Hacking Nintendo's E3 presentation was such a let down, so glad I ordered the SX Pro!


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2008
United States
Golly, games I want weren’t revealed today. Lemme just pirate everything so the company loses money, making the likelihood of a new game smaller with each game! Ha! The perfect plan!
This post went from a blog ranting about e3 to an ad about sx pro.

The tired tripe about how piracy kills consoles. Newsflash, it DOESN'T!

Crappy on-line abilities, rehashed games, SEVERE lack of 3rd party support, crappy console hardware............. <--- THAT is what kills a console, not piracy.

And if it makes you feel any better, I love Atmosphere just as much as T-X but since I'm only in it for full out piracy of 1st party titles, and don't want to wait for a forked copy of Atmosphere to show up, T-X gets my money!

I like to keep it real. I don't hide behind the mask of "homebrew so I can emulate ROMS (that I illegally downloaded)". I want to straight up pirate stuff. Yes, I'm PISSED at Nintendo for making me buy the same games, again and again and again after I buy their latest consoles. F 'em. If they had compelling 3rd party games on their eShop, ok....I need to stay legit because I want to play those games. But typical Nintendo...... release mediocre hardware, rehashed games (MK8, SSBB, Captain Toad) and take a "who cares about 3rd party developers" attitude.
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Well-Known Member
May 29, 2018
United States
The tired tripe about how piracy kills consoles. Newsflash, it DOESN'T!

Crappy on-line abilities, rehashed games, SEVERE lack of 3rd party support, crappy console hardware............. <--- THAT is what kills a console, not piracy.

And if it makes you feel any better, I love Atmosphere just as much as T-X but since I'm only in it for full out piracy of 1st party titles, and don't want to wait for a forked copy of Atmosphere to show up, T-X gets my money!

I like to keep it real. I don't hide behind the mask of "homebrew so I can emulate ROMS (that I illegally downloaded)". I want to straight up pirate stuff. Yes, I'm PISSED at Nintendo for making me buy the same games, again and again and again after I buy their latest consoles. F 'em. If they had compelling 3rd party games on their eShop, ok....I need to stay legit because I want to play those games. But typical Nintendo...... release mediocre hardware, rehashed games (MK8, SSBB, Captain Toad) and take a "who cares about 3rd party developers" attitude.

While I agree with some of things you say are bad about gaming nowadays the rest is just false. Piracy absolutely hurts game production. Someone has to pay those people to make those games; they don't just get birthed from some giant worm.

Also if it's so bad now why do you what to play them anyway?


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2008
United States
This thread is quite actually just a plug for SX pro. "Don't like what Nintendo brought to E3? Just buy the SX pro and pirate all of it! You know, because that actually hurts them!". We got shown so much this year, and people are now holding Nintendo up to the standards of their last E3. Sure I was bummed about no MP4 stuff, but I saw so much of smash. I get that not everybody is all for smash, but I am not for RPGs at all, and am I yelling about it?

I can assure you that Nintendo would rather wait to showcase an impressive game completely and listen to a few complaints rather than show a half-done game and have everybody complain about it

Not exactly. I'm buying a SX Pro because I'm sick and tired of paying $60 for the same games year after year. I bought MK8 and all the DLC for the Wii U. I should have been able to move that over to the Switch. Since my kids just had to play MK8 on the go, I spent another $60 FOR THE SAME, EXACT GAME. Yeah, kinda pissed about that. I also BOUGHT Rocket League, Zelda (again, SAME VERSION AS THE WII U COPY.....cause my kids need to play Zelda when they're away from home) and a few other games for the Switch. With the console and all the games on it, I think I've dropped almost $700 into it so far. Well, no more........ a pirating I shall go.

Oh, so I stop coming across as a T-X shill, I love that Atmosphere is free and if SciresM was a big pirate and guaranteed that Atmosphere would release with full backup support, I absolutely would have just waited on him and not spent a dime on the SX Pro.
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Well-Known Member
May 29, 2018
United States
Not exactly. I'm buying a SX Pro because I'm sick and tired of paying $60 for the same games year after year. I bought MK8 and all the DLC for the Wii U. I should have been able to move that over to the Switch. Since my kids just had to play MK8 on the go, I spent another $60 FOR THE SAME, EXACT GAME. Yeah, kinda pissed about that. I also BOUGHT Rocket League, Zelda (again, SAME VERSION AS THE WII U COPY.....cause my kids need to play Zelda when they're away from home) and a few other games for the Switch. With the console and all the games on it, I think I've dropped almost $700 into it so far. Well, no more........ a pirating I shall go.

Oh, so I stop coming across as a T-X shill, I love that Atmosphere is free and if SciresM was a big pirate and guaranteed that Atmosphere would release with full backup support, I absolutely would have just waited on him and not spent a dime on the SX Pro.

No one owes you games. Nintendo doesn't owe you portable ports. Don't act like it's anything other than you want it free man.

Proud pirates don't need excuses. The whole point of being a pirate is taking what you want. Stop justifying.
Last edited by kingfrost,

Deleted User

Oh, so I stop coming across as a T-X shill, I love that Atmosphere is free and if SciresM was a big pirate and guaranteed that Atmosphere would release with full backup support, I absolutely would have just waited on him and not spent a dime on the SX Pro.
Don't worry about that from me, I don't care if you are a TX fan (so am I). Just the OP seemed that it was a plug. I apologize.


Well-Known Member
May 2, 2018
Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of
A few thing determines who "wins" at E3 - Presentation, exclusive games, and hype.

Nintendo had the hype for smash, but they always lose at Presentation because they don't care enough to actually go there. Not to mention the previously mentioned titles that supposedly got Nintendo hyped were all ports except for 1.

Microsoft slammed it out of the park with Presentation (Did you see that Cyberpunk thing they did? 10/10) and exclusive games (A few gears, halo, and some other gems), but never usually gets the "hype" like Nintendo.

Sony did a nice thing with the music and the setting, and announced a few new games, but nothing of major hype aside from Last of Us 2.

Microsoft definitely won it, and I don't even have an XBox 1. Just a switch, PS4, and PC.

EDIT: Additionally, Microsoft gave out copies of Witcher 3 and had a sale on their marketplace. Sony gave all PSN Plus members Black Ops 3 and had a sale. Nintendo... did nothing.
Last edited by Miqote,


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2008
United States
While I agree with some of things you say are bad about gaming nowadays the rest is just false. Piracy absolutely hurts game production. Someone has to pay those people to make those games; they don't just get birthed from some giant worm.

Also if it's so bad now why do you what to play them anyway?

Go read up on the INSANE number of Wii sales (the Wii......... which was SUPER ULTRA MEGA HACKED TO PIECES) and come back and tell me console piracy hurts sales. They had SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much 3rd party shovel ware it wasn't funny. Same for the 3DS. Another hacked to death portable console that is still selling like hotcakes.

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

No one owes you games. Nintendo doesn't owe you portable ports. Don't act like it's anything other than you want it free man.

Proud pirates don't need excuses. The whole point of being a pirate is taking what you want. Stop justifying.

Ok?? I'm not justifying anything. I'm pirating because I want to and can. We cool now?
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Well-Known Member
May 29, 2018
United States
Go read up on the INSANE number of Wii sales (the Wii......... which was SUPER ULTRA MEGA HACKED TO PIECES) and come back and tell me console piracy hurts sales. They had SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much 3rd party shovel ware it wasn't funny. Same for the 3DS. Another hacked to death portable console that is still selling like hotcakes.

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

Ok?? I'm not justifying anything. I'm pirating because I want to and can. We cool now?

No because you keep insisting on a false narrative. 3DS and Wii sold like hotcakes before they were hacked. Sales haven't been as good afterward.

Also you realize that the amount you pay for the console doesn't pay for the games you want. It's hyopcritical to complain about the quality of games you don't plan to pay for.

Piracy absolutely hurts software sales and software is what drives console sales. It's ridiculous to claim piracy hurts no one. It's not a victimless crime.

So pirate away but please be realistic about what you're doing.
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May 22, 2010
United Kingdom
No more a let down than any other e3 conference for me, Nintendo got Fire Emblem and Smash and Sony got Resi 2 and TLOU 2. At least Nintedo have something shown coming this year.

E3 this year was more defined by it's missing titles, where was Shenmue, where was FFVII remake, where was Metroid, where was Pokemon.

Half of what was shown didn't even have a release date ffs. E3 was crap across the board, and yeah 30mins of just Smash didn't help at all.


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2007
United States
I am a HUGE Nintendo fan and I will kill anyone bashing them. :gun::gun::gun: (Just kidding)
But in all honesty their E3 was horrible, they gave absolutely no hype about new and upcoming games.. oh wait, Smash Bros. Yeah a game that was SO freakin’ detailed down to Mario’s pubic hairs. I have no clue why, isn’t that what their Treehouse shows are for, they gave NO reason for others that aren’t sure about The Switch any incentive to go buy one.

But I am a Nintendo fan just disappointed in their presentation.
Last edited by elm,


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2008
United States
No because you keep insisting on a false narrative. 3DS and Wii sold like hotcakes before they were hacked. Sales haven't been as good afterward.

Also you realize that the amount you pay for the console doesn't pay for the games you want. It's hyopcritical to complain about the quality of games you don't plan to pay for.

Piracy absolutely hurts software sales and software is what drives console sales. It's ridiculous to claim piracy hurts no one. It's not a victimless crime.

So pirate away but please be realistic about what you're doing.

The Wii was released in November of 2006 and the Wiikey (mod chip that let you play back ups) was released I think, 3 MONTHS LATER. Despite that, Nintendo went on to sell gabillions of Wii consoles. So right now, your argument has been blown to pieces. But hey, why stop there.............. the 3DS came out in Feb. 2011 and the Gateway showed up a bit over 2 years later and TO THIS DAY, Nintendo is selling tons of 'em. So tell me again how piracy kills consoles???????????????????????????????????????????????

And are you blind? I said I PAID FOR MK8 on the Switch and ZELDA (just to name a few)! I bought these games so I can bitch about the quality all I want! They were just freaking ports and should have been WAY cheaper, or free, for those that could show we purchased them on the Wii U.

Screw Nintendo. It's time for me to get back some money by pirating. But you go ahead.....keep paying for the same games, time after time. I'm done with that.
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Well-Known Member
May 29, 2018
United States
The Wii was released in November of 2006 and the Wiikey (mod chip that let you play back ups) was released I think, 3 MONTHS LATER. Despite that, Nintendo went on to sell gabillions of Wii consoles. So right now, your argument has been blown to pieces. But hey, why stop there.............. the 3DS came out in Feb. 2011 and the Gateway showed up a bit over 2 years later and TO THIS DAY, Nintendo is selling tons of 'em. So tell me again how piracy kills consoles???????????????????????????????????????????????

And are you blind? I said I PAID FOR MK8 on the Switch and ZELDA (just to name a few)! I bought these games so I can bitch about the quality all I want! They were just freaking ports and should have been WAY cheaper, or free, for those that could show we purchased them on the Wii U.

Screw Nintendo. It's time for me to get back some money by pirating. But you go ahead.....keep paying for the same games, time after time. I'm done with that.

Yes go ahead and pay hackers instead. I was referring to when actual cfw becomes available not when you buy a hardware dongle.

You buying a copy of game for a certain console doesn't mean you're entitled to it for a different console. You want to steal games. I've done it; we've all done it.

There is no justification for theft and yet every post is you trying to justify it because you're owed things.
Last edited by kingfrost,


May 18, 2018
United States
I agree with the Direct comments, Nintendo's directs are the only things that Nintendo showcase and "the thing" that everyone wants (like Metroid/Animal Crossing/...) was Smash Bros in the March one, so we just have to be patient because the rest of our games are probably coming in a August direct, this E3 conference probably would not existed, but every "big company" has showcase something
Last edited by DiJornios,


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2008
United States
Yes go ahead and pay hackers instead. I was referring to when actual cfw becomes available not when you buy a hardware dongle.

You buying a copy of game for a certain console doesn't mean you're entitled to it for a different console. You want to steal games. I've done it; we've all done it.

There is no justification for theft and yet every post is you trying to justify it because you're owed things.

Oh, so CFW piracy is what kills a console and not modchip piracy. Gotcha. (Can you let Nintendo know that the 3DS has had a CFW out for a while now and despite selling all the 3DS's they can make, piracy is going to kill it?)

You're a walking paradox.

Since the PS4 was recently jailbroken, I guess Sony will be winding down production, right? And by your logic, since the Xbox One has yet to be hacked, they should be selling more consoles than the hacked Switch and PS4, right? Right? Hate to tell you this but the Switch (hacked) and PS4 (hacked) are selling more than the locked down Xbox One. By your logic, that's impossible since piracy kills consoles. Has your head imploded yet?

Attention everyone, kingfrost has got me dead to rights. I'm a hard core pirate and will no longer justify anything. I pirate because I can and I want to.

Now you need to admit that piracy doesn't kill a console. C'mon, I know you can do it!
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Well-Known Member
May 29, 2018
United States
Oh, so CFW piracy is what kills a console and not modchip piracy. Gotcha. (Can you let Nintendo know that the 3DS has had a CFW out for a while now and despite selling all the 3DS's they can make, piracy is going to kill it?)

You're a walking paradox.

Since the PS4 was recently jailbroken, I guess Sony will be winding down production, right? And by your logic, since the Xbox One has yet to be hacked, they should be selling more consoles than the hacked Switch and PS4, right? Right? Hate to tell you this but the Switch (hacked) and PS4 (hacked) are selling more than the locked down Xbox One. By your logic, that's impossible since piracy kills consoles. Has your head imploded yet?

Attention everyone, kingfrost has got me dead to rights. I'm a hard core pirate and will no longer justify anything. I pirate because I can and I want to.

Now you need to admit that piracy doesn't kill a console. C'mon, I know you can do it!

I didn't say it killed a console. I said it effects software production. I thought education had gotten worse after I graduated.

Now I see it was always bad.

You said all the games sucked at E3 so you're gonna pirate them. I asked if they suck so much why you do want them?

You never answered that btw. You just started talking about already released games and ports. Are you only going to pirate ports?
Last edited by kingfrost,


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2008
United States
I didn't say it killed a console. I said it effects software production. I thought education had gotten worse after I graduated.

Now I see it was always bad.

Split all the hairs you want, you think that piracy leads to the death of consoles when it absolutely doesn't. I've shown you how flawed your logic is but you can't accept it. Jump back in your Millennial Falcon and look for a safe place.

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

I didn't say it killed a console. I said it effects software production. I thought education had gotten worse after I graduated.

Now I see it was always bad.

You said all the games sucked at E3 so you're gonna pirate them. I asked if they suck so much why you do want them?

You never answered that btw. You just started talking about already released games and ports. Are you only going to pirate ports?

I want them because I'm a pirate. I live to steal from companies, especially companies that rehash the exact same game on newer generations of consoles with minimal updates to the game.
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Well-Known Member
May 29, 2018
United States
Split all the hairs you want, you think that piracy leads to the death of consoles when it absolutely doesn't. I've shown you how flawed your logic is but you can't accept it. Jump back in your Millennial Falcon and look for a safe place.

You haven't shown me anything. You literally talked about hardware when piracy is a software issue. Piracy has lead to microtransactions and more and more each year it leads to a future of streaming video games.

But denial worked so well for generations right man? It's why the world is such a great place to live.

I want them because I'm a pirate. I live to steal from companies, especially companies that rehash the exact same game on newer generations of consoles with minimal updates to the game

Then you understand that by talking your money out of an economical ecosystem compeltely you are doing absolutely nothing to change that practice right? If no paid for games that would literally be all there was.

But I'm glad you live to steal and have admitted that.
Last edited by kingfrost,
May 22, 2016
Hell, MI
United States
The tired tripe about how piracy kills consoles. Newsflash, it DOESN'T!

Crappy on-line abilities, rehashed games, SEVERE lack of 3rd party support, crappy console hardware............. <--- THAT is what kills a console, not piracy.

And if it makes you feel any better, I love Atmosphere just as much as T-X but since I'm only in it for full out piracy of 1st party titles, and don't want to wait for a forked copy of Atmosphere to show up, T-X gets my money!

I like to keep it real. I don't hide behind the mask of "homebrew so I can emulate ROMS (that I illegally downloaded)". I want to straight up pirate stuff. Yes, I'm PISSED at Nintendo for making me buy the same games, again and again and again after I buy their latest consoles. F 'em. If they had compelling 3rd party games on their eShop, ok....I need to stay legit because I want to play those games. But typical Nintendo...... release mediocre hardware, rehashed games (MK8, SSBB, Captain Toad) and take a "who cares about 3rd party developers" attitude.
Piracy can hurt game developers. Every time you pirate a switch game, the developer loses the money you should’ve paid for it. That can add up to major loss for companies. Now if you’re talkng about the Switch, the games aren’t rehashed, the previous gameration is getting a few re-releases because they’re very good games. There’s plenty of 3rd party support for Switch, and it can’t be crappy hardware if it’s literally the fastest selling console in US history. Who really cares which hacking method you like more? All you’ve shown is that you’re going to pirate everything anyway, how is that gonna “make me feel better”? I literally don’t care. Nintendo also doesn’t make you buy the games again, that’s your own choice. They’re re-released for people who missed out on the previous generation. Besides, doesn’t seem to me like you’ll be buying anything anyway. And again, Nintendo Switch has plenty of 3rd party support.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2008
United States
You haven't shown me anything. You literally talked about hardware when piracy is a software issue. Piracy has lead to microtransactions and more and more each year it leads to a future of streaming video games.

But denial worked so well for generations right man? It's why the world is such a great place to live.

So uh, piracy is leading to micro-transactions? Are you artificial intelligence? Am I arguing with an EA loot box?
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