ROM Hack MH3U hacking/Hex editing and ids...


The AnalSavior
Jan 29, 2015
Here, There, and Everywhere!..
Serbia, Republic of
Charm editing SDF Save:
first equp box start hex location 0000112c

this charm has 3 slots and two active skills defense up and honed blade. its in the middle of my equip box...

the edited in red 03 is the byte of charm slots.
0C is the id of defense up skill, and the 1E is the hex number of points defense up has...
77 is the honed blade skill id and 21 is its hex points.
74 is the id of the jewel/decoration that i put on the charm...

Skill ID List:

attack up 0B
defence up 0B
spitit(challenger) 70
handicraft 33
evasion 1F
gloves off (laten power)6F
edgemaster(honed blade) 77

Items editing SDF Save:

item pounch first item 000000ae
items box first item 0000018e

insert/paste in 0000018C-000010DA on ur save to have a box of almost all items at 99x...
02 00 63 00 03 00 63 00 04 00 63 00 05 00 63 00 06 00 63 00 0B 00 58 00 0E 00 57 00 10 00 50 00 11 00 62 00 12 00 4A 00 13 00 5F 00 15 00 44 00 16 00 5F 00 17 00 60 00 18 00 63 00 FD 04 63 00 1A 00 4C 00 1B 00 63 00 1C 00 5A 00 1D 00 63 00 1E 00 63 00 1E 00 5D 00 21 00 5B 00 22 00 61 00 EB 05 61 00 FA 05 63 00 25 00 63 00 26 00 63 00 27 00 63 00 28 00 63 00 29 00 61 00 2A 00 63 00 2B 00 62 00 2C 00 63 00 2D 00 61 00 2E 00 62 00 33 00 61 00 78 05 63 00 7A 05 63 00 7C 05 62 00 3B 00 63 00 3C 00 63 00 3D 00 63 00 3E 00 63 00 3F 00 5D 00 43 00 5F 00 44 00 60 00 46 00 63 00 49 00 5D 00 4B 00 4F 00 4E 00 62 00 4F 00 5E 00 50 00 63 00 51 00 62 00 52 00 62 00 53 00 60 00 56 00 62 00 5A 00 50 00 5B 00 57 00 5C 00 5D 00 87 00 63 00 92 00 62 00 94 00 5F 00 95 00 5B 00 96 00 63 00 97 00 63 00 98 00 63 00 9A 00 63 00 9B 00 63 00 9E 00 63 00 9F 00 60 00 A1 00 63 00 A3 00 63 00 A4 00 63 00 A5 00 63 00 A7 00 5C 00 A8 00 63 00 AA 00 62 00 AF 00 61 00 B0 00 62 00 B1 00 63 00 B2 00 5D 00 B4 00 58 00 B5 00 60 00 B6 00 62 00 B7 00 62 00 B8 00 5E 00 B9 00 5F 00 32 05 63 00 F4 05 62 00 BC 00 63 00 BC 00 62 00 BD 00 61 00 BE 00 5F 00 BF 00 5F 00 C0 00 5F 00 C2 00 63 00 C2 00 61 00 C4 00 5F 00 C5 00 63 00 C5 00 60 00 C6 00 63 00 C6 00 60 00 C7 00 62 00 C8 00 62 00 C9 00 63 00 CB 00 62 00 D0 00 5F 00 D2 00 62 00 D3 00 63 00 D4 00 63 00 D5 00 61 00 D6 00 63 00 D7 00 63 00 D8 00 57 00 DA 00 63 00 E8 00 63 00 E7 00 63 00 D9 00 63 00 E3 00 63 00 E4 00 63 00 DE 00 63 00 E2 00 60 00 E0 00 63 00 EA 00 62 00 E5 00 63 00 EB 00 62 00 EC 00 60 00 DF 00 63 00 E1 00 5E 00 01 05 63 00 E6 00 5F 00 ED 00 56 00 EE 00 63 00 EF 00 63 00 F0 00 5C 00 F1 00 5B 00 F2 00 61 00 F4 00 63 00 F4 00 60 00 F5 00 61 00 F6 00 63 00 F7 00 62 00 F8 00 61 00 F9 00 61 00 FA 00 61 00 FB 00 5F 00 FC 00 60 00 FD 00 63 00 FE 00 63 00 FF 00 62 00 01 01 63 00 02 01 63 00 1B 05 63 00 C1 03 63 00 04 01 63 00 05 01 61 00 06 01 62 00 08 01 62 00 09 01 62 00 0A 01 63 00 0A 01 61 00 0B 01 63 00 0B 01 5E 00 0C 01 62 00 0D 01 5D 00 0E 01 63 00 F9 05 63 00 0F 01 62 00 10 01 5C 00 11 01 62 00 13 01 60 00 14 01 63 00 16 01 62 00 FE 04 63 00 0B 05 63 00 39 05 63 00 26 05 63 00 18 01 62 00 19 01 63 00 19 01 62 00 1A 01 62 00 1B 01 63 00 1D 01 63 00 1E 01 63 00 1F 01 63 00 20 01 63 00 21 01 62 00 22 01 63 00 23 01 63 00 24 01 63 00 25 01 61 00 13 05 63 00 27 01 63 00 28 01 5E 00 29 01 63 00 2A 01 63 00 12 05 63 00 2B 01 63 00 2B 01 63 00 2B 01 61 00 2C 01 63 00 2C 01 5E 00 2D 01 62 00 2E 01 61 00 2F 01 63 00 30 01 62 00 31 01 63 00 32 01 56 00 35 01 63 00 36 01 60 00 37 01 63 00 38 01 63 00 39 01 63 00 33 01 63 00 3A 01 61 00 3B 01 63 00 16 05 63 00 3C 01 63 00 FF 04 5F 00 3D 01 60 00 3E 01 61 00 3F 01 63 00 40 01 5E 00 41 01 63 00 42 01 63 00 43 01 5F 00 47 01 63 00 48 01 63 00 49 01 63 00 4A 01 63 00 4B 01 63 00 4C 01 63 00 4D 01 63 00 4E 01 63 00 4F 01 63 00 50 01 63 00 51 01 63 00 52 01 63 00 53 01 58 00 54 01 63 00 55 01 63 00 56 01 63 00 57 01 63 00 58 01 63 00 59 01 63 00 5A 01 63 00 5B 01 63 00 5C 01 63 00 5D 01 63 00 5E 01 63 00 5F 01 63 00 46 05 63 00 62 05 63 00 63 05 63 00 70 05 63 00 71 05 63 00 72 05 63 00 73 05 63 00 74 05 63 00 75 05 63 00 79 05 63 00 7B 05 63 00 7D 05 63 00 7E 05 63 00 7F 05 63 00 80 05 63 00 81 05 63 00 83 05 63 00 85 05 63 00 86 05 61 00 87 05 60 00 88 05 5D 00 60 01 62 00 61 01 5E 00 62 01 5E 00 63 01 63 00 64 01 5B 00 65 01 5F 00 66 01 63 00 67 01 61 00 68 01 63 00 69 01 63 00 6A 01 63 00 6B 01 63 00 6C 01 63 00 F1 05 63 00 F2 05 63 00 F5 05 63 00 F6 05 63 00 F7 05 63 00 6D 01 63 00 6E 01 63 00 6F 01 63 00 70 01 63 00 52 05 63 00 53 05 63 00 54 05 63 00 55 05 63 00 71 01 63 00 72 01 63 00 73 01 63 00 74 01 63 00 75 01 63 00 76 01 63 00 77 01 63 00 78 01 63 00 79 01 63 00 7A 01 63 00 7B 01 63 00 7C 01 63 00 7D 01 63 00 7E 01 63 00 7F 01 63 00 80 01 63 00 81 01 63 00 82 01 63 00 83 01 63 00 84 01 62 00 85 01 62 00 86 01 63 00 87 01 63 00 88 01 63 00 5D 05 63 00 5E 05 63 00 5F 05 63 00 60 05 63 00 89 01 63 00 8A 01 62 00 8B 01 61 00 8C 01 62 00 43 05 63 00 44 05 61 00 45 05 63 00 8D 01 62 00 8E 01 63 00 61 05 45 00 8F 01 62 00 90 01 63 00 91 01 61 00 92 01 63 00 18 05 63 00 93 01 63 00 96 01 63 00 98 01 63 00 9A 01 63 00 9B 01 62 00 9D 01 60 00 9E 01 63 00 9F 01 63 00 A1 01 63 00 A3 01 63 00 A2 01 63 00 A4 01 63 00 A6 01 63 00 35 05 63 00 A7 01 61 00 A8 01 63 00 14 05 63 00 A9 01 63 00 AD 01 63 00 AB 01 63 00 AA 01 63 00 AF 01 5E 00 B1 01 62 00 B3 01 63 00 B4 01 63 00 B5 01 61 00 B6 01 61 00 B7 01 62 00 B8 01 63 00 B9 01 63 00 BB 01 63 00 BE 01 63 00 BE 01 62 00 BF 01 63 00 C0 01 61 00 C1 01 63 00 C2 01 63 00 C3 01 63 00 C5 01 62 00 C6 01 63 00 C7 01 63 00 C9 01 63 00 CA 01 63 00 CB 01 63 00 CD 01 63 00 CE 01 63 00 CF 01 63 00 D0 01 63 00 D1 01 63 00 D3 01 63 00 D4 01 63 00 D5 01 63 00 D6 01 63 00 D8 01 63 00 D9 01 63 00 DA 01 63 00 DC 01 63 00 DB 01 63 00 DD 01 63 00 DF 01 63 00 E0 01 63 00 E1 01 63 00 4A 03 62 00 4B 03 63 00 4D 03 63 00 4E 03 63 00 4F 03 63 00 50 03 63 00 51 03 63 00 52 03 63 00 EF 05 63 00 53 03 63 00 54 03 63 00 55 03 63 00 56 03 63 00 57 03 63 00 58 03 63 00 59 03 63 00 5A 03 63 00 5C 03 63 00 5D 03 63 00 5F 03 63 00 60 03 63 00 61 03 63 00 62 03 63 00 63 03 63 00 64 03 63 00 65 03 63 00 E2 01 63 00 E3 01 63 00 E4 01 63 00 E5 01 61 00 E7 01 63 00 E8 01 63 00 E9 01 63 00 E6 01 63 00 EA 01 63 00 EB 01 63 00 EC 01 63 00 ED 01 62 00 EE 01 63 00 EF 01 61 00 F0 01 63 00 F1 01 63 00 F2 01 63 00 F3 01 61 00 F4 01 63 00 F5 01 63 00 F6 01 63 00 F8 01 63 00 F9 01 63 00 FA 01 63 00 FB 01 63 00 FC 01 63 00 FD 01 63 00 FE 01 63 00 FF 01 63 00 00 02 63 00 01 02 63 00 02 02 63 00 03 02 63 00 04 02 63 00 05 02 63 00 06 02 63 00 48 05 64 00 07 02 61 00 08 02 63 00 09 02 63 00 0A 02 63 00 0B 02 63 00 0C 02 63 00 0D 02 63 00 0E 02 63 00 0E 02 63 00 0F 02 63 00 10 02 60 00 11 02 63 00 12 02 63 00 13 02 62 00 14 02 63 00 15 02 63 00 16 02 63 00 17 02 63 00 18 02 63 00 3D 05 63 00 19 02 63 00 1A 02 63 00 1B 02 63 00 1C 02 63 00 1D 02 63 00 1E 02 63 00 1F 02 63 00 20 02 63 00 21 02 63 00 22 02 63 00 23 02 63 00 25 02 63 00 26 02 63 00 27 02 63 00 28 02 61 00 29 02 63 00 2A 02 63 00 2B 02 63 00 2C 02 63 00 2D 02 63 00 2E 02 62 00 2F 02 63 00 30 02 62 00 31 02 63 00 32 02 63 00 33 02 63 00 34 02 63 00 35 02 63 00 36 02 63 00 37 02 63 00 38 02 63 00 39 02 63 00 3A 02 63 00 3B 02 63 00 3C 02 63 00 3D 02 63 00 3F 02 63 00 3E 02 62 00 41 02 63 00 42 02 63 00 43 02 63 00 44 02 59 00 45 02 63 00 46 02 63 00 47 02 63 00 48 02 63 00 49 02 63 00 4A 02 63 00 4B 02 63 00 4C 02 63 00 4D 02 63 00 4E 02 63 00 4C 05 63 00 4F 02 63 00 50 02 63 00 51 02 63 00 52 02 63 00 54 02 63 00 53 02 62 00 55 02 61 00 56 02 63 00 57 02 63 00 58 02 63 00 59 02 63 00 5A 02 63 00 5B 02 63 00 5C 02 5E 00 5D 02 59 00 5E 02 61 00 5F 02 63 00 60 02 63 00 61 02 63 00 62 02 63 00 63 02 63 00 67 02 61 00 68 02 63 00 69 02 63 00 6A 02 63 00 6B 02 63 00 11 05 63 00 6C 02 63 00 6D 02 63 00 6E 02 63 00 71 02 63 00 05 05 63 00 72 02 63 00 73 02 63 00 74 02 63 00 75 02 63 00 76 02 63 00 77 02 63 00 78 02 63 00 79 02 5F 00 7A 02 63 00 7B 02 5F 00 7C 02 5E 00 7D 02 5E 00 7E 02 5F 00 7F 02 63 00 80 02 5C 00 03 05 63 00 81 02 61 00 82 02 63 00 83 02 56 00 84 02 62 00 85 02 62 00 86 02 60 00 87 02 5F 00 2E 05 63 00 8A 02 62 00 88 02 62 00 89 02 61 00 8B 02 5E 00 8C 02 63 00 8D 02 63 00 8E 02 59 00 8F 02 63 00 90 02 5B 00 95 02 63 00 96 02 60 00 9A 02 5B 00 9B 02 5E 00 9C 02 63 00 9F 02 61 00 A0 02 61 00 A1 02 63 00 A2 02 63 00 A3 02 62 00 A4 02 63 00 A5 02 63 00 A6 02 63 00 A7 02 63 00 A8 02 63 00 A9 02 63 00 AA 02 63 00 AC 02 63 00 AD 02 63 00 AE 02 63 00 AF 02 63 00 B0 02 63 00 B1 02 61 00 B2 02 63 00 B3 02 63 00 B4 02 63 00 B5 02 63 00 B6 02 63 00 B7 02 63 00 B8 02 60 00 B9 02 63 00 BA 02 63 00 BB 02 63 00 BC 02 63 00 BD 02 63 00 BE 02 5B 00 BF 02 63 00 C0 02 63 00 C1 02 5E 00 C2 02 63 00 C3 02 63 00 3C 05 63 00 C5 02 63 00 C6 02 63 00 C7 02 63 00 C8 02 63 00 ED 05 62 00 C9 02 63 00 CA 02 63 00 CB 02 63 00 CC 02 63 00 CD 02 63 00 CE 02 63 00 D1 02 63 00 D2 02 63 00 D3 02 63 00 D4 02 63 00 D5 02 63 00 D6 02 63 00 D7 02 63 00 D8 02 63 00 D9 02 63 00 DA 02 63 00 DB 02 63 00 DC 02 63 00 DD 02 63 00 DE 02 63 00 DF 02 62 00 E0 02 63 00 E1 02 63 00 E2 02 63 00 E3 02 63 00 E4 02 63 00 E5 02 63 00 E6 02 5E 00 E7 02 63 00 E8 02 63 00 E9 02 63 00 EA 02 63 00 EB 02 63 00 ED 02 63 00 EE 02 63 00 10 05 63 00 EF 02 63 00 F0 02 63 00 F1 02 63 00 F2 02 63 00 F3 02 63 00 F4 02 63 00 F5 02 63 00 F6 02 63 00 F7 02 63 00 F8 02 63 00 F9 02 63 00 FA 02 63 00 41 05 63 00 FC 02 63 00 FE 02 63 00 FF 02 63 00 00 03 63 00 01 03 63 00 02 03 63 00 03 03 63 00 04 03 63 00 05 03 63 00 06 03 63 00 08 03 63 00 0A 03 63 00 0B 03 63 00 0C 03 63 00 0D 03 63 00 0E 03 63 00 0F 03 63 00 10 03 63 00 11 03 63 00 12 03 63 00 13 03 63 00 14 03 61 00 15 03 63 00 17 03 63 00 19 03 63 00 67 03 63 00 68 03 63 00 69 03 63 00 6A 03 63 00 6B 03 63 00 6C 03 63 00 6D 03 61 00 6E 03 63 00 6F 03 63 00 70 03 63 00 72 03 63 00 73 03 63 00 74 03 63 00 1B 03 63 00 49 05 63 00 1D 03 62 00 4A 05 63 00 1F 03 63 00 4B 05 63 00 21 03 63 00 22 03 63 00 2B 03 63 00 24 03 63 00 26 03 63 00 28 03 63 00 2A 03 63 00 EE 05 63 00 CD 03 5E 00 CE 03 5E 00 CF 03 60 00 D0 03 5F 00 D3 03 61 00 D4 03 62 00 D5 03 5E 00 D6 03 5B 00 D7 03 61 00 D8 03 61 00 D9 03 62 00 DB 03 62 00 DC 03 61 00 C3 03 63 00 C4 03 63 00 C5 03 63 00 C6 03 63 00 C7 03 63 00 C8 03 63 00 4D 05 63 00 4E 05 63 00 57 05 63 00 58 05 63 00 CA 03 63 00 CC 03 63 00 AA 03 63 00 AB 03 63 00 AC 03 63 00 AD 03 63 00 AE 03 63 00 AF 03 63 00 B0 03 63 00 B1 03 63 00 B2 03 63 00 B3 03 63 00 B4 03 63 00 B5 03 63 00 B6 03 63 00 B7 03 63 00 B8 03 63 00 B9 03 63 00 BA 03 63 00 BB 03 63 00 BC 03 63 00 BE 03 60 00 76 03 63 00 77 03 63 00 84 03 63 00 7A 03 63 00 7C 03 63 00 7D 03 63 00 7F 03 63 00 80 03 60 00 81 03 63 00 82 03 63 00 79 03 63 00 85 03 63 00 87 03 63 00 88 03 63 00 8A 03 60 00 8B 03 63 00 8C 03 63 00 8C 03 5C 00 8D 03 63 00 8E 03 5F 00 8F 03 62 00 90 03 63 00 91 03 63 00 1C 05 63 00 94 03 63 00 95 03 63 00 96 03 63 00 97 03 63 00 98 03 63 00 1D 05 63 00 9A 03 60 00 9B 03 63 00 9C 03 63 00 9D 03 63 00 92 03 62 00 9F 03 63 00 A1 03 63 00 A3 03 60 00 A5 03 63 00 0E 05 63 00 A6 03 63 00 A7 03 5E 00 A8 03 5D 00 A9 03 63 00 0C 05 63 00 F0 05 61 00 2C 03 63 00 2D 03 63 00 2E 03 63 00 2F 03 63 00 30 03 63 00 31 03 63 00 32 03 61 00 33 03 63 00 34 03 63 00 36 03 63 00 37 03 63 00 38 03 63 00 39 03 63 00 3A 03 63 00 3B 03 62 00 3C 03 63 00 3D 03 4C 00 3E 03 63 00 3F 03 63 00 40 03 5B 00 41 03 57 00 42 03 63 00 43 03 5F 00 44 03 63 00 45 03 60 00 46 03 5F 00 48 03 61 00 49 03 5F 00 45 01 62 00 46 01 61 00 DD 03 63 00 DE 03 63 00 DF 03 5B 00 E2 03 61 00 E4 03 61 00 E7 03 5C 00 E8 03 5F 00 EA 03 5E 00 EB 03 60 00 EC 03 5A 00 ED 03 5A 00 EE 03 63 00 EF 03 63 00 F0 03 63 00 F1 03 63 00 F2 03 63 00 F7 03 63 00 F8 03 63 00 F9 03 63 00 FA 03 5D 00 FB 03 62 00 FC 03 63 00 FD 03 63 00 FE 03 59 00 FF 03 62 00 01 04 62 00 02 04 63 00 04 04 5C 00 05 04 63 00 06 04 57 00 07 04 63 00 08 04 63 00 09 04 63 00 0A 04 63 00 10 04 56 00 0D 04 63 00 11 04 63 00 12 04 63 00 13 04 63 00 14 04 63 00 15 04 63 00 16 04 63 00 17 04 63 00 18 04 63 00 19 04 63 00 1A 04 63 00 1B 04 5B 00 1C 04 63 00 1D 04 63 00 1E 04 63 00 41 04 63 00 42 04 5A 00 59 05 63 00 5A 05 61 00 5B 05 60 00 5C 05 60 00 43 04 63 00 43 04 5E 00 44 04 51 00 45 04 63 00 48 04 63 00 4C 04 63 00 4D 04 63 00 4E 04 63 00 93 05 61 00 95 05 63 00 96 05 63 00 99 05 63 00 9A 05 63 00 9C 05 63 00 9F 05 5E 00 A0 05 63 00 A3 05 63 00 A4 05 63 00 56 05 61 00 51 04 63 00 4F 04 5B 00 53 04 63 00 1E 05 63 00 1F 05 63 00 20 05 63 00 21 05 63 00 22 05 62 00 23 05 62 00 2C 05 63 00 54 04 63 00 55 04 63 00 56 04 5F 00 57 04 62 00 02 05 5F 00 5D 04 01 00 88 04 63 00 A4 04 63 00 CA 04 03 00 AA 05 63 00 BE 05 63 00 E9 05 63 00 EA 05 63 00 EC 05 63 00 F8 05 63 00 F3 05 63 00 38 00 01 00 32 05 01 00 A6 00 01 00 C3 00 01 00 D1 00 01

and the all items ids list was first discovered on Japanese forum and later partially translated by

■ Item ID (MH3U)
0001 (No Item)
0002 Combo Book 1
0003 Combo Book 2
0004 Combo Book 3
0005 Combo Book 4
0006 Combo Book 5
0007 Pack Rat Guide
0008 Organizer Guide
0009 Potion
000A Mega Potion
000B Nutrients
000C Mega Nutrients
000D Antidote
000E Immunizer
000F Dash Juice
0010 Mega Dash Juice
0011 Demon drug
0012 Mega demon drug
0013 Might Pill
0014 Armorskin
0015 Mega Armorskin
0016 Adamant Pill
0017 Cool Drink
0018 Hot Drink
0019 Cleanser
001A clairvoyance of medicine / Deodorant?
001B Herbal Medicine
001C Max Potion
001D Ancient Potion
001E Catalyst
001F Energy Drink
0020 Air Philter
0021 Air Philter +
0022 Gunpowder
0023 Lifecrystal
0024 Lifepowder
0025 Mystery Charm
0026 Shining Charm
0027 Timeworn Charm
0028 Enduring Charm
0029 Powercharm
002A Powertalon
002B Armorcharm
002C Armortalon
002D Tranquillizer
002E Raw Meat
002F Poisoned Meat
0030 Tinged Meat
0031 Drugged Meat
0032 Rare Steak
0033 Well-done Steak
0034 Burnt Meat
0035 Hot Meat
0036 Chilled Meat
0037 Pink Liver
0038 Ethnic Wyvernmeat
0039 Boomerang
003A Throwing Knife
003B Poison Knife
003C Sleep Knife
003D Tranq Knife
003E Paralysis Knife
003F Bomb Casing
0040 Paintball
0041 Flash bomb
0042 Sonic bomb
0043 Dung
0044 Super-sized Dung
0045 Fertile Mud
0046 Dung Bomb
0047 Smoke Bomb
0048 Poisoned Smoke bomb
0049 Farcaster
004A Tranq Bomb
004B Oxygen Supply
004C Spider Web
004D Net
004E Trap tool
004F Pitfall Trap
0050 Shock Trap
0051 Small Barrel
0052 Large Barrel
0053 Barrel Bomb S
0054 Barrel Bomb S +
0055 Barrel Bomb L
0056 Barrel Bomb L +
0057 Bounce Bomb
0058 Bounce Bomb +
0059 Felvine Bomb +
005A Huskberry
005B Bone Husk S
005C Bone Husk L
005D LV1 Normal S
005E LV2 Normal S
005F LV3 Normal S
0060 LV1 Pierce
0061 LV2 Pierce
0062 LV3 Pierce
0063 LV1 Pellet
0064 LV2 Pellet
0065 LV3 Pellet
0066 LV1 Crag
0067 LV2 Crag
0068 LV3 Crag
0069 LV1 Clust
006A LV2 Clust
006B LV3 Clust
006C Flaming S
006D Water S
006E Thunder S
006F Freeze S
0070 Dragon S
0071 LV1 Recov S
0072 LV2 Recov S
0073 LV1 Poison S
0074 LV2 Poison S
0075 LV1 Para S
0076 LV2 Para S
0077 LV1 Sleep S
0078 LV2 Sleep S
0079 Tranq S
007A Paint S
007B Demon S
007C (Dummy 1)
007D Armor S
007E (Dummy2)
007F LV1 Sub S
0080 LV2 Sub S
0081 LV1 Exhaust S
0082 LV2 Exhaust S
0083 Slicing S
0084 (Dummy3)
0085 (Dummy4)
0086 WyvernFire
0087 UW Ballista Ammo
0088 (Nothing)
0089 Empty Phials
008A Power Coating
008B Close Range Coating
008C Poison Coating
008D Para Coating
008E Sleep Coating
008F Exhaust Coating
0090 Paint Coating
0091 (Dummy5)
0092 Worm
0093 (Dummy6)
0094 Mega Fishing Fly
0095 Frog
0096 Whetfish Bait
0097 Sushifish Bait
0098 Tuna Bait
0099 (Dummy7)
009A Goldenfish Bait
009B Burst Bait
009C (Dummy8)
009D Old Pickaxe
009E Iron Pickaxe
009F Mega Pickaxe
00A0 Old Bug Net
00A1 Bug Net
00A2 Mega Bug Net
00A3 Fishing Harpoon
00A4 Mega Harpoon
00A5 BBQ Spit
00A6 Double BBQ Spit
00A7 Whetstone
00A8 Binoculars
00A9 Garbage
00AA Field Horn
00AB Health Horn
00AC Antidote Horn
00AD Demon Horn
00AE Armor Horn
00AF Honey
00B0 Herb
00B1 Antidote Herb
00B2 Fire Herb
00B3 (Dummy9)
00B4 Ivy
00B5 Sleep Herb
00B6 Sap Plant
00B7 Felvine
00B8 Cactus Flower
00B9 Airweed
00BA Hot Pepper
00BB (Dummy10)
00BC Blue Mushroom
00BD Nitroshroom
00BE Parashroom
00BF Toadstool
00C0 Exciteshroom
00C1 (Dummy11)
00C2 Dragon Toadstool
00C3 Bindshroom
00C4 Paintberry
00C5 Might seed
00C6 adamant seed
00C7 Dragonfell berry
00C8 Scatternut
00C9 Needle berry
00CA (Dummy12)
00CB Bomberry
00CC (Dummy13)
00CD (Dummy14)
00CE (Dummy15)
00CF (Dummy16)
00D0 Nullberry
00D1 Bumblepumpkin
00D2 Broken Shell
00D3 Black Pearl
00D4 Jumbo Pearl
00D5 Stone
00D6 Iron Ore
00D7 earth crystal
00D8 machalite ore
00D9 dragonite ore
00DA pelagicite ore
00DB (Dummy17)
00DC (Dummy18)
00DD (Dummy19)
00DE carbalite ore
00DF eltalite ore
00E0 fucium ore
00E1 meldspar ore
00E2 bathycite ore
00E3 lava nugget
00E4 firestone
00E5 firecell stone
00E6 allfire stone
00E7 lightcrystal
00E8 Isisium
00E9 (Dummy20)
00EA Gracium
00EB Antiseptic stone
00EC ice crystal
00ED armor stone
00EE armor sphere
00EF armor sphere +
00F0 adv. Armor sphere
00F1 hrd armor sphere
00F2 hvy armor sphere
00F3 (Dummy21)
00F4 tru armor sphere
00F5 whetfish
00F6 sushifish
00F7 sleepyfish
00F8 pin tuna
00F9 pop fish
00FA scatter fish
00FB burst arowana
00FC bomb arowana
00FD glutton tuna
00FE small goldenfish
00FF wanchovy
0100 (Dummy22)
0101 Ichino hairtail
0102 beat swell shellfish
0103 (Dummy23)
0104 insect carcasses
0105 Yamaimomushi
0106 Kakubatta
0107 (Dummy215)
0108 Bonbatta
0109 Tsuchihachinoko
010A immortality insects
010B bitter worm
010C light Mushi
010D lightning insects
010E than electric lightning insects
010F Setchakuroari
0110 Kira Beetle
0111 Dos Hercules
0112 (Dummy24)
0113 royalty beetle
0114 Marekogane
0115 (Dummy25)
0116 Maboroshi butterfly
0117 (Dummy26)
0118 material bag
0119 squeal bag
011A poison bag
011B deadly poison bag
011C (Dummy27)
011D paralysis bag
011E powerful paralysis bag
011F sleep bag
0120 coma bag
0121 flame bag
0122 explosive flame bag
0123 industry flame bag
0124 water bag
0125 flood bag
0126 (Dummy217)
0127 blitz bag
0128 Raiden bag
0129 freezing bag
012A frozen bag
012B Kyohashi extract
012C albino extract
012D keel [small]
012E keel [medium]
012F keel [large]
0130 mystery of bone
0131 mystery of the skull
0132 rod-shaped bone
0133 robust bird keel
0134 (Dummy218)
0135 above keel
The 0136 leaflets keel
0137 Ken keel
0138 double keel
0139 fine bird keel
013A large bones
013B robust bone
Keel of 013C ancient
013D dragon Fang
013E dragon claws
013F dragon ball
0140 Dairyu ball
0141 bird dragon ball
0142 Maboroshitoriryu-dama
0143 old dragon blood
0144 (Dummy28)
0145 azure Ryu-dama of
0146 lapis lazuli color of Dragon Ball
0147 clean fish scales
0148 Hoshihitode
0149 delicacy-armor fish
014A fine fur
014B and stunning webbed
014C small bend Fang
Mass of 014D Ryu-kotsu
Mass of 014E abalone
Mass of 014F fossil
0150 beautiful tail feathers
0151 Tsuchinoko
0152 large Phantom Fish Narwhal
0153 tough webbed
0154 moonlit night of emission Fang
The 0155 shining Ryuuroko
0156 giant skull
0157 Ryuuguugani
0158 Queen needle
0159 ancient oil
015A flashy tail feathers
015B Ootsuchinoko
Of 015C Queen elixir
015D crimson Dairyu scales
Dairyu scales 015E Kaioh
015F strange egg
0160 Tsuchinoko trap
0161 medicinal insects Don Don
0162 intense pheromone
0163 mushroom 培菌
0164 mushroom doubling bacteria
0165 Dos worker bees
0166 fishing chumming of
0167 treasure chart of
0168 preliminary large spear of
0169 put away Fang
Fang 016A fortune
016B Gold needle
016C KimuRyu stone
Treasure of 016D pirate
016E steel egg
016F silver egg
0170 gold egg
0171 Kelvin corner ornament
The 0172 twisted corner ornament
0173 Mineyama Ryukiba ornament
0174 Pugi
0175 Eggupugi
0176 Reusupugi
0177 sandstone flowerpot
0178 wetlands of flowerpot
0179 snow crystal flowerpot
017A rainbow mushroom lamp
017B Gokuirodori Pekkoranpu
017C lure of deep sea lamp
Fountain image of the Temple 017D
017E foam 's fountain image
Fountain image of 017F magma
0180 sculpture of iron ore
0181 sculpture of small bird stone
0182 sculpture of the bright dragon stone
0183 model-sand ship
0184 model-airship
0185 model-Pugi ship
0186 Girudoru [red]
0187 Girudoru [green]
0188 Girudoru [blue]
0189 Dosupugi
Crown perforated hole 018A
Pyroxene to fit in 018B crown
018C glittering crown
018D golden sword
Large coin of 018E golden
Corner of 018F Kelvin
0190 Kelvin Ao angle of
0191 warm fur
0192 fine fur
0193 feather round bird
0194 (Dummy29)
0195 (Dummy30)
0196 Gaushika corner of
0197 (Dummy31)
0198 flying beetle of crustaceans
0199 (Dummy32)
Ken shell of 019A flying beetle
Feather 019B flying beetle
019C (Dummy33)
Kihane of 019D flying beetle
Paralysis needle 019E flying beetle
Large jaw of 019F beetle
01A0 (Dummy34)
01A1 beetle belly bag
01A2 superb belly bag
01A3 fine belly bag
01A4 Fango fur
01A5 (Dummy35)
01A6 Fango head of
01A7 monster of body fluids
01A8 of concentrated juice of monsters
01A9 herbivorous dragon of crustaceans
Heavy bone of 01AA herbivorous dragon
01AB herbivorous dragon head shell
01AC (Dummy36)
Ken shell of 01AD herbivorous dragon
01AE (Dummy219)
01AF vertical skin dragon epithelial
01B0 (Dummy37)
01B1 large fin
01B2 (Dummy38)
01B3 fine fin
01B4 huge fin
The 01B5 sharp tusks
01B6 smooth skin
01B7 of ancient shark skin
01B8 Jagyi scales
01B9 scales on the Jagyi
01BA (Dummy39)
01BB Jagyi skin
01BC (Dummy40)
01BD (Dummy41)
01BE bird dragon species of tusk
01BF dog dragon skin
01C0 dog dragon epithelial
01C1 dog dragon thick skin
01C2 dog dragon claws
01C3 dog dragon of Togatsume
01C4 (Dummy42)
01C5 champion boa
01C6 great boa
01C7 dog dragon head
01C8 (Dummy43)
01C9 Bagyi skin
Scales of 01CA Bagyi
Scales on the 01CB Bagyi
01CC (Dummy44)
01CD sleeping dog dragon skin
01CE sleeping dog dragon epithelial
01CF sleeping dog dragon thick skin
01D0 sleeping dog dragon claws
01D1 sleeping dog dragon of Togatsume
01D2 (Dummy45)
01D3 champion of combs
01D4 great comb
01D5 Furogyi scales
01D6 scales on the Furogyi
01D7 (Dummy46)
01D8 Furogyi skin
01D9 Furogyi poison fang of
01DA Dokuinuryu skin
Thickness skin of 01DB Dokuinuryu
Epithelium of 01DC Dokuinuryu
01DD Dokuinuryu vambrace of
01DE (Dummy47)
01DF Dokuinuryu Kenudekabuto of
01E0 champion beak
01E1 great beak
01E2 Cytori scales
01E3 scales on the Cytori
01E4 Cytori Atsuuroko of
01E5 Cytori feather
01E6 richly-colored gloss feather
01E7 Cytori wings
01E8 Cytori Tsuyoshitsubasa of
01E9 richly-colored feathers
01EA strange beak
01EB nice beak
Beak 01EC captivating
01ED flint
01EE luxury flint
Scales on the 01EF Beniirodoritori
01F0 Beniirodoritori Atsuuroko of
01F1 Beniirodoritori wings
01F2 Beniirodoritori Tsuyoshitsubasa of
01F3 tourmaline
01F4 high pressure tourmaline
01F5 aquatic beast of skin
01F6 aquatic beast epithelial
01F7 (Dummy48)
01F8 immature cancellous bone
01F9 fine cancellous bone
Skin of 01FA cancellous bone
Epithelium of 01FB cancellous bone
Thickness skin of 01FC cancellous bone
Scales of 01FD water beast
Scales on the 01FE water beast
Atsuuroko of 01FF water beast
0200 claw of water beast
0201 Surudotsume of water beast
0202 Tsuyoshitsume of water beast
0203 combs water beast
0204 exclusive comb
The 0205 squid was comb
0206 tail of water beast
0207 cancellous bone of purple skin
0208 of cancellous bone MurasakiAtsushikawa
Scales on the 0209 Shisui Beast
Atsuuroko of 020A Shisui Beast
Surudotsume of 020B Shisui Beast
Tsuyoshitsume of 020C Shisui Beast
020D sediment dragon of crustaceans
Ken shell of 020E sediment dragon
Heavy shell of 020F sediment dragon
0210 sediment dragon of carapace
0211 sediment dragon of health
0212 sediment dragon heavy armor
0213 sediment dragon claws
0214 sediment dragon of Surudotsume
0215 sediment dragon of Tsuyoshitsume
0216 sediment dragon head shell
Heavy head shell of 0217 sediment dragon
0218 sediment dragon's tail
Ken shell of the 0219 ice 砕竜
Heavy shell of 021A ice 砕竜
Health of 021B ice 砕竜
Heavy armor of 021C ice 砕竜
Surudotsume of 021D ice 砕竜
Tsuyoshitsume of 021E ice 砕竜
Head shell of 021F ice 砕竜
Heavy head shell of the 0220 ice 砕竜
Tail of the 0221 ice 砕竜
Utsuboo of 0222 ice 砕竜
The 0223 frozen mucus mass
0224 (Dummy49)
0225 lights fish dragon skin
0226 lights fish dragon epithelial
0227 lights fish dragon thick skin
0228 lights fish dragon fin
Fin on top of the 0229 lights fish dragon
022A light fish dragon of Toku-jo fin
022B light fish dragon of thorns
Thorn on the 022C lights fish dragon
022D lights fish dragon of Hitoge
022E light fish dragon beard
022F light fish dragon of the Great beard
0230 lantern ball
0231 luxury lantern ball
0232 finest lantern ball
0233 female fire dragon scales
Scales on top of the 0234 female fire dragon
0235 of the female fire dragon Atsuuroko
0236 female fire dragon of crustaceans
0237 female fire dragon of Ken shell
0238 heavy shell of the female fire dragon
0239 female fire dragon wing membrane
023A female fire dragon of thorns
Thorn on the 023B female fire dragon
023C female fire dragon of Hitoge
023D female fire dragon of anger
023E female fire dragon of Tenuroko
023F female fire dragon of ruby
0240 (Dummy50)
Scales on the 0241 Sakura fire dragon
0242 cherry fire dragon of Atsuuroko
0243 cherry fire dragon of Ken shell
0244 Sakura fire heavy shell of the dragon
0245 gold fire dragon of Atsuuroko
0246 gold fire heavy shell of the dragon
0247 gold fire dragon of Hitoge
0248 fire dragon scales
Scales on top of the 0249 fire dragon
024A fire dragon of Atsuuroko
024B fire dragon of crustaceans
Ken shell of 024C fire dragon
Heavy shell of 024D fire dragon
024E fire dragon wing membrane
024F fire dragon of Tsuyoshitsubasa
0250 fire dragon's tail
0251 fire dragon of Utsuboo
0252 fire dragon of anger
0253 fire dragon of Tenuroko
0254 fire dragon of ruby
0255 fire dragon wings claw
0256 fire dragon of TsuyoshiTsubasatsume
0257 fire dragon of bone marrow
0258 fire dragon of the medulla oblongata
0259 fire dragon of 煌液
Scales on the 025A Aoihiryu
025B Aoihiryu Atsuuroko of
Ken shell of 025C Aoihiryu
Heavy shell of 025D Aoihi dragon
Tail of 025E Aoihiryu
025F Aoihiryu Utsuboo of
0260 Aoihiryu wings
0261 silver fire dragon of Atsuuroko
0262 silver fire dragon heavy scales
0263 silver fire dragon of 靱尾
0264 (Dummy216)
0265 (Dummy51)
0266 (Dummy52)
0267 poison Kai dragon skin
0268 poison Kai dragon epithelial
0269 poison Kai dragon thick skin
026A eerie skin
026B eerie epithelium
Nail 026C poison Kai dragon
026D poison Kai dragon of Surudotsume
026E poison Kai dragon of Tsuyoshitsume
026F (Dummy53)
0270 (Dummy54)
0271 terrible Cu Chi
0272 creepy venom gland
0273 creepy deadly poison glands
0274 hideous venom gland
0275 electric Kai dragon epithelial
0276 electric Kai dragon thick skin
0277 electric Kai dragon of Surudotsume
0278 electric Kai dragon of Tsuyoshitsume
0279 Kairyu scales
Scales on the 027A Kairyu
027B Kairyu Atsuuroko of
Back conductive shell of 027C Kairyu
High-voltage shell of 027D Kairyu
Raiden shell of 027E Kairyu
027F Kairyu skin
0280 Kairyu epithelial
0281 Kairyu nails
0282 Kairyu Surudotsume of
0283 Kairyu Tsuyoshitsume of
0284 Kairyu tail of
0285 Kairyu Tsuyoshio of
0286 Kairyu corner of
0287 Kairyu of the apex corner
0288 Kairyu AoiTama of
0289 Kairyu Blue Sky scales
028A Kairyu anger of
Scales on the 028B white Kairyu
Atsuuroko of 028C white Kairyu
High-voltage shell of 028D white Kairyu
Raiden shell of 028E white Kairyu
028F white Kairyu epithelial
0290 white Kairyu thick skin
0291 (Dummy55)
0292 (Dummy56)
0293 (Dummy57)
0294 (Dummy58)
The apex angle of the 0295 white Kairyu
Tsuyoshi angle of 0296 white Kairyu
0297 (Dummy59)
0298 (Dummy60)
0299 (Dummy61)
029A Dark Kairyu Atsuuroko of
Raiden shell of 029B Dark Kairyu
029C Dark Kairyu thick skin
029D (Dummy62)
029E (Dummy63)
Tsuyoshi angle of 029F Dark Kairyu
02A0 Dark Kairyu Kaminaritamashi of
02A1 Korikibaryu crustaceans of
02A2 Korikibaryu Ken shell of
02A3 heavy shell of Korikibaryu
02A4 Korikibaryu fur
02A5 fur on the Korikibaryu
02A6 Korikibaryu thick fur
02A7 Korikibaryu nails
02A8 Korikibaryu Surudotsume of
02A9 Korikibaryu Tsuyoshitsume of
Thorn of 02AA Korikibaryu
02AB (Dummy64)
Tail of 02AC Korikibaryu
02AD Korikibaryu Utsuboo of
02AE amber Fang
02AF amber Surudokiba of
02B0 amber Jukiba of
02B1 Kazekibaryu Ken shell of
02B2 heavy shell of Kazekibaryu
02B3 fur on the Kazekibaryu
02B4 Kazekibaryu thick fur
02B5 Kazekibaryu Surudotsume of
02B6 Kazekibaryu Tsuyoshitsume of
02B7 Kazekibaryu tail of
02B8 Kazekibaryu Utsuboo of
02B9 ultramarine color Surudokiba of
02BA ultramarine color Jukiba of
02BB tough pleural
02BC tough large pleural
Crustaceans of 02BD horned dinosaur
Ken shell of 02BE horned dinosaur
Heavy shell of 02BF horned dinosaur
02C0 horned dinosaur carapace of
02C1 horned dinosaur health of
02C2 heavy armor of horned dinosaur
02C3 horned dinosaur Okabuto of
02C4 (Dummy65)
02C5 horned dinosaur Fang
The 02C6 twisted corner
02C7 fine twisted corner
The 02C8 robust twisted corner
02C9 horned dinosaur bone marrow
Medulla oblongata of 02CA horned dinosaur
Ken shell of 02CB black angle dragon
Heavy shell of 02CC black angle dragon
02CD black angle dragon of health
Heavy armor of 02CE black angle dragon
02CF (Dummy66)
02D0 (Dummy67)
02D1 fine black winding angle
02D2 robust black winding angle
02D3 爆鎚 dragon scales
02D4 爆鎚 dragon on scales
02D5 爆鎚 dragon of Atsuuroko
02D6 爆鎚 dragon of crustaceans
02D7 爆鎚 dragon of Ken shell
02D8 爆鎚 heavy shell of the dragon
02D9 爆鎚 dragon jaw
Heavy jaw of 02DA 爆鎚 dragon
02DB 爆鎚 dragon of the heat-resistant shell
Heavy heat-resistant shell of 02DC 爆鎚 dragon
02DD 爆鎚 dragon of bone marrow
02DE 爆鎚 dragon of ruby
02DF 爆鎚 dragon of Tenkara
02E0 steel hammer dragon on scales
02E1 steel hammer dragon of Atsuuroko
02E2 steel hammer dragon of Ken shell
02E3 heavy shell of steel hammer dragon
02E4 steel hammer dragon of Tsuyoshiago
02E5 heavy chin of steel hammer dragon
02E6 steel hammer dragon of the heat-resistant shell
Heavy heat-resistant shell of 02E7 steel hammer dragon
02E8 lava beast scales
Scales on the 02E9 lava beast
02EA flexible shamelessness
02EB flame halberd dragon 燃鱗
02EC (Dummy68)
02ED flame halberd dragon of crustaceans
Ken shell of 02EE flame halberd dragon
02EF flame halberd dragon skin
02F0 flame halberd dragon epithelial
02F1 flame halberd dragon thick skin
Nail 02F2 flame halberd dragon
02F3 flame halberd dragon Surudotsume
02F4 flame halberd dragon Tsuyoshitsume
02F5 flame halberd dragon fin
Fin on top of the 02F6 flame halberd dragon
02F7 flame halberd dragon Toku-jo fin
02F8 flame halberd dragon anchor slot
02F9 (Dummy69)
02FA flame halberd dragon tail
02FB (Dummy70)
The 02FC red-hot the Kenmunekara
Heavy breast shell that was 02FD red-hot
Ken shell of 02FE Kohokoryu
Heavy shell of 02FF Kohokoryu
0300 Kohokoryu epithelium
0301 Kohokoryu thick skin
0302 Kohokoryu Surudotsume of
0303 Kohokoryu Tsuyoshitsume of
Fin on top of the 0304 Kohokoryu
0305 Kohokoryu of Toku-jo fin
0306 Kohokoryu anchor port of
0307 (Dummy71)
0308 Kohokoryu tail of
0309 (Dummy72)
030A and moist was Kenmunekara
030B heavy breast shell that moistened
030C ocean dragon scales
030D ocean dragon carapace
030E ocean dragon Yoroike
030F ocean dragon tail
The 0310 curved dragon angle
0311 mystery of the luminous body
0312 abyss of Ryu-dama
0313 Sumeragiumiryu Atsuuroko of
0314 Sumeragiumiryu heavy carapace of
0315 Sumeragiumiryu Australian Yoroike
0316 (Dummy73)
The 0317 curved Tsuyoshi dragon angle
0318 (Dummy74)
0319 abyss of Emperor Ryu-dama
031A (Dummy75)
Aoiuroko on the 031B Mineyama dragon
031C (Dummy76)
Ken rock shell of 031D Mineyama dragon
031E (Dummy77)
031F Mineyama dragon of the upper arm instep
0320 (Dummy209)
0321 ferocious dragon Surudokiba
0322 Earth Ryu-dama
0323 (Dummy78)
0324 Ryozen dragon heavy Aoiuroko
0325 (Dummy79)
0326 Ryozen dragon heavy rock shell
0327 (Dummy80)
0328 Ryozen dragon heavy arm instep
0329 (Dummy81)
032A divine Ryukiba
032B Earth Dragon Ball
032C violent dragon of black scales
032D violent dragon thick black scales
032E violent dragon of black leather
032F violent dragon of thick black leather
0330 violent dragon of Daikiba
0331 nefarious Fang
0332 violent dragon claw
0333 violent dragon of Tsuyoshi claw
0334 violent dragon head shell
0335 (Dummy82)
0336 violent dragon's tail
0337 violent dragon of Shigeo
0338 violent dragon saliva
0339 Dos black blood
033A violent dragon of jewel
033B violent dragon of Metsuuroko
033C 煌黒 dragon Ken anger
Heaven shell of 033D 煌黒 dragon
033E 煌黒 dragon of anger
033F 煌黒 dragon heaven scales
0340 煌黒 dragon Togatsume
0341 煌黒 dragon Kyotsume
0342 煌黒 dragon wing membrane
0343 煌黒 dragon Yokoshimatsubasa
0344 煌黒 dragon tail
0345 煌黒 dragon 妖尾
The 0346 informal heaven angle
0347 (Dummy83)
Corner through the 0348 heaven
Corner to slip the 0349 heaven
Hair 034A blue bear beast
Bristles 034B blue bear beast
034C (Dummy84)
Crustaceans of 034D blue bear beast
Ken shell of 034E blue bear beast
Heavy shell of 034F blue bear beast
0350 blue vambrace bear beast
0351 blue Kenudekabuto bear beast
0352 blue heavy arm instep of bear beast
0353 hair of white rabbit beast
The bristles of the 0354 white rabbit beast
Australian bristles of 0355 white rabbit beast
0356 White Rabbit Beast ear
0357 White Rabbit Beast large ears
0358 White Rabbit Beast long ears of
0359 White Rabbit Beast plastron
Ken plastron of 035A white rabbit beast
035B (Dummy85)
Ice claws of 035C white rabbit beast
Kotsume of 035D white rabbit beast
035E (Dummy86)
Crustaceans of 035F red instep Beast
0360 Ken shell of red instep Beast
0361 heavy shell of red instep Beast
0362 claws of red instep Beast
0363 Togatsume of red instep Beast
0364 Tsuyoshitsume of red instep Beast
0365 bellows instep of red instep Beast
0366 (Dummy87)
0367 latent opening dragon of crustaceans
0368 latent opening dragon of Ken shell
Heavy shell of 0369 latent opening dragon
036A latent opening dragon skin
036B latent opening dragon epithelial
036C latent opening dragon thick skin
Nail 036D latent opening dragon
036E latent opening dragon of Togatsume
036F latent opening dragon of Tsuyoshitsume
0370 latent opening dragon head shell
0371 (Dummy88)
0372 vivid body fluids
0373 richly-colored body fluids
The 0374 brilliant body fluids
0375 (Dummy89)
0376 thunder wolf dragon of Ken shell
Heavy shell of 0377 thunder wolf dragon
0378 (Dummy90)
High-voltage shell of 0379 thunder wolf dragon
037A thunder wolf dragon of lightning hair
037B (Dummy91)
037C thunder wolf dragon of the apex corner
Tsuyoshi angle of 037D thunder wolf dragon
037E (Dummy92)
037F thunder wolf dragon of Togatsume
0380 thunder wolf dragon of Tsuyoshitsume
0381 thunder wolf dragon's tail
0382 thunder wolf dragon of 靱尾
0383 (Dummy94)
0384 thunder wolf dragon of high Denke
0385 thunder wolf dragon of lightning shell
0386 (Dummy208)
0387 thunder wolf dragon of jasper
0388 thunder wolf dragon of heaven ball
Heavy shell of 0389 prison wolf dragon
038A Gokuokamiryu Ryuke of
Tsuyoshi angle of 038B Gokuokamiryu
038C Gokuokamiryu Tsuyoshitsume of
038D Gokuokamiryu Utsuboo of
038E Gokuokamiryu Ryukara of
Heaven ball of 038F Gokuokamiryu
Scales on the 0390 迅竜
0391 迅竜 Atsuuroko of
0392 迅竜 Tenuroko of
0393 (Dummy95)
0394 迅竜 Australian Japanese Black
0395 迅竜 tail of
0396 迅竜 Utsuboo of
0397 迅竜 postabdominal spine of
0398 迅竜 Shigeo thorns
0399 (Dummy96)
Tsuyoshiha wing of 039A 迅竜
039B 迅竜 Surudokiba of
039C 迅竜 Jukiba of
Medulla oblongata of 039D 迅竜
039E (Dummy97)
Atsuuroko of 039F green 迅竜
03A1 green 迅竜 Australian Madarake
03A2 (Dummy99)
03A3 green 迅竜 Tsuyoshiha wings
03A4 (Dummy100)
03A5 Jukiba of green 迅竜
03A6 May Atsuuroko of 迅竜
03A7 May Australian 迅竜 Madarake
Toruha wing of 03A8 May 迅竜
03A9 May Jukiba of 迅竜
Crustaceans of 03AA Otsuchiryu
Ken shell of 03AB Otsuchiryu
Heavy shell of 03AC tail hammer dragon
03AD Otsuchiryu Kokekabuto of
03AE Otsuchiryu Kenkokekabuto of
Heavy moss instep of 03AF tail hammer dragon
03B0 tail hammer dragon of Cobb
03B1 marbling of Cobb
03B2 Otsuchiryu Okabuto of
03B3 Otsuchiryu Kenokabuto of
03B4 tail hammer dragon of Shigeo instep
03B5 Otsuchiryu corner of
03B6 Otsuchiryu of the apex corner
03B7 Otsuchiryu Tsuyoshi angle of
03B8 Otsuchiryu of coccyx
03B9 Otsuchiryu of sacrum
03BA Doborusuton
03BB tail ax dragon of red copper shell
03BC tail ax dragon of coppery instep
03BD (Dummy101)
03BE tail ax dragon of Shigeo instep
03BF (Dummy102)
03C0 (Dummy103)
03C1 shrimp Daikara
03C2 (Dummy105)
03C3 water dragon of Surudokiba
03C4 water dragon of Jukiba
03C5 water dragon on scales
03C6 water dragon of Atsuuroko
03C7 on the water dragon fin
03C8 water dragon of Toku-jo fin
03C9 (Dummy106)
03CA Midori water dragon of Atsuuroko
03CB (Dummy107)
03CC Midori water dragon Toku-jo fin
Ken shell of 03CD 砕竜
Heavy shell of 03CE 砕竜
03CF 砕竜 of black 曜甲
03D0 砕竜 heavy black 曜甲
03D1 (Dummy108)
03D2 (Dummy109)
03D3 砕竜 head shell of
03D4 砕竜 peak shell of
03D5 mystery of slime mold
The 03D6 shiny slime mold
03D7 砕竜 Gouken of
03D8 砕竜 of Tsuyoshi Tekken
03D9 砕竜 tail of
03DA (Dummy110)
03DB 砕竜 jewel of
03DC 砕竜 Tenkara of
03DD purgatory dragon of black scales
03DE purgatory dragon 燃殻
Flame nail 03DF purgatory dragon
03E0 (Dummy111)
03E1 (Dummy112)
03E2 purgatory dragon evil eye
03E3 (Dummy113)
03E4 purgatory dragon heavy wings
03E5 (Dummy114)
03E6 (Dummy115)
03E7 purgatory dragon of burning nucleus
03E8 immortality of heart
03E9 (Dummy116)
03EA outpouring of magma
Dalong ball of 03EB light flame
03EC rusty lump
03ED ancient mass
03EE rusty debris
03EF large ancient debris
03F0 narrow ancient debris
03F1 long ancient debris
03F2 map
03F3 emergency medicine
03F4 mobile food
03F5 (Dummy)
03F6 mobile grindstone
03F7 mobile numbness trap
03F8 provision dedicated flash ball
03F9 paid only sound bomb
03FA paid only nostrum
03FB paid only pitfall
03FC portable oxygen ball
03FD paid for casks bomb
Bullet 03FE varistor
03FF varistor restraining bullets
0400 (Dummy117)
0401 cannon of bullet
0402 versus 巨龍 bomb
0403 torch
0404 cat Taku ticket
0405 Royal Honey
0406 specialty mushroom
0407 carefully selected mushroom
0408 aged mushroom
0409 Dosumatsutake
040A specialty mushroom
040B (Dummy118)
040C (Dummy119)
040D white goldfish
040E (Dummy120)
040F (Dummy121)
0410 Golden Fish
0411 Royal Kabuto
0412 God Kabuto
0413 silver cricket
0414 gold cricket
0415 pieces of golden stone
0416 mass of golden stone
0417 floral pieces of stone
0418 floral lump of stone
0419 keel crystal
041A Golden Bone
041B blood stone
041C Fukachi-seki
041D 燃石 charcoal
041E strong 燃石 charcoal
0440 (Dummy214)
0441 Arenes de King of coins
0442 hunting king of coins
0443 meal tickets
0444 luxury meal ticket
0445 ancient shark ticket
0446 (Dummy132)
0447 (Dummy133)
0448 Den Geki ticket
0449 pirate J ticket
Invitation to 044A armed
044B (Dummy134)
Fang large Mystic of 044C old
044D Famitsu ticket
044E magazine ticket
044F Overlord proof of
0450 (Dummy135)
0451 courage of testimony
0452 (Dummy136)
0453 paws stamp
0454 water light original pearl
0455 YoShoHara Pearl
0456 Shura original pearl
0457 lapis lazuli Gratama
04A4 taken Zhuhai
04FD Shonioi-dama
04FE emperor grasshoppers
04FF ancient Ryu-kotsu
0500 (Dummy145)
0501 Pure Crystal
0502 Kongo Gratama
0503 Kairyu thick skin
0504 (Dummy146)
0505 nightmare of the Cu Chi
0506 (Dummy147)
0507 (Dummy148)
0508 (Dummy149)
0509 blast bottle
050A (Dummy150)
050B Hanasuzumushi
Shigeo thorns of 050C month 迅竜
050D (Dummy151)
Shigeo thorn of 050E green 迅竜
050F (Dummy152)
Heavy shell of 0510 Flame halberd dragon
0511 hideous thick skin
0512 moment frozen bag
0513 oversized water bag
0514 monster of Tokuno
0515 (Dummy153)
0516 heavy bone
0517 (Dummy154)
0518 best of fur
0519 (Dummy155)
051A (Dummy156)
051B swordfish
Japanese Black on the 051C 迅竜
051D 迅竜 of sharp blade wing
051E mountain vegetables set voucher
051F edible wild plants set voucher G
0520 steel wild plants set voucher
0521 silver wild plants set voucher
0522 gold edible wild plants set voucher
0523 heaven wild plants set voucher
0524 (Dummy157)
0525 (Dummy158)
0526 Pure swallowtail
0527 (Dummy159)
0528 (Dummy160)
0529 (Dummy161)
052A (Dummy162)
052B (Dummy163)
052C friends Ket
052D (Dummy164)
Tsuyoshi angle of 052E Kairyu
052F (Dummy165)
0530 (Dummy166)
0531 (Dummy167)
0532 Oomorokoshi
0533 (Dummy210)
0534 (Dummy212)
0535 Fango Daikiba of
0536 (Dummy168)
0537 (Dummy169)
0538 (Dummy170)
0539 Omma swallowtail
053A (Dummy171)
053B (Dummy172)
Shigeo instep of 053C horned dinosaur
053D sediment dragon of Utsuboo
053E (Dummy173)
053F (Dummy174)
0540 (Dummy175)
The 0541 red-hot the Munekara
0542 (Dummy176)
0543 crown with a coat of arms
0544 royal coat of arms
0545 Lost Kingdom crown
0546 giant fossil
0547 (Dummy177)
0548 Utsuboo of water beast
0549 Mineyama dragon heavy Aoiuroko
Heavy rock shell of 054A Mineyama dragon
Heavy arms instep of 054B Mineyama dragon
054C fire dragon wings
054D water dragon wing membrane
054E water dragon of TsuyoshiTsubasamaku
Book of 054F fish
0550 (Dummy178)
0551 (Dummy179)
0552 small gold egg
0553 Juuen ball
0554 Hyakuen ball
0555 Gohyakuen ball
0556 turtle Yu coupon
0557 water dragon of your head
0558 water dragon of rarity your head
0559 Fang Beast of coin
055A Wyvern coins
055B water dragon coins
055C beast dragon coins
Daughter of 055D harbor [red]
Daughter of 055E harbor [blue]
Daughter of 055F harbor [green]
0560 harbor daughter [white]
0561 off Yale ice ax
0562 moonlit night of emission Surudokiba
0563 shiny Shishiuroko
0564 (Dummy180)
0565 (Dummy181)
0566 (Dummy182)
0567 (Dummy183)
0568 (Dummy184)
0569 (Dummy185)
056A (Dummy186)
056B (Dummy187)
056C (Dummy188)
056D (Dummy189)
056E (Dummy190)
056F (Dummy191)
0570 robust skull
0571 hand of delicacy Kuma
0572 grovel trumpet
0573 Fluffy mane
0574 Rangurotan
0575 luxury mud pack
0576 (Dummy192)
0577 (Dummy193)
0578 female fire dragon of loin
The 0579 Toro Keru Ankimo
057A female fire dragon cherry loin
057B Kaioh oversized Ryuuroko
Calvi on the 057C fire dragon
Large Toro 057D water dragon
057E Diablo Heart
057F sleep gas bag
0580 large obsidian
0581 Doborutoryufu
0582 (Dummy194)
0583 Jin'ouheddo
0584 (Dummy195)
0585 迅竜 Eye
0586 Sky Blue Ryuuroko
0587 Kaioh Hakuryu scales
Stomach to Kurau the 0588 world
0589 (Dummy196)
058A (Dummy197)
058B (Dummy198)
058C (Dummy199)
058D (Dummy200)
058E (Dummy201)
058F (Dummy202)
0590 (Dummy203)
0591 (Dummy204)
0592 (Dummy205)
0593 Keroro Platoon enlistment certificate
0594 swordsman of mystery Statement
0595 treasure J ticket
0596 Dengeki G ticket
0597 (Dummy207)
0598 strongest ground of proof
0599 Monster Hunter part join the club notice
059A treasure J ticket
059B legend J ticket
059C non-crushing of diamond
059D studio path
059E studio G path
059F engine braking ticket
05A0 super-hard steel
05A1 training corps joined Certificate
05A2 Ashkelon mass of military personnel
05A3 Colo ticket
05A4 heroism Standing of view
05A5 (Dummy220)
05A6 Wyvern species of writing [Volume 4]
05A7 Wyvern species of writing [Volume 5]
05A8 耐防 Pearl [1]
05A9 耐菌 Pearl [1]
05AA antibacterial Pearl [1]
05AB flame Pearl [1]
05AC flame Pearl [2]
05AD running water pearl [1]
05AE running water pearl [2]
05AF lightning Pearl [1]
05B0 lightning Pearl [2]
05B1 freezing Pearl [1]
05B2 freezing Pearl [2]
The 05B3 fracture Ryutama [1]
The 05B4 fracture Ryutama [2]
05B5 staggering blow Pearl [1]
05B6 staggering blow Pearl [3]
05B7 double 撃珠 [1]
05B8 double 撃珠 [3]
05B9 fully open Pearl [1]
05BA fully open Pearl [2]
05BB KO Pearl [1]
05BC Datsukitama [1]
05BD Datsukitama [2]
05BE Karafuetama [1]
05E9 word of command Pearl [1]
05EA word of command Pearl [2]
Large dust 05EB life
05EC KO Pearl [2]
05ED and drilled the earth Tsuyoshi-kaku
05EE spirit crystal
05EF massive tusks
05F0 hazy moon pieces of
05F1 thick fur
05F2 respectable Fang
Fish in the 05F3 Keroro
05F4 Rakuyo grass flower
05F5 platinum needle
05F6 worth its weight in gold Fang
05F7 KimuRyu stone mass of
05F8 protect stone pearl [1]
05F9 蝕龍 Mushi
05FA Tan Zia Chips
05FB addition 爆珠 [1]
05FC 爆瓶 Pearl [1]

ar codes:
mh3u (eu but should work on us 2) (use in moga village!)

9999999 funds/zennys (use in moga village!)
02e3b178 0098967F

HR 999 (use in moga village!)(may reset to normal after some time...)
02E40B78 000003E7

9999999 resurces (use in moga village!)
02E40c80 0098967F

box first item 0000018e
item pounch first item 000000ae

this is all i got for mh3u thus far:( now im looking in to /trying to edit/find the defence/attack values with no luck:( so if any1 could do it that would be awesome:P

MH4U save encryption problem:

problem solved by @moghedien here

...if anything new pops up ill update the OP:P
Last edited by SaagiBols,


The AnalSavior
Jan 29, 2015
Here, There, and Everywhere!..
Serbia, Republic of
Master SaagiBols.. here methode to decrypt MH4U save file ...

may be U want to try maping the ID :D
yep i know i posted on that thread bf...
and yea i already made my self a few charms, hacked my HR points to get HR999:P and imported a custom relic IG with perfect attack/element/power...
the cyber gadget codes/cheats that are posted on many Japanese forums for mh4g, also work on mh4u and can be used in save editing, ill probably make another thread with few tuts and translated hacks from Japanese for mh4u...


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2015
custom relic and charm .. that what i waiting for lol...
can U tell me how I do editing that and mostly how to import save file.?

progress i do now:
- game to savedatafiler to get user1 ..
- decrypt user1 with mhef ..
- open hex editor ..
- (sees my char name no editing)
- encript user1 with mhef
- put it to savedatafiler for import save ...
- error can not import the decrypted user1 file..

need your help Master... or perhaps your new thread will explain all my question ?.. lol

*ps : now i'm googling cyber gadget codes mh4g for learning .. :v


The AnalSavior
Jan 29, 2015
Here, There, and Everywhere!..
Serbia, Republic of
first rename ur userX save to filename.crypted and put in the same folder .py is...

then run this:
c =SavedataCipher(MH4G_EU)

and then this to decrypt:

c.decrypt_file('filename.crypted','filename.decrypted') will create filename.decrypted

hex edit it and save...

then run this:

c.encrypt_file('filename.decrypted', 'filename.crypted')

it will encrypt and update ur filename.crypted

now rename filename.crypted back to userX and import it with SDF. if it still fails to import u probably have to update ur SDF to a newer version or encryption is glitched and maybe u should switch to python 3.4 and pycrypto for 3.4 that u can find on github...

as for relic hacking, that will be a long one and i have to translate first, also be careful with it coz it can corrupt ur whole box...


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2015
yep i know i posted on that thread bf...
and yea i already made my self a few charms, hacked my HR points to get HR999:P and imported a custom relic IG with perfect attack/element/power...
the cyber gadget codes/cheats that are posted on many Japanese forums for mh4g, also work on mh4u and can be used in save editing, ill probably make another thread with few tuts and translated hacks from Japanese for mh4u...

Master SaagiBols, can you tell me how to import custom relic ?...
i learn the hex, then get some offset for weapon type, id and polished or not polished..
but when i try to change demage offset... other offset change, like sharpnes, affinity and defence...
can you show me some light :D ... i'm very under dark zone now :v.....

ps : i can import my decrypted save now...

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