except cyberpunk, but come on) or much older games like kotor, which simply work by downloading and installing the game, nothing else required.
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Mar 5, 2017
United States
I’m a pc gamer mostly, but had every PlayStation, xbox 360 back in the day and some portable Nintendo consoles, including switch throughout my gaming history. Picked up Series X at launch because it’s a terrific system for the price compared to equivalent-power pc hardware now and is better on software/bc front than ps5 and its gigantic footprint. Honestly witch exception of very few, sony exclusives are not that much special to create an aura that seems to fly around these days. Good marketing they did over last gen is for sure. Would be good to see MS get back to punching like in x360 days.


Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2010
I had like a gaming MSI Laptop that I never even touched for more than a year now. Here I am just playing switch games on the fly. The portability is just so convenient.


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2010
Decent graphics cards are even harder to get than a PS5 at this point and it doesn't seem like it'll get any easier in the near future, so even if you don't care about the hassle PCs bring sometimes, it could still be worth it right now lol.


Christian Modder
Mar 24, 2019
The Point of Know Return
United States
My friend Timbrwulf who is on Steam has a game he has wanted to work ever since he bought it two years ago. Two years, and it still does not work. That game would be Cyan Games' epic after the Myst series - Obduction. He has yet to get past the "DirectX 11 feature level 10 is missing" error. His computer meets/exceeds the minimum requirements, and DirectX feature level 10 is there, but it STILL does not work.

He handed it off to me to diagnose the problem, after a year of trying, and I came to the conclusion that Cyan had built the game for a specific set of hardware, which was not directly mentioned in the requirements. Therefore, unless he has this hardware, he's never going to get the game to work. Because of this, he almost tried to get a refund, but it was supposed to be a gift, so...

Yeah. He's screwed.

This is why I don't play PC games, at least not often. I'm a console man mainly, and what better consoles than Nintendo consoles? Sure, homebrewing can be a pain in... well, you can imagine, but (ack! I said it! :P ) if I didn't homebrew, the consoles work fine "as is", even the ones Nintendo do not support anymore.

Now, it's not that I never play PC games. I do, occassionally. Windows Solitaire, for one. Nothing wrong with that, AFAIK.

Deleted User

Seriously? Consoles nowadays are wannabe PCs.

Back then you'd just insert the disc and play it, not anymore.


The Temp's official fox whisperer
Apr 29, 2011
Dr. Wahwee's castle
United States
Indeed, the omission of 1440p support seems rather silly. I don't see much of a difference between 1440p and 4K but there is definitely a difference between 1080p and 1440p, if minor. I would rather take higher framerates at 1440p if given the option, rather than being stuck with 4k60, or having to resort to the now positively ancient feeling 1080p to get decent framerates, since that hasn't been the popular screen resolution on monitors in a long while.
I wouldn't say a PS5 is useless, you can still play it in high refresh rate at 1080p at least.
Seeing as most of the games that come out nowadays are multiplatform anyway or using engines that are pretty much resolution agnostic, you can't imagine that Sony and Microsoft supporting 1440p would have been much work. So I'm not sure why they chose not to, especially seeing as all the TVs out there using HDMI 2.0 (which is most of them) max out at 1440p@120 and you can't get high refresh rate 4K without 4:2:0 subsampling, which I don't think the consoles support anyway. It couldn't have possibly been that much work to get decent compatibility with the full capabilities HDMI 2.0 allows for and it would feel a lot less like you are sacrificing anything because 1440p@120 is honestly good enough.

It doesn't help that PS5s are near impossible to find, no thanks to Sony's ineptitude. As of now, I plain and simply give up ever trying to find one at MSRP.

ps5 doesn't have DLSS 2.0 and it couldn't even play cyberpunk properly ( :creep: ). so no IT IS NOT better than PC :lol:

Who the flippin' hell cares about Cyberpunk 2077? The game is a steaming pile of garbage. Play a real game that's actually good lol.
Last edited by the_randomizer,
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Deleted User

It doesn't help that PS5s are near impossible to find, no thanks to Sony's ineptitude. As of now, I plain and simply give up ever trying to find one at MSRP.
They're pulling a Nintendo so in due time there'll be new stock although suckers will pay what scalpers want.


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2008
United States
It’s funny you mention this. I’m just getting into pc gaming now. I’ve wanted to for years, but a gaming laptop has always been really expensive (this was 10 years ago when I bought my last laptop). Now though, a decent gaming laptop has become cheaper. I finally am getting into pc gaming, so I went with something that would last and found one at a great price. I know some games are hit and miss, so I’m going with all the free games I can legally acquire. I’d really hate to buy something and then it’s all fucked up and your save can become corrupt or other really awful glitches. I did however purchase Castle Crashers, Among Us, and Streets of Rage 4. I’ve played those games on the console and really like them. They run well. The switch was the last console I bought and my next best console is a xbox360.

Though, I’m mostly on the pc gaming bandwagon because if got a dedicated screen now. I don’t have to wait for the tv to free up. Lol
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GBATemp Sporaddict
Dec 24, 2015
United States
DirectX 11 feature level 10 is missing" error. His computer meets/exceeds the minimum requirements, and DirectX feature level 10 is there, but it STILL does not work.
Just means a driver or OS issue. When people mess up their PC sometimes best option is OS reinstall to fix weird issues like that. Don't always need to be that drastic, but its good to it once in a while if you use the PC for gaming. (Now maybe he didn't mess up his PC but it can happen innocently enough). Granted a console locks you out of features and options that would allow you to do this to your system, at the expense of losing those features (unless its hacked).
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Apr 14, 2017
here idk
United States
how to make my games stop crashing
how to roll back drivers for better compatibility
how to get PC to stop bootlooping
preparing automatic repair won't start
what is critical structure corruption
game suddenly low fps
why is my game not having stable fps​
And here I thought only Linux users knew the pain of screwing up an installation by installing Nvidia drivers...
Pro tip: get a USB drive, install WinRE on it. You'll thank me later.

Imagine messing with drivers on a Windows-only installation... no wonder PC's don't work for you. Don't mess with things like that unless you're ready to deal with some weird stuff. And believe me, I know weird stuff.

Also, when talking about scalpers, do keep in mind scalpers are also buying up RTX 30x0 cards and Ryzen 5xx0 chips. And cryptominers are buying up all of the GPU's at the moment. Cryptomining is a cool concept and all, but as a PC user, I hope it dies with the advent of quantum computing.
Last edited by JavaScribe,

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